Young, Rudolph W. Return to ;'i&~;~'~ {~i1~OY ~I ~~~t ~-~O~ .to63~p;~&4.t-/ 7~90 Roseanna Street G11roy, Calif. 95020 GRANT DEED SJ-37998 GY-1079 AP i 841-16-59 d MOl< 0063 PAGf244 RUDOLPH W. YOUNG, a married man, as his 5~p8rat.property, gr '~368812 a3.6a8.l2...... Rtcorded at the reOlll'~t of L.AWYt~s flTlE tNSUPA \,= ~ CORI OCT 12 19h 8:00AI George E. Fowles, IRecoralr Slnl. Clar, Illy, Official RecMd. CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: Being a portion of that certain parcel of land conveyed be grant deed from South Valley Associates Inc. to Rudolph W. Young on July 3, 1968 and filed for Record in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California in Book .. ." 8178 of Official Records at ~age 679 therein and being more particularly described as follows: !, ,. ~ ~. Beginning at the southwesterly cornef~sald parcel conveyed to Young; thence along thesoutherlyline of said parcel (being also the northerly line. of Tenth Street 86 feet wide) N 700 411 10" E, 67.31 feet to the point of tangency with a 40 foot radius curve to the left and being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the arc of said 40 foot radius curve through a central angle of 900 an arc distance of 62.83 feet; thence N 190 18\ 50" w, 160 feet; thence N 180 211 23" w, 279.70 feet to the point of tangency with a 20 foot radius curve to the left; thence along the arc of said 20 foot radius curve through a central angle of 900 571 1711 an arc distance of 31.75 feet to the point of tancency with the southerly line of Ninth Street 60 feet wide; - Thence along said southerly line of Ninth Street N 700 411 1011 E, 58.34 feet; thence S 190 18\ 50" E, 500.00 feet to the point of intersection with the said northerly line of Tenth Street; thence along said northerly line of Tenth Street S 700 41 \ 10" w, 83.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.483 acres of land more or less Dated th i s ~o day of '\][;)J' ~ , 1972. ~~>/;i,~ ~-- ~ -..,., -~ (~c--~._". '-...~,..... """.._",..,,~- . - ~- ~.,,,. ". "-, ~..,~ ~ -~--"'::::_------_'"'''''''''''''''' "'--, ---". ..- ) .~,.,...,..,~.... .,.~~~~ ( "'.le1 'r // / /}/J / ~.:~ ;;':I:/;;(1{/l)x:'/)If&J:iJIZJ . t / ~ . I I STATE OF CAUFORNIA, } County of Santa Clara !S. BOOK CCG3 PACE24S; On this........~.Qt.~....m........day of....m.'1.~.I.l:~.m.....mm.....m.n..jn the year one thousand nine hundred and ~n~~Y.~D.tY.::two before me, ....__~E~gp~lh..J.t...~~.~J5__....mm..m.m...mmm....ma Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California, personally appeared.. ......~~.q~~PQ. Y!..~..X.~~~K~...~:r~.9.~.-'J 9.h~.~2!l.,._____ ,........ .... ........~~~..~~~~x...~~~~.~.?~..n..n..._........m..................... ......... ...n...._ ..................... ----------.-..-.-.------...--. ---.---------------------------------------------.----------------------.----------------------------...----.------- known to me to be the person...~_m...___.whose name.~..~.:r~..............subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaLhL.he.Y.__....executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my office in the County of Santa Clara, the day an4 year in this certificate !' first above written. li'g 'I/~ /; ......i:/ ./ ,.,/ . (",",'ol)Nj;;~{i~J/~1{~~~;,;~~~ ~ic V CURTIS LINDSAY, INC., STATIONERS - SAN JOSE ~ ' ,'" :. '" - ,I> 'ii ~., I '1 1 ....... . -. ..30' 91.97' .';'1 r- /I b. Q~ 1'.. II ?() . ,w 1/ Jr' .', 0-0 /lJ ... OJ'" 0~ ~ ...V ....... y' " \j~' 0(\~\\9'Oj ,0\ o o , - ! ilJ\ l~ ir 1m i -. I II- I I ~.. i I j I ! ~ (\7 ~ \' \' P ~ ()' f> O. c. ~ 0 ~ . r<'I Go. ,;) V" , oQIJ ~ ~- 00' \'(' (0 7~31' " ~N 7004l'jefE, . 4~ TE-N1\4 z ~I N. r;\JJ 010 ~o :E'b N~ ..J - Ul ..a c ~ ~(): o ~ r{i' ... ())- 03 ~ l 1;.:; . ... z C/I cQ -19 o o z - ..D o 0)1t'J oliO 00 " - ~ 6\ 4~/ 0, .../ <61-. BOOK 0063 PAGE246 1 of- 5.01 I I " (I'll - "1 \P " - ~ {Jl -t 1J {IT Ii1 i =--RONAN AVE- -50. C\4E~"NUr ST..\ MP. _~~1\ . PRO 1. '11:' r- =:DARC E L (0 ,-"0' I 'c RIGI..\1 OF WAY -z,s.CG:V\ 5' T l 0 N "(YOUNG) A.REA Or rAKe ~ - ::. 0.45'3 A'R.~'Z>- ".< ~ ". -'" . BOOK 0063 PAGE247 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY RUDOLPH W. YOUNG I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I. as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by RUDOLPH W. YOUNG of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 20th day of June , 1971..... and that the sa i d City of G i1 roy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June .--- F ed O. Wood /City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. 4368812 ~ FQ 10M 5.72 CLTA Standard (Pol. 75) . SCHEDULE A 95.00 Charge $.._._.,...__..__..__............ POLICY NO. P 188-582 AMOUNT EFFECTIVE DATE ORDER NO. $.....~.~.?~.~._~.~-~.._......, .~~~~~.~....~.?.r....~.~.7..~....~~...~.;.9.Q....~.!'.m.!... s..,r...~.7..~.~~.IG.X....l.07 9- KC a :policy is: 1. Title to the estate or interest covered by 2. The estate or interest This Policy does not of this Schedule: against loss or shown in Parts I and II 1. Taxes or assesslJ1ents whiclt.are not shown as existing thereqprds of any taxing authority that levies taxes ,orassessmeIItsOll real property thepl,lblic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims, whi~~are not shown l;ly tl1.~ ecords but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by makmg of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances whi~h are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in arel/.",e1l9r<>ach1:l:Wllts,or,a.ny other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and wl1icha~ not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. SCHEDULE B PART II FQ 15M 5172 (BK) FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMBRANCES P 188-582 J _ AT 10M CLTA STANDARD (POL, 75) SCHED C P 188-582 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of Santa Clara, City of Gilro:y, State of California, and is described as follows: BEING a portion of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Grant Deed from South Valley Associates Inc. to Rudolph W. Young on July 3, 1968 and filed for Record .in the.office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California<in Book 8178 of Official Records at page 679 therein and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwesterly corner of saidpar<::~l conveyed to Young; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel (being also the Northerly line of Tenth Strflet 86 feet widelNorth 70041'10" East, 67.31 feet to the pointof<t.an,gency.witha 40 foot radius curve to the left and being the TRt1E~oXN'TOJ'BEGINNING: thence along the arc of said 40 footradiU$ou:rve>t.l1.rougha central angle of 900 an arc distance of 62.83feetrtliencEalitortl:1 19018'50" West, 160 feet; thence North 18021'23" west, 279.70 feet to the point of tangency with a 20 foot radius ourve to thel~+t;thence along the arc of said 20 foot radius curvethroughacel1tral angle of 900 57'17" an arc distance of 31.75 feet to.the.~;i.nt>oftangency with the Southerly line of Ninth Street 60. feet.wiCifl;.thenc:~ along said Southerly line of Ninth Street North 70041'10" Eaist, 58.34 feet; thence South 19018'50" East, 500.00 feet to the point of inter- section with the said Northerly line of Tenth$treet;. thence along said Northerly line of Tenth Street South 70041'10" West, 83.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.483 acres of land more or less. do ... - or~"U; ~ ... i ; :: :; E ., ~ o ..: .2 ~ ~ ,fit 0 ~ V -= 7 u C ~. ~ : c .2 .- :: "0 ',- : I ~oi~= " ~ !: v 1 ..r.... c. - ..... ~ . - .to,;;~O 'j ~ ; ~ 8 . ~ fit - Ii f 0 '" ~ all1'! i~. ~ A ~~::g. 1.u;::;-:;;~~ 0> - e - S ! rdL.i.2~ iPj-itJ! 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