Velador, George and Carmen -~..- '-"-"'; '--""] ...,-...------- 7407341. G8B8~;(':173 FILED FOR REOORD~ --- ~ AT REQUEST 01.~ 1:..' ofy fJIP ~I ~ JU~ 7 9 27 ~H '82 Or-F1CIAL RE.QOROS SAHf.\ CL ,~.RA COUNTY q:on~E A. MANN REGISTRAR RECORDER ~$7 UNINSURED RECORDING REQUESTED BY LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATI 'ACCOMODATION GY82-3-2 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO, NAME r I STREET City 0 f Gi 1roy AOORESS At tn ; S a1 CITY 7390 Ros anna S tree t STATE G'1 CA 95020 ZIP L l. roy,. .J , -:......-TJOT1.~j . . .." ..... "'--'''------1 I I , .,..,""_~."'_ __._~,"a Title Order No. . . . . . . . . . .. Escrow No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This space for Recorder's use GRANT DEED Documentary Transfer Tax $ Computed On Full Value Of Property Conveyed __ Computed On Full Value Less Liens & Encumbrances Remaining Thereon At Time Of Sale. Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation -e RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION THIS DOCUMENT IS BEING RECORDED AS AN ,\CCOM1PJDATOIN ONLY WITHOUT SEARCH OR L1ABIL.ITY. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax . firm name. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GEORGE VELADOR ALSO KNOWN AS GERONIMO B. VELADOR AND CARMEN VELADOR ALSO KNOWN AS CARMEN G. VELADOR, husband and wife hereby GRANT(S) to THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the City 0 f G i 1 roy County of San t a C 1 a r a , State of California: ...J Z ...J f- <{ a. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE APART HEREOF FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION o Z co a: <!: Witness: ~ Jt6~-- Dated March 2, 1982 GERONIMO B. VELADOR - ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On undersigned, appeared; t SS, cB/vr11/~r/.J!IaI~.~ CARMEN G. VELADOR before me, the otary Public in and for said State, personally known to me to be the pe n(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrumen nd acknowledged that .... .......................................... executed to WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Notary's Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN. MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE. Name Street Address City & State Zip RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION FROM GEORGE AND CARMEN VELADOR TO THE CITY OF GILROY Assessment No. 39 APN 790-15-001 H8049 GY-SOOI G888p~G:174 EXHIBIT "A" ) All that certain real property lying within the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, described as follows: Being a portion of Lot 3 Block 2, as shown on that certain Nap en ti tIed "Map of North Gi lroy Tract"; which ~"as fi led in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara County, State of California, on October 3, 1927 in Book "W" of Maps at Page(s) 14 ann 15; being a parcel of land for dedication to the City of Gilroy for street and roan- way purposes, being more particularly describerl as follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of the southerly boundary of Ronan Avenue (40' wide) and the easterly boun- dary of Carlyle Avenue (40' wide) (now known as Church Street) j thence alonq the southerly boundary of Ronan Ave- nue 1. N 880 35' 00" E, 47.17 feet to a point; thence departing said southerly boundary of Ronan Avenue 2. SOlo 25' 00" E, 5.00 feet to a point; thence along a line parallel to said southerly bounoary of Ronan Ave- nue and 5.00 feet distant therefrom 3. S 880 35' 00" W, 32.18 feet to a point; thence 4. Aong a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 15.00 feet through a central angle of 890 57' 20" for an arc distance of 23.55 feet to a point of cusp; thence along the easterly boundary of Carlyle Avenue 5. NOlo 22' 20" w, 19.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Parcel of Land Containing: ! IS . .._.ill tlu year one thousand nine hundred and....RJ.ght..}l.:::.T.1v.a....._...., before file ..0 Notary Public, State of CalifomiG, duly commissiOtled and JWom. persoflGlly appeored .......J..a..e...1l..e.l.a.d.a.r............_._......_._....._._..._................---...-......---...........................,.... known to me to be the persOtl......whose ruDM_....d..s.__.____..rubscribed to the withi.. iflS,",mtflt . , Joe Velador GS_.......wttlltSS___thtreto. who, beltlg by me duly JWDnl._.__.._.____.............._...._.._._. deposed alld soid: that_._.~~.._..reside__J.n .________...__.....__......_._.._.._........_...C ounty of .m._.............._...._......_~..~.~.~_~._~.!_~!~_._., Stote of ....._g_~1- i f 9..~ i ~_....______....._._, that_~~.._.._.w_~.~.._.presmt and saw_____~.~.EE.E..:!:E.1_<?_..~:_y.~...~_~A_<?.J;___li<_........_...._ Carmen G. Velador (;;;;;;~IY -;;.:;;;.-;~_._~_~~=~.:.b: the 'p;":;;;i~:;~rib~'~;" and ~i:o";;;;;'~;d"~;;';~~ within iflStrummt CIS par'--~.~.:?....thereto). sign, stal, and delit'er the same; that the said .._.....___._...~.!:..::_'?..~..!!E_~__~..:...._y..!:..~ a ~.~E_...~...S.~.E~~.g,.._<?..:.....Y~..!.~.!!.9.E........... ..._...................................._...._.._...._......._.._..______......_duly acknowledged i" the pres,"ce of said a/fi4nL.__., that...__..!E.~1ectfted the same and that__~.~....__, the said a/fiGllt-., . Geronimo B. Velador & Carmen thereupo", and at the request of said__.._.....____;-..__...._.__..__.__..._.....____.._.__...... .....g_~._.Y..~..!. a d ~E..___.., .subscribed__.__~}...1iame......GS.__..witness_._._.thtf'tto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the........._..___._.._._..Cotmty of.........?.~.~..t;:_~....~.l8:E_~................the day and year in this certificate first ooO'fle wnttm. _' This document is only a general form which may be proper for use in simple transactions and in no way acts, or is ,ntended to ~'_~ ., I kA \ A. "- ltCt,_ ~I a substitute fOf theadviC4l. ofen.norney. The publisher does_~otmak.a,ny warranlV,.ItherelCpre$5or implied,as to the legal.. .' . <~ ,?4"l CV,-, ~~ lIalidlty of any prOVISion or the suitability of these forms In any specific transaction." , Cowdery', FOnD No. 46 (Ackaowledcment-Wi_>. (FEB. 80) /.... ........-....-....-...................~:~-ry...;;~:c,.-St.~~.~;..~:~~~:~i~ <C. c. SeCll. 1195.1197, C. C. P. Sec. 1935) My Commission Expires....._.!JI1Z.J.JLL_._.__........_....... \ STATB OF CAUFORNIA -...______-C~ S a ~ t!L.91 a r a 0,. tlJis-..l.2 yof Ma y -........-_........P.am.e.l.a... . Tn M n r r n U1 I . ~.I. A:T.. ""':.";~." I (i~) ,,'\ ili ;i\:':' i...} \:"...;,.-.; "<..3/ Pamola Jo Morrow f,c"ARV runLlr . CALIFORNIA 'V~MJ~A ~li'~RA COUNTY My Commi".~on expires Nov, 12, I~~ 284 Sq. Ft. More or Less. \