San Martin Vineyards Company '3 ~vUiR'\V' ,~* , ; 3",Q770:l C'"'f'Q '~,""'r. Soon 0 Idc) P.cif":;: 1"'. '1(' j ,.....1,. f.... '....J GRANT DEED 16 "~ ~~ SAN HARTIN VINEYARDS COMPANY, a co-partnershlp, grants to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property In the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: BEING a portion of Parcel IV of that certain real property conveyed be grant deed from San Hartin Sales Company, a co-partnership, to 5an Har- tin Vineyards Company, a co-partnership, laid deed being filed for re- cord on Kay I, 1953, In the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, in Book 2621 of Official Records at page 215 therein and being a 36 foot wide str'p of land the c;.enterllne of which is more partIcularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a ppint which bears 5 150 40' 151t W, 3. to feet from the point of intersection of the centerline of third Street wIth the easterly boundary of Tract 4419, Castlewood Park Unit No. 5 a~ shown upon that certain map filed for Record In the Office of the said County Recorder In Book 223 of Maps It page 50 therein; thence $ 890 07' ISH E, 1892 feet more or less to the point of intersection wIth the westerly l'ne of that certaIn parcel conveyed to the Gilroy UnifIed School DIstrict. fIled for Record In the OffIce of the said County Recorder in Book 4896 of Official Records at page 254 therein last saId point of Intersection bears 5 150 25' 25" E, 3.12 feet along said westerly line from the centerlIne of Third Street as shown upon that certain map entItled "OfficIal Plan lines for ThIrd Street" fi led for Record in the OffIce of the ,aid County Recorder In Book 3 of Plan Une Hap. at page 36 there i nIl. 0. ted th I s ~th day of October 19....k2- 0_ .~ " .< ~ I":",,",)' .~ \ ' J .:r ~J '< "~,I -J r- ' '.7 , [5 '- r- Q] ~-) ~ .....,., IJ~ ....' -..... I~ r....... Q."J ...,.;. ~-.." "" -' \..- 0 ~~ co..::. ~ 1.:0 SAN HARTiN VINEYARDS CO., . co-partnership u.I "= j (.'- , par tner C::i- J 2' \ f. .', · / _/e--< / -GJ,. / k~-e,...P8rtner .. p:' , partner STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) S5 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) 1\ \ (- '-.:~( '-. ,.~-\:<~ _.~. '....", l ,:::., '-.k. L.<..:....Qc- I'~ . . .J &:.Lg<:{ ftc/L partner &2 - /I ~/e;kJ , partner On th I s 9th day of October tin the year 196q t. befor..e...me Michael J.~'ilice. Peter C.Filic Ff.ank C. FiU.ce pertonal y appeered !John M.Filice, Pasauale ~ic( 't known to me to be one of the partners of the partnership that executed the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that such 'C'- cr\LIFCf-:r\ij;~i ~~~=. Notary Public i ~ ...,-',.1$ SEi\L ':~ C..A,S H 54 Gary :;lr. j, Calif. 9,j04f 1:/'" 1>0' /'--'~~~ I .,'" j m87-' ..... . 98 ~231 / 4 .."~ >> It - o <:) ... ,l-:-: : ~jf i ., -I r: .,.., o '- (') c:~ - r<- -f -< ,-,'" -'X '"- -f 0 ..p f" "n 6'Z ., -.D(}\ -- OC\ z- r ]J1J ,0 =E,-( t\l {~ i1 '''t ~ r'\ ~ ~ ~ t\) ~ " '\h I' ------------ I~ /I:n ',I> !~ I'~ ..... ;~ I ;~. ~' "'!"./ 1'- "'l.j! I t'~. _ t' " I ,.1[-.- ::,'"" I. -6 <IfIIā‚¬.'-:~- i .e::.' $." :.:I f~ ~-t'. I' J "'C"OO' DJ't>1'fi1.lc1 v,l../2.C T V n ... 4-81{, o.R. ~54 fA ~ ~ 'Ul ~.. U\ th~ . ~ ~ ... t ~ t BOOh 8798 p.4Gr232 CERTIF.CATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY SAN MARTIN VINEYARDS COMPANY, a co-partnership I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said SAN MARTIN VINEYARD~ City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by CO., a co-partnership of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 9th day of October 1969 , and , that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. day of 12th IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this January , 19~. 0 ~Prj/ Q r=rJl. ( ^ ,/ ~woo~~ ~^City Administrator of the City of G i1 roy. " "