Sanders, Wilburn B. r/rC: m~i1i 3Jn~rnturr 9 Made the.m......2.2nd................. .. m...day of m.mDec.emb.er,m.. in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred andm.twen.t.y.",.One.......m...., between .mWilhurn...B...m......... sanders of the County of.........S.l:3.nt.a .clar.a..,..............m.......m.., State of California, part.Y..m.. m.of the first part, and ..m'm ..the.....aity.....Qfm..Gi.lr.o.y,....a.....muni.c .ip.alm..c..orpor.a.t.ion,............m..m of the County oL..........santa..Clara.,.m. second part, . m.., State of California, parLy. .m .....of the 1lIlIitur!1stt4. That the said. parLym..mmof the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oL..m.. m..One ......m................Dollar:f .m..l.awfuL..mone.y.. of the United States of America, tohimm.in hand paid by the said party.... ....of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do.e.s.....by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey and successors . confirm unto the said. part.y...........of the second part, and to..ita.~i.s....md assigns forever, ;rll-t+l~..... for an alley way all that certain 10L.....piece......mor parceL....of land, situate, lying and being in the.Cit.Ym.O.f..G.11ro.Ym....m.. County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the Easterly line of Chestnut Street distant thereon one hundred and ten feet Southerly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Sixth Street with the Easterly line of Chestnut Street, and running thence Easterly para~lel with the Souther~y line of Sixth Street three hundred feet to the westerly line of Maple Street; thence Southerly and along the Westerly line of Maple Street ~ixteen feet; thence WeGterly and parallel with the Southerly line of Sixth Street three hundred fee t to the Easterly lite of Chestnut street; and thence Northerly and along the easterly line of Chestnut Street sixteen feet to tne place of beginning. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, or in anywise appertaining. IDo ~aur auh to 1ijolh all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the sucoessors said party...m........mof the second part, and tOm..tt.S.m.m.,.keo!li6 and assigns forever. 31u llllHtnrss Dlqrrruf. the said part.y....... m.of the first part has..hereunto seL..his........... mhand the day and year fir'st above writt~n. .2Y~(rff./..~::~1;:::/:jc.:~ / '/ Signed, Executed and Delivered in the Presence of .j C'l" CC l..~ CC -. \n ~ ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA lss. County of .Santa Clara, ) On this u...u. .gR:p(:l... m..day oL..D.ecember, u..u.uA. D., nineteen hundred andutwenty..,..One before me.W.alt.eruuG.. mFltxgeral:&otary Public in and for said..u.County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ......Wil.burn....B.. .Sander.s.,.. known to me to be the person. ....whose name. .......i.s..... .................subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that. ....he ....executed the same. 3Jn 1IlIIitnl'lHl11l11111'rrnf. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official ..uuu said ~otary Puhlic in awl for the.. State of California. r-i Cl 0\ ,....., ',' ~ o ~ ~ o ~: z[ ~: ::>, CQ H Hi ~l ~ [.j 00: ~i r:t1[ ~: .~ 00 o t-< >-l o ~ H: Hi d .' fI.< q ~ [-i H q 4-< o ~ ~ ~ ... ~ <:Ii (.\~ f,.j <P ,Q S cD d 4)1 9 b ~ t-< -< ~ ...., [f) V ::l 0' V ~ V ..l:: [f) ; ~: ~ '" '-H Ci~ c; u ~ \12 ~. ~ '\ . ]~~ . ii: . ; g *: ~ .8 Q) blJ ~ ~i "- ~ ,....., ...., V the . "~,-. / / .coub-rY t; Santa. Clare.., . ! / ..;j .c I=: y ::l >8. A , 1: o u OJ p::: ~ >> ~~~' L ~ (~, : ~ t [f) . 'i i ..::: ",. . i U 5 .I . . cc ::'8 4-< j' j ~ ' .;..l i',j p.. I=: .~ ~: ": .;..l CIS l