Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District ~t!U- ~~ BOOK 8287 Pi'CE 348 3496005 !ill lAX DUEl EASEMENT DEED SANTA CIARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT, NO FEE'-' a public corporation, grantor, hereby grants to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, grantee, an easement for roadway and public utility purposes over, under and upon the following described real property, situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of that certain 1.207 acre parcel of land conveyed by deed from George and Sarah Brem to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District filed for Record in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County California in Book 5192 of Official Records at page 8 therein; Thence along the westerly line of said 1.207 acre parcel of land N 0013'E, 27.50 feet; Thence along the northerly line of said 1.207 acre parcel of land S 89047'E 49.21 feet to the point of intersection with a 300 foot radius curve concave easterly said curve being the easterly line of Chestnut Street 86 feet wide; Thence along the arc of said 300 foot radius curve, concave easterly from a tangent bearing of S 1l027'08"E, through a central angle of 14054'09" an arc distance of 78.03 feet to the point of intersection with the southerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Santa Clara County Flood Con- trol District from the DeBell Corporation as described in the certain deed filed for record in the office of the said County Recorder in Book 5006 of Official Records at page 258 therein; last aforesaid southerly line being also the northerly line of Parcell of the IIGilroy Industrial Park II as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for Record in the Office of said County Recorder in Book 197 of Maps at page 53 therein; Thence along said northerly line of ParcellS 8300 6'W, 89.98 feet to the point of intersection with the westerly line of said Chestnut Street said westerly line being a 386 foot radius curve concave easterly; Thence along the arc of said 386 foot radius curve from a tangent bearing of N 21054'10llW through a central angle of 8018'28" an arc distance of 55.97 feet to the pOint of intersection with the northerly line of said parcel of land conveyed from DeBell Corporation to the Santa Clara County Flood Control District~ 3496005'" . .' BOO~ 8287 P^C~ 3~i8 FILt::c ['('G' 'i r~'i~D \.. a~EQlJ' ' ,"'t,.'., ~\.~ OCT ~'I~ . Thence along last aforesaid northerly line N 830~~'E 32.08 feet to the point of beginning ..".ii"'....''''\'~t~~~.' . t~";,'0\\ ' ^' <~;,'\~ ,., .:,>--, ,'i~~ SANT~'COUNTY FL~D CONTROL AND ~ISTRICT ( By: C~~tJ~d Ofi~ctors . ....\(\.~,...;""'A,;"""",,,c,";r;;.-.;:i,;.' . i' OFFICIAl. REOORDS SM~T/\ OLARA COUNTY GECRGE E. FOWLES REGOrWlt:n NO FEE ..,.- BOOK 8287 PACE 349 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On_--- .-AUG-~'t 1968 before me pOJ:sonally appeare~___ ___~Q~~BIJ:._~_~~ known to me to be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District, State of California, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said Santa Clara County Flood Con- trol and Water District and acknowledged to me that said Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District authorized execution of the same. EDWIN C. MEYER ~ cd2-/'~ Notary PUbli, in and for said County and State ..~ '..'" '\ ; '_ ,i' ,...."".. v.-....' . ..j.' ..,,,,,,:,...;,,,,"-;;_,","Vr ";""'~^' 'iI~ ~"" """,,' My Commission expires MY CO:d\lISSiON EXPIRES JANUARY 10, 19iO EdwiIl .C. Meyer RESOLUTION NO. ZONE S BOOK 8287 PI',CE 350 PROJECT Prlncevalle Storm Drain PROJECT NO. 50017 68-75~r , " ".-.;.;..~ ;. AUTHORIZING DISPOSITION OF DISTRICT PROPERTY TO the City of GUroy RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District, as follows: l. That this Board does hereby determine that that certain real property of the District hereinafter described is no longer necessary to be retained for the uses and purposes thereof; and 2. That, by a four-fifths vote of this Board, the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the District all. road and public utilities ~ easement deed in form as hereunto attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof and in conformity therewi th to execute X said easement to the City )f Gilrc;y of the real property of the District in said Exhibit A described; and 3. That the Clerk of this Board be and she is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing a copy of this resolution to be posted in three public places in the District for five (5) days prior to such conveyance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District, State of California, this 27th day of August 1968, by the following vote: -. ~~.~,,~-_.~ - ~..".,.....~~~ NOES: J, CH.IRi V. F, CORSiGLi!'., ,1'/1. E. DUU.Ei\, J. J. LENiHAN, Directors,:. "." ~I F. 14" Wd.,-,UX, iI. T. S;\iJP-Cllt',iFU,t\N. ~ ' -"">0'. - ~.~- Direct~\~Cl~';'::"~' I ,:c:~ ,..- ',..:.: , 1.. "'1 ~ Di.te~iJo'r~"_R.:' :J. Sturla U V .... ..c~ ;~a~:man~/~e "~ard of ;." ,"",:..:",,'"'' v ,,' ....v .. .. ..;.4i~;';. ~>i ",-,;:})irectors 0.'5.J";:;..:;c:';,,-: ;7 / Cy:;, c_/~~:,,}~~,:'~'. < " <;;.~-:~_~~ ~.~/'~::;~"~-''-_ Viol~.y~" Enan~er "'ii~~erk of the a6i(~~,of D~r.~:tors "'~'~:;iwt>~"~,">'LS'~: t};f~'~~'::_-':" -.: AYES: ABSENT: ATTEST: r BOOl8287 PACE 351 EASEMENT Or:ED SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTHnr ^~"D WATER DiSTRICT, a"'~~tf~'~::e~''''~:1\r,t\ corporation, grantor, hereby grants to the CITY UF GtLROY f d municip,11 corporation, grantee, an easement for rOddwdY and public utility purpc,ses over, under and upon the foUoWinq descnbed real property, situi'ited ill the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State Jf Ca 1 ifurnia, tu wit: BeQinninQ at the southwesterly corner of th<.lt certain 1.207 dcre parcel of land conveyed by deed from George and Sarah STOm to S.lnta Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District filed for Record in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County California in Book:> 192 of Official Records at page 8 therein; Thence alonQ the w.st_l, line of Hid 1.207 acre parcel of land NOo13'E,21.50feet; Thence alonQ the northerly Une of said l. 207 acre parcel of land S 89047'E 49.21 feet to the point of intersection with a 300 foot radius curve concave easterly said curve beiOQ the easterly line \.)f Chestnut Street 86 feet wide; Thence alonCjJ the arc of said 300 foot radius curve, concave easterly from a tangent be4riOQ of S l1027'08"E, through a central angle of 140'->4'09" an arc distance of 18.03 feet to the point of inters.ection with the southerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Santa Clara County Flood Con- trol District from the DeBell Corporatton as described in the certain deed filed for record in the office of the said County Recorder in Book SOD 6 of Official Records at page 258 thecein; last aforesaid southerly line being also the northerly line of Parcell of the "Gilroy Industrial Park" as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for Record in the Office of said County Recorder in Book 197 of Maps at P&ge 53 theretn; Thence alon9 said northerly line of ParcellS 83006'W, 89.98 feet to the point of intersection with the westerly line of said Chestnut Street said westerly line being a 386 foot radius curve conCl'tve easterly; Thence alollCjJ the arc of said 386 foot radius curve from a tangent bearing of N 21054' 10"W throu9h a central anQle of 8018'28" an arc distance of S5. 97 feet to the point of intersection With the northerly line of said parcel of land conveyed from DeBell Corporation to the Santa Clara County f'lond Control District~ Thence along last aforesaid northerly line N ti3uOo'E 32.08 feet to the ti\)int of b8<;linning. Q.Al\J'l'A ClARA COllNTY FLOOD CU1\TROL ~-_._-_.._~--_.~ . ~"-'"-'-"'._'-""""'-"._'-'.'-'.~-- .-_.__.- AND W~lER DISTRIC.1:... .__.._____. ..__...__ .. By: .' I ~ J.'- " __. ___._..-......--_._ __.____ .'____.-...__~_ Chairrnctn of the Board If Directors 'f .P! ;!./' (l I /J i, 'z::j"dw ,._/ ... \_--.0....-. \ ' ~