Santa Clara County Tax Collector (5) NO. TAXm DUE ~ 3591842 NO Fg 848;9-,~?1 Q -1 ~ -' - ~ W 1t.9 .. rr 1-1 made this....___.__..1.~___.th"__"h__.........day oL___.JjQ.c<;:.h...........__..______.h___..._____.____............., 196.9....., between m.m~.QW.AR.Q....N.~.....G."".~..I;.$.E.:B.~.....Q.I..RE.:.c:.TQ8....Q.f.. ..EJ.NAN.c:.~..........m...........___.............._....___..mmm.................................., Tax Collector of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, first party, and .......CJT.Y...D.E...G.J.LRQY.................__ ~. of the County of......S.A.NIA....C1ARA......, State of.CAL.l.E.QR.N.l.A.............., second party.....__....., witnesseth: That Whereas, the real property hereinafter described was duly sold and conveyed to the State of California for non-payment of taxes which had been legally levied and were a lien upon said property; And Whereas, the State of California, acting through said first party, did offer said property hereinafter de- cribed for sale and has sold same at public auction to the highest bidder, at which sale second part............ became the purchaser...... of the whole thereof for the sum oLE.Lg.ht.Y-...Do..U.a.r.s..............__........................................m.__.................. ................................................................................dollars inclusive of advertising and recording costs; And Whereas,* .......................................................no.... taxing agencY-m....... objected to the sale: Now, Therefore, in accordance with law the first party hereby grants to the second part)l...................................., .........................................................................................................__.... tha t certain real property herein before referred to, and situated in the County oL.......SA.NIA...C.LARA.................................., State of California, described as follows: 67-009, 841-15-004 more particularly described as Las Animas Rcho Lots Inter W cor Rcho Lot 50 & NE line Rcho Lot 48 th SW 1 ch X SE 3.52 ch part of Lot 48 , " It\ I' '. ,,," ....' -.,~:,r BOOK 3591842 8 40[:,'1 " qAl, 8 "" /" L r LJ__ . FILED FOR REOORD C.... AT REQUE$T OF o>'!7 C',c ~,/LR~l/ ,v'I'V""~7'/I i/F.... . /. /. r/~q.~e //XI..I' 44"4 MAft 28 /2 35 PH 'S9 -,s;l , ' OFFICIAL REOORDS SANTA CLARA COUNTY GEORGE E. FOWLES RECORDER In Witness Whereof said first Bart)" has hereunto seLb..i..?A.)and the day and year first above written. 6..L~.~.~.~o.~.~.o.~.~.~.i~~.~C.E~~~~...~.................... Tax Collector of the County of...........~?:~~.'!-...~~l.':t.~~L................State of California. County OL~_~:~:_~~~~:_:i~u_m__u_u t " On . ...... ................ .M9. ES.b... .J..~.t~ .t.... ... L.......__.................., 19.... 9 .9.., before m e, ....................G.EOR.GE...E.....EOWLE$......................... .............., County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County oL..sA.N.IA...C.LARA...................., personal 1 y appeared ..........EDltlAR.D....N......GLAESER.................... ......, known to me to be the Tax Collector of said County and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and........ acknowl- edged to me that ........he executed the same as such Tax Collector. (Space below for Recorder's use only) ..........Q~.Q.B.Q~..g:..f.Q.W~~.~............... ........................ County Clerk of said County and ex-officio Clerk of the said Superior Court. By~~.~'Y.'.~.~...~..W:.\.[.~~~....................Deputy *If no taxing agency objected to the sale insert here the word "no" and complete the word "agency"; and if any taxing agency objected to the sale insert the words "the following", complete the word "agency" or "agencies" and set forth foltowing the word "sale:" the full name of each agency which objected thereto. Form C235-Dced, Tax Coltector. Controlters' Form No. 22B. (Rev. and Tax. Code, Sees. 3708-3710) (~)7195 ..... ...... BOCK 8481 ~219 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY James A. Clayton I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944. adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July. 1965. at a regular meeting of said Council. a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. State of California. in Book 7027. page 228. I. as said City Administrator. do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by James A. Clayton of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 14th day of March . 1969 . and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of March . 19~. ! /'"\' I ' /' 1>/~"'c, . ( /1)., '- \ ,! . (j/ . ed O. Wood City Administrator of the City of G t1 roy. "- '.