Santa Clara Valley Water District (3) ~~, NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 10003572 FILED rOH RECORO AT REQUEST OF K 84 3PAGE1119 I , ,':,;", ~ iiY ,t, ., ,.., ?";iLllu fEB 8 8 01 AH '89 NO FEE OF'fiCAL RECORDS "',,' SAN rt<~ CLt\Rl\ C'QUNTY L>\UFm: KA~~E ~r~ORDEH 1;1" GRANT DEED Document No. 5010-183.01 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public corporation, hereby grants to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of the lands designated as "Parcel 1" on that certain parcel map filed in Book 325 of maps at page 20, in the office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit: Beginning at the most southwesterly corner of said Parcel 1, as shown on said map; thence along the general southeasterly line of said Parcel 1, N 58010' 44"E 94.80 feet to the true point of beginning; thence leaving said line N 19058'25"W 557.30 feet; thence S 66046'50"W 15.30 feet; thence N 23013' 10"W 822.87 feet to the general northwesterly line of said Parcel 1; thence along said northwesterly line, N 69011'14"E 884.34 feet; thence leaving said line S 20050' 28"E 95.50 feet to an angle point in the general southeasterly line of said Parcel 1, as shown on said map; thence along said southeasterly line the following nine courses: S 20050'28"E 109.23 feet; S 66056'50"E 69.58 feet; S 35005'30"E 297.65 feet; S 25025'50"E 69.27 feet; S 31004'10"E 91.93 feet; S 60007'20"E 164.64 feet; S 04026'50"E 97.41 feet; S 55022'20"E 104.96 feet; and S 34046'30"E 149.16 feet to the most southerly line of said Parcel 1; thence along said southerly line, S 58010'44"W 1182.44 feet the the true point of beginning. Containing 29.393 acres of land, more or less. JAN 2 4 1989 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT DATED: ATTEST: SUSAN A. PINO ~ }/ ~ " ~' . /. ,A . ,/---,"' ,/. /jd::Z1~ r:f{;:.-44# '. Clerk of the Board of Directors ORlGrNAL K 843PAGE1120 ..' - -, CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY , SANTA <CLARA BALLEY WATER DISTRICT I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, de hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Santa Clara Valley Water District of the premises described in the attached. conveyance dated the 24th day of January , 19 ?9 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of February , 19 89 .... or of the City of Gilroy " . ... N690I/'/4"E ---.- . If (]) (]) o 10 . ,.., 10 , ,.., (]) . "- :x:: Q) Lu (\j Lu (\j 'j- Q) a:: 'i:~ (J ~', : ~.\( .' , ~;:r;. ~ : :~, : "\.. 0 CJ) '.1- :.): ,- . .. - <:t ,-' : : ,.., ~ ; :;u 0 " . j~- <:t ' ... : ,.." ,.., 'h (\j ...J ',. : I:'~ 2: " . ...J ' '. j 'j~ :C=.; ::.>: : ~. '.' . ~." " : ~J \ l., ...... , v. - -." :_J ;./~ , ~ - 0 o ,.., ,.., r-.: 10 10 10 =~ ~ o -'0 in 10 .(\j 'It' '1:0 o '0 10 c. 10 (I) II) c~ - ~ Q) 10 10 REV. APPR. DATE DESCRIPTION 2 3 SCVWD K 84 3 PAGE 1121 -- ....:- 't' ~.. - , . ,j' c.- j/ ii'.:> ;' /.1" / ,~~.. .,~.: ,'..~ ,:.' ,,' ,.. I' .".. r.. t- I. . I ,. , ,:....'....".... 1/38.96' 884.34' S 20o'SO'28"E f) !,,': , .'1,. ., ,. C' r. " ,~ (~ ..? ~: ,;, .. I ~, .. ~: .....1 Pl~ ;:? (; f: t. 'l: . '" 1182.44' S 580I0'44"W '. . ., - '. ' , ;. " '.'" . . ,. ., C. " '- . .... ,. r"""", :..:' i L. ;.~ ~.: r S 20oS0'28"E 9;.~O'<( ,/ 109.23<: SSSOSS'SO"E r~. ".~. " I \.- .- 'L S 2 S02S'SO"E ,-. '.....' \:. ~ : _I S SOo07'20"E S 04 o2S'50"E I I II SSSo2220E S34046'30"E 1444.08' AREA= 29.393 Ac.% PROJECT NO. 5010 FILE NO. /83.0/ TITLE REPORT NO. VT-/74845-A SCALE ,,, = 200' DRAWN WW R DATE 9/22/82 ff f;1/ BJ/I- - (')J 7 . ' '" , 'f Zone: South Project: Llagas Creek Project No.: 5010-19 & 5010-183.01 RESOLUTION NO.89-2 K 843PAGE1122 ~.. ....,. - AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, it is proposed that the City of Gilroy grant to this District that certain real property interest as described in and in accordance wi th the G rant Deed here presented; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that in exchange therefor this District grant to the City of Gilroy its interest in real property as described 1n "Exhibit A", so marked and hereto attached; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by H.e Board of Directors of SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT as foHows: 1. THAT the interest in real pror:>erty of this District so proposed to be exchanged is not required for the uses and purposes of the District, and 2. THA T the Chairman of this Board be and is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the said conveyance of the property described in said Exnibit A to the grantee nam ed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Boaru of Directors of SANTA CLARA V ALLEY WATER DISTRICT on January 24, 1989, by the following vote: A YES: Directors J. DONOHUE p, T, FERRARU R. Vi, GRCS;;; J. JiJP~ J. J. :':i,II..'.:: J. PAiWlT ~. SAf'i,g,H,&Z NOES: Directors None ABSENT: Directors J.J.Lenihan SANTA CLARA V ALLEY WATER DISTRICT ATTEST: SUSAN A. PINO ~'-'./ J U~t%r>> /,:<,~ ../ Clerk 0 the Board 01 Directors 46RL1359 ( ~ >-- . , ~\1;"~.;,, tHy that th,l~o~~6ing i~a full, 1 herebY cer, r' . '. .." '. 1 t'Qp.'^of ... py / . the 0-'-\i.g1;Jla J. ~.J. '- true and corrac v Sf / " .~ on file in y of~~ce} _~ t I D:A.TED: ' I .~ '~" ' -... ';'.",,_ , ~."J SUSAN ,A. ,~I 0\;::--' l..! ,r-. ,-.. \ J Clerk, 'i3da'd) of Directors Santa Clar Valley Water Dist ict " Document Nos. 5010-19 and 5010-183.01 AGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE REALTY SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency of the State of California, hereinafter "District", and CITY OF GILROY, a municipality, herein- after "City", AGREE, this 15th day of December , 1982, as follows: RECITALS: A. District needs to acquire, for public use, to-wit, flood management, certain lands of City and easements thereon shown and delineated on the map or plat thereof (in two sheets) hereunto attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof. B. Said lands are now devoted to a public use by City, to-wit the disposition of wastewater. C. This agreement will provide for the deeding by City of its said lands and easements to District in exchange for lands to be acquired by District and suitably prepared for City's use, which lands are shown and delineated upon a map or plat thereof hereunto attached, marked "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof. AGREEMENT: 1. When District can tender to City good title to the lands shown on Exhibit B hereto, City will, in exchange therefor, grant to District the fee to Parcels 1 and 2 on Exhibit A hereto and a slope easement on Parcels I-A, 2-A, and 2-B on said Exhibit A. 2. District shall, at District cost, either before or following said exchange, and in any event as City's program of wastewater disposition will require, prepare the lands shown on Exhibit B hereto by construction of percolation ponds thereon in the form and to specifications not less appropriate to City's use than the percolation ponds now upon City's lands shown on Exhibit A. WITNESS OUR HANDS the day and year first hereinabove set forth. CITY OF GILROY A LEY WATER DISTRICT "J By:?1~~B M or "City" ATTEST: Susan~ }. ~te52J. me~} C.~ty Clerk By: ~L ~dzt~ Deputy City Clerk ATTEST: SUSAN A. EKSTRAND ~?? V ;j;dhdY~ Clerk of the Board of Directors APPROVED AS TO FORM: /)4/hAfi#~- General Counsel .... .... COURSES CD 563057' 21"E: 135.9/ ' @ 551007'4J"E: 342,25 G) 550044'4S"E: 300,04' @ 5440/5'57"E: 150,83' @ 5 3 604 6' 5 2 "E 549.47' @ 535022'33"E: 4 76.00 (j) S 34042'35"E: 430,03' @ S35OIl'05"E: 600.00' @ S35047'30"E: 55/,01 @ S34034'02"E: 496,03' @ 554036'21" W 139,35' @ N35023'33"W 2040.23' @ N54036'27"E: /2,50' @ N 35023'33"W 5/2,03' @ N3604/'46"W 196.98' @ R=/140.00' 1l=14026'57" L= 287.49' @ N5/008'43"W 687,33' @ R= /425.00' ll= 0 3034' / 7" L= 88.82' @) N 54043'00"W 222.82' @ N54032'30"E 197.86' \\,2 \ '\ V ~,., '\ ~r:;4:: \\\ \ :.: Fee \. "::,:,:,:,, Slope Easement////// EXHIBIT - A ~ PRO.JECT FILE TITLE REPORT <"" '-~:, <""? , ' G' ? ." \J\ r'~ : :'-', :.-.... ,_,I ," '..' t ~' . "r " .~, '..... ..L, ( , PARCEL '-A 3.253 Ac.~ ..' .--' , ',~ c:' LEGEND REV. APPR. DATE DESCRIPTION 8.8, 9/82 Added T,C.E 2 8,8. 11/82 Remove T.e.E:. 3 SCVWD SCALE 1" SHEET 'I / '4.540 Ac.* \,"'... NO. 5010 NO. /9 NO. VT-/74738-A 400 DRAWN W. W R. DATE 4/27/82 OF 2 ,..,. " /, ,e,. :\.;. ::~~::~ _. :\.: "_~: .:; ,1,.' I.....!... N57045'/9"E (N 57047'00"E-MAP) ~"; i .r y -. r' ~. I I. , - I, ~. f~ ~ -I ''P' '_' I ..... . . ..~ I F? ~.)..:~. ~.:~;;~..r.~'4 ~; CURVES CD R=335.00 t,=03053'43" L=22.78' CD R= 795,00' t,= 380/2'53" L=530.24' CD FJ=435.00' tF 380/2 '53" L=290./3 @ R=695.00' .:1=03053'43" L = 47.25 @ R= 795.00' .:1 = 2 4 007 '4 7 " L=334.8/ //82.59'\ .-------r: ~ I f 1- ~ ~ ~ \-- 't \- \- \- ':':;:~_ r~\:; .~. (J) l>l UI o o o ", t:~ ; "r .~. " ..- I. '" " I I~~. :::. .~..:. ;~: t.:, ;:... r,,'1.. f, - O'l (]) o N O'l U1 10 N .:. ~ ~ \) LEGEND DFee l>:<:::::I S lop e E a s e men t EXHIBIT - A PCL. 2-A PC L S 2, 2-A a 2-8 NO. 5010 NO. 19 NO. VT-174738-A REV, APPR. DATE 8.8. 9/82 8.8. 11/82 2 3 sCVWD DESCRIPTION Added T,C.E, Remove 1.C.c. TITLE SCALE 1"=200' DRAWN W. W.R. DATE 4/30/82 SHEET 2 OF 2 :x:: Lu Lu ,j~ a:: ~ (J ~-, : ;,1 " , ;;:r;. : :~-: : "\.. 0 CJ) '.10 ;.): ,- , " . <:t ' ' .'-' ,.., : ! ~ ::u 0 " i:"-~ ,.., <:t ... :'J, ", (\j ...J \, . : I'~ 2: " . ...J ' '. j fj~ :(:, ::,.: -~ " .' . , . ~ ~\ lo' ...... - , ~ - .' :.) ~(~ 'J . o Q) ~ (]) ^' ~ ~ -- ~ T.Po.S POB. .. o 10 o ~ Q) 10 10 REV. APPR. DATE 2 3 SCVWD 5 (- j/ ~~! r 1/ "/ ,~.. r - " ." I~- r- : L _ : t.... ~-_ F~ ;..; :~~ ;"; N690l/'/4"E 1/38.9 I 884.34' ,/'.--:;;? 5 Z0050'Z8"E :;'~O'<( " ./ , 09.23 " 5 ZOo'50'ZS"E F. ... 'J" c' .. " to :~'...,b -.J /.,... ....i...,~~.,.,' 1 . _r.,. ..' ...''' .,. ......" 566056'50"1: r.... '-~- " , \'- cl ~ A"f" ",.~. I ,p,u,t? t, C'. L. : ~ " r, . J \~~ : .) - 0 0 ,.., 504026'50"E ,.., r-.: 10 10 . 10 ~ f!; 0 ~ 555OZ2'ZO"1: = .10 10 10 (\j ~ . Q) 0 10 534046'30"E 10 0 10 (]) II) 2: 1182.44' S58010'44"W " , ',- .. ~ I ;, " '." . . {':F o. , ,. ,. r....'" :..:' i L, :..~ t..,' r AREA: Z9.393 Ac;: DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. 5010 Ej::;'dm~~T - B TITLE RE:~~~ ~g: V':-~7~~45-A SCALE '" zoo' DRAWN WWR DATE 9/ ZZ /8Z