Sours, Abraham and Cottle, John A. rt1thid ~It)..,"t,.,....~.. ~/)4 . /71 - ---/- / ~~ ~ u,::_,~ .7)t{(dellte___~<?SZ.__.__________day of--~_C/'..~_ in lite .J'ear of our .Lord one tit ltsaJul e igl(lltlt . d amI seJ'enly /~~ _ " . ~, ~~tt;{t~u::cfk .. ;:,~~A;Ue3~'~~t.iJftf:t.::t/ : -;;Z~:JI'.(L ?'.4/fl7"~/ ffU/?ay-4-E,/ ~b/ /./?A-A' /,? '~~ #'~, .?:lb'^Z, cd//~~<: L? L ;-,~ ~~ c~70/ ,r--d:~4~ ~€&: 'F/zaLe~. . ~1' "'/i .~-€r., ~c(~rc(~~d~&/~/-/d;/J;?;~~i~'/;/--//"rC.r : :;;/1i:~~:~~;~ La;; g /2a~h~ ,'md pad/~O~ th~ji/,~ ~al"t, ~~~ a~~:~: :O~'~~:I"~ti::~::: i .. -.. .~-LL - - .lLJ:F:--&'Ld- - - - - of tlte lfjdled Stales oj' America ~ to.~[0'n Itandpaid by lhe said part~_ I of lhe second parl~ the recdpl 1pltereoj' t:\. Itereo.v aCh:J20JPledgcd~ h~emised~ released and f~;er ! qldlclaim~d~ aJzd bJ: these presCJlI.~., do ~ - ~ ~ .remise ~ ~'el.ease amI fore)'er. ql~ilcla~'JJl UJllo tlte said par ~9"- .of the second pal t, ~nd tot'~ JU:<' L-U.-<" -;:7h';?'~'2;;~m. a~l Ih<2,-6:el". ..talJ}ot. .Pt"C".:"/' P'W'etrof la,{d suaate, lyulg aJul ~ l1l tlt<+_-1._d -.. -I-.:-__~'.___.Z~__ County of--- --<-?/..Z~___~?L~__ ; State of--- ~~ - - - -- - /_- - --- - ~a,Jld bOlmdf(ji'aJld lJarticui!!Jjy described as folloJPs~ td;1Pt't.; . ~/;;? / J -"" ?4C!'~ r.. ~/' ~ 4n ;,,/ d7 t:/~ c:,h?d//t:/ hz4' NZ:4Y-f7 '. 4 {j~ ,r' , -~/~ Y4ee~a/tC;/ >>~/~r d7;$d~~ ~~~ef'~~~ i ~r/zLY/1~. ~/77~ 7&//2/.'4/ L~~/,:LC~ ;z:*~......~,~(k~//f .kreYff~ c/.~~/--:/ffUUC-t'/~/ . ~.CJ/:-.'~/d~//~ I !40'~ Ac-~d?/7U hZ4/(,r/a-:- 6/?J ~#~ :T.1 ~ ;d/ ..A ,:f/L.(4V /{ /2)fff 0:;f'/ >1 yd'J!! /ut/~ ~ vV~~/;j '?'P-7~d/~,/// ~L a: n~(_q/,k~?d/ I~t' c-e/ z6/~~ .. "~7/ ftz/A 0, L AN / ~4:z/////,,; rd", ~ J'C/I_ a//{/Vi'L..c[~r/?&c./-( c-/c~~[d-/1t:~u ~~ ! u /f;7Zd -7/.a-.r L-C'C /~/ /CZf/7//dt!:'d % / /C>~C' /dv'. (f..6/#/t'cL ij~u~ //; ~ J/?'c//' '0-?[c-/r.~~k I ~4"7~f ~44'/./ /C:f'. ~... .... .L4'4//Cr'l4/"/~d 4~1--.,( ~/fi7[ ~~~~ ~~ ~~.~dd/~~?C~~r~d/ ~ a~/v-. ~~ ~..j;f~d c.. >/"7//';. b'</..' h~/C~/d' d H6U( ~ :;/ ~~/ f[/'/u...//7 7c'/<,,(r. /-< ~.c:;:/ '1' 7<Vu7 ~~.. n~ - " ---- -------- . -------- _k. ------- ------ ~ all andsi/lgular tlte telzements~ he)'edit({11zellls~ and appurtellaJlCeS tltereunto belollgilzg~ or in any- wise ap pertain/ing ~ and tlte repersion and reper.l'iOllS, r{!tlt n'llder rtlld rcmzilulers ~ rellts ~ issues ~ and profits thereo/ ~ aJul also all the estate ~ ri!lhl~ title ~ iJlterest~ =--_ c _c. - - - . --. - - - - -- property ~ possession ~ claim and rlemalui what.we)'er ~ as Jllcll ill IfoP as ill equity ~ 0/ the said parl/.~of tlte first part~ of~ ill or to tlte said premises ~ alld e)'er.J' }Jart a/let parcel lltereof~ JPith lite a p }Jurtenallces. _I '0 !'lilt t ltUll to 0 tI allaadsing~htl' the sa. i~ prelllt"ses.. togetlter witlt tlte rt}Jpurtelzallces ~ .ltlltO tlte said pal':Y I oftltesecondpart/-___d-.l/C~.e~.~ allda.\'sl/.1IlSfore)'er. ~:/ I / I . . . . i L--~........................ 14f!1~~~~;;:t~~;~if;;j~~~~/ift~~/~- I oi,gi't/tAt'3An<< ~'IW:; i.lh, P:::: I . L ~gZtilutln /4/"tt~;J' 'i[.;!.i) ~"c<""o!. U'Aa--an ';.;Z,) ~_ Bancroft'. l3lauk. No. 440.-QUITCL ~IM: DEED A T. Rl11IU......f.'1- I... ~^n-o.........._ n~_,-__~~____ __ '" roo ,. I _~r -- Jtatt of @l/alif.mil, } ss. Hh_mm__m..__. County of Santa Clara, . 7t.~"\ ,/-/ 0-;\,4 THIS / ~ rl ,F ... . . W.~k~ .. .. . .. .. - .. .. . .If . f. - . . . . . - . . . . . C-!. . . . . - . . - . . . - . . . . - . . - . (..{,ay 0, . . . .Ii D. one thou,s(tnd eiljht hu,ndred and, sfwenty-.. _. ./. - -. /.~... -. -', before me, W. W. H()(),\7}1JR, A Notary Public / L..----- in (aid lor the said Count, Ic,;~:~';;h~~";~;-;"~-'~;';~~"~;;;;W person whose n(;~,e ffSnbS(;ribed to the wi~~~~,'-~~~~;~~ ~ me-nt, as~pa,r~. -thereto, (J,nd.............. - - .Y~-... - -.. - .. --.....- - --...-.... J ...-- ...hh...m....m__m__.....__h___m.___..__...._ ....~ . .-_... .--.... .... .. (wknmoledged to me th" t. . . .. . . . . - . .~/.~ e.xecllted the same. ..~~./~~-~~ 0~~ ~/~3r_.- VU/ ~ ~(J~// ,,/~rit6 /41/JYP hn/PdL4' ~~~-~ /~2- '~ ~~J ,=-- 4r~ry AL :?-&e. /'4, /'LLU/ 1'0 r./Tt.(" ./d-L./ 6--a:u..c;- ,rt/~~~-&-a/ . ;;;;'wr-u,<-e.-uco~':/ :jf.EJ--.,,~n,f._J+ ,/f~"", ~~ ~~ z~~~~~, L77~r-rU 4'-~. -2~~~;z( ~ ~~dd ~^d) ~vU-V I.i(;~-?/"-Z-~-Lv-L-L-C~ cLd <<- a-l:-~h~<< ~-~~~.-d , ~;J~4. c.-t~ tLLt~ ~~~~/ (~;/ ~4 ~ ~1;~'" ~.~ LA--t . ~ ~~-r:::c ~/, 't:---U ~ f} JL--r'-F -.II "- _' / ~-~ L.r/ ~~ rt. t ;fh~/yf;:t.'~~~A~ .. J--l.4.~4~' ....~ dy ~ rLI;:il~ L~~T~L~ eW a kI4;az;;L--~ 2~ '( ~( 4- (~-?;ti--0 ~.?L~~~_LM. z:/U~~ o:f ,~d:~ >c; .0:f~~~ -(~~<c<<- C-CLJ'~~ lh ~ I vy7 ~~~~'7>~Z~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~;... J cPt~~. Ld./.... ~?.Z--c.. G. y~x:-~~.. / _ ~-'~'6 )t~/~~~uI~ ..~ , ...~ -L--~ .~ / .Y~~......~... . '... .<:;, ~-I r;/.~'~--rz- ~~~~. ~7~'//;~Y LN' WIT.N'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand O-JuI aiji.xed lny Officirtl Seal, at my office, in the said County of'Santo. ClaTa" the day and year~~;;;i::~ .. ... ..._.h_ .~ JVotary Public. . . /j- ~ ~ a J ~..I ~'" ',\ ' ",' .: '" ., '''\ '\ " ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ i \ ~~ f 't;\ ~ ~: ",~ \;~ ~ C"">J ~ ~::, ' ~'., ;.' ':) i s.J." ~"-- 6- J ~: ~ ; ~i '-.J ~ .: . ~~: '\ 1 ~: ~, . ~. .~ t.! '\..): I '-'. .: .. "':\~ ~ .z~ i~\l ~i ~..., ~ ~ ..~....'~ ~.~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ '~: .~: ~ ~~ . , ~); ~ "J <J "> L, t. ~:~.;" ;;"';-~."e~~~"=lItlt::~'~~_,,"""':;"'~-t:~-... ":---<""," "r" --/<~