Gormly, Phyllis - Lis Pendens DOCUMENT: 18220631 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 I I BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City Pages: 6 Fees. * No Fees Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID RDE ** 005 2/04/2005 3:00 PM SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE LIS PENDENS UH\648634.1 01-013104706072 Document Title TO BE RECORDED WITHOUT FEE PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECT/ON 6103 AND 27383 -1- II LINDA A. CALLON, CA. STATE BAR NO. 99450 JOLIE HOUSTON, CA. STATE BAR NO. 171069 2 BERLINER COHEN TEN ALMADEN BOULEVARD 3 ELEVENTH FLOOR SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95113-2233 4 TELEPHONE: (408) 286-5800 FACSIMILE: (408) 998-5388 .! [:0 2nns ....'-1 3 I ~:J 0 h.l _,: 0 I 5 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF CITY OF 6 GILROY 7 8 9 10 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 11 CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, 12 Plaintiff, 105'-('; ""'j ,. . [ . ~ .;;j. t-' . ?"C>. 'JVU':'if8~~.~) No. LIS PENDENS APN 808-21-018 13 vs. 14 PHYLLIS LORENE GORMLY, FAY L. CHAPMAN, JAMES GORMLY, BERNARD H. 15 HABING, RUTH M. HABING, JAMES F, HABING, STEPHEN G. HABING, SUSAN M. FURTADO, 16 RONALD FURTADO, W.B.STARRITT, TRUSTEE OF THE STARRITT PROPERTY TRUST DATED 17 OCTOBER 19, 1984, THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF PHYLLIS LORENE GORMLY, DECEASED, 18 AND ALL PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER SAID DECEDENT, ALL PERSONS 19 UNKNOWN AND CLAIMING INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY and DOES 1 to 15, inclusive, 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 24 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Plaintiff has filed a proceeding against the above-named 25 Defendants in the above-entitled court affecting the title to and right of possession of the 26 hereinafter-described real property, which said proceeding is now pending; that said proceeding is 27 for the purpose of condemning said real property for a public llse, to wit: the City of Gilroy Sports 28 Park Water Line Project. UH\642319.1 01-012305-04706002 -1- US PENDENS 2 The real property affected by said proceeding (APN 808-21-018) is described as follows: 3 See attached Exhibit "A," incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. 4 Dated: January '00,2005 5 BERLINER COHEN 6 7 BYc}~~~~'\\U LIE HOD TON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF CITY OF GILROY 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \JH\642319.1 01-012305-04706002 -2- LIS PENDENS 30.35' ',,-SQ9"Jg'"". JJ.til' ",00'J9'55'" .,....1. :\ SjS'20"gs"'f ~... J.O", to ~. NJ.520'OS"WI-" 'JIt,. <:\ 15.46' 'JI \.~f~ ,1"0'~ " ..-,,~ \0 ~ ~" ....~ \"-> cr. ',. \~"'. ~,,\ \"~ ''f,.~ \ " ,;,. .-: ,,. -~ (~ /1/0 0' 0,,<' 0.'0 ,J-... .ft,- "0 za5. 93' '" 89TJZ 00 If ~ Sl:.AlL f '.. 7 00' r- -f- ~ OJ o '--p ~ LO ~ J T .C.E, . TEMPORARY CONSTRUcTION EASEMENT 8 ~ ~ \;~ POB-f.C.C. 808-21-076 ~~ -~-~ -~\ \ "'t.. APN 808-21-016 \ \/R 740' 0=8'31 7S. L~IIO_Q5' d~ \ \ R...l10' c;.. ~D-B"3t'75" "'_ / \ L-I05_59' \. :JO" 7alPOR~Y ~ '!l EASEIIE1(T (r..c.E.) ~. '%. ~~ - ...... ~~ ~ o ... ~\ \~- ~'\ \ /:~'02. / t-ss'09" "" \ ~~:~'02. .\ L-68.OS' "'_\ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. 'll.. ci.~ \~~ ~ ~ o \,,,, .", ~ 01>. .12.81' 167,:18' 51. OS" /IIi B8Vli'OO. If 25J,2'1' 1 OF 1 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION TEMP. CON8TA. EASEMENTS GILROY SPORTS PARK OVER A.P .N:S 808-21-018 & 018 8ANT~ CLARA cOUlf'fY. CALFORNIA JOB * 00113 ~G. 11 I..... V" 11 I SCALE: '-;=100' IU aD ...aU ,DC. DATE: 05/1e/01 ~:'9 . ..~~_ _UHt\I1~1A"- _.lJl'j[a'j[n.. DRAWN: E.T. 4880 ste-.els C)eIIk 1Iw.. SuIte 205 Sat .bJe, CA. 95129 CHECKED: M,H. (~) 615-4000 fa. (408) 615-4004 FILE: PLAT.DWG Aubum . So Jos(S . Oakdole E: \2000\00113\ . 'orde:l" No: 673352 -vw DESCRIPTION 1 All that certain Real Prope~ty in the Coun~y of Santa Clara, State of California, ~eBcribed as follows: All of Lot Numbered Five (5), as shown on that certain Map entitled, "Map at Massey Thomas' senior Subdivision of Loa Animas Ranch Lot No. 15", which Map was tiled for record in the Office of the Recorder of the county of Santa Clara, St.ate at california on April 15. 1893 in Boo)c "G" of Maps. at page(s) 59. Excepting the Southeasterly pa~t thereof, heretofore conveyed to G. Barberi & Sons, which said part so conveyed is described as follo~e. to wit: Beginning at a bu~ied 1/2K pipe at the ~ortheasterly corner of the above mentioned Lot. 5, at the intersection of ~he Westerly line of Monterey Road, wit.h the Southerly line of the Thomas Lane, from ~hich pipe, the buried granite monument at the intersection of the Westerly line of Monte~ey Road and the center line of the Thomas Lane bears North 18 deg. 00' West 20.94 feet; thence from said point of beginning Westerly along the southerly line of the Thomas Lane, North 89 deg. 02' West 1863.80 feet to a 1/2" pipe; thence at right angles Sou~herly Sou~h o deg. 58' west 180 feet to a 1/2" pipe; thence a~ right angle Westerly and parallel with the Thomas Lane, North 89 deg. 02' West 412.~4 feet, more or less, to a point in the Carnadero Creek on the line bet.ween Lots 5 and 9. as shown on the abovementioned Map (at 265 feet on t.his course and on the bank of the Carnadero Creek, is 1/2" pipe inside a 2" pipe); thence southerly along the channel of carnadero Creek and along the line dividing Lot 5 from Lots 9 and 10, south 52 deg- 00' Eaat 304.51 feet; more or lese. and South 15 deg. 30' East 348.90 teet, more or less, to the common corner to Lots 5 and 6 in the Easterly line of Lot 10 of the abovementioned Subdivision; thence Easterly along the line between Lots 5 and 6, South 89 deg. 09' East 109~.62 teet, more or less, to a buried 1/2 pipe (back 1049_40 feet on this course and on the bank of the carnadero creek is the o1:iginal 4" x 4" redwood -witness post, said last mentioned 1/2" pipe being South 72 deg. 00' West 1021.02 teet from a l/Z" pipe a~ the Easterly common corner for said Lots 5 and 6; thence Easterly on the line between Lots 5 and 6, North 72 deg. 00' East 1021.02 feet ~o a buried 1/2" pipe in the Westerly line of the aforementioned Monterey Road, said pipe being also che common corner bet~een Lots 5 and 6; thence Nortberly along the Westerly line ot the said Monterey Road. North 18 deg. 00' West, 384,78 feet to the point of beginning- surveyed and Monumented on February l~, 1941 at the request of Mr. Leon Thoma~, by W_J. Hanna, Gilroy, Registered Civil Enginee~ No. 370~. Excluding and excepting from the property above described all that portion thereof, heretofore conveyed ~o the County of santa Clara, for road~ay purposes- Also excepting theret~om that portion thereof as conveyed to the santa clara valley Water District, a public corporation by Deed recorded March 1, 1988 in Book K~58, page 1194, official Records and being more particularly described as follo~l3: Be~ng a portion of the lands described'in the deed recorded in Book H516 of. Official Records at Page 713 in the office of the Recorder, county of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit; Allot said lands which lie Westerly of the following described Easterly line; DliSCftSo.. 12/~/91 M l.J\".", ....--.. ----...... order No; 673352 -vw DESCRIPTION 2 Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said lands; ~hence along the general Southerly line of said lands N. 69 deg. 02' 00" W. 126.61 teet t:o the t;rue point of beginning; thence leaving said line along a curve ~o the left, from a ~angent whieh bears N. 37 deg- SO' 29" W. having a radius ot 900.00 feet:, through a central angle of 16 deg. 57' 16", tor an arc distance of 266.32 feet to t.he Norcherly line of said lands. THE FORl::tiOING INSTRUMENT IS A COMfiCT copy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FIl.E IN THlS OFFICE ATTEST: KIAI TOt:tRE JAN 3 1 Z005 CHiEF EXECUTltE CHIGERfCl.EflK SUl'EI1IOO tXlIJRT ()I; CA GOONTY 01' SANTA ClAAA ~~~~T^CWlA qy. . ~pun ____ _ Sara Batrel DfiSCRSO - IlfOAf'J1 M