Gong, Wilford and Wing Kum : 3958140 - BOOK 9Z27 l)i~GE 415 ..... .. Escrovr No. .Q:1169-f1./HV: h1 Co. J 803-12-14 'I 0 Ca. j/," 2- htl.l.i ...... il. lidl nlquest .. Valley vule CompanfJ FE B 23 1971 8:00AM NO TAX DUE NO FEE George E. Fowles, Recorder Sonto Cloro County, Officio I Records GIUd;T DEED \'TILFCIlD GGNG and iT[,G GCHG, his wife, Grant to the City of Gilroy, a municina] cornoration, all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: BEGINNING at the intersection of a Southwesterly line of Parcel One, as described in the Deed from Arden~Mayfair, Inc., a corporation, to Wilfred Gong, et ux, dated March ?S, 1066, recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, StAte of CAliforni'" on IAarch 31, 1066 in Book 7331 of Official Records, cage 560, with the Southeasterly line of Tenth Street; thence from said noint of heginning and along the Southeasterly line of said Tenth Street, North 700 East, 75.00 feet to the intersection thereof 11'i th a Northeasterl:v line of said Parcel One; thence along a Northeasterly line of said Parcel One, South 200 East, 26.00 feet to A point; thence prira lle1 \^Ji th the Southeasterly line of said Tenth Street, South 700 West, 75.0~ feet to a point on said Southwesterly :ine of said Parcel One; thence along last said South- westerly line North 200 West, 26.00 feet to the POINT OF FEGIN ING. Dated this 25th day of Jan un ry . , 1971. . . .... " f/ ~ Witness: ~usanne \i . . '". I.J .\. ~ . . , ... 1- .. CD t:..;Jo C) ,., ~ N -J ~:'; f" ~ ...... CJ\ ,..,:~~=m~.": . ~\ ROG~R V. VEl\iABLE"': , .: . . NOTARY PUBLIC PRINCIPAL OFFICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IS.. IN SANTA ClAI<A COUNTY. CALIF '.: Feb 16 1971 ~.~~~~~._.li On ..............~..............L................................................, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared .$.Y.:.??-.p.D.?.....E..L..$.t..~.i.run5?..t.z.......................................... known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed and said: That ....Sheresides in ...Ci.ty.....o.f....G.:il.I:.oy.............; that ~h.~... was present and saw ~~l.ilf.Q.r..Q....G.Q.n.g....9..nd....:,ling....Kum....Go.ng.........................................................................:................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... personally known to ...h.e.r to be the persotf!...... described in and who executed the within instrumennt as part.i.eShereto, sign, seal and deliver the same; that said part.t.~.Sacknowledged to said affiant thatt.heyxecuted the same; and that said affiant subscribed .her.. name thereto as a witness. BOO~ 9227 t),\CE 416 WITNESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT VTC.128 ~o/"!~L~d~J""d..t'0'\mmmmm \.. Notary Public WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires ............................................................. .... - ., --------~ -U1- ~~~~~~,'~ ~ ~:~-~ow I v. I' 0 , i I Iz i ~ -j ;\ -~I~ ~ ;::> .r- ~ J I---J :::; ..., :~~0D ~ .:.~: d..) .:'( .:/.I ...... ,~~ :..)\ "-.' o_J I !C' C' i"" ..., I 0 . 0 I j '0 0 ~r-/r--- -----2-85~i4~--~- -- --- -~ O>~= I ? OJ OJI ~~~.. _ ~ Ol ~ -J ~~:<: N ~ \.11 \.I1j :u:;;g 0 0 0 0 . ~ N, ~~~ u. 215.14 J> 26 - '" I +> ~ri--'--'s-io. 007E--'----- ~ 4'8'.. " ." IIJ . . Vl 56 "71.~o,m "''''''450 159 35 (J ..<1 I!l "'45.87 . I 50 '--"-- - i --1--- i I ...... ""\JI ~ _-; J ! I ...1" ~...' 1\ : ....: tJ I I ]']!0, I ~. :~ r-::: (r~ ::,:; .. .::1 l . " I I I I j(.>j I-.J I: 10 130' I I . l>' rl ~ STREET ___.1____- _ __._.__.____......____ _____~. ___._... ___________ N'EL'...:C,'NE KI&HIMURA TO CITY V. N. 20. 0 0 . W . OPGILRO....632&0.R.108 ..... U'1 . . 0 N.ao W. 26.00 . ~ I 1"'l>1l ~;;,; "I Z "'oQ ~ . . o - Zl . 1 --II 0, ., 0; 01 .j ~I 01 I :l;- n~ 010 . 0 0' .j:>. (Xl N . 0 . 0 \ N ~ ..., ~ t1l III 0 J> -a -f 0 -f ()) J> ::: 1J - ~ :P <II "'1/1 .l>C;: \1lZ .j>. -f o o ;0 . 3: n. .;;}> (.011/1 0-' Z '--' <- J> 3: m (/l BOOK 9227 I),~GE 417 STR 96.75 0{) 0' --.J o o o m I. ...J : 9b~ o : ;-i<Hi06l ...95000T50 00 I I gig g o 10 0 o 10 0 50 00 ~o.oo 1/1 J> ('j o o I <:;;..,. i--.J u.0J iO \.11 . 001 '0 '0 (}l ~ t>1 0 I 'm (]1 ~ ". 0.11 z ~ ". " "..... ~ i: ~ -.j l> l- i> ~; :D: ~ ~ "!l S.20.00'E ~ ------ --_._---._-_._-_.__.__._--~- 285 22 :x ~ . ~" z m ,. ~ . GI 285.24 -.-----.'-.-.--.- -.__._.. N 20. OO'W .'.... N 20 00 W. 1------ ------'-3-4-0" I tnJ -...II o '2 b I> N 20'00 w r---14552 (/)1 0 ...J' g;g 01- <DO .I~ U1r N 01- OJ> rC>)J V1 . . (/) V'<>N 0.1 ..,. ::0 0 - '.0 0 :i:1t> ~r ~~ 0 ," 0 ... . 0 0 s . 18. 2 2' .3 0 E E R,'~..y' (U,. S. 101 H W Y.) I~ 1 ...J -.J I V1Ul 001" 00 161 --""in '" . I COI Ni o o b '26 \.11 CO o \.11 v< ()) 0U'J V1 ~~ 20 ml m: , It..< I-..J I~ '-0 ..J -7-2~- -I :1 o! t> CO V1 o 72 00 I; ~ EIGLEBERRY IL--------~-_.._-- - .-.---,- I ~ STREET I (Xl~61 41 , I - ~ o 0 o 0 ~.8141 0- 0{) o o (Jl N -t 0,() C' STREET " " ~~ . .-.,....-. ..',.'''.-........-.' '". ._...-.._~...~~.~.. '- - ~-'<ii! to - 011 ~scrow'N~. G-1169-A/RV: hI C.~. ;:1 "(~03-I2-:l4 C a.. /"I"? 'l" . :r r-..-- ) . . ... BOOK 9227 P,~G[ 418 IL () -fAX nuL CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY WILFORD GONG and. VIIlW KUM GONG I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of G i I roy by \, LFOHD GONG and T,'ITNG RUL'i GONG of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 25th day of Januarv , 1971 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd " " day of February , 197.l... \ '. P-218.A (G.S.) Rev. California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1963 THIS NUMBER IS FOR STICO USE ONLY 25-C N C! 194446 $39.00 SCHEDULE A Effective Amount of liability: $ 2,631.00 Date: February 23, 1971 at 8:00 A.M. Policy No: G-1169-A Premium $ 72.00 INSURED CITY OF GILROY 1. The estate or interest In the land described or referred to III this schedule covered by this policy IS: a fee 2. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation 3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of Santa Clara, City of and is described as follows: Gilroy (Cont'd on next page) . BEGINNING at the intersection of a southwesterly line of Parcel One, as described in the D0ed from Arden-I\1ayfZ1i:r , Inc., a corporation, to Wilfred Gong, et ux, dated March 28, 1966, recorded in the office of Lbe Recorder of the Counts of: Santa Clara, State of California on March 31, 1966 in Book 7331 of Official Recoriis, page 560, with the Southeasterly line of Tenth street, thence from said point of beginning and along the southeasterly line of said Tenth street, North 700 East, 75.00 feet to the intersection thereof with a Northeasterly line of said Parcel One; thence along a Northeasterly line of said Parcel One, South 200 East, 26.00 feet to a point, thence parallel with the southeasterly line of said Tenth Street, South 70' West, 75.00 feet to a point on said southwesterly line of said Parcel One; thence along last said southwesterly line North 20' West, 26.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINtJING. P-218-B (GS) California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1963 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against los" or damage by rea"on of the following: PAin I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existin~ liens hy the recoros of any taxin~ authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the puhlic records. 2. Any facts, righb, interests, or claims \\hich are not sho\\ n hy the puhlic records hut II hich could he ascertaineo by an inspection of saio land or hy Illakin~ inquiry of persons in possession thereof. ;"t Easements~ claims of easement or encumbran('e:-; \vhi('h are not :-:.ho\\-11 hy the public record:-,. I. DislTepancies, conflicb in hounoary lines. shorta~e ill area. ennoachlllcnls. or any other fads 1\ hich a cOffeel suryey would disclose, and which are not sho\\n hy the puhlic records. . 5. lTnpatenteo mining claims; reseryations or c'\ceptio!ls in patents or in\l'ls aulhorizin~ the Issuan("l' thereof: water rights, claims or title to water. PAin II 1. A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over the following described parcel of land: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Tenth Street, with the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly line of Eigleberry Street; thence from said point of beginning South 190 59' 1.J.5" East along said prolongation for a distance of 366.11.J. feet to the Southernmost corner of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from California Pacific Title Insurance Company, a corporation to John Ciabattari, dated August 22, 1952, recorded September 3, 1952 in Book 21.J.80 of Official Records, page 31.J.9, Santa Clara County Records; thence South 700 00' 15" West along the Southwesterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Ciabattari for a distance of 160 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection thereof with the Southeasterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of that certain tract of land described in the Deed from John Ciabattari, et ux to Arnold Garcia et al, dated October 22, 1958, recorded January 5, 1959 in Book 1.J.278 of Official Records, page 71.J.9, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 190 59' 1.J.5" West along said last mentioned prolongation for a distance of 55.00 feet to the Southermmost corner of land so described in the Deed to said Garcia; thence North 700 00' 15" East along the Southeasterly line of land so described in the Deed to said Garcia for a distance of 85 feet, more or less, to the Easternmost corner thereof in the Southeasterly prOlongation of the Southwesterly line of said Eigleberry Street above (Cont'd on next page) . F-25 (G.S.) referred to; thence North 190 59' 45" West along said last mentioned prolongation for a distance of 311.14 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the said Southeasterly line of Tenth Street; thence North 700 00' 15" East along said last mentioned line 75.00 feet to the point of beginning, as reserved in the Deed from Bonanza Inc., a corporation to Arden Farms Co., a Delaware Corporation dated November 25, 1960, recorded November 25, 1960 in Book 4993 of Official Records, page 312. 2. Any and all subsisting leases. .