Matthews, Harry et al ... 4014785 600119347 i~C!417 I.",,~l....~ a. ...G n:quest of Valley (jute CompanfJ MA f 2 7 1971 8:00AM .i . [.~-, i , _.J I,.j ..... ... Escrm.J' No. G 1170-A/EA Co. Bill /1 803-12-12 Code Area 2-000 George E. Fowles, Recorder Santo C10ra County, Officio I Records NO FEE BOOK 9347 PAGE 417 GFCl\IJT IJF;ET) NO TAX DUE Hid-my TT and ;150 knmm as Eletha Ihtthm-rs ELITHA I';ATTPF}T~) his \','ife, and CECIL r:. "TI LJ Vi and \'; Al'SDA L. "I1,LI , his wife, Grant to the City of Gilroy, a municiDaJ corporation, aJ] that real Droperty in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of Californja, described as: k BEGINNING 8t the most ~esterly corner of that certain narcel OF Jand ns described in the Deed from Mike Resetar to Harry {~tthews, et aI, dated M~rch 3n, ]066, recorded in the office of the Record~r of the Countv of Santa Clara, State of CAlifornia, on Anrii 10, 1066 in Book 7351 of Official Records, nage 524, on the Southeasterly line of Tenth Street; thence from said noint of bepinnin~ and along the SO\lthef'1E'terlv ] ine of said Tenth Street; North 700 East,t2.nO feet to the most Northerly corner of said land deeded to Harry Matthews, et al; thence along the Northeasterly line of ::Aid land deeden to H::Jrry l'Jlatthev.'s, et aI, South 200 East, 26.00 feet to a point; thence leaving l~st 2[1id line, South 76057'10" West, ~2.61 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of sp:idland deeded ,to Harry lJlC1tthe\rls, et al; thence along last said SouthvJesterly line, North 200 st, 16.00 feet to the POINT B~GINNING. D:'Jted this 26th January , 1971. A. ~Rl:Y .L \".1 L _ ~~IJ_/~/l~~~~ CI'.''-' T..' \'11" I I. '\;Ie ;\.} "' .Li. ..-J iiP!0 ~./ )& f .i;- I . I I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, m}". County of ...........Mont.r.eyu..___....... 6001934 7 i~C[ 418 On .............May....10.tuu19.'7..1................................ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally a p pe ared ...a:~~.~y. ...Ma.,~:t;.~.~~.s..t.u.$.J.,.~.:t. ,tl.til.....~.t~.l1:~~.t3.'_.....G.~.c:.~~. ...~.!.....\\'P:~.~.~~~....~Il:~. ...\\'l'l:~.~?l:...:r,.~.....W~~J.~l'l:~13....... known to me to be the person .S.... whose name ..tL.aI".eu___u subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that .....t.he-y___ executed ~.......,............ . . . . . . . . . I ,l I r\ ' '., GEORGE T. PRINCE \: -- N01ARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN MONTEREY. COUNTY .1.1.11....I.IIII.I"".ll." ACKNOWLEDGMENT -GENERAL the same. VTC./26 MY commission expires Nov. 23, 1971 .. 0, ~ j'] -1 .... j'J c'; .. ~- "7 - -- ~ -:.:J- - r~: .=: ""',,-i. A -1/.5 9 '" o ): .;! ~ ~'~ B V1 , I -D I,: I :....:~ ',~..' ;:~ '~!'~ , r..~' ,J. ,..I 0' j , '" . . .'0 . 0 J_~_~-c-__._._.__O 20.5.14' r.-;-f ",0 n~ 0>-<.. ~~~.. UfU'l(' oii~ I J\) ;";;0 0 ..~~ I.H t",: f:. ~ ~ 'tl ~ O'l " o N 2 I S. I 4 )0 z ~-----~i6-'. O-orE-:-~--' - V' .:;l 6:.1~ .10' l' ~5.87 l:o o m ...J (fl V1 o 0 o o ',j:lo CD N . 0 \0 .,. ;, I .,1, 159.35 0' -() Q;) ...J V1 o VI :-J V1 ("l 2&' CO ..J V1 o 20' 56 . "~.,1 I .) \,j I) '..; , I ,l',j ~I U \ u_..:, 't' vo -.j U1 o ~ U1 o 90.75 ROSANNA STR N. 2 O. - O'oOW-: '-"--"- .... z -() (J"' ...J o baa. 934 7 i'~G! 419 c :-.j 10 10. 10. m I. 9b.75 , /. V1 VI o o ~1'O--O:-o 0 o o o :o~o-1'sO 00_ o (; 0 o 0 0 o 1<> 0 o 0 0 50 00 SO,OO I I~ I: o I 30 " , V< .. '~ 'STREET N'eLv:Ci'Ni KI6Hi....URA TO"CiTV-'-r-':-- ~ --'---N'~2-0..-0-'O-:-W-: ------ OPOllAOV'63Z(,0.R. loa -.J , VI N.ZO.W.26.00 : 0 ~ I"l>:D I ~~ii I z: ~. . 1 ~ (;;.p.. v; <.>J i 0 10.. :0 ~ 'm --'I' .,..-... 'J> lIl' '" (/J' ~ ~! :', ~ -l' o o J) j, j. : . 3: .: . ~:.r""~"""'UI;r;;'~ T:" . ~~ ;:, z. ....., ......:. ---,.;....;;,.- . ~ . ~ ;: c.. :oJ)>t. ;; ~ .,i,. :0 ~ ~ ~ '!' ~ S.2'o.oo'e 28.5 22 28 S. 24 N 2 o;!5"c;:-v:t:-~_... - ~ ". o~ ~ ~ II N ' '2 6'l.' 0 O' W. --..----,-.-.-:-34-0.. 72'0 .. , VI eX> 0 VI )0 n )> .. III N 20.00 W. )> .. d 145 52 ... 0 )0' u>O / ;p oc: 0 - (DC) . .. U>r- N 0 OJ> I"'!>:ll V1 0 +>-. ::elf) \oI'CN 0 'V1 0 - ..~o (D- o<>'" 0 ~.};j.:r Ulr- CD.... . ''\ n ... 0 0 "--=< s, I.a · .2.2 ' 30 E '., Ul ...j '0 . N 00 o 0.1 o -D Ol ~ E'.R....,;c..y,. ;.:.~~. f "If:- ~r:~- . ." , ,'''.t'' ~,,:~ .~ .~ ~. t.. J> I' m III III J> (\ o o ll~ ',,"\ (Ul. ~. 10 I 3: :r ~ . ~A' % m ,. f . Gl \ .:~t;- HWV.) ~.. ...:..::.:"....~...I,..:,....~~:t71.,.,...~;-:-.,...,~r,.,.J~;-7'7'.._...-_._~ :! ,.~" " ,m oJ Cb~ CO I\1In f'\) ..., 01 -- o ~~_~ ~ G L E B E_ ~ R V I ~ 61.41 I ~~~ I 0 0 en' 81.41. '0' '-() 00 +>-.. o 20 IJ'I ()l o VI 0-1 :D 20 mj m, -II \ I , , , I V1 ~2~ -.. " l>I ...j +>- t> .p. eX> CD X) VI V> ~ 0 0 72 00 " STREET ", o o V1 N ~ . -() 0' ..... r i' I t', " STREET , !, I" -r"-...~-~._~-~:,~-;T;r-.~--..._,....~_.....,-~-;-...,.I ......... ... . .. ... ~ , eoo~ 934 7 F,~CE 420 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY HARRY MATTHEWS and ELlTHA MATTHEWS, his wife, and CECIL E. WILLIAMS and WANDA L. WILLIAMS, his wife. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said ; City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by HARRY MATTHEWS and ELITHA MATTHEWS, his wife, and CECIL E. WILLIAMS and WANDA L. WILLIAMS, his wife of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 17th day of May 1971 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of May . 1972-. the City \ " - .. P-218.A (G,S,) Rev, California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1963 THI8 NUMBER 18 FOR STICO U8E ONLV25.C NC? 196245 -$53.50 SCHEDULE A Effective Date: Amount of liability: $ May 27, 1971 at 8:00 a.m. 1292.00 Policy No: G 1170-A Premium $ 73.50 INSURED CITY OF GILROY 1. The estate or interest In the land described or referred 10 111 this schedule covered by this policy IS: a fee 2. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation 3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of Santa Clara, City of and is described as follows: Gilroy (Cont'd on next page) . .. BEGINNING at the most Westerly corner of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from Mike Resetar to Harry Matthews, et al, dated March 30, 1966, recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 19, 1966 in Book 7351 of Official Records, page 524, on the Southeasterly line of Tenth Street; thence from said point of beginning and along the Southeasterly line of said Tenth Street, North 700 East, 82.00 feet to the most Northerly corner of said land deeded to Harry Matthews, et al: thence along the Northeasterly line of said land deeded to Harry Matthews, et aI, South 200 East, 26.00 feet to a point; thence leaving last said line, South 76057110" -West, 82.61 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of said land deeded to Harry Matthews, et al; thence along last said Southwesterly line, North 200 West, 16.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. P-218-B (GS) California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy Form Copyright 1963 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: P A In I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existinp: lien~ by the re('ord~ of any taxinp: authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the publi(' re('ord~. 2, Any facts, right~, interests, or claims whi('h are not ~IIOII n I,y the publi(' re('ord~ but II hich could be as('ertained by an inspection of said land or by makinp: inquiry of per~on~ in posse;sion thereof. ;). Easements, claims of easement or encumbran('es whi('h are not ,dlOll n by the publi(' records. L Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortap:e III area. cIH'l'oa('hments. or any other facts Ilhi('h a ('orrect survey would disclose, and which are not ,;flOwn by the publi(' re('ords, 5. Unpatented mining claims; re~ervation~ or exceptions in patents or in Acts authurizing the ISc'uan('e thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. PAIlT II 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1971-1972 a lien, but not yet due or payable. .