Thomas, M.E.
IDl1in lJultrulurr, Made the_m~_____:_:_.-5tl1.~__":".....u__u...u_uday of_u..._.....NOVemlJ;)J:~:I''':''m'''__-
in the year of OUT Lord, one thousand nine hundred and---~---~u--:"'":'--.':"
BETWEEN _~____::_:u_~u __m~ _ _::"___~M_ ._K. _T_home.suLa__ _9.i D_glB. _ .wQ'mJ3.nJ::,,___ __ - - .-:"'. - - ~ u --:"'- __:":'u_ ~_ - ":"m":"._
~---~--~---~---- --~---~-- -~ - -~---~ --~-- ~---~---~---~~--~---~---~-- ~---~--_-:-:._-~--_-:':_-~---~---~-- --- _:':'_-~---~---~---~---~--~
oj the County of_._~.__~m-:",_Sq,nta._.Gla.J'_a__.._...__...___...u___, State oj California. party---- ---.---- 0/ the first part,
AND "'m __ _u~u ..._0 i ty_ _ _ o_f _ . Gi_lr _0 Y- m( _a J6un 5, _oJ-'!') ~,.l_ _ C. Qr J;tQ_r_atJ_Q nJ... __":". u'" __"'u - __. - - ~ h ::"m___.
~___":':__~___~____:__ _ _ ~_ _ _~ _ _ ~_ _ _ ~_ _ _'":"'___~___~___~___:':'_ _ _~ _ _ ~_ _ _ ~ _ _ ~_ __ ~___~__.:-:-___~___~__~___~ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ __~___:_:"_h::__~___~__::___~
oj the Count:y 0/h_~___"'m~Santa__C1arEL_::_:u____, State oj California, thepart-Ym..---------.-- of the second part.
BUnrllsrtl1. that the said parf--Y--m .__m_O/ the first part, for and in consideration oj the sum 0/
~___~__...___~u_~________~u_~_Ten_.L$.lQ-...QQ}---------~--...m---__~ _ ___ __ ____::"__ .______ _________. -:":'--::".. - ---. .-----':" Dollars,
in Gold Coin oj the United States of America, to_...h_____...A~;J;_":____...__...m in hand paid by the said parLY-----.-h---'-
0/ the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do-eS-----.---.----grant, bargain and sell, conve:y and
confirm unto the said parf..Y.mmm_m_o/ the second part, ___m..._______...m...________m___...._u__m~u____._::_:____u-~m-----
~___~_h~_:.~___~__ _~___~__ _~u~___ ~__+~___~___~_ _ ~_ __ ~__ _~_ __":":__~ __~_ u:":'_ _ ~___~ _ _ ~_ _~_ _':":'_ _ _~. _ _~ _ _ ~__. .:-:-__~_:_:__ ~~_u~__~__
. .
and tOm..~..::":..._::_:___":"_it_8__.s.UQ.c_es.s..Q_r.s_____:":'___~_.,..m.m.rmd assigns forever all that real property situated in the
""___~u:::'___~._...m~m~u::"___~u::"___::m_::_________u_____ County of_.~..:":'___~__:":'.san.t_a_. .Clara~ - - -~ .. --- - ----- ...-.."'"' ,
State oj California bounded and described as/olloDlS, to-Dlit: Beginning at a 4" x 4" post mark-
ed "L. A. 15" standing at the southernmost corner of the John Gilroy
portion of the San Ysidro Rancho and in the Easterly line of the Lc"s
Animas Rancho, and running thence southeast erly, southwest erly a.nd
northwesterly and along the line of Ranch Lot No. 48 of the Partit-
ion of the Las Animas Rancho (Case No. 5536 in the SUperior Court
of Santa Clara County, California) S. 32015' E. 3.26 chs., S. 570
45' W. 1.00 chs., and N. 32015' W. 3.52 chs. and thence leaving said
line of said Ra"nch Lot No. 48 and running N. 720 00' E. 1.03 chs. to
the point of beginning, containing 0.339 acres and being a part of
said Ranch Lot No. 48 of said Parti tion of the Las Animas Rancho;
Courses true. Var~'180 E. Compiled April 20,1927 for Jas. A.Clay-
ton & Co. by F.A.Herrmann of Herrmann Bros., Surveyors & C.E.' s, San
Jose, California.
Including for the public, the free and unobstructed use of all
land lying within the boundaries of the 40 foot road, the south-
easterly boundary line of which is described as follows:
Begi~ning at a 4" x 4" post marked "L.A.15" standing at the
southernmost corner of the John Gilroy portion of the San Ysidro
Rancho and in the easterly line of the Las Animas Rancho, and
running thence southwesterly to and along the southeasterly line of
Ranch Lot No. 48 of the Partition of the Las Animas Rancho (Case
No. 5536 in the\Supe-rior Court of Santa Clara County, California.)
S. 720 00' W. 1877.00 feet to an iron pipe set flmsh in said south-
easterly line of BEL, Rancho Lot No. 48 and in the prolongation
southeasterly of the southvvesterly line of that certain 30.00 acre
tract conveyed to Vito Rossi by deed dated March 31, 1926 and re-
corded in Vol. 229 of Official Hecords, page 282 in the office of the
CO'J.nty Recorder of Santa Clare., County, California, said iron pipe
being distant S. 32005' E. 76E.70 feet from the southernmost corner
of said 30.00 acre tract. Courses true, Val'. 180 E. Surveyed April
19, 1927 for Jas. A.Clayton & Co. by F.A.Herrmann of Herrmann Bros.,
Surveyors and C.E.' 8, San .rose, California. .
Together with all and singular the tenements, heredltaments
and aDDurtenances thereunto belonp~inv or in anywi se appertaining,
Subject to the followinG: ~
1st. The right of way granted by Las Animas and San Joaouin Land ...
Company, Incorporated, a corDoration, and Henry Miller to Sierra
and San FraLci sco Power Cor:"'any, (o;orporation, by deed dat ed Aup'-
ust 15th, 1'312 and recordec' August 27th, 1912 in the office of'::>the
County Recorder of the County O~ Santa Clara, State of California,
in book 393 of deeds, page 65.
~. The right.-of way twenty (20) feet in width granted to the
City of Gilroy by Deed dated January 24th,1927 and recorded in the
office of the County'Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State
of California in Book 301 of Official Records of said County at
Page 218.
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