Thomas, M.E. (2) )\ 'I Wqili l1ulltuturt, Made the__u~___~_._-_.~ja4th~u~m~___~_____day oju~.__~January:""'-u....--~u in the year oj our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and__-~---::----~--:--u-tw-en:tY~S.eVen....--~--~u"'-,~-----~- BETWEEN ____::-___~__::____~u~~t_._ E_ ~_Tb.9_maJ3___La.__6i_ngl-e- __ W_QmanJ~_n"'___~, - ...__ - ~ - - -0:-...- ~ - --....--:""'--..... - --- ~_~__~__ ~_n~_ _~_ _ _~ _ _ _~_ _ _ ~ _ _ _~_ _ ~_ _ _ ~ ___~__~_ _ _ ":':__~___~ _ _ _~ _ _ ~_ _ _~ _ __~__~___~___~___~___~__~_ _ _~ __ ~___~ ___~__~h~~__~__ oj the County of_~___~__:""'_Sant_amC.lar_a~..~u~_u...__~__, State oj California. party____ _hu_u 0/ the first part, AND __,~_,_"'__"'___~___-u_~__-_Ci_t-Y_uQf.._GilrQY- (a Municipal-Corpora t i on },..___....u~___~___. .__~__~__ _~__ ~_ __ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~_ __~ _ _ ~_ __ .:":"___~h _-:"_ __ ~ _ _ _~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ n~ _ _ ~ __ _~__~_ __~ _ _ ~_ __ ~ __ _~ _ _ ~_ _ _ ~ n ~h _ ~ __ _~__~___~ - - _~___~-. oj the Count)) O/n...__...___...S.a.nta___Cl_a:ra:""'......___..., State oj California, thepart-Y-------....u---oj the second part. 1llIItturaartl1, that the said party--.---- ------.oj the first part, for and in consideration oj the sum 0/ u_... _ _ ~_ ....._....u. ....__...._ _...u _....___... _ _~ u _::- T _e_n_ _ L$lO_~_QOJ::-_._... _ _ ..... _.... _~. _..... _ _... _ _..._ _ _~ _ _..._ -.~ -...... -...- - -....- Dollars, in Gold Coin oj the United States of America, to_~__.~_.....h_e_r_...___-=-n...m in hand paid by the said parLym__________ 0/ the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do-es------uo----grant, bargain and sell, conoe)) and confirm unto the said parl.-Y----u--_________o/ the second part, _...___...___....u~u.~u...___...u_........___........___...m....u~.__~._.'"".m .~---::----~---~---~--~--:":"'_--~.--~---~--~--_:":"_--~---~---~--~_._~.--~ .--:" -~ -~----- -~--~. ~--~--.~---~ --_-:-:---~--~---~---~ and to 000........1 :t_s___S_UQq~_l;'U;~Q.:t'_s...___...___::-___...n:":"___:-..... and assigns Joreoer all that real property situated in the --~---... --..... _ ~- _ -~ u...___...___...__...___~..~___...u _~ _ _..._ u::- CountJ,l oj n.... _ _..._ _ _..._ .....Santa _ -Clara-- _ -. --.. -- -. ","---,","---.., State oj California bounded and described as/olloIDS, to-IDit: Beginning at a 4" x 4" white post marked S.M. being common corner for Las Animas Ranch Lots 50 and 51 in the East line of Las Animas Ranch Lot 48 and distant South 320 151 East 2.26 chains from corner L.A.15, being the South- ernmost corner of the John Gilroy portion of the San Ysidxo Rancho in the Eastern line of the Las Animas Rancho and running thence along the line between Ranch Lots 50 and 51 North 570 47' East 64.60 chains to an 8" x 8" white post marked S.M. being common cor- ner for Ranch Lots 50 and 51 in the East line of said Las Animas Rancho, and the West line of the Quentin Ortega portion of the San Ysidro Rancho and from which post a sycamore 30 inches in dia. marked for corner S.Y.l & L.A.16 of said Rancho bears North 350 15' West 2.26 chains, thence along said last named Ranch line South 350 151 East 25.14 chains to an 8" x 8" x 8 foot white post marked S.B.l M. being common corner for Ranch Lots 51 and 52, thence along the line between said Ranch Lots 51 and 52 South 54- 3/40 West 35.00 chains to an 8" x 8" x 8 foot white post marked S.B.4 M. and being Northwest corner for Ranch Lot 52 and South 35015' East 4.80 chains to an 8" x 8" x 8 foot white post marked S.B.T.R.M. being common corner for Ranch Lots 51 and 53 in the Southwest line of Ranch Lot 52, thence along the line between said Ranch Lots 51 and 53 South 54-3/40 West 31.30 chains to a 4" x 4" white post marked T .R.M. a rough bla.ck rock 4 x 4 x 2-1/2 lks. laying on South side of post, thence North 320 15' West 33.~4chains to the point of beginning, containing 190.45 acres andLb_.eing designat ed on Map No. 7 accompanying the fina.l report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller ~t al vs. Massey Thomas et al Suit No. 5536 as Ranch Lot No. 51. Including a right-of-way, for ingress to and egress from said 190.45 acres, over a strip of land having a uniform width of 20 feet lying along the Southeasterly and Southwesterly boundary lines of Lot 48 of said Las Animas Rancho as SO set off and desig- nated in the Partition of the Las Animas Rancho (Case No.5536 in the nPerior Court of $ant~ Clar~ County, California) and contigq- illS hereto 1d eXfendJ.nS2:._+rom t e Northea.sterly boundary line OJ:- ~e onter~y oad5 State~1ghway to the southwesterly bOUndary 1ne Of sa1u ot . Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or m anywise #.~is""'fb~~~ch~g"jl1~ei~lr~~~~~"n~~~n:r~~f~or-::~~1:~~te~fi)v LaSn.An1rrias__and: _ -San.. _J.oaqullL_Laiid__ C Y-r..l.nc.o~p-ora.t.eQ.,---a:--c rp-Qrat.~.on a~~ Mr~ltM~M~;S-u~?t-~~-~-~~~l9:1g-@1 -1~~-~~~?~etgf!~dg~!li~~~i-~-2~--g-~9i-2 1~-af~-~---~~_fl~_rfg:t.--~-e.iR.9MgE~.--~~~Qt~.ene.~~sJ;-n~a~~ug.~:---Q;[--san---a__J~'-la.r.a-)u 1ft. .Rutaa ifljtrrur, th~ said part__ynn______.oj the first parI haS__u__mu_hereunto seL__h.eXm_ hand--mand seaL----the day and year first abooe written. ___~ ,},., _ .D.-/ /~'::'~:'::':-~:'... ___. _. _ _ _ _ _. _ _.. _ _ _...... _ _ _ __ _. CL.AYTON & co. FORM 1000.1t-24 .. -' . · ..' I RES 0 L UTI 0 N ---------- WHE'REAS, the City of Gilroy has received a Deed dated Jamlary 24th, 1927, duly executed by M. B. Thomas, a sin~le woman, whereby there is conveyed to the City of Gilroy,Ranch Lot No. 51, containin~ 190.45 acres, which Lot is designAted on Map No. 7 accomDa~yinr; the final report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller, et aI, vs. Massey Thomas, et aI, Suit No. 5536 Superior Court of the County of' Santa lIlara, to- r gether with a right of way for in~ress to a~d e~ress from said property from the Monterey Road (State Highway) as described in said Deed, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That said Deed be and the same is hereby accepted by the City of Gilroy and the same ordered placed on record in the office of the County Hecorder of the County of Santa lIlara, State of CAlifornia. Adopted this 7th day of ~ebruary, 1927, by the following vote: /,~ b . J) '- ,', ''I . C I' AYES-- Councilmen l. J ", 4M/u::b. (,j~wWhVy--IvtC:'il-iJft..-.1 () /" - · I S ~ OJ: A/~~ .~ V flJ 0, C, j p.u.Jvv,c,N/.l.i/Yl. ) CI ~ ' ,. :.t J ,JIM. '~ '1 .0/ '. I 13luJ}.. /.,fI?A/oUJ/Lt. NOES--Councilmen None U Il tJ}1Y- ABSENT--Councilmen : . Approved this 7th day of Februa 1927 . ,/- / ATTEST: ~/' 0.;./ CP. (7, 'v/i ;-qJ/VJA City Clerk.. Vi rl zl -1 01 :'\j HI :'1"".) 81 ~ 01 . HI U~OI CI.lI f:Ll1 ~I . ~ . .~ ~ 0 H ?-:.rl .0..-1 o 'd Q)'+-; -j.) 0 ;J ..... C) ....' Q) -j.) >< ...-1 Q)-:) 'd 0 Q) -j.) Q) ~ 0) ~ S .. 0 Q) ,C: 0::8 ~'- - t'- C\l Q") rl '" ,C +> t'- l>, H '" ~ ..- . ~; ,D Q) Ii ..}<. :.:; .~ ~ .. ,..., ~ ~ ;:c: ~ ~ ,~ 11 e ~ ~ ~ 8 .::1 G: N E <.L'l ~ $, ~~~ ~ . ~ ... ~ t'"'. .!: -;~(3 ~ :.k. t/-' .... San Jose, California, July 19th, 1926. Received from the City of Gilroy the Sllia of One Thousand (~1000.00) Dollars as a deposit on account of the purchase price of the following described property, situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, to-wit: Lot No. 51 of the Las Animas Rancho as so set off and designated in the Partition of the L2s Animas Rancho (Case No. 5536 in the Superior Court of Santa Clara County, California), containing 190.45 acres, subject to the right of way for towers and electric transmission wires, for the purchase price of Thirty-eight Thousand Ninety (~38,090.00) Dollars. The balance of the purchase price is to be paid within ninety (90) days from da.te hereof. AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS TO-WIT: First: That should the Bond Issue be defeated at the election which is to be called for the purpose of voting bonds, that seid City may acquire tile above described la.nd for a sewer farm, the $1000. paid hereon as a deposit shall be returned to the undersigned purchaser and this agreement shall thereupon become null and void. Second: That the evidence of title is to be in the form of a Guaranteed Certificate of Title issued by the San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance Co., vnlich is to be furnished and paid for by the undersigned seller. Should the title to said property not prove merchc"nta-ble and should said seller not perfect, or be able to perfect, the srune within a reasonable time, the purchaser shall have the option of demanding and receiving bac~ said deposit and shall be released from all obligation hereunder. Third: That the taxes for the current fiscal year ending \. (2 ) June 30th, following this date, and the rents, if any, shall be prorated from date of delivery of deed. Fourth: That the undersigned seller expects to locate a public roadway to be 40 feet in width along the Southeasterly line of lot 48 of said Las Animas Rancho and along the North- westerly line of said lot 51 of said Rancho to extend from the Monterey Road to the Northeasterly boundary line of said lot 51, and for that purpose reserves for the benefit of the public the free and unobstructed use of all land lying witbin the boundaries of a strip of land having a uniform width of 20 feet contiguous to and immediately Southeasterly of the Northwesterly boundary line of said lot 51 extending from its Southwesterly boundary line to its Northeasterly boundary line. Fifth: That should the undersigned seller be unable to obtain enough land from Hanna and from Shepard to locate said roadway as described in paragraph 4th hereof, then the under- signed seller shall grant to the undersigned purchaser a right- of-way over a strip of land 20 feet wide contiguous to and North- west of and Northeast of the Southeasterly and the Southwesterly boundary lines of said lot 48 of said Las Animas Rancho and to extend from the Monterey Road to the Southwesterly boundary line of said lot 51 of said Rancho. Sixth: That should the undersigned seller be unable to locate said 40 foot roadway as hereinbefore described, the 20 foot right-of-way along the Northwesterly boundary line of said lot 51 shall be abandoned by her and included in the deed to said undersigned purchaser. Seventh: That since the Southeasterly boundary line of said lot 48 and the Northwesterly boundary line of said lot 51 are not opposite each other, the undersigned seller may cause (3) a curve to be located in said 40 foot roadway in order to avoid sharp turns. Eighth: That should said undersigned seller be able to obtain enough land from Hanna and Shepard to locate said road- way, prior to said Bond Issue election, she may dedicate the same to the County of Santa Clara for the use of the public as hereinbefore mentioned, and said dedication shall in no manner interfere with the sale of said property to the under- signed purchaser. // .-----"\, JAMES/t. O~T~N_!~? ,,/,).~...__. 'ov //1;::;. 1/ :., <- /- ) J r -' ,\..l,~'-l:..._'-!_::....... _c ./ Real Estate Agent The City of Gilroy, a body politic, thereunto by resolu- tion duly authorized, agrees to purchase the above described property on the terms and conditions herein stated. CITY OC--vIL_ by Co ( () , City J.)LRJ I agree to sell the above described property on the terms and conditions hereinbefore stated. - ..