Del Monte Partners . NO FEE per GC See 6103 REf CORDING REQUESTED BY JAN Z 'I HcGg '.t,~'S f' 8288533 I,.' L;.",/ / Name street Address City State Zip I. f' Clty 0 Gllroy Public Works Departrrent 7351 Rosanna Street ~ Gilroy, CA 95020 I ~ Q? '" C\.i & c::) FILED FCh '~ECORD AT REQUF.-: OF. ~~~ DEC27 ~131flH'98~ ~ t... .... ~ ""0 :. c:"!') "" . City of Gilroy AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ~ ,., OF!'ClAl RECORDS :;'^~!A CL.ARA COUNTY {j :!,f!,:IEAMANN . . ", TRAR RECORDER " ~... ~, SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE - Name MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I Same as Above I Street Address City State Zip ~ ~ DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ none _COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, _OR COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING AT TIME OF SALE. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax. Firm Name GRANT DEED (Escrow No. m.mmm.m..n) By this instrument dated .m.m.~~~!:nJ}L.J:~~Jmmnmm......m....mn..mmn..mm, for a valuable consideration, Del Nonte Partners hereby GRANTS to The City of Gilroy the following described Real Property in the State of California, County OL.mSantanClara...nm..m.mnm..m.mnnmn City of n..n....n.nnnn...nu.nnnnnn.n.n...nnn.n....nn... See Exhibit "A" Attached hereto and made a part hereof Del !1onte Partners ~'~ c/'..'.' ..n~X: .C~n nn nO' ~; nnnm mmm:::m.~ o Z E ... o r... STATE OF CALIFORNIA I On..De.""~m..lac:.J.t.....!3........, 19?.f., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said ~ C L SS. County and State, personally appeared......€:4...W.t3..&u[).......S.b:.~lt:u€u~.......u...u.....u.u. COUNTY OFh..-9.~:.?7:U..J...(ifYt:. &E..A/.E:j!../M.,l?b::g.r.Nx../.(.""u.uuD...s....J....u..01.Q.N.T.e......u~-9..gT'f't!.~u~S....m... proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person.......... whose name..................L.S................huusubscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged to me that ..........he...h..... executed the same. No'",', Sign""~'c-:,~..W..~m....m...m..... MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE . OFFICIAL SEAL .., NEVIS WILEY NOTARY PUBUC . CALIFORNIA . SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm. Expires Oct. 17, 1987 r-- 'C 0- -0 ~ '> '" p:: o '<l' '" J1i\1r!g:316 WELL SITE ACCESS EASEMENT Being a portion of Lot 9 as shown upon that certain map entitled "Las Animas Technology Park Tract No, 7190", which map was filed for record in Book 498 of :Haps at pages 47 to 49, Santa Clara County records; boundary of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the above referred to Lot 9, thence along the northerly boundary of said Lot 9 north 710 32' 26" east 220.61 feet, thence leaving said northerly boundary south 180 27' 34" east 15.00 feet, thence north 710 32' 26" east 40.00 feet to the "true point of begin- ning", being the southeasterly corner of Well Lot, thence leaving said southeasterly corner south 180 27' 34" east 33,50 feet, thence south 710 32.' 26" west 190.00 feet, thence south 570 41' 07" west 57,08 feet, thence along a curve to the left whose tangent bears south 610 55' 08" west, with a radius of 447 feet, through a central angle of 30 58' 36" and an arc length of 31.02 feet, thence north 390 24' 41" east 15.58 feet, thence north 710 32' 26" east 213.47 feet, thence north 180 27' 34" west 8.50 feet, thence north 710 32' 26" east 20.00 feet to the "true point of beginning",c:f:... Exhibit A . . -'11" ~l.r.:::: .31-7 iJ l ,. '..._~ ........ ----- ,- ~-- / -----I --------- : I I @ : '0 1I'~7' ~+'6 WE/../.. LOT MA'~TE~---r--.I;J~. ~...fi j ~E~EIJT Z-L ~ / ~/~ ' ~~, // I I I "" I _ / /1 WELL U1f '..J I.. ///. /1 I ! ////1 I I I.' / /1 1- ! 1"/<1 ell I I I l~/~'1 ::! I, ! ~I~/~~~ I ! ;,~/g'l:. I ' -I "-1 ". 1'5_00' r:u.E..tl I I.; j Eo I I /1 I I //1 I !. .' /1 I II ~ // I I '/1 I , t z/ .1 I ! I~\~ I 1,,",/ '!\-\ I I"., \~.. -lr;/ ~ 0 I~ lm/'~'/, .\~ '$ I /\ I . / I 't,' //(~~ 1 ~' .. ""!. t, I p ...... on 1- ~ ~ ~$. 4\0"- · o. 't ....~j-:. ~'ll ~ --,.---- ~I-lIBIT e. @ ~ ACL~ rY-:>7~ WELL &:,ITE. t~/-L~ ~,*",aJT. j,---I -- ------- ....- .. J141r,I.G~318 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY DEL MONTE PARTNERS I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Couneil, a eertified eopy of which resolution is on record in the offiee of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the eonveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Del Monte Partners of the premises deseribed in the attaehed conveyanee dated the 13th day of Deeember , 19 .84 ,and that the said City of Gilroy eonsents to the reeordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of Deeember 19 84 ~-. ~ strator of the City of Gilroy