Will of Mary Jullien, James Castillou, Executor
THIS INDENTURE, made this 5th dFlY of F~"h::rurtry 1912, by ann
o?t~een James Casti~lou, Executor of the Will of Mary Jllllien,
deceased, lRte of the Ooun3Y o~ Santa Olar~, state of Oalifornia,
the party of the first part, ann The Ci tv of' Gilroy, a munioipal
corporation, of the State of California, the party of the second
That whereas under and by virtue of the authority
gi ven the said party of' the first part by t!le 'nll of Mary JUlliel1,
deoeased, to nell the real property of nain Mary JUllien, deceased.,
and pursu.ant to leeal notieen thereof, the said 9arty of" the
first part did, on the 2nd day of January 19l~, offer for sale,
and. sell at private sale and subject to confirmation of the
Superior Oourt of t}1.,j county of Santa Clara., state of Oalifornia,
the retal estate hereinafter deseribed, 11\1'hich land is ni tuate in
the County of Santa Clara, State of' California, and was ful~~r
described in the notices of sale thereot'; that at such sale the
said party of the second 'part became the PU.I'chl'1ser of tl16 land
h'3reinafter n.escribed for the mUll of Nine hund.red Dollars, Gold
Coin of the United states of America, it being the higllest and.
best bidder therefor and said S1.un being the highest and bf3st sum
And Whereas the ~aid Superior Court upon the due and legal
return of his sale made under the terms of said 1~ill, made l~r
the said part~, of the first part on the 19th day. of January 1912,
after making said B~le, and upon due ann. legal notice of at least
ten da.ys given as required by la1", did on the 19th (iay of Jan-
uary 1912, m~ke an order confirming said sale and nirecting
" II
conveyance to 11e executen to the said 9art~r of the sf3conn part,
'l'Thich order 00nfirming said sale an,'!. no"! on file in the offioe
of the county Olerk of the Cmlnty of Santa Clara, state of C8l-
ifornia, and a certified copy th0reof filed for record in the
office of the County Reoorder of the County of Santa Olara, state
of California, on the 5th day of Fe'brlta~r 1912, '-'l.re hereby re-
ferred to and rnade a part of this Indenture.
NOW THEREFORE the said James Caf3tillou, Exec'l.tol' of the Will
of Mary Jullien, d~'ceaBed, as aforesaid, the 9arty of the first
part, 9ursuant to the order last aforesaid of said Superior
court, for and in consideration of Hine hundred Dol1arr:, United
states Gold Coin, to him in hand paid by the said party of the
second part, tl1e receipt '.'lhereof is hereb~l acknr)ll'Tlerlged, does
by these presents, grant, 'hargain, sell 8.nct. c!)nvey unto the said
party of the neQonct. part, ita f3l1.Ccesso::rs and 8.sRign8 forever,
all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Mar~r JUllien,
deceaaed, at the time of her death, and. also all the right, titl:e
and interest that the Baio. efJtate, by operation of 1m' or other-
wine, may have acquired, other than or in addition to that of'
said deceased at the time of her death in and to all that certain-
lot, piece or 9arcel of lann situate, l;ring and 'heing in the
city of Gilroy, Count~r of' Santa Clara, State of California, and
bolimded and descrihect. as :follows, to-~.,i t:
Beginning I'1t the point of int(3rseotion of th" Southerl~r
line of Martin Lane ,.,.1 th the Easterly line of' Monterey street
and rnnning tllence Southerly and along the Easterly line of
Monter~r Street 50 feet; thence 8t right angles Easterl~r 169
f'eet to the W'9st,~rl~r line of' lands of' Southe:rn Pl'1cif'ic Railrotld
co., thence Northerly and along the ~eBterly line of' land of'
Southern Pacific Railroad Co. 77.48 feet to the Southerly line
of' Martin Lane, and thence Westerly and along the southerly line
of Martin Lane 171.34 feet to the plaoe of "heginning, being
Lot No.1. in Block 3 ~nd 4 Horth Rangt3 1 Ennt 01' the city of
Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanceo
thereunto helonging OJ" in any wise ap~')ertaining.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singultlr the above mentioned and
dencribed l)r':}IOli::;en toe.,trler with the appurtenances unto the
said l)art~, of' the seoond part, and its flUCCeS8'jrS and assigns
IN iVITNESS 1YHEREOJ' the 13l'1id party of' the first part, as
such Executor has hereunto set hiu h~nrl the (lay lImd year in this
Indenture first i'Vri tten.
!~ &~~
E~1utor of the 1Vill of Mary Jt1.llien,
State of California, t
County of Santa Clara, ) SS. ~..d ~ .
year One Thousand Nine Hundred an~.. be~:e :~~S~~~';~~"~:"~~';~~~'~~:;,f~'~~~a;;'~~~;;"'." and ';0: s:~:
County of Santdal 'a, residing ther~n, ~I~ .c?,~issioned and sworn, personally a~ed........................~.... ......................
.. ...... . .~A..A.A if . A ../..&f!.~.........f.!"...~...d..P&........ ~<~..... .........................
"............... . J1K.f":"f':~. ~ -ti' J:v;..
known to me to be the person.........described in, whose name...~......subscribed
to and who executed the annexed instrument, and .....he..... acknowledged to me that
.....he..... executed the same..a&.~.....~...,..........................
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my and and affixed my official seal,
at my office in the c.oy~~~.~.......... ..~d year last abo e written.