Jim Gailey - Annual 2006 .~ CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION COVER PAGE ,,~\121a14'" AU % J,'j' O. ....'\ l h~ ""J '>,.0 "" q, ~ ,:;;. Date Receiit.v <lj-, 14':;. J OfficSm ~'h r~O M cmQ.BISCIftCE C'.~ M DlfI fA \ .~ """".. \\~ '-< (~r' STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS Please type or print in ink A Public Document DAYTIME TEL-EP,H6NENUfIIIBER NAME (FIRST) 1. Office, Agency, or Court Name of Office, Agency, or Court: Division, Board, District, if applicable: flu. / IcA(,,~ l3oCJIrc:l .J.{ ct/7J?-PQt.r Your Position: f pr7 ?ne/h2 ~ - If filing for multiple positions, list additional agency(ies)/ position(s): (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) D State D County of . G I LYClI D Multi-County [XCity of D Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) D Assuming Office/Initial Date: ------1------1_ ii1 Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006. -or- a The period covered is ------1------1_, through December 31, 2006. D Leaving Office Date Left: ------1_/_ (Check one) a The period covered is January 1, 2006, through the date of leaving office. -or- a The period covered is ------1------1_, through the date of leaving office. D Candidate (MIDDLE) (; y(fl,~ t f- STATE ZIP CODE (Lja ) t?Lf6 -60 OPTIONAL: FAX I E-MAil ADDRESS 4. Schedule Summary - Total number of pages r-L including this cover page: ...:...L- - Check applicable schedules or "No reportable interests." I have disclosed interests on one or more of the attached schedules: Schedule A-1 DYes - schedule attached Investments (Less than 10% Ownership) Schedule A-2 lVf Yes - schedule attached Investments (10% ";J greater Ownership) Schedule B ~ Yes - schedule attached Real Property Schedule C DYes - schedule attached Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Income Other than Gifts and Travel Payments) Schedule D DYes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule E DYes - schedule attached Income - Travel Payments -or- D No reportable interests on any schedule 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date Signed FPPC Form 700 (2006/2007) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC .. SCHEDULE A-2 Investments, Income, and Assets of Business Entities/Trusts (Ownership Interest is 10% or Greater) Name 1'1/ Address .. . (~ G.. , 5-14 J ~ ,...... r.:r:r "T J"tt/Yl'f ~ ,!-r (7ilYf;)~ ,f';"h cc() Check one o Trust, go to 2 usiness Entity, complete the box, then go to 2 FAIR MARKET VALUE ~ $2,000 - $10,000 0$10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ---1---1 06 ACQUIRED ---1---1~ DISPOSED NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Sole Proprietorship D Partnership D (/ 1A/h/(: (( Other YOUR BUSINESS POSITION Name Address Check one o Trust, go to 2 . - - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY o Business Entity, complete the box, then go to 2 FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Sole Proprietorship D Partnership D YOUR BUSINESS POSITION D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1.000 D $1,001 - $10,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1 06 ACQUIRED ---1---1~ ! DISPOSED Other D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 IlXI $10,001 - $100,000 -0 OVER $100,000 > 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME OF $10,000 OR MORE (attach a separate sheet If necessary) > 4. INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Check one box: D INVESTMENT D REAL PROPERTY Name of Business Entity ill Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property Description of Business Activity ill City or Other Precise Location of Real Property FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---106 ---1---1 06 ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Stock D Partnership D Leasehold D Other Yrs. remaining D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached Comments: D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 > 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME OF $10,000 OR MORE (attach a separate sheet If necessary) Check one box: D INVESTMENT > 4. INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST D REAL PROPERTY Name of Business Entity ill Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property Description of Business Activity ill City or Other Precise Location of Real Property FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust D Leasehold Yrs. remaining IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---106 ---1---1 06 ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Stock D Partnership D Other D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached FPPC Form 700 (2006/2007) Sch. A-2 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC .. CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POllllCtu_ flf::tA-C"'lC:;::,. CC~H."~$10~J SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) >- STRf7 AODRESS 2 PRECISE LOCATION ~ fret eh "'rei. J J- CITY FAIR:"::; .111 0$2,000. $10,000 o S10,001 . $100,000 ~ $100,001 . $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ?.r c/to IF APPLICABLE, UST DATE: ..m:t. 06 ---1-106 ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~wnershiplOeed of Trust o L.ec$ehold o Easement o Other Vrsc 19mailliog IF RENTAL. PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0 - $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1.001 . $10.000 ~10.001 - $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: if ~ou own a 10% or greater Intere5t, IIsl lhe name of each tenanl that Is a $Ingle $QUrce of income of $10.000 or more 'I'~ \Joe ~re7:-- f{/l"Jd; fOfA Lt ,vf /41vt '1 d ~ Name I > I I I II STREET ADDRESS OR PRE9SE LOCAn<jN , 1 _ rztftco chv(-'~ /~ CITY c G C~7' ('f4. FAIR MARKET VALUE I IF APPlICABLE, UST DATE: OS2,ooa.$10,OOO 19/(76 1_/06 O S10 DOl . "100 000 ..L...!J.J...:fO_ - ~ $10~.OOl ~ $l,~O,OOO ACQUIRED DISPOSED DOver $1,000.000 NATURE OF INTEREST B,pwnershiplOeed of Trust o Easement U Leasehold 0 Yrs ",malolog OIlIer II I IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1 ,001 . $10,000 ~10,001 - $100,00D 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL. INCOME: it ~ou own a to% or greater intefe5t, list tf"oe name of each tenant that is a single source of in~ of $10,000 f yore 7ft(, <J V oc 1l11.,.{- 7f!-t2 (j:eds-e PIG( Y1 iJ ~ * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status, Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonlhsIYeats) % 0 Non.. HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500 ' $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 o $10,001 " $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, If applicable Comments: NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINess ACTIVITY OF LENDER II II INTEREST RATE TERM (Month6IYearsl .,4 0 NDn. HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 - '10.000 o $10,001 . S100,OOO 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor. if opplieable FPPC Fonn 100 (2006iZ001) Sell. B FPPC Toll'Frn HelpllnG: 868JASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 F~IR POI ITICA.... PRAC-;-lCC;S CO'~t:]~~H.J:-J SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) )> STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION r-J2.t6 OliIVd~ Jr CITY G. l,r7 ('II _ ? J t/lf.J FAIR MARKET VAl.UE r IF APflUCABLE, UST DATE: 0$2,000. $10,000 ICy'on DS10OO1 . $100000 !-J1..L.1. 06 ---1-106 " ACQUIRED DISPOSED ~100,OOl - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST ~wnerslliPIOeed Of Trust o Easement o Leuehold 0 Yrs. remainIng Otllor IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o SO - $499 0 S500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 ~10,OO1 - $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: it 'IOU own a 10% or greater Interest, Jlst tile flame of each tenant that i5 a 51ngle 5l1Un::e of Income of $10,000 or more fA- TQ.5~ I1r,-Q r G L f.A. ( J y-e y 1'1 OJ" ('J Name -- .. Go r'V\ )> STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCAnON 7 S- {; (j 1f-1'ff,,/fV1'j- r d- CITY Gt l /'ilt F....,R MARl<ETVALU { o $2,000. $10,000 o S10,OOl . $100,000 [!I $100,001 - $1,000,000 o Over $1,000,000 (/]., IF APPLICABLE, UST DATE: I rrs 06 ____L...J~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~wnllfShiplOeed of Trust o Easement o Leasehold 0 Yr. remalnlng Oller IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0- $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001. $10,000 ~10'~ - S100<:r.p 0 OVER $100,000 ~u~s c1RENTAL INCOME It 'Iou own a 10% or greaiBr interest, 1151 the r.ame of eacn tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 Of more_ /J {)v( V..-.f.r ~ -~ 144'1e.-" I \ Ccn-tJfh-t-LcA-t ~ 01< You are not required to report loalls from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER" NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF L.ENDER INTEREST RATE TERM {MonthsIYeats) % 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500. $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10.000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, if applicable Comments: ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthsIYearsl % 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURIHG REPORTING PERIOD o $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER 5100,000 o Guarantor, if applicable 1/ FPPC Form 100 (2006i2001) Seh, B FPPC TolI-Frn Helpline: 868/ASK.FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FA1R P()lITI,~A\... FF\ACTICE::-. ':~~~~.'I:;io::::'10:-' SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rontallncome) ,. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION CITYI]f7 b '1 W1~~Jd- GrLrrl ell y.lV20 FAIR MARKET VAl.UE7 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: 0$2,000. $10,000 /t:;;il1 c: 0$10,001. $100,000 ~ ' I~ --1-106 ACQUIRED DISPOSED 0$100,001 - $1,000,000 ~ver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST l8.0wnel'$hiplDeed of Trust o LeMehold o Easement o Other YfII. fIImallliog IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 . $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10.000 6il..$10,OO1 - $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: It you own a 10% or greater Intere1lt, Itst the name of each tenant that is a single Slnln::e of income of $10,000 or more. -1J('~ C~r'J-e7 {"V. It, -"", l~ """ fh,t d/'v~k I , Name LJ( > STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION 715/ /61 nyfjJ- CITY . G, t~7 ' {'A-I FAIRMARI<ETVALUE ( o $2,000. $10,000 o $10,001 - $100,000 ~100,001 - 51,000,000 II Over $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, UST DATE: ..tZ.1,6 06 -1-1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF tNTEREST [3.QwnershiplOeed of Trust o Easement o Leasehold 0 Yro nomalning OltIer IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0- $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 ~$10,001 - $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME it you own a ii:i% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that i& a single source of income of $10,000 or more. ~tY7'>lf G"".-?d-J ]:~ o;;,.,~~~ * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as foHows: J? V-/ t/q 'f~ Iilr"E~EST RATE b % o None TERM (MonthsIYeats) '7 i) c., a- t HIGHEST BALANce DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500. $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 o 510,001 ' Sl00,OOO 6(t OVER $100.000 o Guarantor, If applicable Comments: NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDeR INTEREST RATE TERM (MOIIthslYears) % 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500 . $1,000 0 51.001 - $10,000 o 510,001 ~ 5100,000 0 OVER 5100,000 o Guaranlor, if applicabla FPPC Fonn toO (2006i2007) Set!, B FPPC Toll~FrGe' Helpline: 8681ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 F,\IR pOlln..;A.... p~A~~lCf;;~ -:t.. '~r,.)~~lU':-: SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) .. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION Y'- PI (orlJJ- JJ- CITY G7 'LYd Y I [If, FAIR MARKET VAL.UE / IF APf'UCABLE, UST DATE: 0$2,000. $10,000 o $10,00\ . $100,000 ~ $100,001 - :51,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ~ 'J 106 AC~ED --1-106 DISpOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~ownershiPIDeed of Trus! o Easement o Lell~ellold 0 Vr.. ..mai~log OtI1er IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 - $\,000 0 $1,001 - $10.000 ~10.001 - $100,000 0 OVER $100,0.00 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: it you own a 10% or greater Interest, list the flame of each tenant that II> a alngle SQUn::e of I (I"""'"~:+i:tr /Jd~~~ 15' ~Y" 6.,.+c~~ > SfRry iOO:(o OR 7;;;V;V~J j- CITY -6; l..YcJ1 FAIR MARKETVAlU o S2,OOO. $10,000 o S10,001 . $100,000 g $100,001 - $1,000,000 tiOver $1,000.000 r-rr. ! IF APf'LlCABLE, UST DATE: -,-,06 -1---106 ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~ OwnershiplOeed of Trust o Easement o Leasehold 0 Yr. <emai0i0ll 0_ IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0 - $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 Ij1 510,001 - $100,OOD 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME it you own a 10% or greater inlerer.t, list !he name of each tenant that is a single source of ~~:;1;~~; ;;~ ~:~~en- *' You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of 1."e public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER" NAME OF lENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslVeats) % 0 Non.. HIGHEST BAL.ANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500. Sl,OOO 0 $1,001 . $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, If applicable Comments: ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER II I INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthsIYearsl % 0 Non. HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500 . $1.000 0 $1.001 - $10.000 o 510,001 . 5100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, if applicable FPPC Form 700 (200612001) Set!, e FPPC TolI-FrEnJ Helpline: 868/ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) !frel1t:;j RC>7rl9P-~7- I . * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: > STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION .-, I S"V /rtf-ftVt1/ Q s-J- CITY G, tr7/ r p:tq. cr 5' () UJ FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 R $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: L,?:e:pfr~ ---1_/~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST e OwnershiplDeed of Trust D Easement D Leasehold D Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 lX.$10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. 'l/5v J~ r; /sY ~-r&QN':+-~ > STR~ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION I l 2-'1 cJ /t.{~ V"()cr o~n/c;.ftJ- . CITY G, Lr7 t114. rJ u1.() FAIR MARKET VALUE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 ~ $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ZLiJ1L~ _/_/~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST gownershiplDeed of Trust D Easement D Leasehold D Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 ~10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. is" a /u-/q 1? q cAd- '72Fto ?2't'i OIQ~ fru,y./o ~ NAME OF LENDER" NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 D Guarantor, if applicable Comments: ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 D Guarantor, if applicable FPPC Form 700 (2006/2007) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 r:..lj;:j; pc; ri....~L F-~c.!.,; \._':\ .....c.l.. ':I:.I~:J SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (InCluding Rental Im;ome) ,.. s~ "6ESS OR ;'Eose LOCATIO'" I (2 5' li<JJolf/rVCI CITY FA0K~:::J ( (/f o 112,000.510.000 o $10.001 . SI00.ooo o "00,001 . 1'.CIllO,OOO ~vel $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST ~Owl'leraJ\lplDeed of TIU. Gf50 lo IF AJ>IlIUCAIILE. UGT DAn;: 2fjp.L~ --,--,.!H.. ACQUIRED OISPOSED o EII_enl o Leuehald o 0lMt YR. ~ ~ S'I'REr JIDDRIOSt OR PRECl~ LOCAlION ltil S-+-nv.J- CITY 0f Crrq- C7-l. 7'> ~o FAIR MARKl;:TVAUJI; IF" APPlICABLE. LIST DATE: o $2.000. '10.GQO .., .01\ o 110,001. SI00,DllO ..!:::::J~8 ~6 6l.S100.aol - ",oao.ooo o 0vBJ $1,OlIO.000 NATURE OF INTEREST ~~ of TMI o l,uohoId o Easement o 0DIr Yn-'-' IF' AEHTAL PROPERTY. GROOS INCOIIE RECBVED 0$0. $489 l:I SSOO - 11.000 0 $1,001 - SI0.000 o SID,OOl - "00,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RBlTAlINCOME' If you own a iK Of gnaaier "ter_ nat l1e name of each tenanl Ilia! ia a IIIlGIe llOlIrt.I8 01 inC:OIM of $1?.?oo or rrlDJIt ~ L l2et J O"'.\..e.l . ~5; r~ f S , IF ReNTAl. ~ GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - S41l1l 0 S500 . $1,000 0 $1.001 . 510.000 ~10,OOI . "00,000 0 OVER $11lD.OOO SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: Ii ~ own a ilW. 01 greater Interesl, 1181 Ihe name of eadt tenan1lhat Is . lingle 1I~ of I~ $10.000 or mona. (josefh ({d ~.;..la (' l?t.tJr tA~,:; bV. /4i12 ~ (fel.eYYQ/ !rAe/;e /Vov&rtJ . You are not required to report loans from commercial tending Institutions. or any indebtedness created as part of a retail Installment or credit card transaction, made In the lender's regular course of business on tenns available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender'S regular eourse of business must be disclosed as follOWS: ......ME OF LENDER" NAME OF LENDER" ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTMlY OF LENDER INTI!~I!ST RATE TERM (MonIIItIV_) '!I. 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE OURING RePOHTING PeRIOD o '600 . $1,000 0 1'.001 . $10.~ o $10.001 . 5100.000 0 OVER l1DO.000 o QUlranlor, If appll~e Comments: ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDEA INTEREST RATE TERM (U~l ~ 0 Nan. HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o IIOll - 11.000 0 $1.001 - '10.0CJO o 510.001 ' 1100,000 0 OVER 1100,000 o c.,....,..OI. if appliCllble Fj)pC Form fOIl j2OOGI2601) Sch. 8 FPPC ToU-Free tfelptlno: 888JAltK4=PPC