Jim Gailey - Annual 2010 CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION A PUBLIC DOCUMENT STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS COVER PAGE /~ /C:',Y'~' '''\ ,/~("j,.;; ",.. I;{~ ' ~ "( A', I~::'; D~t~nR~,ed \,~~:~ \ (;: tl1\W u~ .~,.. (. \ ,',) (\!-N CLER~S Oflft\.>G. ~. I ~f \1~ n I , r,r (: , ,~ r'" O[J;\ ""'. 'cr'l .Jlt!'\, ~ "~ \(~. {.'-'-~~ .t-\,,~~ Please type or print in ink. NAME OF FILER (LAST) r;Q;/~ 1;: (FIRST) VGmer ( )ft::J'Yir{ ..{. L 1. Office, Agency, or Court VIe: chat;"'- Your Position '/cnVh"rh ..... dHl~ 'ai1-~ Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) o State o Multi-County lB.city of &i L rO 'f 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) !R.Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010, .or. The period covered is ----1----1_, through December 31, 2010. o Judge (Statewide Jurisdiction) o County of o Other o Leaving Office: Date Left ----1----1_ (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 2010, through the date of leaving office. o Assuming Office: Date ----1----1_ o The period covered is ----1----1_, through the date of leaving office. o Candidate: Election Year Office sought, if different than Part 1: 4. Schedule Summary Check applicable schedules or "None." ~ Total number of pages including this cover page: ~ o Schedule A.1 . Investments - schedule attached ~ Schedule A.2 . Investments - schedule attached gJ Schedule B . Real Properly - schedule attached o Schedule C . Income, Loans, & Business Positions - schedule attached o Schedule D . Income - Gifts - schedule attached o Schedule E . Income - Gifts - Travel Payments - schedule attached .or. o None. No reportable interests on any schedule MAILING ADDRESS STREET (Business or Agency Address Recommended . Public Document) "A. STATE 9a'Zc) ZIP CODE 5. Verification E-MAIL ADDRESS ('I" )Pt', - 5O?z- I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I acknowledge this is a public docum I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that forego' Date Signed 31 fJ'f D,r Jt, ?iJ II (month, day, year) Sig FP Form 700 (2010/2011) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866 5-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE A-2 Investments, Income, and Assets of Business Entities/Trusts (Ownership Interest is 10% or Greater) ~ 1. BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST v,';" Gq I 'l-e~ Name I ,., ::r #'It qn Je" f!' Address (Business Address Accep able) Check one o Trust, go to 2 IJit Business Entity, complete the box, then go to 2 Name C4. k ZtJV CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name cr;;,.. Address (Business Address Acceptab/e) Check one o Trust, go to 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Cc./')L.s '" t1:itfll.+-- Pe vc ( v/'lfl~"" k- . FAIR MARKET VALUE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: o $2,000. $10,000 Ql $10,001 - $100,000 o $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ~~..1.!L ACQUIRED ~~...1Q.. DISPOSED NATURE OF INVESTMENT Sole Proprietorship D Partnership D Other o $0 - $499 D $500. $1,000 lP<I $1,001 . $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 D $0 . $499 D $500. $1,000 D $1,001. $10,000 ~ 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME OF $10,000 OR MORE (A1l3C~1'-:) scp.:Jr3le sheet If IlCCCS53(Y) ~ ~F APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: t'" ~~~ ~~~ I ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Other o $10,001 . $100,000 DOVER $100,000 ~ 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME OF $10,000 OR MORE (Attiletl.-:) Scp,H3te sheet II ncccss:HY ) ~ 4. INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Check one box: D INVESTMENT D REAL PROPERTY Check one box: D INVESTMENT ~ 4 INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Name of Business Entity Q[ Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property D REAL PROPERTY Name of Business Entity Q[ Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property Description of Business Activity Q[ City or Other Prl!'cise Location of Real Property Description of Business Activity Q[ City or Other Precise Location of Real Property FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 D $100,001 . $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: FAIR MARKET VALUE D $2,000. $10,000 D $10,001 . $100,000 D $100,001 . $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ~~~ ~~..1.!L ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust D Partnership NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust D Stock D Leasehold o Other D Leasehold Yrs. remaining Yrs. remaining D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached Comments: IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ~~-1Q.. ~~-1Q.. ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Stock D Partnership D Other FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. A-2 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION 72"S R o.s'7"'~t; tJi- CITY G'WI7'f (1'1-. FAIR MARKET VAL~E o $2,000 - $10,000 o $10,001 - $100,000 ~$100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 ?5ou IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: 20<'3 ---.I---.Ii!L ---.1---.1 i!L ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST C2\ Ownership/Deed of Trust o Easement o Leasehold o Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0. $499 0 $500. $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 Ql$10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. 726S....,qecqy~ /172v/-~~fM~ r"12S?:r- A/ I/v,.,,.-a; /71. t.r 1 ~~r;6'f1 J~( .., Name Vi';' GDr J<e. ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION /4 f S'-tIr J~ CITY (;;tl;'Of (4. FAIR MARKET VALUE o $2,000 - $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 ~ $100,001. . $1,000,000 QOver $1,000,000 '7 J Ol{) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---.1---.1 i!L ---.1---.1 i!L ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST 181. Ownership/Deed of Trust o Leasehold o Easement o Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 - $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 ~ $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. IJh r~ / r:'o~ ( !3t:?r/"cc~ . * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER' NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (Months/Years) % 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500. $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, if applicable Comments: ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500. $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0 OVER $100,000 o Guarantor, if applicable FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE 8 Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 fAIR POliTICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name Urn: ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION rt I '5 () /5 Y H QI'I/~'!t-__~_ CITY G,lr".., CA. 7'J"d 7c) ____ FAIR MARKET VALUE o $2,000. $10.000 o $10,001 . $100,000 0$100,001 . $1,000,000 DOver $1000.000 ~.ilL ACQUIRED ---.1---.1_1!L DISPOSED ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION '12 L( () / Y f.{ if C) S- Q ,y W"4-?J':J- CITY h~lrr:J r- -.0-~u_9So~__~___._ FAIR MARKET VALUE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE C $2,000 - $10000 C $10,001 - $100,000 ~$100,001 . $1.000,000 DOver $1,000.000 ~3-J.ilL ,-.1---.1.ilL ACQUIRED DISPOSED IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE NATURE OF INTEREST ~ Ownership/Deed of Trust 1 Easement NATURE OF INTEREST ~ Ownership/Deed of Trust C Easement C Leasehold _ . Yrs remalnmg I' Leasehold Other Yrs. remaining L__ Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0 - $499 0 $500 . $1.000 0 $1.001 . $10000 }XI $10.001 . $100.000 L! OVER $100000 IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED CJ $0 - $499 o $500 - $1000 C $1001 - $10000 I,l;;1 $10.001 . $100.000 COVER $100.000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more, Ql5"O ---'I~~.J9_A-rt"IVoJ__ _____ 7/S'f <<r;)r(y::.,~~ SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10.000 or more. 7b.JJ -l?r,wd'cJtrJi Tf2'(C( - /h~""cPd~__ * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the publiC without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows NAME OF LENDER' NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ----_._._~---- ---_._-~- ~,._.._~----- BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER BUSINESS ACTIVITY IF ANY. OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthsNears) INTEREST RATE TERM (Months/Y.ears) -~% C None % ~ None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500. $1000 [J $1001 . $10.000 o $10,001 . $100.000 OVER $100.000 HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500 - $1000 C $1,001 . $10000 -~ $10.001 $100000 [J OVER $100.000 o Guarantor. if applicable [' Guarantor. If applicable Comments: FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) 5ch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE 8 Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) .. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION $IdL[LS:LO ".-.pJ +~-t____~_ CITY b l..-rr)y . _~ Y 5010 FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$2,000. $10.000 0$10,001 . $100,000 ~$100,001 . $1.000000 DOver $1.000,000 IF APPLICABLE LIST DATE 'ZQ() 2. /~ ----.l_J~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~Ownershlp/Deed of Trust j Easement D Leasehold Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 . $1000 [] $1001 - $10.000 ~ $10,001 . $100.000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME. If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10.000 or more, , (j"lt {- 8.eJrro,v' ~/2~IL~I"E:f- ___ Name [J;~ Gq , .. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION I+p. "/nrv d;J- , 2L~-9/-l14 CITY _ G ~ trc/'f__ --C-4~2_'i([1Q_____ FAIR MARKET VALUE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE o $2.000. $10000 D $10.001 . $100,000 D $100,001 . $1,000.000 ~ Over $1.000.000 ~~ ----.l----.l~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~Ownershlp/Deed of Trus1 Easement Leasehold L Yrs remaIning Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED C $0. $499 0 $500. $1.000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 ~ $10,001 . $100.000 0 OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME. If you own a 10% or greater interest. list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10.000 or more, fJ.LLjO - /? lA i r rz l'f'(=_ W( rkerSQ)1 * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status, Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (BUSiness Address Accep/able) BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYearsj % CJ None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD [J $500. $1000 $1001 . $10000 [J $10.001 - $100.000 OVER $100000 [] Guarantor, if applicable Comments: _ NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (Busmess Address Acceptable) _._-~_._._._---~._-----------~ BUSINESS ACTIVITY IF ANY. OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (Mon1hslYears) % CJ None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD $500 . $1000 $10.001 . $100,000 $1.001 - $10.000 [j OVER $100000 Guarantor, If applicable FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. B FPPC TolI.Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION 77 ~ '1--?nc7J1 ~{J~_ CITY -(2~'1CA-. <(SrJ10 FAIR MARKET VALUE o $2000. $10000 0$10,001 - $100000 o $100,001 . $1,000,000 ~ Over $1,000,000 ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION 8"/5/ If, f rvV.e(jif-tfJ- SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) CITY J!l5t;eJj]_ ACQUIRED ---.i_I ~ DISPOSED G,L~+-~- ?..r~_ FAIR MARKET VALUE IF APPLICABLE. U $2.000 - $10000 lOa, 0$10,001 - $100000 JJi'~.J!L ~ $100,001 . $1.000,000 ACQUIRED DOver $1,000,000 LIST DATE IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE _-1--.1.JQ. DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST R Ownership/Deed of Trust o Easement NATURE OF INTEREST t}l Ownership/Deed of Trust Easement o Leasehold ___._~___ Yrs remaining , ----1 Other '-' Leasehold Yrs remalnmg Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$0. $499 0 $500. $1.000 0 $1.001 - $10000 ~ $10.001 - $100.000 0 OVER $100000 IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 0 $500 . $1.000 [J $1001 . $10.000 ~10.001 - $100.000 0 OVER $100.000 ~k SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME. If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. 100 -t4'4I"C-e 1~-(/OCan+ , 'ZtfJ -r/AJ,y1r/ /2.:n1 -/'11~ - e~u.7-PJ=-IP';;;;;~ ------- SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME. If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10.000 or more, 'Jp-h It- -?15L=6f7,;VCZ.ds;J~ 8YGI - St-t.rfc; r fe__ * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows NAME OF LENDER' &-e rJ rY:c . -u.::M--PH.~"'/ ADDRESS (Busi,,{,ss Address Acceptable) 7'7'(~Jth'!('!'V u_:t_ BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER fr'l/;Jr__~_ _ ____~.__ NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ~.....~---- ---_...~---- --- ..--....-----....---- BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER --_.__...-.,.__...~--------~-- INTE6T RATE % 0 None TERM (MonthsIYears) _'?~p ~~------'--'--'-~.-. ----~- INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) 010 0 None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500. $1.000 $1,001 - $10000 CJ $10.001 - $100.000 )l. OVER $100 000 HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD $500 - $1.000 CJ $1,001. $10000 .J $10001 $100.000 0 OVER $100000 :] Guarantor, if applicable := Guarantor. If applicable Comments: ______ FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE 8 Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name a; - .. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION !:l2!Cp O?JW4 ~. CITY Gt w,~ C?4. rr 50l-a FAIR MARKE VALUE IF APPLICABLE. o $2,000. $10,000 [J $10.001 - $100000 ~$100.001 - $1.000.000 rJ Over $1.000,000 .. STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION _ 7 5' ~J2.fffJ- ~ f1/ # f-1-- CITY Gl [rUt Ci4. q5""~ FAIR MARKET VALUE o $2,000. $10000 [J $10,001 . $100,000 !R $100.001 - $1.000,000 :J Over $1000.000 LIST DATE IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE '~j!P- ACQUIRED __ J------.l1Q. DISPOSED ~~ -.J-.J~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ['j"Ownership/Deed ot Trust Other NATURE OF INTEREST ~ Ownership/Deed of Trust C Leasehold Easement CJ Easement o Leasehold_ Yrs. remainIng c ----- Yrs. remaining L.J Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $0 - $499 [] $500 . $1000 $1.001 - $10000 IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED c--.i $0. $499 r.J $500. $1.000 CJ $1001 - $10,000 . $10.001 - $100.000 [] OVER $100.000 ~$10.001 . $100.000 ::::J OVER $100.000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. '72/(, A- - F-<?-- .iJ.Jr -~_13..--=-J_y Q~f'i-.. SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If YDU own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of i~e Df $10,0.00 or m. ore. - rl{/er'Je_~~ -I&.F/~pnc-r * You are not required to repon loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular Course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER' NAME OF LENDER' ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) .....------- "'-'~-. - - - ---------,. --.- ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) -_.._-------_.,~_.~-_._.._-_...- BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANy OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % [] None --.-.---_% o None ------------_.~-~ HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $500 - $1.000 $1001 - $10000 C $10.001 . $100.000 OVER $100.000 HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD r-) $500 . $1.000 0 $1001 _ $10.000 , $10.001 - $100000 OVER $100.000 ,''1 Guarantor. if applicable Guarantor, If applicable Comments: __ FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTlCE~ COMr.lISSI0N Name Gi~ GQ/I ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION ~8:~~Atl crdJ<.rr__. CITY 0e &-1:/'( CIj; FAIR MARKET VALUE C $2.000 . $10000 0$10,001 . $100.000 <& $100.001 . $1000000 ". Over $1.000.000 '7 2,fb I ,per. -.-dt~LJ:,i..[:r-___,_ , CITY G( tl'"U Y Ci4. . 9 'i" 0 ?'-O FAIR MARKET VALUE o $2.000. $10.000 0$10,001 - $100000 .Q{$100.001 . $1.000000 'J Over $1.000 000 IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE CJfi070 l?!lv 11.Q ACQUIRED IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE j .J1Q DISPOSED I.<:tILI .JQ. ACQUIRED _....J --.! JJL DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST ~ Ownership/Deed of Trust o Leasehold o Easement NATURE OF INTEREST t2\ Ownership/Deed of Trust o Easement Yrs. remainmg c -..-'- Other o Leasehold --_ 0 ___ _'n__ Yrs. remaining Other :~ PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED )2J'$0. $499 CJ $500. $1.000 0 $1001 - $10,000 ~$10001 - $100.000 'J OVER $100.000 IF RENTAL PROPERTY. GROSS INCOME RECEIVED C $0 - $499 o $500 . $1000 'J $1001 - $10,000 P<$10.001 - $100.000 i . OVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. 72FO -=~r-e?:-.n______ SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME. If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10.000 or more. ~{tl-:' ~_CK_ _ ._________ 'Jf!(?-~.A1 C{!J.r?T"- ___ _____ __ ~:-: .__/I1vn_o_~ * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER' NAME OF LENOER' ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ~---_._---.__._-~----~------- ---.~.__.,----- BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY. OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthsfYears) INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthsfYears) --_% [j None _. % =- None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0$500 - $1,000 $1.001. $10000 HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $10.001 . $100.000 OVER $100000 [J $500 $1.000 $10.001 . $100.000 $1.001 . $10.000 ...., OVER $100000 Guarantor. If applicable ...J Guarantor If applicable Comments:_ FPPC Form 700 (2010/2011) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov