Jim Gailey - Correspondence•
CitV of Offrop
7351 Rosanna Street
Gilroy, California
95020 -6197
Jim Gailey
7560 Hanna Street
Gilroy, CA. 95020
Business (408) 846 -0204
shawna.freels @ci.gilroy.ca.us
http: / /www.cityofgilroy.org
March 8, 2012
Hi Jim,
As my email dated January 31, 2012 explained, your term of office on the Gilroy Planning Commission
is completed, and under California Government Code Section 87200, you are required to submit a
Leaving Office Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 to my office within 30 days of your leaving
office date of January 9, 2012. I'm including the form in this mailing for you to complete as soon as
possible, as this filing is well past the filing deadline. Further delay in meeting this filing deadline could
result in fines imposed by the Fair Political Practices Commission.
Please mail, or drop off your Form 700 Leaving Office Statement to my office as soon as possible, and
feel free to call or email me if you have any questions with regards to this filing requirement.
Best regards,
Shawna Freels; CMC
City Clerk