Jim Gailey - Correspondence (2)From: Shawna Freels
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:36 PM
To: 'hg1929bx @garlic.com'
Subject: FW: Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests - Leaving Office Statement Due February 6,
Importance: High
Hi Jim,
As your term on the Gilroy Planning Commission is completed, under California state code 87200, you
are required to fill out and submit a Leaving Office Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 to my
office within 30 days of your leaving office date of January 9, 2012. Here is a link to the interactive Form
700- http: / /www.fppc.ca.gov/ forms /700- 11- 12 /Form700- ll- 12.pdf and the instructions -
http://www.fppc.ca.gov/ forms / 700- 11- 12 /RefPamphletll- 12.pdf.
Please mail or drop off your Form 700 Leaving Office Statement no later than February 8th and feel free
to call or email me if you have any questions with regards to this FPPC requirement.
Best Regards, Shawna
Shawna Freels, CMC
City Clerk
City of Gilroy
7351 Rosanna Street
Gilroy, CA. 95020
(408) 846 -0204