Andy Faber - Annual 1996 . CALIFORNIA 700 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLlnCAL PRACTICES COMY. STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC Date Received Please type or print in i NAME ANDREW L. FABER MAILING ADDRESS STREET CITY 10 Almaden Blvd., 11th Floor, San Jose, CA 286-5800 Schedule B Real Property ~ If filing an expanded statement list agency/position: (atlach . se1a'ale sheet if necessary) General Counsel Schedule C 0 No rg Yes-attach schedule Santa C ara County Locar~ansportatl6n Agency Income & Business Positions (lnccme Othe,than LDans. Gills and '/;a../) Ci ty of Gilroy, Actin9 City Attorney Clty of Gll+OY Ccmnuruty Developnent Schedule D [ZJ No 0 Yes-attach schedule Agency, Acting General Counsel Income - Loans South, County Reqional Wastewater Authority, Actinq General Counsel Schedule E Income - Gifts 1. Office, Agency or Court Division, Board. District. if applicable: Position: Acting General Counsel i Acting City Attorney ~ Is the position covered by a conflict of interest code? lliI Yes 0 No 2. Office Jurisdiction (Check one) o State ~ County of Siilntiil C1SlrSl fi City of " Cilroy o Multi-County 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) Date: ~~_ n Assuming Office/Initial (Check one) o Elected Official o Appointed Official (Includes indIVIduals newfy hIred) 20 Annual (Check one) E5 The period covered is January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996. a The period covered is ---1---1_ through December 31, 1996. o Leaving Office Date Left: ---1---1_ (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 1996 through the date of leaving office. a The period covered is ---1~- through the date of leaving office. o Candidate 4. Schedule Summary (Check one box for each sctHldule) During the reporting period, did you have any reportable interests to disclose on: Schedule A-1 0 No Kl Yes-attach schedule Investments (Less tMn 10% OrmIIrship) Schedule A-2 [ZJ No 0 Yes-attach schedule Investments (Greate, than 10" OrmIIrsh'p) o No o Yes-attach schedule [ZJ No o Yes-attach schedule Schedule F [ZJ No Income - Travel Payments o Yes-attach schedule ~ The number of pages attached: 2 o None (no ,eportable inre,ests) Number of pages - 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 1-1 SIGNATURE ~ , 19 97 (year) L\~, FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660 .. .' .Schedule A-1 Investments. Stocks, Bonds and Other Interests CALIFORNIA 700 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. (Ownership Interest is Less Than 10%) Name ANDREW L. FABER ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY Building H Associates GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Industrial Building Owner GENERAl DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000' $10,000 129 $10,001 . $100,000 DOver $100,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock FAIR MARKET VAlUE 0.$1.000 -.$Ul.ooo 0$10.001 . $100.000 DOver $100.000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock ~ Other partnership o Other IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1~ ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED ---1---1~ ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY Trade Zonp. Assor.idTp.s GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Industrial Building Owner ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY ~ Other partnership FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000. $10,000 o $10.001 . $100,000 DOver $100,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock o Other FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000' $10.000 ~ $10.001 . $100.000 DOver $100,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1~ ---1--.J~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY _.J-1~ _.J--1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED ~ NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1.000. $10.000 0$10.001 . $100.000 DOver $100.000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock o Other FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000. $10,000 o $10,001 . $100,000 DOver $100,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT o Stock o Other IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1~ ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED ---1---1~ ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED Comments: FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) Sch. A For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660 ~ . 10. . Schedule C , . Income & Business Positions CALIFORNIA 700 , 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. Name ANDREW L. FABER (Income Other Than Loans, Gifts and Travel Payments) > NAME Berliner Cohen ADDRESS 10 Allnaden Blvd., 11th Floor, San Jose, BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY, OF SOURCE 95113 P~yision of legal services BUSINESS PosmON, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) Partner GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250 - $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 Ej Over $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of (Property. ca'. boat. etc.) o CommiSSIon or o Rental Income, list each sou,ce of $10.000 0' more o Other > NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250 - $1.000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of (Property. ca'. boar. erc.) o Commission or o Rental Income, list each sou,ce of $10,000 0' mo'. o Other Comments: > NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY. OF SOURCE 'BUSINESS POSmON, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250. $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 LOBn repayment o Sale of o Commission or (Prope'ly, car. boat. etc,) o Rental Income, list eac~ soures of $10.000 0' mo'e o Other > NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250 - $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income .0 Loan repayment o Sale of (Prope'ly, C8', baal. IIIC.) o Commission or o Rental Income, list each sou,ce of $tO.Ooo 0' mo,e o Other FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) Sch. C For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660