Rosemary Guerrero - Annual 2007 CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Please type or print in ink. A Public Document COVER PAGE /-;:;;::-2~~'" -' <1'\'::-t. ''';>-::'<i-<:r- /',.,. v' v ') "- /.., i.;"' , ''',,, '. Ci ,. .;::> \ I h;' _\ \ !.".....'t.? Date .v~ \"6')....~.... I .' ... tJIIf. I ""'" ! t.~ n 't:'""; I;;; ~ (,:, \ "J QJI ~ tIrb.... 0 \:;'; ~-Vl; Ii '-"'1: !j J ",:,~, / I \ c')" \".("'.,~'\. .~ '", ce-."" .. C': "i.J !.l,",:: _:t:J 1~1 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS NAME (LAST) (FIRST) Co o S eAivlCv CITY s Cd V6 VltL 1. Office, Agency, or Court Name of Office, Agency, or Court: C_itJ: 0-1 G:l \ n~ Division, Bard, District, if applicable: ~ \ V\"- \Il C-t- Your Position: _l3udp Al/1~1 y&'}- - If filing for multiple positions, list additional agency(ies)/ position(s): (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) D State D County of 0fityof G ') \ VQY D Multi-County D Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) D Assuming Office/Initial Date: ___L__--1_ ~nnual: The period covered is January 1, 2007, through December 31,2007. -or- a The period covered is __L_.---1_, through December 31, 2007. D Leaving Office Date Left: _____..1-___-1_ (Check one) a The period covered is January 1, 2007, through the date of leaving office. -or- a The period covered is --------1--------1_, through the date of leaving office. D Candidate (MIDDLE) DAYTIME TElEP (({O~ 'tl{ ~ -O~ STATE ZIP CODE OPTIONAL: FAX I E-MAil ADDRESS SV J.D 4. Schedule Summary - Total number of pages / including this cover page: -L - Check applicable schedules or "No reportable interests." I have disclosed interests on one or more of the attached schedules: Schedule A-1 DYes - schedule attached Investments (Less than 10% Ownership) Schedule A-2 DYes - schedule attached Investments (10% or greater Ownership) Schedule B DYes - sch.edule attached Real Property Schedule C DYes - schedule attached Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Income Other than Gifts and Travel Payments) Schedule D DYes - schedule attached Income -- Gifts Schedule E DYes - schedule attached Income -- Travel Payments -or- ~o reportable interests on any schedule 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date Signed ~::;lL21 f Signature (File the originally signed FPPC Form 700 (2007/2008) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC