Jolie Houston - Annual 2009 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Please type or print in ink. A Public Document COVER PAGE f\ Date ~eived OWR uSiol~ r,rN CLERKS OF NAME (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) DAYTIME TELERHONlO NUMBER Houston Jolie ( 408 ) 286-5800 MAILING ADDRESS STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE OPTIONAL: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) Ten Almaden Blvd. 11th floor San Jose CA 95113 1. Office, Agency, or Court Name of Office, Agency, or Court: CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE Division, Board, District. if applicable: Your Position: ASSISITANT CITY ATTORNEY ~ If filing for multiple positions, list additional agency(ies)/ position(s): (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) Agency: CITY OF GILROY Position: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) D State IZl County of SANTA CLARA IZl City of GILROY D Multi-County D Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) D Assuming Office/Initial Date: ----1----1_ IZl Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009. -or- a The period covered is ----1----1_, through December 31, 2009. D Leaving Office Date Left: ----1----1_ (Check one) a The period covered is January 1, 2009, through the date of leaving office. -or- a The period covered is ----1----1_, through the date of leaving office. D Candidate Election Year: 4. Schedule Summary ~ Total number of pages including this cover page: 2 ~ Check applicable schedules or "No reportable interests." I have disclosed interests on one or more of the attached schedules: Schedule A-l DYes - schedule attached Investments (Less than 10% Ownership) Schedule A-2 DYes - schedule attached Investments (10% or Greater Ownership) Schedule B DYes - schedule attached Real Property Schedule C DYes - schedule attached Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Income Other than Gifts and Travel Payments) Schedule D DYes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule E DYes - schedule attached Income - Gifts - Travel Payments -or- o No reportable interests on any schedule 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DateS;gned~ (, WI 0 (month day(year) ,~ ~ Signature FPPC Form 700 (2009/2010) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE C Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Other than Gifts and Travel Payments) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name JOLlE HOUSTON ~ 1. INCOME RECEIVED ~ 1. INCOME RECEIVED NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME BERLINER COHEN ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) TEN ALMADEN BLVD, 11TH FLOOR BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY. OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 ~ OVER $100,000 GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's or registered domestic partner's income D Loan repayment CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's or registered domestic partner's income D Loan repayment D Sale of D Sale of (Property. cae boat, etc.) (Property. cae boat, etc.) D Commission or D Rental Income, list each source of $10.000 or mor" D Commission or D Rental Income, list each source of $10.000 or mare (Describe) D Other D Other (Describe) ~ 2. LOANS RECEIVED OR OUTSTANDING DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD * You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to your official status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regular course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME OF LENDER' INTEREST RATE TERM (Months/Years) % D None ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY, OF LENDER SECURITY FOR LOAN D None D Personal residence D Real Property Street address HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 . $100,000 DOVER $100,000 City D Guarantor D Other (Describe) Comments: FPPC Form 700 (2009/2010) Sch. C FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov 04/01/2010 15:47 FAX 4088382577 BerlinerCohen III 001/003 ,- BERLINER (~OIIEN ,ry ~:;:\ ..# ~ 7A"'" --:--.+ry -:,~"'/ ....)~~ '}(p ~ -' ~~, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A "AI< 1 NI,H:jHI" INCtl,lDING rnOr[S!.IC1NAI. C("ir<r'OR^TI(lN~; TEN ALMADEN nOlll.lW ART> E1.EV ENTll r: l.(){)I~ SAN j()Sr:.. CM,IFORNI/\ 951I.k'!2.B 'lTI ,IWIION F (408) 28(,-5800 FACSIMIlY: (>lOll) \ll)S-.5~Sli Facsilnlle C:over Sheet Date: April 1 ~ 2010 'fin1C: CONrIDENTIALlTY NOTI.~'. '1 lie 1ll"\lm"li~lfJ ~:'."lIuill~~ III lllls J'al:slmll~ (lax) mcSS3l-'.C is legally r)l'i\'ik'~('lj and ('(lflfid\1l\li:11 jnf"nl1;lliou IIlI.'uded unly IiII' Ihl: 1.1",; 1.>1' lh~ rm,~jwr III finH rUlIllCd twlnw. If 11'0" "'"\!l:t ~\r Ihj~ tnl:~sa!1e is not the Intended receiver, you 31',~ herd'y n"'l.ili~d I1>UI llll)' dls~cmin3tinl1. dimilllllil"il\ (If (,opy of lhb n,~ is slnclly l)wIHhllc.t. If yuu h,,,,,; rl.,'\'i,....(I IIIi:; 1'.1,' ill \!ITIJT. plellsc immediately Mtity the ~\:lldcr' ;It Ihe h:;~phonc number prtwidcd 3hovc 31le' rdunI Ih.., I.Il'i:~.il1;IIII""sill,.!" to Ih" ~;"IIIl"r :11 th" ulldr.:.., :II'oU\'': vi" lh~ UlIih.:11 SlillCS Pt\~;t:11 ServlC':, I h;lIIk Y'.llI. Sender: Jolie Houston File #: 04706-083 Re: Form 700 (Including Cover Sheet) _._____,m,,, LJReceiver: Shawna Freels Facsimile #: 846-0500 ~t!'~'!Rg~y Sent Via U. S. Mall: '''7=~""",,,=,,~~,..~.~~~~,,,,~D_ MESSA(il.~: See attnchcd. ffllI.l.d.t,ol;....__ y' .. .r....:IoIIIl'""'.~:I(.1t;(I);/;"lr.;:..,.:::.~~,7:.,.~..:~:\':":'.~...~~:".., ._~.:::"'.._.._."'~.,. "'I'':':''':.U:IIW'IJW.u.cllU/'''Il(''''..(~ltmllnt'~_ If all pages arc not received, or if copies arc illegible, contact the Copy Center at the following direct dial number (408) 286-5800 Ext. 8042; or if busy, contact Sender's Secretary, Carol Millwood. at Ext. 2423. Office #: 846-0204 No ... ......'!.:,~~~;~.-e:..,~-:::;~'..'XI.':l.~WM'lmf.l~l:.'la::l.."...J.. IctMIGHisn 1 010?:14040470GOO:;' -1- 04/01/2010 15:47 FAX 4088382577 BerlinerCohen ~ 0~2/003 CALIFORNIA FORM 700 fAIIl ('O(lII(;A1. PRACTIC[') COW~I:'!tION STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS COVER PAGE , ., I Dc.He 1~41~IIl#~ ~ . (Jlf1rl~1 ',/.l611~ /r .a : ~.f1 ~ . , irA ",.; L' ~;.~, '. PIC(1SlJ type 0/ print III ink A Publr'c DucumeJJl N^,,,lf' (lAST) (fiRST) (MlrJrHr: ) nAY'IIM!. rr.LEPIIOll/E. NtIMI1l: 1'1 Houston Jolie MAlLIN'" AL'ORr~,~; ',,;mrFl' (81/.~im':;,'; Al1l1rl'r,~ At.,:...)/..,',f, .I CIT'i ( 408 ) 286.5800 :Ti:~:';:'1 0"""" '"''''PC",,",; Ten Almaden Blvd. 11 th floor $;:m Jose 1 :..~!!!~~.'~~~~':.Y' or COl.'.~,. , Name of Offico. ^gon,~y, or Court. CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE 4. Schedule Summary ,. Tolal number (If pag~s including Ihi~ (;OVl~r page: 2 l)ivi<;ion, 1311.ud. Oi!;tri:!. i/ ;.lI->Phc<Jbl(~: Ii" Check ,*ppllcable SdlCdull~s or "No reporWbl(.! inti'!rosts. .. I hnv(: r:li:"t:!USIKI InWmsl~:; on On(> or mor,) of the "U<.I(:tll"(1 ",(;tl(.)(1I.1lf~';: Your Ptl~;jtiOI1. ASSISJTANT CITYll,'TTORNEY '3chc(llllQ ^. 1 [] YI~S - ~;(;IIl,!II\)/t,! ,111i1chcd IHV(~~;tlllCr'lt!i tLt!',"!-l rI)~n 1(J'....:. Ownm'..!II/l) ~ If filing tor mLllliplc positiOI1:;, Ii!;t additional ittltmcY(les)! POl;!tion(s): (Artneh (l separate sheel if neCA$$:~ry.) .. ' . CITY OF GILROY Ag<_I1<'Y. ... .... ....... "'--'--"--"''',,,,',,,...w._ SI:lwdlill: A. '2 LJ YH~;; - ~:~Ch('dLlII: o"lIt.1Chc<l IllVt.'~.tfntJrtr~~ (1i..>'h~ 01 ,',ff,'.,/I.'( ().V'lf'h:Jl/~) PO~."ll(m: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SI:l'tetlul.~ Li [J YrlS - ~,Chl:~dlllc alli)clt(:(l r..'(~i,ll Pro/X'fTY' ~':;cl1tH.1l1le C [] Y(!~:; ... ~'CIH;.'dlllc illlached 11I/:()fTII'~, 1. (I;m.~. ,.. (lll~inC'~.~ r'>(r"t/(1f/.~ {In.:!:',,,..' Orl1l:'r ""1'1 wilt" ;H}" 1't,H,,~t 1~.,ymr.:"'~;,} 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one bO'Jf) o Slat.. !Xl County ClI~~_~!.~..~~~__..,,,,,,,,.__.._...._. I'5i:l City or ..~ILROY.._..... ::;l;hCduIC D 0 Yc~; " :;clle,JtJle ;.lllnc':tlf~ll IflCI.lIl1('> .. Gitt!i [] Mlllti-Cr)Llllly .__.... .._.._.".."'....___._.___. St:lltxjule 1:.; L.J Yos .- ~;chedl.lle .1ltact1cd IOl:t>rlll' " t.;/IC~. - lliJv~,>1 f'ilymcnr~; [J OIlier __.___.. -or- 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) [i A5511mi119 Officf.!/Ir'ltl~11 DrJle.. .......J.,............1...._...._._,._ n No rl~por1;~t,)l() mtr:f<':SIS on any sclicdull~ 5, Verification Ix) Anf1lwl: 1l1p pnrir;rj cov(~red is .J.muary 1. 200!J. through DeCBmb(~r 3'1. 2009. -or. o Tho p...riod covl'ml1 i'; ....,~-----1__._.., IluOllqh Dp.o:lll1ber 31. ;' 009. j have IJ~-,cd ,)11 rC(J::'Orl,lIJle ttlllgllncC in prf!p", mg Ihi~', 5tnl.!mr:ml I have reviewed thiS statp.m€lnt ::md to the bQst or my kn(lwjc.>.dg~) the Information conl<linf:!d hl~rl3in i:\nd In .my i'!tl<\(;hec! seheljules I~ true ;Ind complete. o Lei.lllln~ Office D:~t'" lelt .. .. '.' / .........._1.__ (Ct II:~C k o!1d o The PC'flO(j COV(:tf!11 j., ,.I,:lnl,I<lry 1. 200\). U'IJVlI\,I'1 It\l~ t1ute ot l(lCVIf'lf.1 i)ffiCfJ .or. I cp.r1ify under penalty of pl~ljur)' under the law!> of ltlf'l St<lttl of Cilliforni.l Ihal thE! fort'9oin9 is true and r:nr(~ct. Dille Slg'1<ld fy~ """"" (;;f.;;.LDi 0 .. ... _ _~'-X~tt0vtS\\~~d-_.. (l'IJ~n')"'411'1 ~f"nciJ .l.,.,tnlftulJ( wt", Ytn,r ft}tr1f1 ()Mc:"fll/, o lh~ pCfiO(l Cove :1I~t.I I~, ,. ./. ."../.._, 1l1rouQI1 the date or IPclW1il of/ieo. LJ Ci.llluldj'lh.: FIHCll()f1 Yel.,r: SIgnature . f"1"PC Form 700 (200912010) fI.'PC l'otl.frl'lr Helpline: 86GI^SK-FPPC www.lppc.ca.9(.)\/ 04/01/2010 15:48 FAX 4089382577 BerlinerCohen ~ 003/003 SCHEDULE C Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Other than Gift~i ilnd Travel Pdyrn<..~nts) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIQ POliTICAl I'IlllCrrcl.S COMMISSION Nome JOLIE HOUSTON Jo 1. INCOME RECrlVEQ ... 1 INCOMI: rU:C!:IVED NAMe or SOURer: ()(. IN~nMr NAMI' 01' :;OIIRcr Of' INCOMF BERLINER COHEN AOrTr\C~,~. (Bu.';m..>,...; .ll,), '''''''.', Aq:"f.'I;/t.JI..'} ADO'~t. SS {Bfn~ir)(,'~", 1\,/(/t4,",I, Ik(,'c,'pWl'l/t,.., TEN AL.MADEN BLVD. 11TH FLOOR r.lll:.INr'!;~.; ACTIVIIY I~ ,'NV. (If- S()II)~CI nU!.;INf, :,:". AC IIVII Y, If ANY. t.)1 ~;Ollf~cr YOWl nl.l$INC~,~, f"'(lSI'nON '{OUR tlllSINCSS PO:,.IlIUN (;ROS~'.; IN(:OM(' Rr:C.[lJCD n ~r.,CXI . $1.000 [] WJOOl . $lUU,OOU (.I,!)!..!.. INGOM( r,CCClvr: D U 51,on1 . $10,000 iXI (lVI' I~ $1OI'l,(l()!) 1':.1 ~~()I) SU)I)() rl $10001 $l()ll,()lW) [J $HlOl S lOOlJO U OVI:P $lOO.()OO GON~';IDCRATION H)I~ 'imlt:H INt:OMf. WAS m::ccIVCU DS;llil!)' D ~lpoV~)J:'s or rl~(;I~,ww\1 "fC)Uli':\>lu:; pnflr-.,,'! .~'~ It'H:t:I"~"'\ CUN:"llILI-lMI(lN Hlfl WIIICII INCOMC WAS '~Li.:L1Vr[') o '1n1nry [] :'i,~.,u',,~", or 1~~9j~\I(~h~(1 dolth......tll.. fJ'ltlrh~('~. Im,")I'I": r~l L\iltn 1'(~fMvmf~"1 o 1.<.>"" ".~pllymt'nl r"') ~iill.., <'II IfJ/(f1It'ufy r..')f hn;H, fH" , [:J ~~u)h.' 0' fp.-mi'1(~f1'1, t,w. (.t(,lIt( I,'Cr.') [] COTllmj::.l~trJn ell' r~] i~f:"'''tl IrIl:ffflU', 1~" "11('" ~~},,,(.t~ ~)I ~ W,()(NJ 0.1 nmlf: f":',] (:OHlnli".'.i~m (M [J r,t(~UWJ I I1t:OI'Y'lO. 11M t~"J{:" 't.'llltl',I,1 {t~ ~ 10,(1(.11) or mOl'" [OJ tHI.." ...--..---- mC""...'...) 001/'11"/ .".,....._..._.._ """'''-'~''''...."....""...." .... ..."...".......~......"..-,....'....~,.."..... m,,,,,..,iIH.') ~ 1. LOANS ~[Cf'VED OR OUTSTANDING DURINC nu: REPORTlNC PERIOD .. YOU arf;! not requif(~d to r(:port lo.:ms from cornmmc:ii:11 ICllr..ll11g instItutions. or any indebtedness crentod m; pHn of fJ r(~tiJil installment or credit card tran~,(~ction. mJdc: In ttlfi Inmlt!1 '., m~J\lI;lr course 01 l)usin(!% on terms avoi!ablc to me!l1bers of the public wIthout regard to your offici<11 status. Personal loans and loans received not in a lender's regulor course of business must be disclosed as follows: NAME Of' ~rNI)IJ,,' INlrl<n,r RMT I~'I~M IM',IIlh'.vY,.'"".,) ..............-._..M_.__....... Ar:>Or~r~~~; (n,r~in(..~i~. A~1r::rC~jt.. ACCf,.'pf~)O'f') "....".'i~, [J No"(.~ SF.Ci..lf~1 r.,. ror~ LO^N f;l.lSIN( ~;S AcnVITV, II' '\Ny' or LEII/Of 1< r~] Nonu [,~1 Pf:I',Ull.ll Pll',U1t!IU'I: [J I~""I "''''p"ny _____..........__......_ .......... . .. ~::rNIN ~1(J.f..,!:-~. liIC;lI! S r 11M ANCe C\ur,:INC r<f.J'()Rnr4(; 1>1.. klU!.> o ~!;IX'l . $I,lXIO [] nO(ll $10nOo [] $Hl,flOl . ~1(KI,(l(~,) LJ lWUl $100,(~)() (~.y t_.l (.t.ldl,)ntcJl LJ (tUh'/ tl'1J ".,1'1 tI"""1 Comments; FPPC form '100 (;>00912010) Sr.h. C fPF'C TolI-Frl!Cl HOlplinl!: 8t')&/ASK,H'PC www.tPP(:,(:"'iJov