LeeAnn McPhillips - Assuming Office 1999 CALIFORNIA 700 1998/99 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM Date Received STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS A Public Document NAME s ~p, (FIRST) CITY (erCbut 1. Office, Agency, or Court Division, Board, District, if applicable: Position: j))/<?ciOr oLd Jm~ r2.esDuC'05/ ~ If filing an expanded statementl~g~~sition: (Attach a separate sheer il necessary) 2. Office Jurisdiction (Check one) o State 0 County of '~ity of 0/ J (tD~ o Multi-County C; Other 3. Type of Statement ~ Assuming Office/Initial o Annual (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. o The period covered is --1--1_ through December 31, 1998. (Check at least one boX) Date: &.0..]; en o Leaving Office Date Left: ---..l--1_ (Check one) , o The period covered is January 1. 1998 through the date of leaving office. o The period covered is --1--1_ through the date of leaving office. o Candidate DA IME TE~ NUMBER 1)g _ ~ -n2IP 4. Schedule Summary ~ During the reporting period, di reportable interests to disclose Schedule A-1 0 Yes - schedu Investments (Less than 10" Owne,..hip) Schedule A-2 Schedule B Real Property DYes - schedule attached Schedule C 0 Yes - schedule attached Income & Business Positions (Income Other than Loans, Gilts, and Travel) Schedule D 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Loans Schedule E 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule F 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Travel Payments ~ ~ No reportable interests ~ Total number of pages (including this cover page): L 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and comple~'", I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 19 <1<1 (year) c..,fJ h cL l ~ FPPC Form 700 (1998/99) For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660 , -------