Rick Smelser - Annual 1991 , .- FORM 730 Statement of Economic Interests For Designated Employees (Type or Print in Ink) NAME OF FILER Richard Smelser NAME OF AGENCY City of Gilroy MAILING ADDRESS 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 A PUBLIC DOCUMENT 1991/92 POSITION TITLE City Engineer * DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER 4 0 8) 8 4 8 - 0 4 5 0 CHECK THE p,.PPROPRIA TE BOX(ES): ASSUMING OFFICE STATEMENT: o Date Positions sUQject to State Senate confirmation -- File no later than 30 days after your appointment. o Date All other positions -- File no later than 30 days after you assume office. You must disclose on Schedules A, 8, (-1, (-2, and G all reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions required by your disclosure category, held on the date you assumed your position. In addition, you must disclose on Schedules D, D-1, E, F, H-1, H-2 and H-3 income from all reportable sources received during the 12 months prior to the date you assumed office. ANNUAL STATEMENT: (Required to be filed for each year that you hold your designated position.) ~ You are required to file a statement no later than 4 -1- 9 2 disclosing all reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held and income received during the period from January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991. *NQt r~q"'r~ri Tn FilA pAr CitV's Conflict of Interest Code. LEA VING OFFICE STATEMENT: (Requi red to be filed when you leave your designated.position.) o You are leaving or have left your position on and must file a statement no later than 30 days after that date. You must disclose all reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held and income received during the period from January 1, 1991 through the date you left your designated position. INITIAL STATEMENT: (Check the box below ONLY if your position has been recently designated or if you are filing under a new Conflict of Interest Code for your agency.) o The conflict of interest code for your agency became effective or your position was newly designated on You must file a statement no later than 30 days after this date. You must disclose on Schedules A, 8, C-1, C-2 and G all reportable investments, interests in real property, and business positions held on the date your agency's code or your designation became effective. In addition, you must disclose on Schedules D, D-1, E, F, and H-1, H- 2 and H-3 income from all reportable sources received during the 12 months prior to the date your agency's code or your designation became effective. CANDIDA TE STA TEMENT: (If required by the conflict of interest code of the jurisdiction in which you are seeking elective office.) o The conflict of interest code specifies the types of interests you must disclose. You may be required to complete Schedules A, S, (-1, C-2 and G. i: .. I ~... \ . ~ THE FOllOWING SUMMARY MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL FILERS (Do not complete this summary until you have carefully reviewed the instructions for each schedule) SCHEDULE A -- INVESTMENTS~hiCh Are Not Held By A Business Entity Or Trust) D COMPLETED AND A TTACllED NO REPORTABLE INTEIlESTS D SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCLOSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE B -- INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY (Which Are Not Held By A Business Entity Or Trust) O COMPLETED AND ATTACHED M NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS 0 SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY ~ TO MY DISCWSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE C-I -- INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BX A BUSINESS ENTITY ORTRUST D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED M NO REPORTABl~E INTERESTS 0 SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY ~ TO MY DISCWSURE CA TEGORY SCHEDULE C-2 -- INVESTMENTS HELD BY A BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED ~NO llEPORTABLE INTERESTS o SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCWSURE CA TEGORY SCHEDULE D -- INCOME (Other Than Loans And Gifts) D COMPLETED A~D ATTACHED J8kNO REPORTABLE INTERESTS o SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCLOSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE D-I--INCOME - TRA VEL PAYMENTS, ADVANCES, REIMBURSEMENTS D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED 1\71 NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS 0 SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY ~ TO MY DISCWSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE E -- INCOME - LOANS (Received Or Outstanding During The Reporting Period) D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED a NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS 0 SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY ~ TO MY DISCLOSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE F -- INCOME - Gnq's D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED ~ NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS SCHEDULE G -- BUSINESS PdSITIONS o SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCWSURE CATEGORY D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED l5't NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS o SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCWSURE CA TEGORY SCHEDULE H-I--COMMISSION INCOME RECEIVED BY BROKERS, AGENTS AND SALESPERSONS o COMPLETED AND A TTACHED ~ NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS 0 SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DISCLOSURE CA TEGORY SCHEDULE H-2 --INCOME AND LOANS TO BUSINESS ENTITIES OR TRUSTS D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED ~ NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS D SCHEDULE DOESNOTAPPLY TO MY DISCLOSURE CATEGORY SCHEDULE H-3 --INCOME FROM RENTAL PROPERTY D COMPLETED AND ATTACHED ]XI' NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS o SCHEDULE DOES NOT APPLY TO MY DlSCWSURE CATEGORY VERIFICATION I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the Information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on <3 J 2&," I 19 92 . at C k e// SIGNATURE ' V~ [C"p"dS".., , '1'