EMC Planning Group - Annual 1997 '~ INTEtE~-.\ men.. ~ ., .. mmk . : ~ .. ;v: .tI, ~~/de';f,L I ENe CITY HOJJkl'4Y, t'~ 93?f2.. COVER PAGE CALIFORNIA 700 1997/98 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. ,fli,...."( ~ ' ..... ' '0..' , 1-'\' Date Received STATEMENT OF ECON A Public D Please type or NAME 11 /chq~ MAILING ADDRESS Office, Agency, or Court ENe ,PI(J/JnIHf G;-~t.yJ Division, Board, District:-11" applicable: ?/p~;1/j'1 - I/?(; , Position: 1+1'5/~H~ ~ If filing an expanded statement list agency/position: (Attach a saparara shaar " nacassary) 2. Office Jurisdiction (Check one) o State 0 County of . City of ~lIlr~1 o Multi-County o Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) o Assuming Office/Initial Date: __.1-_-1_ (Check one) o Elected Official o Appointed Official (inclucllls individuals nawfy hIred) . Annual (Check one) . The period covered is January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. o The period covered is ----1----1_ through December 31, 1997. o Leaving Office Date Left: ----1----1_ (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 1997 through the date of leaving office. o The period covered is ----1----1_ through the date of leaving office. o Candidate 4. Schedule Summary ~ During the reporting period, did you have any reportable interests to disclose on: Schedule A-1 0 Yes - schedule attached Investments (Lass than 10% Ownarshlp) Schedule A-2 . Yes - schedule attached Investments (Graarar than 10% Ownars/llp) Schedule B Real Property DYes - schedule attached Schedule C 0 Yes - schedule attached Income & Business Positions (lncoma Other than Loans. Gifts. and Traval) Schedule 0 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Loans Schedule E 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule F 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Travel Payments ~ 0 No reportable interests ~ Total number of pages (including this cover page): 2- 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California - -;hat the ioregoing is true -and correct. Executed on /-Idrr h 2~ (month, day) 19 4g f ~ (year) SIGNATUR~~~~ -- FPPC Form 700 (1997/98) For Technical Assistance: 9161322. Investments, Income, .and Assets of Business EntitieslTrusts CALIFORNIA 700 1997/98 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. Schedule A-2 (Ownership Interest is 10% or Greater) Name HtdM~/ J t7r4Vt4! ~ 1. BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST >- 4. (cont.) N. , Hl)n~~y .(',40 9~qfZ Address . Check one box: o INVESTMENT o REAL PROPERTY CINIcI< one 0 TNS'. go /0 2 . Business Entity. camp/ere me box. rhen go to 2 Name of Business Entity Q[ Strest Addrass Dr Assessor's Parcel Number Df Real Propeny GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Ldl'd Phn"ln~ .1!erVltL./ "'" FAIR MARKET VALl.JE 0$1.000. $10,000 0$10.001 . $100.000 . Over $100,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: OaSC/lplIDn Df Buslnass ActIVIty Q[ City or Other Prflcisa Locatlnn Df Real Property --1--197 ACQUIRED --1--1 97 DISPOSED FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000 - $10.000 o $10,001 . $100,000 DOver $100,000 IF APPLICABLE. LIST DATE: NATURE OF INVESTMENT ~ o Sole Proprietorship 0 Partnership . .:JIJ:1l1!h()~y J+t'S i d~#'/') . --1--197 --1--197 ACQUIRED DISPOSED Other BUSINESS POSITION NATURE OF INTEREST o Ptoperty Ownership/Deed of Trust o Stock o Partnership o Leasehold Yrs. remaIning tJlly o,t 6/lrdY Check one box: o INVESTMENT o REAL PROPERTY ~ 4. INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST - Name of Businesl Entity Q[ Stree, Acldress Dr Asselsor's Parcel Number of Real Propeny Check one box: o INVESTMENT OREAL PROFERTY OescriploDn col BUlinass Aclivity Q[ City or Other Praclse LDcation of Raal Propeny Name of BUSIness Enlity Q[ Street Addrass Dr Assassor's Parcel Numbsr of Raal Propeny FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1,000 - $10,000 o $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $100,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: --I--IJL --1--1 97 ACQUIRED DISPOSED Oasc/lpllon Df BUSIness Aclivity Q[ City or Other Pracise Location 01. Real Propeny -NATURE.OF fNl'EREST o Property Ownership/Deed of Ttust o Stock o Partnership FAIR MARKET VALUE 0$1.000, $10,000 0$10,001 . $100.000 DOver $100.000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: o Leasehoid --1--197 --1--197 ACQUIRED DISPOSED Yrs. ramalnlng o Othet NATURE OF INTEREST o Property Ownership/Deed of Trust o Leasehold o Stock o Partnership Comments: Vrs. ramalnlng o Other FPPC Form 700 (1997/98) Sch. A-2 For Technic81 Assist8nce: 916/322-5660