EMC Planning Group - Annual 2002 CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Please type or print in ink bit( C VU'JI.-~'--~ A Public Docum NAME (LASl) (FIRST) Groves MAILING ADDRESS (May be business address) Michael STREET CITY 301 Lighthouse 1. Office, Agency or Court Name: City of Gilroy Division, Board, District, if applicable: Planning Division Position: Planning Consultant - If filing for multiple positions, list additional agency(ies)/ position(s): (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) Agency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) o State o County of 00 City of Gilroy o Multi-County o Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) o Assuming Officellnitial Date: -'-'_ 00 Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2002. -or- a The period covered is -'-'~ through December 31, 2002. o Leaving Office Date Left: -'-'_ (Check one) a The period covered is January 1, 2002, through the date of leaving office. -or- a The period covered is -'-'~ through the date of leaving office. o Candidate Date Received Official Use Only ONE NUMBER 4. Schedule Summary (Check applicable schedules or "No reportable interests. '7 - During the reporting period, did you have any reportable interests to disclose on: Schedule A-1 0 Yes - schedule attached Investments (Less than 10% OWnership) Schedule A-2 00 Yes - schedule attached Investments (10% or greater Ownership) Schedule B Real Property DYes - schedule attached Schedule C 0 Yes - schedule attached Income & Business Positions (Income Other!han Loans, Gifls, and Travel) Schedule D 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Loans Schedule E 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule F 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Travel Payments -or- _ 0 No reportable interests on any schedule Total number of pages completed including this cover page: 8 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date Signed February 10, 2003 (month, day, year) ~~ Signature J (File the originally signed statement with your filing official.) FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: SCHEDULE A-1 Investments Stocks, Bonds, and Other Interests (Ownership Interest is Less Than 10%) Do not attach brokerage or financial statements. > NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY CALIFORNIA FORM 700 I FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name Michael J. Groves > NAME OF BUSINESS E;NTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: (Describe) ----1----1JL ACQUIRED ----1----1JL DISPOSED GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other (Describe) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ----1----1....M..... ACQUIRED ----1----1JL DISPOSED > NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: (Describe) ----1----1JL ACQUIRED ----1----1JL DISPOSED > NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other (Describe) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ----1----1....M..... ACQUIRED ----1----1....M..... DISPOSED > NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: (Describe) ----1----1.JlL ACQUIRED Comments: ----1----1...JrL DISPOSED > NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Stock D Other (Describe) IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ----1----1J:L ACQUIRED ----1----1...JrL DISPOSED FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) Sch. A-1 FPPC Toll-Free HelDline: 866/ASK-FPPC SCHEDULE A-2 Investments, Income, and Assets of Business EntitieslTrusts (Ownership Interest is 10% or Greater) > 1. BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST EMC Planning Group Inc. C, Monterey, CA 93940 Address Check one o Trust, go to 2 IX! Business Entity, complete the box, then go to 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 ~ Over $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Sole Proprietorship D Partnership ~ Shareholder Other YOUR BUSINESS POSITION President & Senior Principal ---1---1 02 ACQUIRED ---1---1 02 DISPOSED CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name Michael J. Groves > 1. BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Name Address Check one o Trust, go to 2 0 Business Entity, complete the box, then go to 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT D Sole Proprietorship D Partnership D ---1---1 02 ACQUIRED ---1---1 02 DISPOSED Other YOUR BUSINESS POSITION D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 ~ $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 > 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME/LOANS OF $10,000 OR MORE I,tt,eh, sepmte sheet ., neeesso",] City of Gilroy > 4, INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Check one box: D INVESTMENT D REAL PROPERTY Name of Business Entity .Q[ Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property Description of Business Activity .Q[ City or Other Precise Location of Real Property FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ---1---1.M..... ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Stock D Partnership D Leasehold Yrs. remaining D Other D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached Comments. D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 > 3. LIST THE NAME OF EACH REPORTABLE SINGLE SOURCE OF INCOME/LOANS OF $10,000 OR MORE (attach a separate sheet If necessary) > 4. INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY THE BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST Check one box: DINVESTMENT D REAL PROPERTY Name of Business Entity 2[ Street Address or Assessor's Parcel Number of Real Property Description of Business Activity 2[ City or Other Precise Location of Real Property FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 NATURE OF INTEREST D Property Ownership/Deed of Trust IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ---1---1.M..... ---1---1~ ACQUIRED DISPOSED D Stock D Partnership D Leasehold D Other Yrs. remaining D Check box if additional schedules reporting investments or real property are attached FPPC Form 700 (200212003) Sch. A-2 FPPC Toll-Free HelDline: 866/ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property > STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOC,llfION CITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1_I..Jrl.... ---1---1.JJ2.... ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST D Rental Property D OwnershiplDeed of Trust D Leasehold D Yrs. remaining D Easement Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 D Guarantor, if applicable Comments: Name Michael J. Groves > STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOC,llfION CITY FAIR MARKET \ALUE D $2,000 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $100,001 - $1,000,000 DOver $1,000,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DArE: ---1---1..Jrl.... ---1_I..Jrl.... ACQUIRED DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST D Rental Property D Ownership/Deed of Trust D Leasehold D D Easement Yrs. remaining Other IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $0 - $499 D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest, list the name of each tenant that is a single source of income of $10,000 or more. NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (Months/Years) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 D Guarantor, if applicable FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) Sch. B FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC SCHEDULE C Income & Business Positions (Income Other than Loans, Gifts, and Travel Payments) > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's income D Loan repayment D Sale of (Property, car, boat, etc.J D Commission or D Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more D Other (Describe) > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's income D Loan repayment D Sale of D Commission or (Property, car, boat, etc.J D Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more D Other (Describe) Comments: CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name Michael J. Groves > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's income D Loan repayment D Sale of (Property, car, boat, etc.J o Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more D Commission or D Other (Describe) > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $500 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 DOVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED D Salary D Spouse's income D Loan repayment D Sale of D Commission or (Property, car, boat, etc.) o Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more D Other (Describe) FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) Sch. C FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE D Income - Loans (Received or Outstanding) > NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 DOVER $100,000 SECURITY FOR LOAN D None D Personal residence D Real Property :>treet aaaress Ltry D Guarantor D Other (Describe) > NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 DOVER $100,000 SECURITY FOR LOAN D None D Personal residence D Real Property ::>rreet aaaress c;/ty D Guarantor D Other (Describe) Comments: Name Michael J. Groves > NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 DOVER $100,000 SECURITY FOR LOAN D None D Personal residence D Real Property :;jlreel adaress l.ary D Guarantor D Other (Describe) > NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER INTEREST RATE TERM (MonthslYears) % D None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD D $500 - $1,000 D $10,001 - $100,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 DOVER $100,000 SECURITY FOR LOAN D None D Personal residence D Real Property :street address c.;lty D Guarantor D Other (Describe) FPPC Form 700 (200212003) Sch. D FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION SCHEDULE E Income - Gifts > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE l: -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ $ -----1-----1_ > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE s -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE $ -----1-----1_ $ -----1-----1_ $ -----1-----1_ Comments: Name Michael J. Groves > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE $ -----1-----1_ $ -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE s -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) VALUE DATE l: -----1-----1_ $ -----1-----1_ s -----1-----1_ FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) Sch. E FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC SCHEDULE F Income - Gifts Travel Payments, Advances, and Reimbursements CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name Michael J. Groves · Reminder - you must mark the gift or income box. · You are not required to report "income" from government agencies. > NAME OF SOURCE > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE CITY AND STATE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE TYPE OF PAYMENT: (check one) D Gift D Income TYPE OF PAYMENT: (check one) D Gift D Income AMT: $ DATE(S): ---1---1_ ---1---1_ (If applicable) AMT: ~ DATE(S): ---1---1_ ---1---1_ (If applicable) DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: > NAME OF SOURCE > NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE CITY AND STATE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE TYPE OF PAYMENT: (check one) D Gift D Income TYPE OF PAYMENT: (check one) D Gift D Income AMT: $ DATE(S): ---1---1_ ---1---1_ (If appiicable) AMT: ~ DATE(S): ---1---1_ ---1---1_ (If applicable) DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: Comments: FPPC Form 700 (2002/2003) Sch. F FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC