Ermelindo Puente - Annual 1994 . 1994/95 em CLERK'S OEElCE GILROY l CA Date Received by FPPC FORM 721 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS A Public Document PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK NAME f fir. ~f'l MAILING ADDRESS STREET '- Ut'" (/~/ '1 ft!.A{! (if tJ c;,/ ') ~)-.4)..... - .?t3~" ZIP CODE CITY /.{ l .--,. DISTRICT: o JUDICIAL BRANCH COUNTY: CHECK ONE: o JUDGE o COMMISSIONER o PRO- TEM COURT: o RETIRED JUDGE o COUNTY OF: OFFICE/POSITION: o aTY OF: OFFICE/POSITION: o MULTI-COUNTY: NAME OF AGENCY ft ~< ra 2. 'f OFFICEIPOSITION ( (' III Wl1..( 11;' v () e I 'P It ':'-/:I,)"F.f!.t.a n /1 .,' /74- ((7 /'J' 1/1 ! ~ <; ! r /1"" t NAME OF AGENCY i .' ./ OFFICEIPOSITION o EXPANDED STATEMENT: - TYPE OF STATEMENT (Check the Appropriate Box(es)): o ASSUMING OFFICE STATEMENT (For Newly-Elected and Newly-Appointed Officials ONLY) o ELECTED OFFICIAL Date Assumed Office or, if you are an Appointed Offi- cial subject to confirmation, enter the Date Appoi nted or Nominated: mo. day yr. m.' APPOINTED OFFICIAL El ANNUAL STATEMENT The period covered is January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. o LEAVING OFFICE STATEMENT Date Left Office: mo. day yr. The period covered is January 1, 19 _' through the date of leaving office. o CANDIDATE STATEMENT VERIFICATION I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executec/on J /6 , 19 if ')- at G,I-. /- c'.v L'/! ~ (mon... tJf;day) ./ ,} (year) /~/(Cityandstate) SIGNATURE ,/{~M1t.r:-',,~J. . FORM 721 \ ~ ), / ../} --f NAM E t-, r)71 C / 11 {7{J /L-[/ f? 1-/ ; L The following summary must be completed by all filers. Do not complete this summary page until you have carefully reviewed all schedules and the instructions for each schedule. Schedule A - INVESTMENTS (Not Held By A Business Entity Or Trust) SCHEDULE COMPLETED NO REPORTABLE AND ATTACHED INTERESTS Schedule B - INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY (Not Held By A Business Entity Or Trust) D D W Gr Schedule C-1 -INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY A BUSINESS D [!J ENTITY OR TRUST Schedule (-2 - INVESTMENTS HELD BY A BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST D 6 Schedule 0 - INCOME D uY (Other Than Loans, Gifts And Honoraria) Schedule 0-1 -INCOME -- TRAVEL PAYMENTS, ADVANCES, D IT:l REIMBURSEMENTS Schedule E - INCOME -- LOANS D Qj (Received Or Outstanding During The Reporting Period) Schedule F - INCOME -- GIFTS D ~ Schedule G - INCOME -- HONORARIA D Q~ Schedule H-1 - COMMISSION INCOME RECEIVED BY BROKERS. AGENTS D CD/ AND SALESPERSONS Schedule H-2 -INCOME AND LOANS TO A BUSINESS ENTITY OR TRUST D c:J Schedule H-3 -INCOME FROM RENTAL PROPERTY D ~ NOTE: AFTER THE SUMMARY PAGE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, PLEASE RECYCLE THOSE SCHEDULES ON WHICH YOU HA VE NO REPORTABLE INTERESTS. (10/94)