Ermelindo Puente - Annual 1996 CALIFORNIA 700 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. NAME 1. Office, Agency or Court c.\-c\\ n.f ~\ \~O\\ Division. Board, District. if applicable: Plo nnj(\,) rom~~.'7.sj6r1 Position: \w - p\C\V\'r\" 't'\J\. QD ",,^.~~~"O ~(' > Is j,Pe positMn covered by a conflict of Interest code? [1" Yes D No > If filing an expanded statement list agency/position: (attach a separate sheet if necessary) CO~Vl till( LI M.A' {. 1 h .pup.l ol VI).. fiAA-t- ~{JA<<j 2. Office Jurisdiction (Check one) D StateD County of ~ City of Q" \\'\0 ~ D Multi-County 3. Type of Statement D (Check at least one box) Assuming Office/Initial (Check one) o ElP.cted Official (j Appointed Official (includes individuals newly hired) o Annual (Check one) . The period covered is January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996. o The period covered is ----1----1_ through December 31, 1996. Date: ----1----1_ D Leaving Office Date Left: ----1----1_ (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 1996 through the date of leaving office. o The period covered is ----1----1_ through the date of leaving office. o Candidate Date Received 4. Schedule Summary (Check one box for each schedule) During the reporting period, did you have any reportable interests to disclose on: Schedule A-1 ~NO 0 Yes-attach schedule Investments (Less than 10% Ownership) Schedule A-2 ~o D Yes-attach schedule Investments (Greater than 10% Ownership) Schedule B D No ~s-attach schedule Real Property Schedule C D~ o,...Yae-attach schedule Income & Business Positions (Income Other than Loans, Gifts and Travel) Gr~ Schedule D Income - Loans o Yet-attach schedule ~ Schedule F ~ Income - Travel Payments Schedule E Income - Gifts D Yes-attach schedule D Yes-attach schedule > The number of pages attached: . ~. ! D None (no reportable interesrs) Number of pages .2- 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is and correct. /J EO CI) Executed on .::;J'- . 19 SIGNATUR&;;~~ FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) For Technical Assistance: 916/322.5660 Interests in Real Property CALIFORNIA 700 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. Schedule B Name 'f tC m"- /,i7d 0 -P~{'e/rh~- ~ STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION ~ STREET ADDRESS O~RECISE LOCATION.. . 7 ~ 0 \'AO\l CA CITY FAIR MARKET VALUE D $1,000. $10,000 D~10,001 . $100,000 Er Over $100,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1 96 ACQUIRED ---1---1 96 DISPOSED FAIR MARKET VALUE o $1,000. $10,000 D $10,001' $100,000 DOver $100,000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: ---1---1 96 ACQUIRED ---1---1 96 DISPOSED NATURE OF INTEREST O/Rental Property 0' Ownership D Leasehold Yrs. remaining D Easement D Deed of Trust Held by You D Other NATURE OF INTEREST o Rental Property o Ownership o Leasehold o Easement o Deed of Trust Held by You o Other Yrs. remaining IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED D $250 - $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 0 Over $10,000 IF RENTAL PROPERTY, GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250. $1,000 D $1,001 . $10,000 0 Over $10,000 SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: If you own a 10% or greater interest. list each reporfab/e source of rental income of $10,000 or more SOURCES OF RENTAL INCOME: List each reportable source of rental income of $10.000 or more NAME OF LENDER ~\C)n Oh~ mOf'~ e., Co ADD ES~ ) ~-t7(aJ La:-,U~C-\e.S ~A BUS~SS ACTIVITY OF LENDER ~inancial Institution NAME OF LENDER ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER o Financial Institution D Other o Other INTEREST RATE f.e % INTEREST RATE o None % o None HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PE~D 0$250 - $1,000 D $1,001 - $10,000 E1 Over $10,000 HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD o $250 . $1,000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 DOver $10,000 o Guarantor, if applicable o Guarantor, If applicable Check below if another loan is disclosed on Schedule D. D Additional loan - reler to Sch. D. Check below if another loan is disclosed on Schedule D. o Additional loan - refer to Sch. D. Comments: FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) Sch. B For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660 Schedule C CALIFORNIA 700 1996/97 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. Income & Business Positions (Income Other Than Loans, Gifts and Travel Payments) Name t;R.tr1tLi/vDo Jl;ev)fc >- NAME 5 czn-l- 01, ADDRESS OURCE [iO\!€.'fY'vnent {T r an? Po, h'c -\)fi n) BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (COde/Filers Only) Ro A \) n'\(>..\ v, + -e.. Y) ct n U W 0 v 1<..Q 1-. TII::- C leu- 0\ Co u_ r, -I-l./l I S:tt1. 0.- Ctl GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $250 . $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10,000 [2t'"Over $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED ria'Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of (Property. car. boat, etc.) o Commission or 0 Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more o Other >- NAME (rtl(O~ LL~Jj'eoJ Sc.h.oo\ :Di;;,t(I'e+- ADDRESS " 1fjIO/1(10 0 BUSINESS ACTIVI ; F ANY, OF SOURCE "- kG C 1..J So, C.J,6 (\ \ ct \ S \- r l c..\- BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) S C V'-O 0 \ S~. c {" e.~=..J GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250" $1,000 0 $1,001 .. $10,000 5]Over $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED ~ Salary 0 Spouse's Income 0 Loan repayment o Safe of o Commission or (Property, car. boat. etc.) o Rental Income, list each source of $tO,OOO or more o Other Comments: >- NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $250 . $1,000 0 $1,001 .. $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of o Commission or (Property. car. boat, etc.) o Rental Income, list each source of $10,000 or more o Other >- NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION, IF APPLICABLE (Code Filers Only) GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250.. $1,000 0 $1,001 .. $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o o Sale of (Property. car. boat, efc.) o Commission or o Rental Income, IISf each source of $10.000 or more o Other FPPC Form 700 (1996/97) Sch. C For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660