Ermelindo Puente - Annual 1997 CALIFORNIA 700 1997/98 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. QI1 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS A Public Document Please type or print in ink b'. CITY b 0 ).(.) ZIP CODE COVER PAGE 1. Office, Agency, or Court (~JA~1 ~ tH Lr--<OL<1 Division, Boar , District, if a~plicable: Position: P'lrm "',, ~ CD """,,: $ ., ; 0 Y"\ ~ If filing an expanded statement list agency/position: (Attach a separate sheet if necessary) ('om m ~{I1/ J~! be i/~ /offf7e~/tje~ 2. Office Jurisdiction (Check one) o State 0 County of artityof . G~ l~ ~ o Multi-County o Other 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) o Assuming Office/Initial Date: ~~- (Check one) o ~cted Official 0' Appointed Official (Includes indlvlduels newfy hired) ~ Annual (Check one) ~ The period covered is January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. o The period covered is ~~_ through December 31, 1997. o Leaving Office Date Left: ~~- (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 1997 through the date of leaving office. o The period covered is ~~_ through the date of leaving office. o Candidate 4. Schedule Summary ~ During the reporting period, did you have any reportable interests to disclose on: Schedule A-1 0 Yes - schedule attached Investments (Less then 10% Ownership) Schedule A-2 0 Yes - schedule attached Investments (Greater than 10% Ownership) Schedule BOYes - schedule attached Real Property Schedule C ~ - schedule attached Income & Business Positions (Income Other than Loans. Gifts. and Travel) Schedule D 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Loans Schedule E 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Gifts Schedule F 0 Yes - schedule attached Income - Travel Payments ~o reportable interests ~ Total number of pages (including this cover page): ~ 5. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California -"'that the 10regoingis true -and correct. Executed on ,:3 - ~ - tit"" . 19 (momh, da~ SIGNATURg~A ~ 9~ (year) FPPC Form 700 (1997/98) For Technicsl Assistance: 9161322- Schedule C Income & Business Positions (Income Other than Loans, Gifts, and Travel Payments) ~ NAME OF SOURCE _ 6a \'\~ f'~ ~..\11 (\ tv fr) ADDRESS RCE SIl Y'\ ~t" I C..--A Cj5//0 ~> I 'J 7 / BUSINESS POSITION .&2iAJ'J ffi1 \ 1'"\1 t' Y'\U n (' e , 1ff GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $250. $1.000 0 $1,001 - $10,000 ~er $10,000 CO~DERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED ~ Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of o Commission or (Property. car. boat, etc.) o Rental Income. list each source of $10.000 or more o Other ~ NAME OF SOURCE li;'\~\l Lh",~ f; l!_D ~~OC) I D',st BUSI~ESS ACTIVI~~FJfNY, OF SOURCE (1',\f\O\} L_!.! BUSINESS POSITION ~ ,1'e.-1:& RV GROSS INCOME RECEIVED o $250, $1.000 0 $1.001 . $10.000 ~er $10.000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHlPR INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary _ [g'Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of (Property. car, boat. etc.) o Rental Income, list each source of $10.000 or more o Commission or o Other Comments: ~ NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS CALIFORNIA 700 1997/98 FORM FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMM. Name Errn-e'/'rllio P0lt'v7-le BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY. OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250. $1.000 0 $1.001 - $10,000 DOver $10,000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of o Commission or o Other ~ NAME OF SOURCE ADDRESS (Property, car, boat. etc.) o Rental Income. list each source of $10.000 or more BUSINESS ACTIVITY. IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0$250. $1,000 0 $1,001 . $10.000 DOver $10.000 CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOME WAS RECEIVED o Salary 0 Spouse's Income 0 Loan repayment o Sale of o Commission or o Other (Property. car. boat. etc.) o Rental Income. list each source of $10.000 or more FPPC Form 700 (1997/98) Sch. C For Technicai Assist8nce: 916/322-5660