2012Agency Report of: Public Official Appointments A Public Document 1. Agency Name . . : i CITY OF GILROY • Name of Appointed Person APpt Date and Length of Term For Official Use Only Division, Department, or Region (If Applicable) CITY COUNCIL ► Per Meeting: $ Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) SHAWNA FREELS, CITY CLERK Woodward, Perry ►Name ► 01 / 09 / 12 Page 1 of 1 Date Posted: October 22, 2012 Area Code /Phone Number E -mail 408 - 846 -0204 shawna.freels @cityofgilroy.org (Month, Day, Year) 2. Appointments Agency Boards and Commissions Name of Appointed Person APpt Date and Length of Term Per Meeting /Annual SaiarylStipend Valley Transit Authority ► Per Meeting: $ 100.00 Board of Directors Woodward, Perry ►Name ► 01 / 09 / 12 (Last, First) Appt Data ► Estimated Annual: ► 1 year ❑ $041,000 ❑ $2,001 43,000 Alternate, if any Length of Term (Last, First) ® $1,001 42,000 ❑ Other Valley Transit Authority Woodward, Perry 01 / 09 / 12 ► Per Meeting: $ 100.00 Administration and ►Name ► Finance Committee (Las[, First) Appt Date ► Estimated Annual: ► 1 year ❑ $041,000 ❑ $2,001 - $3,000 Alternate, if any (Last, First) Length of Term $1,001- $2,000 ❑ Other Local Agency Formation Tucker, Cat 01 09 12 l l ►Per $ 100.00 Commission ►Name ► Meeting: (Last, First) Appt Date ► Estimated Annual: Alternate, if any 10 ®$0- $1,000 $2,00143,000 (Last, First) Length of Term ❑$1,001- $2,000 ❑ Other / / 10 Per Meeting: $ ►Name ► (Last, First) Appt Date ► Estimated Annual: Alternate, if any ► ❑ $0- $1,000 ❑ $2,001 43,000 (Last, First) Length of Term ❑$1,001 42,000 ❑ Other 3. Verifi ation nd understand FPPC Regulation 187054 1 have verified that th appointment and information identified above is true to the best of my information nd b/70)z ef. O b(L i Signature ofAgendr Head or Designee Print Name Title (Month, bay, Aar) Comment: FPPC Form 806 (5112) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772)