2011/07/01 - 2011/12/31 - AFSCME - Form 460 Dlllt Stamp ~ print In Ink. Type or R.clpl.nt Committee Campaign Statem.nt Cov.rPage (Government Code Section. 84200-84216.5) PIli 1, of~t I"Clr Olllellll UIlI Ol'lly Dlte of eleotlon It . ~ft~ 'In\~ (Month DIY ~PPIlOlb' C' ~v..S Ot:q~r. , "ellt) "'\ '~"..,"" ~,.I.;I;,. ~raI'~(q "~'J (~-'\ oover. period 07/01/11 atat.ment from QUllrtllrly Stlltement Specllll Odd-Vellr Report Supplementel Preelection Stlltement - Atteen Form 495 o Cl o Type of Statement: D Preellotlon Stetemen q Semi-annual Statement D 'ftrmlnetlon Stlitement (AIIO file II Form 410 r8rmlnatlon) CJ Amendment (Explain belOW) 2. 12/31/11 All Commltt... - Compl'. "11111, I, 3, Ind 4. CJ Primarily Formed Ballot Mealure Committee o Controlled o Sponllored (Aim tJom/lllll8 Pslt Il) o through Primarily Formed Candidate/ Officeholder Committee (Aim aom;J/iIIiI Pslt t) !!lEI'< INStRUCTIONS ON RIMiFlSI'< Type of Recipient Commltt..: D OfficehOlder, Cllndldllte Controlled Commlllee o Stllte Crlrldldllte Election Committee o Reoall (AIIlll compl8hl Ps1l8) Iilf Genetlll Purpolle Committee a Sponllotlld o Smllll Contributor Committee o Polllloel Perty/Centrlll Committee 1 Trtaeurer(e) 4344 if' ii'A' 3. Commltt.. Information I.b. NUMI:lE~ _821697 OClMMliiEE NAME (01'\ OANtllOAtlNj NAME IF NO OOMMliiEE) AFSCME lOCAL 101 AFL-CIO PAC STIlelitAol:lF\EOS (~O- p.o.-lBt))() 1150 N. First ST AREA COI:lE/PHoNE liP MI:lE gtAtE CltV San Jose, CA 95112 fY.lbI N(j AlID~E'8a IIOX Jlfo.AN[jll AREAcODelt>lfONE zll'COoe I!ltAtE cITv oNe A oot:ni' g my knoWledge the In under penlillty of perjury under the laWl of the SlAte of CAlifornia thAt the fotllgolng III true Ind COttlct. 01/19/12 ;; FAX 4. By I!ltt!leuted on B1bnlltute By Elteeuted 01'1 ItPPC !'orm ...0 (JlnulrylO.) ItPPC TolI.II.... H.lpllne: IIIIAIK.,PPC (1111111-37'72) Ita. of Clllfornll By By Eltecuted on Executed \)1'1 Statemlnt cover. period 07/01/11 from ~"-~ TyPI or print In Ink. Amount. may be rounded to whOle donlra. Campaign Dllclosure Statement Summary Page 7 of 2 PIgI ~ --," --" ,,---- .-- 1.0. NUMfUIA 821697 12/31/11 ~ through .~I::fit lNSf~JJQ!ION$QN ~I\tV~RS~ NAME OF I"tl.l!iR AFSME LOCAL Calendar Vear Summary for Candidate. RunninG In loth the State Primary and aenerall!leotlon. COlumn 8 SAliNoAPI VEAPI totAl to DAte COlumn A. totAl THill i"ePlloo (FPloMAttAOHI!D BtlHeoUlES) ~"~"Q~OO!"OQ" PAC Contribution. Received 101 III Olltll 7/ tlitClugli a/30 20,000.00 $ $ So/ierJule A, Line 3 Schlldule /!!I. I..1ne 3 Add Lines 1 + II Schedu/ll C. I../ne 3 Monetluy Contributions LOins Received SUBTOTAL. CASH CONTRIBUTIONS {<;' -Ib'^ -ij $ $ ~ fdY $ 20. Contrlbutlonll Received Expendlturell Mede 21 20,000.00 $ ~~MQ9_.9Q $ Nonmonetary Contribution. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $ 20,000.00 $ "_gQI9~Q.Q~Q~0 $ for State Expenditure Limit Summary Candldat.. _~~_QI~9_Q--9_Q_ $ $ 22. Cumulatlv. Ibplndltu"l Mlde* (It lublellt 10 IJoluntilry IltpendltureUmll) $ ~.QL4QQ!Q~ $ Totlll to Cllte Cite of Election (mm/dd/yy) o _~Ql~QQ_~OO Add 1.11'111' 3 + >4 Schedule E. I../ne 4 So/ierJule 14, I.lne j Add I.lne/lll + t , So/ierJulft F. I.lne 3 Schedule C, Line :1 Add tine. 8 + P + 10 Expenditure. Made a. Plymenta Mlde 7. LoaM Mlde SUBTOTAI..OASHPAYMENTS (Unpaid BIIII) 8. 9. Accrued E~p.nlel 10. Nonmonetlry Adjuatment 11. TOTAL-EXPENDITURES MADE ,~- ,if *Amountlln thll .Ictlon mey be different from IImountl reported In Column B. $ $ ,___,_,_ L",___J~ ,.,.,.L__'_ To Clloulllte COlumn 13, Ildd i!ImOunt8 In Column A to the oorrelpondlng i!Imounta from Column B of your lilt report. Some amountllln COlumn A mAY bl negAtive flgurell thetllhould be llubtreoted from prevloull period Amountl. If thl8 IIiI the fltlt report being flied for thll celendlr yeer, only certy over the IImountl from 1.Inell2, 7, end I) (If Any). PrIiIv/ou. SU/llmflty Perle, /.INe ......... Column A, tine hbove ............... ScherJule I, L/nll>4 ......... COIU/llN A, tine fHIbove 12 + 13+ 14, then lubtttlct Line mUlt b. 18m. Current Oa.h Statement 12. Beginning Clllh Blllnee ....... 13. CI.h "'.......i"... ....................... 14. Mllotl lnorellel to CIsh 15. Oalh .. ..................... 16. I!NDIN ~L.A.NCI! ....... " tnt. i No" .tlltm."t, 39J4QO',QQ, $ 1 ~J~Q~.g~ _!Q!QQQ_&Q o $ $ 18 "."'VI,....". ,~;,~90.0,Q_ ,_~!Q9~2~t $ 18 Add Llnlll I.lflt 18 Payment.. $ Schedule S. Pfl/f II 17. L.OAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED Ca.h Equlvalenta and Outatandlng Debta 18. Calh Equlvalentl See In/ltM:/IoM on Illverse 19. I'PPC I'orm 480 (JlnuarylOl) I'PPC TolI.'roe Helpline: ..IIAIK.'PPC ('''1171-3711) -\;'~ ~ -0- $ $ Add 1..111& 2 + /.Ine P IN Column S flbtlVe Outstanding Debts SOHEDULE A Stltement cover. period I ! 01/01/11 from ~ ...... _.~.- -- , - I through 12/31/11 3 7 - PlgI ------ ,of ..-- ".-..." ...._,---~.- 1.0. NUMBER 821697 Type or print In Ink. Amount. mlY be rounded to whole dolllr.. Schedul. A Monetary Contributions Rec.lv.d PER I'<I.ECTION TOOATE (IF IUQUIIUiO) CUMUl.AtlVE fO OAtE CAI.I!NOAR VEAR (JAN. 1 . OEO. 31) AMOUNt RECEIVED iHI/8 PERIOD II" AN INOIVICUAI., eNTER oCCUI'AilON ANO EMI'1.0VER (IF llElF-EMPlel'fED, ENteR NAME , .0.1' 1l~Il!Ne.~~~ln " PAC I"UI.I. NAMI'<. stREET ACDFlIiSS ANOZII' CODE 01" OONfR1BUiOFlI CONtRl(!UiOR (IF ODMMlftEE, ALSo ENtER 1.0. NUMBER) COOE 'It 101 AFSME LOCAL CAfe RECEIVIit:l 15,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 --'-"'. - ....----.... - -. . -- . -- SUBTOTAL' 20,000.00 ~_.,..._.._n.._.._._._____ --- DINC D COM ~OTH DPTV DSCC DINC' DOOM 'll OTH tJPTV D SCC DIND DCOM DOTH DPTV o BCC DIND DCOM DOTH [JPTV DSOC DINC DOOM DOTH DPTV o SCC 7/21/11 AFSCME l.OCAL 101 1160 N FIRST ST SUITE 101 SAN JOSE, CA 96112 1/27/11 AFSCME LOCAL 101 1160 N FIRST ST SUITE 101 SAN JOSE, CA 95112 _.::-ili::"::"_ - .Contrlbutor Cod.. INO -lndlvlduel COM - Recipient Oommlttee (other thIn PTV or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., bUlln... entity) PTV - Polltlcll Plrty SCO - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form "'10 (JlnulrylOl) FPPC ToII-FM Holpllno: ..81AIK-FPPC (.18I27I.J772) 20,000.00 o 20,000.00 $ $ TOTAL $ thll period - unltemlzed monetary contributions of 1111 thin $100 1 Column A, L.ine Schedule A Summary 1 Amount received this period -Itemized monetary contribution.. (Include 811 SchedUle A subtotals.) . Amount received Totll monetlry contributions received this period. (Add Line. 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Plge 2 3 Stat.mlnt cover. p.rlod from 07/01/11 Typo or print In Ink. Amount. mlY bo roundld to who.. don.r.. Schedule D Summary of Exp.ndlture. Supportlng/Oppo.lng Oth.r Candidate., M.a.u.... and Committe.. 7 of 4 Pig. ~ --..-._," - ~'-~" 1,0. NUMBI!:R 821697 12/31/11 through SEE INSTRUCtiONS ON 1\EVERSE NAME 01" I"ILI'<A AFSME LOCAL PER ELECtiON 'to CAT! (IF AetlUIAEb CUMULAtiVE 'to CAn CALENCAR YEAR (JAN. 1 -beo. 31) AMOUNnHIS PERIOt! DESCRiPtiON (IF ReQUIRED) 'tYPE 01" PAYMENt PAC NAME OF CANOIDAtE, OFI"ICE, AND CIStRIC't, OR MEASUFUl NUMBER OR Ll!!iil'<R AND JURISDiCtiON, OF! COMMlfiEE 101 DAtE 15,000.00 15,000.00 CHECK #380 Monetary Contribution IiZI AFSCME CA PEOPLE INDEPENDENT COM 1121 L. ST SUITE 904 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 FPPC# 1270707 01/21/11 Nonmonetllry Contribution Independent Expenditure Cl CI 20,000.00 15,000.00 CHECK #381 Monetllry Contribution Nonmonetary Contribution tzI CI CI OPPOll8 AFSCME CA PEOPLE INDEPENDENT COM 11211.. ST SUITE 904 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Support 'lI 07/27/11 Independent expenditure CJ 1270707 FPPC 100.00 100.00 CHECK #1601 Monetary Contribution ~ CJ OPPOIlI JIM BEALL. FOR SENATE 2012 PO BOX 720007 SAN JOSE, CA 95172 FPPC# 1304849 Support ~ 09/18/11 NonmonetelY Contribution Independent expenditure CJ CI CI OPPOl8 Support IiZI 100.00 30 SUBTOTAL . Schedule D Summary 30AOO.OO $ (Include III Schedule D subtotals.) Itemized oontrlbutlonl.nd Independent expenditures mllde thll period. o $ 2. Unltemlzed contrlbutlonslnd Independent expenditures mlde this period of under $1 00 30.400.00 "PPC Form .10 (JanWlry/OI) FPPC TOll.F.... Hllpllnl: 'l"AaK.ftPPC (11"271.3772) TOTAL $ Do not enter on the Summlry Plge.) and2 3. Totel contribution. Ind Independent Ixpendltures mlde this period. (Add Llnel1 ltatlmtnt 00'111'1 period 07/01/11 from ' , ,- ,---- 12/31/11 6 throuah~ ~ PIII- --- .,'.' of ---- '.- - I.D.NuNllaIl!R--- 821697 - -- CUMULATIVE TO CATE PER ELECTION AMOUNT THIS CAI.Il!NDAR VI'EA~ TO CATE PE~IOD (JAN. 1 . DeC. tl1) (11= AeQUI~eD Type or print In Ink. Amountl ml~ be rounded to whOlt dollal'l. tll'<SCRIPT10N (IF AeQUIAebj tvp! 01" PAVMENT 300.00 300.00 CHECK #1502 Monetary Contribution Nonmonetary Contribution Independent ~xpendlture MonetAry Contribution Nonmonetary Contribution Indeplndent Expenditure IiZl Cl Cl Cl Cl Monetary Contribution Nonmonetary Contribution Independent Expendltutll Cl Monl!ltary Contribution Nonmonetery Contribution Independent Expenditure Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CJ Schedule D (Continuation Sheet) Summary of Expenditures Supportlng/OPPollng Other Candldatel, Mealure. and Committe.. _'n -. .-.'. ,,'._-,. NAME OF I"II.E~ AFSME LOCAL 101 PAC OAfE NAME 01" CANDIDATE, OFI"ICE. AND DISf~tCt, OM MI'EASUR! NUMBI'<R OR LETiI'<R ANC JURISOIOtION, O~ OOMMITTEE ~--""'" , ....._, -.,'.-- .-.._- ,---.-.. - -.- --.--.-. ~.__." --- - . --.._--- .---... 10/20/11 PAUL FONG FOR ASSEMBL V 2012 465 N. WOLFE RO SUNNYVALE CA 94085 FPPC# 1333630 Cl Support Cl OPPolle -...--.-..-.' -,"",_._---.-,,",-- --.'''-.-..--.. -,_.._-- C1 Support t:J OpPole _" , " .....-.."'...., N'_ CI Support Cl OpP08e _ ~ _.... _'_',..M__'.._ .. M" --,....._._._.._......_,---~-_.....- -.-.-,--...-.-..-...-..-....-.....-.- Cl Support CI OPP081!1 300.00 IIPPC 1I0rm .10 (JlnUtlrylOl) FPPC TOII.II.... Helpline: 111/AIK..fIPPC (111/271-3772) SUBTOTAL. . Stltement cover. period 07/01/11 Type or print In Ink. Amountl may be rounded to whole dOlllr.. Schedul. E Paymenta Made 1 e PlgI - -- '-- of "_.... . ,--, -- I.D. NUMI!l~R 821697 12/31/11 from through SEE INStRUCTIONS ON R~VERSE -" - ."- -......- NAME 01" I"Il.ER AFSME LOCAL. the payment redlo IIlrtlme and production costs returned contrlbutlonll Clmpliilgn workera' 11I1.rlel t.v. or cllble airtime and production coati Clndldllte trllvel, lodging, Ilnd mellll Iltaff/apoulle trlVlI, lodging, end me. II trlnlflr between committeell of the lIme cllndldlte/llponlor vot.r tIIglltratlon Informlltlon technology costa (Internllt, .-mllll) Otherwl.e, de.crlb. RAC RFO SAL TEL. TRC ms TSF VOl \l\"l!B the payment, you may enter the code. MeR member communlcetlonll MTG meetlngll end IIppellrllnoell OFC office Ixpenllll PEr petition clrculatlng PI-() phone bankl POL pOlling and lurvey tiIllflerch POS pOltege, delivery end mtllseng.r aervlces PRO proflllllonel lervloel (legal, eocountlng) PIU print edll PAC CODES If one of the following cod.. Iccurately deacrlbea (Mil cempalgn per.phllrnlllle/mlsc. eNS camplIlgn conlultentll CTlll oontrlbutlon (llkplllln nonmonelllry)* eve olvlc donatlonl!l FlL oandldAte flllng/bAllot flel FND fundrllllllng .ventl! 11\0 Independent ekpendllure lupportlng/oppolllng othera (explain)" LEG legal defln.e UT campaign literature Ilnd mailings 101 AMOUNT PAID 15,000.00 OI;:SCI'UPTION OF PAYMENT PAC CONTRIBUTION CHECK # 380 OR CODE CTB NAME AND ADDRESS OF FlAYEE (II' COMMittE!:, ALIlO ENfE" 1,0. NUMIlEA) AFSCME CA PEOPLE INOEPENDENT COM 1121 L. ST SUITE 904 SACRAMENTO, CA 96814 15,000.00 PAC CONTRIBUTION CHECK # 381 eTB 1270707 AFSCME CA PEOPLE INDEPENDENT COM 1121 L. ST SUITE 904 SACRAMENTO. CA 96814 FPPC# 100.00 PAC CONTRIBUTION 1501 CHECK # CTB 1270107 FPPC# JIM BEALL FOR SENATE 2012 PO BOX 720007 SAN JOSE, CA 95172 13404649 FPPC# 30.100.00 SUBTOTALS mu.t .1.0 be .umm.rlled on Schedule D. art contribution. or Independtnt expondlture. thlt · Plymonta 30,400.00 o o 30,400.00 $ $ $ TOTAL . Schedule E Summary (InClude ell Schedule E subtotals.) Itemized payment. mlde thla period. 1 2. Unltemlzed paymenta made this period of under $100 Column (e) 1 (Enter Imount from Schedule B. Plrt Intereat paid this period on 101n8. 3. Totll 4. Toll I FPPC Form 410 (Jlnulry/OI) FPPC Toll.F.... Helpline: .IIIASK-FPPC (.111171-3772) the Summary Page, COlumn A, Line e.) 2, Ind 3. Enter here end on this period. (Add Lines plymentlll mlde SCHEDULE E Statement OOVII'I Ptrlod TyPt or print In Ink. Amountl mlY bt roundld to wholt doll.l'I. Schedule E (Continuation She.t) Payments Made 07/01/11 ==.~~=_. from 7 Plgl ~ of I.C. NUMDE~ 12/31/11 through E S~EJNlt~U_QrlQNILQ,t>t~!lY.EJt NAME 01" I"Il.EA 821697 NAME AND ADDAEsa 01" PAYEE CODm OA CESC"IPiION Of' PAYMENi AMOUNt PAID (II' ooMMlttEE, ALSo ENtER J.D. NUMBER) . -~. -~ ~...- .. --.- -- ,.~ ___.u. _ ..---.,- -----. ---- '.- ----.... .- -..-. PAUL FONG FOR ASSEMBLY 2012 CHECK # 1602 PAC CONTRIBUTION 486 N. WOLFE RO CTB 300.00 SUNNYVALE CA 94085 FPPC#1333830 .. __ - 0"'" 0'''''__''__'' .--._- --- -- .. .--- - - .--.. --. ..~._- -_.' - --. .. .'..-..--.-.. - - -----..-- - -.-. - 0'''' . _.__.__,. .__,._._.'M"._._ _,...."..__,__.. "0'_""'0 .0....______ _. . Y 300.00 JlPPC Jlorm 410 (January/Ol) FPPC Tou.FI'II Hllpllne: .8I1AIK-JlPPC (8811271-3172) dllcrlbe the p.yment. redlo elrtlme And production returned contrlbutlonll oempalgn worketl' Illllerlell t.v. or ClIble Airtime And production COlli cAndldllte trllvel, lodging, IInd melll. IltlffllPOUll!l trlvel, lodging, And mellll tf'lnlfer betwel!ln commltteel!l of the .Ime cllndldate/llpOnlOr voter tIIgllltrlltlon Informlltlon technOlogy COlltl (I I SUBTOTAL' COltll Otherwl.e, RAD RFO SAl- m TRC mB TSF VOT WEB the p.ymentl you may enter MBR member communlcetlonl M'l'G meetlngl and l!Ippeluancell OFC offloe ekpenllell PEr petition clroullltlng Pl-() phone blinks POL polling Ind lIul'Vey rel!lelltoh POS pOltlge, dl!lllvery and melllenger lel'Vloas PRO profellllonal lel'Vlce. (1IglIl, IIccountlng) PRT print Id!! the code. I or Independent eltPtndlturel mUlt 11.0 bllumm.rlnd on Sohedull D. PAC CODES: If one of the following codes accurately dllcrlbes aJP olilmplllgn parlphemalll/mll!ltl. eNS clilmpalgn oonl!lultl!lnt. CTa contribution (explllln nonmonetary). CVC olvlc dona Ilona AL cendldlte flllng/bllllot feel!l M fundrllalng eventl IN:) Independent expenditure l!lupportlng/oPPol!lll;g othera LEG legll defense ur Cllmpllgn IIterlltutll and mailing. (eXplain). tl 101 AFSME LOCAL