South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Committee - FPPC Form 496 for Peter Arellano - 2003 I-' c;;) -........ W I-' -........ t--.J c;;) c;;) W I-' -.J .P- O) .P- c;;) 0) t--.J LCI -.J W -.J LCI Ul LATE IN DEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT Late Independent Expenditure Report TVpe or print in ink. Amoonts mBy be rounded to whole dollars.. - NAME OF FILER Date or South Ba~AFL-C!O Labor Council Cmt, on Political Education sponsored by Souffi iIy AFL-CJQ labOr Cor..niCif . . . . "... FIRng 19131J2003 AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER J.D. NUMBER (if applicable) Report No. lIE800-3 (408 266-3790 744711 STREET ADDRESS 2102 Almaden Road, Suite 100 o Amendment 10 Repor1 No. UE860-3 CrTY STATE ZIP CODE Inpl8in IMltowl San Jose CA 95125 No. of Pages 1. Lis1 Onty One Candidate or Ballot Measure HAIlE OF CMDIDATE SUPPOR.lED OR OPPOSED MAIlE Of BALlOT IlEAStJRE SUPPORTED OR Of'POSED Mr. Peter Arretlano OFFiCE SOOOHT OR HELDitllSlRlCT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALlOT NO./LETTER JURISOICllON SUPPORT OPPOSE Sought: City Council Member x CCM LJ H lJ D -< o c r D :E o TI TI H (') rrl U1 1hHb, DATE OESCRJPTION OF EXPENORURE AAo10UI'IT 100112000 Estimated Phonebanking 52.SO I 100112003 Salaries 521.60 I 10/3112000 Estimal.ed PrintinglDesignJOatafPostage for Mailer 1295.35 I Ret 0 I I Atllll:f1 additional information on .pprnprl8laly labeled <:ontinUlltion Expenditures Made 2. tndependent LJ D Gl rrl c;;) t--.J FPPC Form 496 (June/tit) FPPC ToI~F~ 1ielpIine: 866lASK-FPPC 866.127 5. 3 772 Amendmel'lt: Reason for