Peter Arellano - Form 460 - 2011/07/01 - 2011/12/31 TYpe or print In Ink. . Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government Code SflctIons 84200-84216.5) FOI' 0IIIe181 Use Only o Quarterty Statement o Special Odd.Yeer Report o Supplemenl8l Preelection Stalemll1t . Allaeta Fcrm 495 J~N 2012 erN ClERKS OfnC\;, GiLRlW. If. DlIte of eldon If applicable: (Month, Day, '(ear) i Statement covers period ?' , from /, TYPe of Statement: o Preelecllon Statement ;!j Seml-amual Staiement o Termlnalkln Slatament (Also lIle a Form 410 TermlnaIkln) o Amendment (Expleln below) 2. SEE iNSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through - 1. Type of Recipient Com mitt..: All Commltleet - Complele Parea 1, 2, 3, and 4. ~ OffIceholder, CendlcJate Controlled Committee 0 PrImarIly Formed Ballot MeelUrtt o State Candidate Election Commlllee Committee o Recall 0 Controlled (AjIO Ccrttp/fiII P8tt S1 0 Sponsored ;.-~,..,. o PrlmartIy Formed CancldeteJ Offtceholcler Commlllee (A1Io~Pllf7J 1/ o General Purpose Committee o Sponsored o Smell Contributor Committee o Poltlcal PartyIC.ntral Committee 'fotl Information I.D. NUMBER Cf1/ f3 ~S' COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) C Of)1 h1 (~ +0 R..L ~ *Z {i G/- pCjtt:-r ftYtt/tii10 C~ (D<,{/1 c.0{ :J G (0 STfU:ET OPTldHAL: FII)( I Btlon I he..,e used 81 reaeonatJle dllgence In preparing and reviewing this 818tement and to the best of mw knowledge undrpenaltyof pellury underthe lawe cfthe State of California that !he foregoing Is true end corracI. ' execu:ed on z.., _ I V By I AA!A CODE/PHONE ZIP CODE BTlIITE CITY ARE~ CODE/PHONE ZIP COOE ImTE CITV certify 1he InfClrme1lon contained herein and In the attached schedules 181rue an:! ~a1e. . By on ex.cu:. d FPFC Form 4110 IJenuaryrOS) B88/'ASK-FPPC ClIIIBI2?I-3J1:2) 8111. of Callfornllll OfCOrtrClTng OIIIcetaIcIer, Cerdlda\e. ..lIfeiiau(e Ptop_n FPPC ToII-FIH Helpline: By By CHI Cell Execu:td on Ex4IClCed on 'TYPe or print In Ink. COVER PAGE. PART2 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page - Part 2 - - 5. OffIceholder or Candidate Controlled Committee e. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee N~ OF ?FFICEHOlDER OR CANDIDATE - NAME OFSAIJ.OT ~URE Wi!' D. 1tv~,II(i..-n 0 - I JURISDICTION OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) BALLOT NO. OflLETTER o SUI'PORT . ~ ((June;; o OPPOSE RESIDE USINESS ADDRESS (NO. ~D STfU:ET) . CITY STAlE ZF '7/DO 1'0 fo;,~ oemlldate, or ..... m...1ft propotWnt, I' any, NMlE OF OFFICE HOLlER, CANlJDATE, OR PR.OPONENT Related Committees Not Included In this Statement: U8t .ny com","'" OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD not lm:Iuded In ",Ia ..tement ",.t .re controller! by ]fGU or Ire prlmer1ly fo1med to 1IGt1'l. DISTRICT toIO.IF ANY contrlftutlOlW or m." upendltDrea on beha" of your cendld.ay. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee Ust INImN of oIIIDeltoldu(.) 01' t:lndld.te(.) for wIIIoh th,. committee. prtm.rlly formed. NME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR ~OIDA1E OFFICE SOUGHT OR HaD . o SLFFQRr o OPPOSE NAME a: OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD o SUPPOR.T o OPPOS E NAME a: OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD o SlIPPOIU o OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDeR OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD o SIIPPORT o OPPQS E I4tU1Oh contlnuatfcn .eer. If nec:e.u.1)' PPPC Form 'llIJ .....Laryltlll Ff)PC Tofl.freeHelpUne: I881'ASK.FPf>>C 1M6'27s.3""~ S1aIll..e......... I.D. NUMBER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? DYES o NO STREET ADDRESS (NO P.o. BOX) STA.iE ZIP CODE AREA COOEJPHONE 1.0. NUMBER CONTROLLED COMMI1TEE? Dves DNO STREET ADOAESS (NO P.O, SOX) mii ZIP CODE AREA CODElPHCJofE COMMITTEE NAME 7. NAME OF TREASURER C~~rneEADDRESS CITY COM'tt1TEENME NAIAE OFTAEASURER COLtMlTEEADORESS ClN Type or print In Ink. Amounte may be rounded to whole dollers. Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page LD. NUMBER qq) Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running In Both the State Primary and Gene rei Elections 1/1 Ihrllugh eJ30 from j{ af~ ~ Column A toTAl. '!HIS PEI'lICX) (FFIONAlTACHI!DSCHI!OUI.Ul ,-t)--- .-e- .e- J.:L throUlh & tlec - Contributions Received SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE . NAME OF FILER Comf'Y11 ZOIO - CoIumnB CALENOARWAR TO'll\L TCElATE P-e kf- /i-r e ~ to Da. 7/1 $ $ 20. CorIlrlbullcll8 ReceIYecl e,c pendllures MlIde 21 '1$0 '0(1) <)5 II . (lI) '> -& '15'V.oo) $ $ $ $ Schedut. A, I.Ine 3 Schedu/. a I.Ine 3 AddUne8 1 +2 Schedule C, I.Ine 3 Add I.Jnet 3 + 4 Monetary Contributions Loans Received .......... SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS Nonmonetary ContrlbutlonB .............. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. 2~ 3. 4. 5. $ ExpendIture Urnlt Summary for Stat. Candidates $ $ B- $ Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made 7. Loana Made 22. Cumulative ExpendUurel Made' OfllallJMtl0 VGluraI)'l!Ilptlldl.... ~'mltl Date of Election Total to Data (mmfckllw) $ $ ,-c) -er- er $ s Scheduie E, Lil. 4 ..................... ScheduleH, Lil.3 ,.............................. AddLInH6+ 7 '...... Schedule Ii Lil. 3 " Schedule C, /In.3 Add Lf". B + 9+ 10 8. SUBTOTALCASH PAYMENTS 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment ........ 11. TOTALEXPENOITURES MADE $ $ "Amounts In It1Is 88dIcr1 may Ile dlff.*1t from amounts reported In Column B. ----1 1_ ----1 1_ $ To calculate Column S, add amounts In Column A to the corl1llpOndlng amounts from Column B of your last neport. Some amounts In Column A may be negaClve flgu.... that should be sub1racled ~ previous period amounts. 1f1h1818 the "I'8t report being filed for lhI8 calendar year, only cany over 1he amounts from Un.. 2, 7, and 9 (If any). 3 :; . 7C, .g- c~ 35. '-a -e- $ $ $ $ P1'flVlousSummwy~, Unl16 '........, COlumnA, Une 38bcwe ............... Sdred18J, Une4 ......... ColumnA, Une Bebcwe 12 + 13 + 14, then I/lIbtraGt Una 15 ,ero. Schedule S, Pert 2 Cash equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cas" E(lulvalenls.. ........... See InstJuc/fam on rev_ 19. OltstEl'ldlng Debts AddJ.Jrre 2 +tfne9/n Column Sebove Current Cash Statement 12. Beglrlnlng Cash BelBnce ........ 13. Caeh Receipts ........................ 14. Mlscel.neous lnaeeses to Cash. is. Cash F'ayments .............................. 16. EtDINGCASHBALANCE ....".... Add Unes If till. " . IeImJnetlon atatement, U". 18 must be '7. LOAN GUARANTEESRECEJVED FPPC Form 410 IJ.nua~ FPPC TolI.Free Helpline: 8&8IASK.FPPC [8l11l1Z7$4n:Z) .ff $ $