Peter Leroe-Munoz - Form 460 - 2010/06/16 - 2010/09/30 In Ink. or print Type Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government Code Sections 842()()"84216..5) Official Use Only D Quarterly Statement o Special Qdd... Year Report o Supplemental Preelection Statement - Attach Form 495 For Date of election If appllcabte:1 (Month, Day, Year} Type of Statement: [lJ Preelection Statement o Semi-annual Statement o Termination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) o Amendment (Explain below) 11/212010 2. $tatement covers period from 6/16/2010 and 4. Measure 9130/1 0 Committee$ - C~mpl.te Parts 1. 2, 3, D Primarily Formed BaUot Committee o ControUed o Sponsored (~~Pe.tt61 through SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type of Recipient Committee: Ali !;z! Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee o State Candidate Election Committe.s o RecaU (A/$O Complete Pari 5) 1. N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... Primarily Formed Candidate! Officeholder Committee lA/sa Complete P8If 7; o o General Purpose Committee o Sponsored o Small Contributor Committee o Political Party/Central Committae Treasurer(s) .0 NUMBER 1327985 IF NO COMMITTEE Committee Information COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S .NAME Peter Leroe-Munoz for City Counci 3. NAME OF TREASURER Peter Leroe-Munoz AREA CODE/PHONE (408) 459~8683 ZIP CODE 95021 STATE CA MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1172 CITY Gilroy NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY 2010 STREET ADDRESS (NO P,O. BOX) 8200 Kern Avenue, Apt # 1.202 t=' :2: ~ (0 LO r:...: o <i:i .... (0 o o .... o .... o N AREA CODE/PHONE (408) 459~8683 CITY STATE ZIP CODE Gilroy CA 95020 MAii:i"NG ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO AND S'TREET OR PO aox P.O. BOX 1172 MAIUNG ADDRESS AREA CODE/PHONE ZIP CODE STATe CITY AREA CODE/PHONE {408) 459~8683 ZIP CODE 95021 STATE CA CITY Gilroy OP'iiONAL: FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS peterforgilroy@gmail.com E-MAil ADDRESS Verification I havellsEldalll'easonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the infonnl;ltion cootained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct. FAX Executed on Executed on orR, ~ of CortlroIIitlS QIficehok1er, Candidate, Stale MeaSoolI'ropQnent SlgnaIure ofComrolllng 0flk:el10lder, Candidate, State MeasIJRo Proponent FPPC 8y By 0aIe ii8iti Executed on Executed on "" .... '0 N III Ol 1Il a. f/) Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .c (J) o I- Recipient Committee Type or print in Ink. COVER PAGE - PART 2 Campaign Statement Cover Page - Part 2 ~ - - 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee - - NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE. NAME. OF BAlLOT MEASURE Peter Leroe-Munoz - BALLOT NO. OR LETTER I JURiSDICTiON OFFICE $OUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABlE) o SUPPORT Member; Gilroy City Council o OPPOSE RESIDENTlAUBUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP 8200 Kern Avenue, Apt # 1~202 Gilroy CA 95020 Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, If any. NAME OF OFFICEHOlDER, CANDIDATE. OR PROPONENT Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any committees not included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily fornHtd to receive OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME 1.0. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROlLED COMMITTEE? 1. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List names of DYES o NO offlceholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO PO. BOX) NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD o SUPPORT o OPPOSE CITY STATE ZIP CooE. AREA CODEIPHONE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD o SUPPORT <_~__A.._~~~~_'__'__'~_'_'__"_______~_____'_'__~_~____-~-------- o OPPOSE. -.-- -_._--,-- COMMfTTEENAME l.O.NUMBER NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICI: SOUGHT OR HELD o SUPPORT o OPPOSi:. NAME OF TREASURER CONTROlLED COMMmEE? NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DYES 01'40 ..O.SLJPPORT o OPPQSE COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O, BOX) CITY STATE liP Coof AREA CooEIP.HONE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Fonn 4&0 (JanuarylO5) FPPC ToU..f'ree Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866J275-3172) State of California ~ '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) ..... ~ co o ~ .... t=" ~ ~ l.O l() r:..: o <i:i .... l.O o I o .... 6 ..... o N ..... .... '0 (t) III Cl 1Il a. (fl Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il s: (f) o I- Statement covers period from_. 6/16/2010 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page \h of Page tD.NUMBER 1327985 o 9/30/1 through SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FU.,ER Peter Leroe-Mufloz Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the State Primary and GeneratElections Column B CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL TO DATE Column A. TOlt,!., THIS PERIOO (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDUlES) N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... Contributions Received to Dale 711 through 6130 11 6,379 15,000 21 $ 6.379 15,000 21 $ Schedule A, Une 3 Schedule B, Line 3 Add Unes 1 + 2 $ $ 20. Contlibutions Received Expenditures Made 21 .379 o .379 $ ,379 o ,379 $ Sche<1ule C. Line 3 1. Monetary Contributions 2. loans Received ........" 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS 4. Nonmonetary Contributions ..........".. 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED $ Summary for State $ Expenditure Limit Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made' (If Subject to Voluntary Expenditurellmltl Total to Date Date of Election (mm/dd/yy) 11,289.81 o --'~-'-'- 11,289.81 o ---'.-' 11,289.81 -~--------- 21 $ 21 $ Add Lines 3 + 4 Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made $ 11,289.81 o 11,289.81 o $ SchEldule E, Line 4 Schedule H. Line 3 $ o --~-._-_. 11,289.81 $ Add Lines 6 + 7 Sche<1u1e F, L.ioo 3 Schedule C, Line 3 7. Loans Made 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 10. Nonmonetary Adjllstment ........ 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE t- ~ S2. <0 l() " o <i::i .... <0 o o .... o .... o N $-- $ from amounts --------1_---1_ --------1------1_ 'Amounts in this section may be different reporteclinColumn B. To calClJlate Column B, add amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry (lver the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any). $ o 21.379 11,289.81 0,089,19 $ $ $ Add L.ines 8 .,. 9 + 10 16 I. Column A, Line 8 above 14, then subtract Une 15 Une4 Previous SurnmlW Page, Column A Line 3 above Schedule Une 13+ be zero. 12'" Add Unes Une Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ....... 13. Cl;Ish Receipts ...........,........... 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash 15. Cash Payments. .................... 16. ENDlNGCASHBALANCE ....... If this is a termination statement, 16 must o $ Schedule 8, Part 2 Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents Sse instructions on reverse 19 FPPC Form 460 (January/os) FPPC TQII.Free Helpline: 8661ASK.FPPC (8661275-3772) o o $ S Add Line 2 .,. L.ine 91n Column B above Outstanding Debts ..... .... '0 ~ III OJ 1Il Q. UI Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il ~ CI) o t- 17, LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED SCHEDULE A Statement covers period from 6/1612010 Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A Monetary Contributions Received of Page to. NUMBER 1327985 9130/10 through SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF F1LER Peter Leroe-Mufioz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1 - DEe 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAl, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (If SELF.EMPlOYEO. ENTERNAM€ 0;: BUSINESS) NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR I CONTRIBUTOR (IF COIIIMlTTEE. ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER) CODE .. FULL DATE RECEIVEO N III '0 C 1Il C ~ I o .C w E e LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... 00 $1 00 $1 00 $1 Organizer Democratic National Committee 00 $1 00 $1 $100 Marketing Manager ET A.USA $100 00 $1 $100 California Student University of 00 $1 00 $1 00 $1 Financial Analyst Packcard Foundation Consultant Kelley & Shang Art $150 $150 $150 7/31/10 ~IND o COM DOTH DPTY DSCC [llINO DCOM DOTH OPTY OSCC [;lJINO o COM DOTH DPTY DSCC --. [;lJINO o COM OOTH DPTY OSCC hll 'NO o COM OOTH DPTY OSCC Edward Yoon 2501 Porter Street NW, #504 Washington DC 20008 7n/10 Sousan Safakish 12780 Bravo Court San Martin, CA 95046 7/10/10 Maya Goehring 3241 Encinal Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 7/11/10 Bryan Wong 324 Bryant Street #518 San Francisco. CA 94135 7/12/10 i=" :2 ~ CD I() r:..: o to .... CD o o ;; .... o N Jeff Kelley 5500 Leona Street Oakland, CA 94605 6,379 FPPC Form 460 (JanuaryJ{)5) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661A,SK-FPPC (866/275-3772) --...........-. Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period - itemized monetary contributions (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) 5,089 1,290 $ $ TOTAL $ ~.~"_ "Contributor Codes 'NO -Individual COM- Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee Amount received this period - unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 1 Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A,line 555.00 SUBTOTAL $ 2. 3. ..... .... '0 I() III Ol 1Il 0- III Gi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il ~ (f) o I- SCHEDULE A (CONT. ! ~ Statement covers period 6/16/10 from Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to Whole dollars. Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received of Page T.i5:"NuMSER 1327985 9130/10 through NAME OF FILER Peter Laroe-Munoz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1 . DEC. 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAl, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (iF SELF.EI,lPlOYED, ENTER NAME OFSUS1NESSI FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR I CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE. ALSO ENTER 1,0, NUMllERj coDe ,. $25C $250 $250 Attorney Fish & Richardson $25C $250 $250 Partner/Attorney Reed Smith LLP $25C $250 $250 Attorney Retired $10C 00 $1 00 $1 Student Monterey College of Law $114 $114 $114 Attorney Retired 964.00 SUBTOTAL $ I2IIND o COM OOTH OPTY OSCC ~IND o COM OOTH OPTY oscc ~IND o COM OOTH OPTY oscc 'llIND o COM OOTH OPTY oscc 'll1ND o COM OOTH OPTY OSCC DATE RECEIVED N III '0 C 1Il C .... III I o 'i: W E o It o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... Jonathan Lamberson 555 Cypress Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 8/6/10 Peter Munoz 6036 La Salle Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 9/4/10 Jane Leroe 6036 La Salle Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 9/4/10 Rafael Albarran 626 Thomas Court Marina, CA 93933 8118/10 i=' ::;!; ~ 10 10 ,;.: o to .... 10 o 6 .... 6 (; N William Arthur 842 N. Renstorff. Apt #P Mountain View, CA 94043 7/13/10 FPPC Form 460 (January/OS) FPPC Tollofree Helpline: 866lASK-FPPC (~75-3n2) - 'Contributor Codes IND -Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g.. business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee "- .... ... o 10 III OJ 1Il a.. '" Qj III .... u.. 1Il C ~ .r::. CJ) o ..... SCHEDULE A (CONT, Statement coven; period fr 6/16/10 om Type or print In Ink, Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Page ~ of tt> ' to. NUMBER 1327985 9130/1 0 through NAME OF FilER Peter Leroe-Munoz PER ELECTION TO OArE (IF REQUIRED) CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1- DEe" 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (l~ SELF-EMPLOYED. ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS, CONTRIBUTOR CODE * FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (!f COMMlTTEE,Al.SO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER! DATE RECEIVED ~ '0 C 1Il E III I o 'i: W E o It o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ ~ <!~ ----- 1; ~ bl? $250 $250 $250 $250 Attorney Fish & Richardson Partner/Attorney Reed Smith LLP 1'" ~ (;l::> $250 $250 Attorney Retired DC> 1> 00 $1 $100 Student Monterey College of Law $114 964.00 SUBTOTALS Attorney Retired !;l] IND o COM oOTH oPTY OSCC IllIND o COM oOTH oPTY DSCC IllIND o COM oOTH oPTY oSCC 1ZI1ND DeOM oOTH oPTY DSCC 1ZI tNO o COM oOTH DPTY OSCC Jonathan Lamberson 555 Cypress Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 8/6/10 Peter Munoz 6036 La Salle Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 9/4/1 0 Jane Leroe 6036 La Salle Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 9/4/10 Rafael Albarran 626 Thomas Court Marina, CA 93933 8/18/10 t=' :2: ~ co 10 r:..: o ID .... co o I o .... 6 ~ o N William Arthur 842 N. Renstorff, Apt UP Mountain View, CA 94043 7/13/10 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC ToU-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8e6I275-3772) ......-.-. ~ContribiJtor Codes IND -Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PrY - Political Party SCC - SmaU Contributor Comrnittee r-. .... .... o r-. III OJ 1Il 0- III Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ .s:; ({) o ~ SCHEDULE A (CONT. ! Statement cover$ period from 6/16/1 0 'TYpe or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A (Continuation.Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received UP Page '\ of 1.0. NUM8ER 327985 through __9/30/10 NAME OF FILER Peter Leroe-Mufioz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REQUIRED} CUMULATlVETODATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN, 1 - DEC, 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAl, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (JF SELF-EMPl.OYEO. ENTER NAME bFBUSINESS) FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR I CONTRIBuTOR (lfCOMMlTTEE.A1.SOENTERID,NUMBERI CODE: "" $~~ $250 $250 Owner Arteagas Super Save it VJ,S' $125 $125 Professor of Law Roger Williams University School of Law l~ t)-6t:> ~ $250 $250 Student Monterey College of Law 1i~ $250 $200 .075.00 SUBTOTAL $ hlIlNO o COM OOTH OPTY DSCC IillIND o COM OOTH OPTY oscc IillIND o COM OOTH OPTY oscc '2]IND o COM OOTH OPTY OSCC IlIINO o COM OOTH OPTY oscc DATE RECEIVED N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'i: W E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) ~ ex> o ~ .... Guadalupe Lopez 6906 Chestnut Street Gilroy. CA 95020 9/16/10 Jorge Elorza 35 Deborah Street Providence. RI 02909 9/18/10 $250 $200 Attorney Department of Labor Teacher S1. Theresa Catholic Elementary School #991 Thomas Laroe-Munoz 8/10. 1415 North Taft Street. -::1. Arlington, VA 22201 Mary Laroe-Munoz 9/19110 6036la Salle Avenue . Oakland, CA 94611 9/1 i=" :!; ~ o (t) N N <i::i .... to o o .... o .... o N Christopher Reed 3145 Center Street Soquel, CA 95073 9/19/10 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) fPPC TolI-F1'ee Helpline: 8661A5K-FPPC (866/275,.3772) - 'Contributor Codes INO -Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or seC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee r-- .... .... o co III OJ 1Il Q. f/) Gi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .r= (J) o I- SCHEDULE A (CaNT. ~ Statement CCM,trs period from 6/16/10 Type or print In Ink, Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received of_l~ Page to. NUMBER 1327985 9130/10 through NAME OF FILER Peter Leroe-Munoz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) CUMUlATNE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1. DEC. 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPlOYER (IF SELF-EMPlOYED, ENTER NAME OFBUSlNESSi CONTRIBUTOR CODE '" ~ 9-bP $250 $250 Teacher Retired 3L~ $250 $250 ..$ LOO $100 00 $1 $ lCe> $100 00 $1 lOb> J 00 $1 00 $1 800.00 SUBTOTAL $ IllIND o COM oOTH oPTY OSCC olNO III COM oOTH oPTY oSCC olNO DOOM ~OTH DPTY DSCC olNO DOOM 1ll0TH oPTY oscc olND o COM 1ll0TH oPTY OSCC FUll NAME, STREET AOORESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, AlSO ENTER l.O. I'IUI\I8ER> OATE RECEIVED N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'i: W E o ... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... Cecilia Logan 2370 Cochran Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037 7/18/10 Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 332 FPPC #1298069,2125 Canoas Garden Rd San Jose, CA 9/21/10 SiI Vest lLC 184 E. 6th Street Gilroy, CA 95020 9/23/10 Vega House & Spice LLC 369 12th Street Oakland, CA 94607 9/23/10 i=" ::2: ~ o (t) N N (jj .... l.() o 6 .... 6 .... o N Arteaga's & Sons, loe 211 First Street Gilroy, CA 95020 9/23/10 FPPC Form 460 (January/os) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) ~Contributor Codes IND -Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee " .... '0 (J) III Ol 1Il a.. III Qi III .... LL 1Il C 3: 1Il .r:. (/) o I- Statement covers period from_ 6/16110 -' through 9130/10 Page '\. of_t(o - 1.0. .NUMBER 1327985 Type or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. . Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received NAME OF FILER Peter Leroe-Munoz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REQlIIRED) jf lOo .$\~9.::> ~ ?-5'D $Q.~ ::t t Ot:> CUMUlATIVE TO DATE CAlENDAR YEAR (..IAN. 1 . DEC. 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAl. ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPl.OYER (If seLF-EMPlOYED, ENTERNMlE OF IilUSlNESS) FUll NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR I CONTRIBUTOR (If COMMITTEE. ","$OeHTER 1.D.Il\JM8ER) CODE: * DATE RECEIVED N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'i: W E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... 00 $1 $100 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $100 00 $1 Sales Retired 950.00 SUBTOTAL $ DINO III COM DOTH DPTY DSCC DINO o COM ~OTH DPTY DSCC DINO DCOM ~OTH OPTY OSCC DINO o COM 1lI0TH OPTY DSCC IlIIND o COM DOTH OPTY OSCC League of Con$8rvatlon Voters, FPPC #951348 P.O. BOX 2079 San Jose, CA 95109 The James Group 2950 Soma Way Gilroy, CA 95020 Ronan,LLC P.O. BOX 397 Gilroy, CA 95021 9/19/1 0 9/23/10 9/28/10 Gilroy Construction, Inc. P.O. BOX 397 Gilroy. CA 95021 9/2811 0 i=' ~ ~ o (t) N N cD .... 10 o I o .... 6 .... o N Thomas Ryan 3A East Front St Red Bank. NJ 07701 9/28/10 FPPC Form 460 {January/05} FPPC TolI-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC {8661275-3772} .Contributor Codes INO-Indlvidual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PlY or SCC) OTH - other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party see - Small Contributor Committee r-.. .... '0 o .... III 01 1Il Q. Ul Qi ~ LL 1Il C ~ ~ CJ) (:) ~ SCHEOULEA (CONT. , ~ Statement covers period from 6/16110 'tYpe or prlnt In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received of (h pageJQ 1.0. NUMBER 1327985 9130/10 through NAME; OF FILER Peter Leroe-Munoz PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF REOlJIRED) CUMUlATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPlOYER (IF SELF-EMPlOYED, EN'fER NAME Of8USINESS) CONTRIBUTOR qoQe * J~S\? $250 $250 Owner/President CMS Small Contractor Services 1( 9-~ $250 $250 Manager Noah Construction Corp. ). Q--$\? FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC TolI..free Helpline: 8661ASK..fPPC (866127$-3n2) $250 $250 750.00 Manager Noah Construction Corp, SUBTOTAL $ hlJlNO o COM DOTH OPTY DSCC IZlIND o COM OOTH DPTY OSCC IZlINO o COM DOTH DPTY oscc DIND o COM DOTH DPTY DSCC DiNe DeOM. DOTH DPTY DSCC FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND liP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (If COMMITTEE, AlSQEN'fER I.O.~l DATE RECEIVED ~ '0 C 1Il E III I o 'i: W E e LL o a (t) N (t) .... ~ co a ~ .... Eugene Pacchetti 15110 Watsonville Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037 9/24/10 Isaac Alvarez 180 Cox Avenue San Martin, CA 95046 9/24/1 0 Donato Alvarez, Jr; 3271 Norwood Avenue San Jose. CA 95148 "Contributor Codes IND -lndlvIdual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or See) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee 9/24/10 j:" :2 ~ a (t) N ('oj cD .... 10 a o .... o .... a ('oj I'- .... .... o .... .... III Cl 1Il 0.. (fl Qj III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .r= U) o I- Schedule B- Part 1 Type or print In ink. SCHEOUl..E B. PART 1 Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period RNIA 460 Loans Received to whole dollars. 6116110 M from Set INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE thrc>ugh 9f30/10 Page .JL of~ NAMe OF FIl.ER 1.0. NUMBER Peter Leroe-Munoz IF AN INDIVIDUAl, ENTER " (b) (el d ta) II FULL NAME. STREt:. ADDRESS AND liP CODE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OUTS ~ INTEREST ORtGlNAl CUMUlATIVE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER BAlANCE AMOUNT PAID BALANCE AT OFLENOER (If SELF-Et.lPI.OYED. ENTER BEGINNING THIS RECEIVED THIS OR FORGIVEN CLOSE OF THIS PAID THIS AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTIONS (It' COMMITTEE. AlSOENTER 1.0. NUMIlERj NAME OF lIU$lNES$j PERIOD THIS PERIOD . PERIOD LOAN TO DATE Peter Leroe-Mulioz OePllty District Attorney o PAlO I $ CALENOAA YEAR 8200 Kern Avenue $ $ 15,000 -'II 15.000 $, 15.000 Gilroy, CA 95020 County of San Benito o FORGIVEN RAn; PERaECTION- $ 0 15,000 0 6/16/201 15.000 $ $ $ tr.tJ IND o COM 0 OTH OPTY o sec DATE DUE DATE INCURREO o PAlO CALENDAR YEAR $-- $ _lI $ $ o FORGIVEN RArE PERaECTlO/Il"" $ $ $ $ to INO o COM 0 OTH o PTY osee DATE DUE DATE INCURRED o PAlO CALENDAR YEAR $ $ -'" $ $ o FORGIVEN RAre PER ELECTION" $ $- - $ $ to INO o COM 0 OTH OPTY Osee DATE DUE OATEINClJRREO SUBTOTALS $ $ $ 15,000 $ 0 - (Ente< (ejon SchedlJle B Summary ~E.1.in03) 1. Loans received this period ......,................................................................... ........$ 15.000 (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans of less than $100.) tcontributor Codes 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period ............................................................... ........$ 0 fNO ;...1ndivIdual COM - Recipient Committee (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid or forgiven.) (other than PTY or SCC) (Include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A) OTH - Other (e.g.. bUsiness entity) PTY - Political party 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Une 1.) .................. NET $ 15,000 see - Sman ContributorCommittee Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column A. Line 2. (hIay.... neg&II\'e...........l 'Amounts fo!9i\1en or paid by another party also must be reported on Schedule A. ,. If required. FPPC Form 460 (JanuaryI05) FPPC Toft-Free Helpline: 866fASK..fPPC (866f275-3m) N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... i=' :2 ~ o (t) N N ID .... lO o o .... o .... o N ,.... .... '0 N .... III 01 1Il Q. f/) Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .s:: (f) o I- SCHElXJLE E Statement covers period from 6/16110 Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule E Payments Made Page ~ of Lt. 1.0. NUMBER 1327985 9130/10 through seE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF fiLER Peter Laroe-Munoz CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. Ovf' campaign paraphernalia/misc. MeR member communications RAn radio airtime and production c;osts CNS campaign consultants . MTG meetings and appearances RfO returned contributions CTB contribution (explainnonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaignwotkers' salaries eve cMc donations . Fe" petition circulating ra t. Y. or cable airtime and production costs FlL candidate filinglballot f~ PI-O photte banks TAG candidate trall8l, lodging, and meals Ftol) fundraising events POL polling and survey research TR$ starfJspouse travel, lodging, and meals to independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)' PaS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/spol\$Of lEG legal defense PRJ professional S8lVlces (legal, SC"...ounting) VOl' voter regi$lration UT campaign literature aM mailings PRT print l!(js WEB information technology costs (intemet, e-mail N III '0 C 1Il C .... III I o 'C w E o .... LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... AMOUNT PAiD $2,680.00 58.41 $1 Business Cards CMP Pacific Printing 2260 Monterey Street San Jose. CA 95110 t- ~ ~ o (t) N N cO .... (Cl o o .... o o N DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Campaign Consulting & Management OR CODE CNS NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMllllTTEE. ALSO ENTER lD. NUAIlER) Eric Hernandez 145 Oak Street San Jose, CA 95110 Kick-Off Fundraiser Lizarran Tapas Restaurant 7400 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 $300.00 FND 3,138.41 10.591.76 698.05 o 11,289.81 SUBTOTALS $ $ $ TOTAL $ * Payment. that are contributions or Independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. ScheduleE.Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include afl Schedule E subtotals.) 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $1 00 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount frQm Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).) 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1,2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Une 6. F'PPC Form 460 (JanuarylO5) FPPC ToIl.free Helpline: 8661ASK.fPPC (8661215-3172) ,... .... ... o (t) .... III Ol 1Il 0.. Ul Gi III '- LL 1Il C ~ 1Il ~ (J) o t- SCHEDULE E (CONT.) ~ , A Statement ~vers period from_ 6116110 through 9130/10 Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made pageI2- of~ 1.0. NUMBER 1327985 SEe INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER Pater Laroe-Mulioz Otherwise. describe the payment. RAD radio al/time and prodll(Jtlon costs RfU retumedoontrlbulions SAt campaign wort<ers' salaries TEl t.v. or cable airtime and production costs iRe candidate travel, lodging, and mealS TRS $tatf/sp0tJ$8 travel, lodging, and meals TSF transfer between comrnlltees Qf the same candidate/sponsor VOT voter registration WEB information technology costs (Internet, e-mail) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMEt-tT AMOUNT PAID CODES: If one of the following codes aCCl.lrately describes the payment. you may enter the code. o.,.p campaign paraphemallalmi$C.. M3R member communications CNS campaign COO$ultatlts MrG meetings and appearanCEl$ CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary). OFC office expenses cve civic (Ionalions . . PEr petition clrculating Ft. candidate filinglOOllot fees PH) phone banks FI'V fundraising events POL poIting and sllNey research N) independent expenditure supporting/opposing othE!rs (explain). POS postage, delivery and messenger services lEG legal defense PR) professional services (legal, accounting) LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF CCWlTlEfL ALSO ENTE~ 1.0. NtJMllEAl $431,54 Campaign Literature OR CODE LIT $124,75 Scanner WEB Political Data Inc. P,Q. BOX 1706 Burbank, CA 91507 N III '0 C 1Il C .... III I o 'C w E e LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... t=" ~ ~ o (t) N N cO .... (0 o o .... o .... o N Pacific Printing 2260 Monterey Road San Jose, CA 95110 $219.48 Ink & Toner OFC Fry's Electronics 600 E. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Campaign Literature Pacific Printing 2260 Monterey Road San Jose.. CA 95110 $218.50 LIT $950.00 Ballot Statement Fll SUBTOTAL $ 1,944.27 FPPC Form 460 (JaAUaryI05) FPPC ToIt-Free Helptine: 8&6IASK-FPPC (866J215-3m) .. Payments that an contributions or Independent expendlWres must al80 be summarized on Schedule D. I'- .... '0 ~ ..... III Cl 1Il 0. '" Qj III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il s: CI) o I- City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy. CA 95020 SCHEDUlE E (CONT~) Statement covers period 6/16110 9130/1 0 Type or print In Ink. Amounta may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule E , (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made 1.0. NUMBER 1327985 from through Otherwise, describe the payment. RAD radio airtime and produclion costs RFD returned contributions SAL campaign workelS' salaries ra t.v. or cable airtime and production costs TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals TSF transfer between commiItees of the S81flEl candidate/sponsor VOT voter registration WEB information technology costs (Internet. e-mail) AMOUNT PAID describes the payment, you may enter the code. MBR member communications MTG meetings and appearances OFC office expenses FEr petition circulating PI<) phone banks POL poning and SlINey research POS postage, delivery and messenger services PRO professional serviC$s (legal, 8CCOUi1lin9) PRT print ads CODES: If one of the following codes accumtety eM' campaIgo paraphernalia/misc, CNS. campaign consultants CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)" CVC civic donations FL candidate fIIlngIballot fees FJ\D. fundralSing events N> independent expenditure supportingJopposing others (explain)" LEG legal defense lIT campaign literatul'e and mailings NAME AND ADDRESS Of" PAyeE (If COMf.lITTEE. AlSO ENTER W.1<IUMllER1 N III '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E o It o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... see INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER Peter Leroe"Munoz 557.62 DESCRIPTION Of" PAYMENT Data Voter OR CODE Political Data Inc. P.O. BOX 1706 Burbank,. CA 91507 $250.00 Annual Fundraiser Sponsor CVC St. Mary's Parish 11 First Street Gilroy, CA 95020 t=" :E ~ o (t) N N U:i .... lO o 6 .... 6 .... o N 321.20 Campaign Literature LIT Staples 8840 San Ysidro Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020 . Campaign Literature Pacific Printing 2260 Monterey Road Gilroy, CA 95020 518.94 105.95 Campaign literature LIT LIT Staples 8840 San Ysidro Avenue Gilroy. CA 95020 SUBTOTAL $ 1.753,71 FPPC Form 4tlO (JanuarylO5) FPPC ToIl-Free HetpHne: 86e1ASK-FPPC (88fI215-3172) * Payments that are contrlbutiol1$ or Independent expendlturu must also be summarized on Schedufe D. I'- .... .... o I{) .... III 01 1Il Q. III Qi III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .c (J) o I- SCHEDULE E (CONT.) , ~ Statement covers period 6/16/10 9130110 Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made from through !.O NUM6ER 1327985 Otherwise, describe the payment. RAD radio airtime and production costs RfD returned contributions SA.L campaign workers' saIatle$ 1B. t.v. or cable airtime and production costs TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meats TSF transfer between comrnitteflS of the same candidate/sponsor VOT voter regi$lration wEB information technology costs (internet. EH11ail) AMOUNT PAlO seE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF' FILER Peter Leroe-Munoz CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment. you may enter the code. Q,'P campaign paraphernalia/misc; MBR member communications 04S campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary). OFC office expenses eve civic donations FE' pelitJon ciroulatiog FL candidate fIIingJbalIot fees PI-O phone banks FI'V fundraislng events POL polling and survey research N) independent expenditure supportinglopposing others (explalnt POS postage, delivery and messenger services LEG legal defense f'R) professional services (legal, accounting) ill campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (If COMMllfEE. ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER) :II '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E e LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o ~ .... $649.33 DESCRIPTION Of PAYMENT Yard Signs OR CODE CMP 678.62 Billboards CMP CanddiateSigns.com 3640 S. 138th Street Omaha, NE 98144 t=" :2: Q, o (t) N N <i:i .... <D o o .... o .... o N Premium Graphics 5512 Mitchelldale Street Houston. TX n092 ,00 $121 Campaign Literature Printing LIT Garlic City Books 7490 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 $649.50 Yard Signs CMP Z Graphics 7457 Eigleberry Street Gilroy,C,A. 95020 125.64 Campaign Literature Printing LIT SUBTOTAL $ 2,224.09 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC ToII-Free Helpline: 8681ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) * Payments that a", contributiOns or Independent expendltu.... must also be summarized Of! Schedule D. .... .... - o <D .... III OJ 1Il a.. (/) Qj III .... lJ.. 1Il C ~ 1Il .c CI) o I- Garlic City Books 7490 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 (CONT.) Statement. c:oYel'$ period 6/16110 9130/10 Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be l'l)Unded to whole dollars. Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made page~ 1.0. NUM8ER 1327985 from through Otherwise, describe the payment. RAO radio airtime and production costs RfD returned contributions SAl campaign workers' salaties TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor VOT voter registration 'M:B information technology costs (internet. e-maU Peter Laroe-Munoz CODES: If ona of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. o.P campaign paraphemaliafmisc. MeR member communicallons CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances era coniribulion (explain nonmonetary)' OFC office expenses CVC civic donations Fa petition circulating FIL candidate lIIinglbal10l fEtes f+O phone banks FI'O fundraislng events POl.. polling and survey research N) independent expendltu~ supporting/opposing others (explain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) LIT campaign literature and maHIng$ PRT print ads NAME ANO ADDRESS OF PAYEE {IF COtlIMITTEE. ALSO ENTER 1.0. N\JMIlERI. ~ '0 C 1Il E III I o 'C w E e LL o o (t) N (t) .... ~ co o "<t .... seE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF l'lLER AMOUNT PAlO $251.28 ,280.00 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Printing Costs $1 Newspaper Inserts PRT Gilroy Dispatch 6400 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 SUBTOTAL $ 1,531,28 FPPC form 460 (JanuarylOS) FPPC ToIl..free Helpline: 8661ASK..fPPC (8661275-3712) * Payments that are contributions or Independent expenditures must also be aummarlnd on Schedule D, t=' ::2: ~ o (t) N N 10 .... 10 o o .... I o .... o N " .... '0 " .... III Cl 1Il 0- f/l Qj III .... LL 1Il C ~ 1Il .r:. (J) o to- OR CODE LIT Garlic City Books 7490 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020