Perry Woodward - Form 460 - 2007/07/01 - 2007/09/22 Amendment print In ink. Type or 'Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Govemment Code Sections 84200-84216.5) Date of election if applicable (Month, Day, Year) Statement covers period 7/, Zoo7 ~ q IZ1-/o 7 from No\/" , through SEe INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERse Quarterly Statement Special Odd-Year Report Supplemental Preelection Statement - Attach Form 495 o o o 2. Type of Statement: Preelection Statement Semi-annual Statement Termination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) Amendment D D D ~ and 4. Measure Committees - Complete Parts 1, 2, 3, D Primarily Formed Ballot Committee o Controlled o Sponsored (Also Complele Pert 51 Committee: Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee o State Candidate Election Committee o Recall (A/so Complete Part 51 AI Recipient Type of ~ 1 (Explain below) C /.,..-(.. It)qAJ d"t-<. S Primarily Formed Candidate/ Officeholder Committee (A/so Camp/ale Part n D D General Purpose Committee o Sponsored o Small Contributor Committee o Political Party/Central Committee Treasurer( s) D. NUMBER 130032 '"3 Committee Information 3. G';"j NAME OF TREASURER ./l!aAcW. MAILING ADDRESS COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) c;-h2MJJ -(f1I/ W().Jw4rd AREA CODE/PHONE CI~3- 19/- 9 ze 'f ZIP CODE 9 J 0 'Z.l!) c+ STATE CA F ANY' "-- CITY /" (p.Ir/J iiiAME OF ASSISTANT TR'EASURER. t~ 7)" 'f1J<( - 811- 9 zo'f AREA CODE/PHONE (.. ZIP CODE '1172.0 NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX f)r STATE CA- STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. 72.'11 elf CITY . /' I ~ C/. 10) MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS AREA CODE/PHONE ZIP CODE STATE CITY AREA CODE/PHONE ZIP CODE STATE CITY certify E-MAIL ADDRESS n contained herein i58ie . By FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS tvo6c1w-n:I t!..- ./'ff~ - law. Co "'^ Executed on OPTIONAL: 4. By .Executed on Signature 01 Controlling Officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent Signatu;eorConlrolHng Officeholder. Candidate. State Measure Proponent FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) State of California By By Date Date Executed on Executed on PART SCI?EDULE B - covers period -= 7ft lIS 7 9/zUo 7 Statement from Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule B - Part 1 L9ans Received 2- Page .D. NUMBER /30012 .., of through (9) CUMULATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (f) ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF LOAN (e) INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD (d) OUTSTANDING BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS E (e) AMOUNT PAID OR FORGIVEN ~ERIOD* o PAID a ~) OUTSrANDING AMOUNT BALANCE \ RECEIVED THIS BEGINNING THIS PERIOD Rl Wot? dwa/c1 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SelF-EMPLOYED. ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) -{:./ FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF LENDER (IF COMMITTEE. ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER s C.-h"1..t <oJ PER ELECTION** fI/Ut,; DATE INCURRED _% RATE o FORGIVEN . q..J1.t/'NfY I ". e,~ ~ IN L.{.~ . ~.Jw""oI 72- if I E~, Ie ,z tl} t. 0/ t.1rv-; I c.A q }o-Z-o DATE DUE ~,o0-6 CALENDAR YEAR o PAID SCC o PER ELECTION ** 3/,0/07 DATE INCURRED _% RATE FORGIVEN o tJ a f.:/.w-v..y, o OTH ?~ ). Woo J ~~c/ 7)-"1 I 6~ (L ,e. /y l Dr C. Ir(lY LA- If fl2D OPTY o COM IND tt&1' 5, &00 ~ 1'/'" t......... t t DATE DUE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION *. CU'/Ol DATE INCURRED _% RATE o PAID FORGIVEN o c. f4r.; .IVf-'I1 7&/'/" 0,W' t. L f see OPTY 0 74 J. Wo,'/wtAd 7J,'/( /5.,I( 1<'1,<- pr. h. lr"{l Of- 0/ P -zo o COM o OTH o COM INO t.RJ $ DATE DUE / r: D 00 $ $ 5.000 (.r. 000 SUBTOTALS $ SCC o o PTY o OTH IND t~ (Enter (e) on Schedule E. Line 3) tContributor Codes IND -Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g.. business entity) PTY - political Party SCC- Small Contributor I ~ 000 $ Schedule B Summary Loans received this period (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans of less than $100.) ~ $ Loans paid or forgiven this period (Total Column (c) plus loans under$100 paid orforgiven.) (Include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A.) 2. Committee I r; 0 oc? (May be a negative numbe' FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866JASK-FPPC (866f27S.3772) $ NET also must be reported on Schedule A. 3. Net change this period. (subtract Line 2 from line 1.) ............... Enter the net here and on the Summary Page. Column A. Line 2. . Amounts forgiven or paid by another party ** If required.