Paul Kloecker - 1983/07/01 - 1983/09/17 .,. , CONSOLl DATED CAMPAI GN ST A Tc:~1 ENT IC~J'4~r"":-en! :cce S~C:>-Jns 3~2CC 3J.2 ~ 7' ~IJr jse ='1 <:3nc,c3:=S/.~f';:':2::olcers 3na ~:-.e!r -=:r.~r::i!ed ::r'7"'ml:-:~es. F<lrm ~90 :383 ,-=e :r ::...,-: 'i ~<,' :::J ~=,......~!'"' ~ :':".-::3 :2:' '>: ., If, }83 ty /11/81- ,.l. ..... 'A '- ...s=: :: ~ '_.r ~A.i"~ .:>F :7.i-'::':7:'::" ~a.;I--, (, f ~. . ,...._.-=:........<< TOT~L. ,:JA..~C:S; ~~" B \C\8~ CANDIDATE/OFF1CEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOL!DATED ~EPORT '4A.,"04C OF .=..A,....OIOA7e:; -V~\... \I. V- L. O€~ 'L~1L- I OF~l.::~ 50'....iCHi" ~~ l-'t!:!-.:1 : ...c'-...~c ~';::Arl::!'<I .......0 ~:'ST~"::":"' I 'f '..J .. . c '" ." .. ~. '_J C .... . l., & I '<:'CNN<:"\'-""''''''' - (;,.\\.:Q,O"'1 ~ ~:51C=::a-tT'lAL. ,.lr"ClOR5:SS: ...NO s":"'.....,. ::- -:;::.;;c ....:. CA ::::.;;_ 3'.....S;"::.SS ,~C::i~::SS; .....;::i ..~'!- eA~ \ ~\...'\" ~'L"t G- \. '- ~<;'1 'f't\'~'T~~ e...~ l~"'-:-'! '\~--o'U> 4 ~ B 4'2.- ~lfo 1... .. ~ '!.... : -:.= I: \~~ '<'^.(' tf'.(t.~",,\ ~LVP c~ '\408b 4011 'l~ 'z,,"Z.:Z,7 II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS COr--JSOL!DATSD REPORT ...............I!~;:: <:::::.........IT--~::; ~'-Q~C ~~"SI-- ~n... Co" t.J t.\'- ~ ~'" j ::1. .....l.,,;..... :3E~ Vo~~\~~~~ 3..0:::~~33 O~:::"".....IT:::!:; ....0. ........0 s.,..~'!l:~,. :: - : ~~. =~~. ~.....=..c ..~""..'" 84"'1 \ ~,~ <:o,,\\-,.. G"L{U)\ I ,,~c :i"':.~E""\.5WRE.~: ~~ TU \C...! ~ \t. \? \,.,0 '6 t.. ~~ ~ .;>-=:,~"4".~e::'ir .a..::JOR::.sS..:J:F 7::::P.::~SuFP::~~ ....0. .......0 l1'".C!I;"'!" _. e 4- J \ ~\....T~ CQ...,Vt (;..\.\..I~"\ c" ~~'U> (~j 84'- ~\bl.. . ,1'".... 1'"'!! :;:. -:::~<< .... lit C'" .:::;::::; I( .... ~...I( ..'........ c ~ 'oi..:..,.....€.::F :~......'-'4IT7~E:; G~ q ~-o.~o ~06 8 ~ 2- \; \ b t. I.:J ..... u.....9€:~ ';'~~R~53 ,~F :':::,"w4IMIT"'7";:::~ ....0. ""',"010 l;"q ...,. :::1'"-" ST '" ~ c :1_ : =-=c ......::.. II: .......... II:~ "4A.""€:;JfA" ""q!:ASU?e:;.::l. '~~R,'-4,',"'ii:;"tT ..\OQJ;f!:S5 OF rRCASuR!;R~ ...0. .......0 Jr~C&T loT A iC ';1'" .: ~Oll: .......'" ..: ::~. .._':::.... "01'" .....,. .J. r~.3C" !dc1it:ar'1l '1;.",....,..3'(:0" "" 10Cr?Or3r~;V ;1{)ei'!-d;~nr'''''.J3:.IOn ;"~r'S. III CANOIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LlST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES !\lOT INCLUDED iN THIS CONSOLlDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRfBUT10NS OR ,'ilAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. C:"~'.1IT7== \l~.\1E ':"1'<0 I 0. 'H.....<1:3C:~ ::.\1MI 1:"== -"OOFlESS 7?=..l..si....FI=~ :.Jn~'Jl ~ C.:Jm~l:":'?'!? -.I~3 \;0 ~O~~ ~nJCJl 3001r10"aI ''';0'''''3no" 0" ]ooroonarely '3CtJfW connnUdrl0n m~rs. .. ,~,/\ ";r)nr.""'II~ ,;::;mmlCrN " anti wt/fcn -'I ::;nrroJIt!'d dlt1!Cr!y Jr ndirec:ty by J ..::Jndiaare or ""nlc." JC:S ,-Olnt/y Nlrtt J c.JrrJiaartl-')1' ::Jr.;r':)/"~ ::)fT"'fT'/~ in ~.A:,'~:iQn <VI(/'J ~l'~ /7'!aiclng ~f ~X()8ndirun!$. A .;.analaa~ .;onrro/s ~ c::;n1rr"I'.'e-, if :.:"! c...;r-;ida~. :rjtl CJndld~.4'S ~~ef1r,'; Jny .):I:~r =:;(;-.~~,:~'; -:8 ,",:'" :/~~ ::;,nt~f$. "'o3S s;.;ntfiQnf .'t'lt7r.,ienc. on d'!6 KrJons or ::ec:Slons of ;l7~ .;ommlr:fH1.) VEI=l f FICA Tl0N ~ec:,ue ...;;~c:er ~e:;Jj~; Jf ;;er';L.ir1' :'''":Jt :0 :7:a ::::st.Jr .-nv :'a~~ ~5ad ..iil .-eascnaDie .j!iige~Cl! ;n :,~e!r ;JreCJr3tlon. '/1.-1./&7 ;~4Tt:J at t:. l ~ 2..u1 1 C ~. ::::;1'y .......0 1TA-r_l by ~:<eC'...l:ed In E:('!c1Jted In \QAT_1 at ,CITY ",,.Q 'T.....W' ':Jy . ;'I'Q~..."U". :;~ ........'-I..C~lll. I I c::edJ~ unCi!( ;::enal1:'( ~t :er;Lir{ :hat :0 :~e ~s: of my '<~o,.....lecqe :h,S Ha:ement 3nd rs ;chedL:!e~ are :~~a. ::orrec: 3nd c::m:::e:e 3nd :t1e rr!3surerlsi OT tn,s commlt:2e(sl has ~se<l all -2asonaDie d'"genCl!:n tne Qreoarat:cnJT :;-:,S statement 3nd its ic:-:ecu:es. =,~ec...::!d~n.t jy ,a..re; ...:;;TY ""'10 JT4T.) \Il.........r'\"j"".~", ;;::.......0.;1....'(.,J. ~".,~.,..~....;:..j ~, "tocmnlon "quIna '0 O. Or1:>'fldecl '0 .0.. ;>OJ("!;lJ..m -:0 ~n. informallon ?~1<:_ ~ct ~f 'sn. ... '.'nTo<mnlOn M..nUM ""' c..mo.a>qn O':lClosun ?'o'W,..ons C~MPAIGN DISCLOSURE ST~TE:V1ENT SUMMARY P:l.GE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 ~;~OL..n'!.:s \.(~dY 3e ~aL.;r~2d ~") .~i:'"':Oje :od3rSi 1 ., 1" Ai::::.'-t E?'t 1" : ~ 'i ::? 5 ?;:.~! I j"jla;b~: f(j~~J~; ! 1:J. ....U'-"9E.~ ., ~~"""'I"'-"!: "'1"M<<'~,r -:.A."4010Ai~ .::;~ C~"""M'T7'E~ \(.\..o.ac..~ ~Oi- CIO~Y(","'- YII\,"""" Co~ _ I "'r"t"'El-..g C:JLC,;,',1N .l. ::.:mUI,it:ve :ou. m:,m COLC,;MN 3 ioo' tnis ;lef"lod 'rom ilt!:ld!ed sctllKlU j as C8L'....:~N ': C...mulatlvlI ~o ~t. C..:liumns,.l. - 3) . previous per,od C2NTFll8UT10NS iiECEIV:D 2. '_.::ans - ~ :; ZOO I 'c.~"':>u:.:..:. _....~ , I :i':::~=:~~:-.i: 3. '_..~ii ~ '- - I' -.'" .~ :; .. ~O() 1 . \1cne~3rl .:::n-rr; ~u t: cns :; - 3. Sumo!3i. s - :; '2..-00 _...~':5 _.-.:. _....... iI.s ~. :'Jon.,i1one!Jry c::nu: au cons . - J'::l-1C \JUL...i: .:. _..'i~ 1 ~. ?'~c~es.. 5. TOT4L CONT::I13UT1C:'IS. S 3'::;-I~::Ji.,,;L.& :J.. _.,"4~ S "200 ~/'llCS J .. " .. , t..~ i'i c.s 1 .. -4 ... ,. s of "LDO '_~..... c.s ] ... ~ ... , j~aut.~ :::.:)u.....L. :.=I.....i,~,"S "'" - 31 :;;<?:;\lDITURES ,'<1AOE 7 P1yr-:~~~S . s ...--. :; A~.07 :SC;.;~=:":l..& 1t4 -........ ! - - :!C;-Ht.:lU:"Z. ~ _...... it \ S s 4010.(')'7 :; 4(:)6,07 3. ;'CC:l.;~ :?xcensas .~..r';:;alc Jill,; -- :; 4D(..~07 9. TOT~L =X?::NCI7U?:3 . . . :-.,L""t':S , . . :...~cs 7 ... . ~~."iS:S i .. , SHOU!..~ !:~UA.I.. ~:>L"'.""S .. .. 3) . if (his is ~!7e fir;r .~otT fiii!d .~or -:ne ca/tHlr13r 'Iear. CJ/umn A ;''7ouid ce :JianK =xc!!or ,"or 'irrca/d loans. .)/ils Jnd :J/<!Cqes. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FlNANC1AL CONOIT10N :0. Cash on nand at ,Me oeqinninq of ,nis cenod. (Lne qat ;:re'lious HJ!2mentl . S - 11. Cash r'?~i:m; ::-:is cericd (L:ne 3, C.:>lumn 3 Joo,,!!l . , """t bO i2.'.,1isceilaneous aojuS'tmef1t3:o cash ;Scne{)uia G. :....re 7J I~ Cash payments -;r,is C1!nod (Lina 7, ~Iumn 3 above. . . 40fo/O, l~. C..sh on hand at closing jate (Lnes 10+11-"12-13 acavel.. - is. Oumanding .::ebn (Line 2 + Lir~e 3 of C.:>iumn C .itG.;;J . . 16. ::nding $ur;:::lus (if Lne l~:s ;rearer ~an ~;ne '5, st;b!nc: L:ie 15 '~am '_:"e 1.11. . s 17. e:1ding deficit (if Lne is is ~reater :tlan L.ne 1~, itJcuac: L;ne 1-1 fr,:m L;re i 51 . . . . . i- S i~.07 . c:1 din '1 C3s17 on ,iand ;l1ould ,10t !Je J negativ8 amounr. SlJ.\tMARV FOR CANDIDA TES IN BOTH ~ JUNE AND ~OVEMBER ELECTION rSee 1f1::trJc:ions on ,~eYem~) \ 1/ 1 ~r1J :; ,:0 19. =X?::'iOt"i''':R5 '.1,1.::::: - 7/ I ~o .::at' 't-u,() 4c;~.()7 18. C8NT::\18UT1GNS AEC=iV=:J: SCHEDULE .~ MONET ~RY CONTril8UT10NS R::CE1VSD FORM '+20,430 OR .190 ~_f.~"Ct..U:-:S \.1av 3e ~'Jur"":ec 7"J "'i:"'rJ:~:'Oliar3) '5 7" .; - ~ ,'.t :::: .'~ - :::~'::::.~:5 .... ~ .~ -~.~.; .;... .........e -:).. =....MOIOAT'!!: ~R =::::l........IT''!!:!:; V-'-Q~ <:. 'L~ (t. ~... c.IQ.,)"t-I "" ~ ~ ~ I ...Jl.... ,........c AMO A::::l::::lR'!!:5S OF ::J"'T~ I =::::lMT~f8U,OR ~I!:C':] I' :111" ::-:....,,........ 4.....0 eN.,.... 1..::1. ..I..l.... :J'" , l~v;~'U~A;'.~" .""...., . i ,., ~W c:.""\~<.,,s. ~J':'(~ ~ 11\"\ r")o\. ,-n'e.~ i ~:'AP'-OY!:R ""......ou....-r ::c.::...,; ~",1"~C;'4 , ,.t........\ooI..._~... CO. &"",'1"'",, ~ CC:I:; '.# &::1 :".........:......:" 'J' C .........c ,;,r .U"'~CJ:.' .'" :J"'''''l[ ... A. ~ ~-Q.C~\'t~'-lt' ElJ f i '~80~"u.,,"~ ~(lO\I't",",~ ~ i9 83 ih)eVNr",,,, \!\"i!.wl c~.,\4().t..lI '''Be......., ~ R('~''T'OlC.T As-scCr' 'f1 20D ~oo o I f more soaot is nel!'d~, cMed< box at 'eft and amc:1 additional Sc..,e-duies A. SU3T()T~L r "2.00 I. I Z-OD SUMMARY 1. ~MOUNT ~EC!:iVE::>. Sica OR VlOR E (Induce all ScneQule A sucto:alsl s \/I ' -I t Z-<!>O I "2,-0 () - - 2_~MOUNT :1EC!:JVED L:5S TH~N 5100 1,'Jot i:emizeal 3. iO"TAL 1,1CNEiAnY CCNT~13UT:CNS T'r-iIS ?S;:!ICO (Lne 1 - Lne 2l c:nt!r ~er! Jnd on LM 1 Cclumn 3 of Summar,' j3g!. . . . 't WO r S 200 SCHEOUL= 3 LOANS FORM 420, .1J0 OR 490 STA";"€:--.4iE.~r :':::\/:;~S .;3'=:~\ ~~.. ~u,..... >~ra~nts \13V 3e ,~'JL.ir.cea "7""J j\:~c:e:C{ 3('5; .., . : :::"'Ilol11"-'1: ~A.""e: O~ :--'N010.. 7'~ ::l'R -:~:'.ol.....tT~'!~; \(Lo~~~.. ~<J... Co\,j""'~\'-_~ I:) Co.~- \ ~'t"~-& ,:J~ FIT 1 - LJ ":'.\JS =i :': S 1'1 :'J ~"'T'!: I ,=1..Jl-;" ."4AM~ ..4.""0 "'.::JO;::;l!:SS.:lF i'_~~C::~ "'.'to ,.l"......,.. :;UA,q~""''T":::RS ~R 1 :~5IGl'tE:RS ,- -:~""'_Ir-1[.. .......JO CNT'" 1..:J. ...1.,I....ClII ,J" 'l'''CA'U'''C~ .. ............. ..A....O .001ll'.'S' ::,"""~I_'~V':::~ :'.....""" u '_.J... .., .)".....OUNT 'T': ',j E =C=:";,~."7"'O...... . '.~?"""~~..:l~C~. CMTC~ "'........ .::l'" ..... II'" cS'Il ~ ~ ";-!:: ! J F' ~:) '" ,,< 7'0 :l~ T':: :::f!:C",:) ~O~~ --- I I -- if ~cr~ 5\J3C~ ,$ .....e~t.:e~, :..-:ecx. :-oX 3t '-=h me .ir::;c." .iCelLOnal Sc:-:eol..lles 3. ?1ri: 1. Su 31C)j'~L ::l~FlT 2 - ~O.~I\jS FlE?~IO. r:GRGIVSN OR ?~IO 3'1" ~ iHIRO ?~t=lr(: 31 ~~T!:~ 1""""'115 :J"';-"'- ~M SC:--4I!:OUi-.a:.,", ...WO .:.....~ F"..JL,- ...AM!: ""'0 AOD~l!:SS 0" ,He; L=:NCl!:l't A.1..ott40l..i....T "fl!:?"'O , ."CI",I~~ ....,,,.~I.....CN .J" . "(0 .". .,",I~O .... ..,..... -'4'''0 ...~.." 1""U j ,....fiJI" 10 3AL.....Ai....<:~ o I f ."or~ scaCl! ;s ,"eeCe<l. c.'1e<::< ::lOX 1t :~it 1nd at"'.3ch adcitional SC:'1~lJies 3, ?an 2. a) ::1 Sr...:8TOT.3.L SUMMAR Y l. '.:A."S OF 5100 CR'.1CRE THIS ?'.::."lICO?3rt 1) s 2. t..CA,\jS UNCE" S1ao THIS ?:"IOO !Notlem'z~) . 3. rOT.J.L L.'::ANS :;ECEIVE~ (l.Jne 1 ~ 21. . , . . . . . 4. l':ANS OF ;;~OO OR '.Ie.'": .::;;:?o..IO 7;-' IS ,':::1100 '''3rt 2. C~lu.."n Jj I s. l...CA,"S OF S~OO CR \1CRE T)-;15 ?'.::~lCO ::CRGIV::'l CR"o..IQ 3Y ~ ,:-';'''0 ?~"ITY '?11": 2. r:OIL.mn ':il a. '-JANS i,;NCE::l S100 .::;;2AIO. ,::.JRGIV:.'f CR ?A.IO 3Y .l. ;-..IRC .'A,HY r.,'s ':"ICO ,Not~MT'I'=3t. I j ~ I~ 7. TeT AI. LCA,'..s .:;E?AI O. .::ORGJ'.::.'f eR ? 0..1 C 3Y ~ 7;"1 RC ? A ,::;7"( 7~-i is ?: ::1ICD : l... ~e ~ - 5 - 5i . , So 'leT CHA,'G: 71-fIS ?'.::"ICO SuD~ L,ne 7 ~m L,,,. J) :"t1lr m. O'~C11 nen and on Ln. 2. CoJ,umn3 .Jt S...mmar., ?3c;.. '.'i"'v :. SCH E!JU L.: : PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTiONS .'t1AOE ;:CRM ~20, .130 OR .190 "'57,4,":"':::.......e:.....-: :~.#::-~s ~~:; ~..o.. ......::1'.... ;;. ~r:cu~::i ',1av 3e~cu;i,:ed 'T J /f'~ ::~aJa i I arSJ "J '<l .... ~ E :) f' ="";.... 0 I 0 ..... i! ::l R <: ~ ..... M I "':"''"7 E ~ : I .:l 'i'-,'-"l3E~ . ::::.......,.- 't..,-o~~~ ~o... Co';) loJ c.. \'- t"" "" tJ Co""" nt\ ")'t'~ CODES FGR CL.J..SSiFYi:'-JG =:<?=~JDIT1..:RES If cr.e of :re following cccies is,jsC{j :o:esc1ce :he ~x:::enciru~=, -0 .vri::an ::;sc:-;::;~;.:n 5 ;--ee-::eC..;'..::a =X:2:::::r :he :acl< of ~js schedule for codes "C", "I" ~nd "T".) ::lefer :0 :'~e ::ac~ or ::-1is sc;-:e-:::u:e ar.d ::-:e ;n.':.JrTat~n ',1s, :.'7 Camcaiqn Ofsc/osurq :or:e!31!ed eXDlana1::crs ar'd eX3iT::i~Jf eac,'i :3:a,;crf. 'C" -=C~~i~13l..i:C;'<S i.:J Oi:...,::.~ C...l.;'l C I J~ i-=.3:,., CC\1',1 1--:--=::.3 0< C::? =~HJ ::'1i :::<? =,\J C 17"'_ ;;::3 .'-'" ~ 3;"",::"', ='~S. 3:G~'~~~'.....-=\,= 3;"'-;-:-=.~i\: :CC,~. -: ..~C(=? ~C ~.I:: - J.. -, C '-.S -. , ............. -....- _. -,-- -'....' .1'-, ,.....-.2;I,'.U :;-, =:'~; ,) 3" '. 'i" ~. ~=:1.~ 7'!~? = 3,~C'~CCAS7 ":"O\j=~7;S;.'~G 'J =\~iS? ~p~~ _~l'j 0 ~=~! CD! C.~L ':':\;'=~T'SI,\,G CL 731:: = ,~J'/ =::'-7"' 3i ~JG :=~~=,:::.~~ -=,:)~,~,~ 7"''::,'\JS ,~~'.: J', =.=:.....::...:..,: ":l" -.~.":'.i=~. ~(::,:"l',:CJ.~7" ,:';:3 ~;'l'~ .:=.,,:,,_,,; ~ :: C = :: '::3 ;: ~J ~ L \. ~ .=. " l .~ ~ = ,'.1 :: ~ ~ 7" ~~'.: -"-" -, , -",,-- ---, ......-- __..:.::.1....1_ ~'-..,; ":=.-, , '_'='.:I ,''-'" ~ Jr:e of ::Ie 3cove '::8ces jces i:ct 3~~r3teiv cr fwj!'t'~es.c:'"~t;e :::e ~x=ercl~~r~, ~3\je :re "Ccce C~II,-,,:-:-n'" 31;:( .:rovIC::e a .'Irir:en ~escr;cnion in the "Description of ?3YiTient" ::OIU.7.n. ......~<< .4'-"'0 ,",OOR<<'3S 0" _,,"'1:... ~~!:OITO"" O~ ~CC;"11!:!'iT~" :ONTq'!IU"~Ol"f l!fI' .:::1........,..,.,.. ",,,,,.Ja ..,",T". t.=!. ..""....._ .=_ ........ "'''0 ",~a..'I. ",II' ....c...."".._1 ==oe: ~~ =[5C.=rlo'''''''!''''~'''' ~". :a""'Y~~T .\,....o'...:..."!"' :a 'I ~ ~Q p...I'T ~'-t t. s.~O '\' I -PF-~ """~ ... T FoI\- I C- i ~ po"~ S''T"\ Co ~ ;;. i ~,~\.J ~ 'i"oj\.. I I ~b"~,\&n..)i,, <;"11c""S I I .i) 87.07 1), ~~ ~N ~~,,~ ~ I t-J(,.. c... ~l<1 I I , I I I -. --~-" I oIAJlo\/ 0-' ::JI... ~ I U ! ,",,~ ""fVO: ../ f: i f ~ora scaca IS ;~~ed, c."ed< ::lOX and '--I l:.3c."'l 3dci~jcr'at S,:,"ecu!es ~. SUM,\fARY t. ")'Ir-'en,~ of $100 or ~ore'"T"ace '1'115 ~rTCC ilnc:uce ail SC:'!!CUJi! :: 3u::r:::Jlsl 5 A~~07 5 .- S 5 ~O<O ,0 7 2. ?3'1rrentS '-Jncer SiOO :hls ;:eriod :"or :er""1i~ecl . . J. Total -4cc.~e<i =x:-enses oald :hl~ oerlcd :S..::'ecule F. L;na ~l ~ T.:ol ?3VmeM~ rrllS ~od iL.r'l! 1 - 2 - ]) ::1ter "'ere and :n L.,-.e> 7 C.Jium:"1 3 of Summary ?3o;~