Paul Kloecker - 1984/01/01 - 1984/06/30 Statement covers period from DATI! OF eL.ECTION (MO.. DAY. YR.I (", v_...c.......): 1-1-84 through 6-30-84 ~L.::.>" CONSO LI DA TED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Sections 84200-84217) Form 490 1984 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. (Type or Print in Ink) November 8, 1983 I TOT"'~AG!!:S' CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT NAMl[ OF CANDIDATe:, Paul V. Kloecker R&:SIOIENT1AL AOORES5: .....0. "NQ 'T....T CiTY STAT. Zj" <:00. "" CA C,:)O& ~"QNC NUM.." 8431 Delta Court SUSINESS ACDRESS, .-'0. ANa 'IT". CT Gilroy CITY Calif . 95020 (408) 842-5162 iTATC :l~ coo. ""CA. C:lOC .....ON. NVMe." IOOSO \-1. WOLP,€- ~"t). L-.)(:>;O'(\..l"\N\:).. E:.i-\.. '\4-08<0 (4-OS) ~'4'/+OO II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT NAM!!: OF COMMITTe:e:, 1.0. NUMB!!:R Kloecker for Councilman Committee 830817 AODR!!:SS OF COMMITTI!I:: NO. .......0 ST".C-r CITY Sl'ATC '%1" '::00. "'flle", cooa ....ON. ~UMl.C" e ~~\ D~"T~ COu -(\. ~ . 6\ " (.0-1 G~. '\ bO~O 400 841.-~\(", NAME OF TR!!:ASURl!!R, "'~, '(to, Co, ~ -...). 'l L\D~c..",..s... F'ERMANENT AOCRe:SS Oil' TREASURER: ....0. ANO SillieST CITY ,TATe ~~""3. \ ~oe.\....r~, ~V"","", ~"''Q.o'''L c.~. NAMI!: OF COMMITTl!!IE: %1" C;)OC ""C... cooe ~"'QN. ....UM..JIt ~~O'l..O (,406) 841.-~t~"L I 1.0. NUMBER I "".... ::00. ....0"'. Nl.,lMaCJlI AOORI!:SS OF COMMITTl!!E, NO. ANa ST".CT CIT.., STAT'e ~I" cooe NAME OF TRl!!ASURI!:R, PERMANENT AOOAESS QiW TREASURER: ."""0. AHa STIIt.CT CITY STATe ::a,. <:~o. ""'.A <:ooe ~"'ON. I'fUw.." Attach additional informarion on 30,uoona~y 'abeled continuation sheetJ. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY YOU OR ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. COMMITTEE NAME Controlled Committee? ANO 1.0. NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS TREASURER YES I illQ i ! i I Attach additIonal informatIon on aopropna~ly labeled contlnuarion shl1fJa. . (A control/8d commi~e is anti which is controlled directly or indirectly by a candidate or which acts iointfy with a candidate or controlltld committetl in connection with thtl making ofaxpendirurtls. A candidattl controls a commitrN if rhe candidate, rhe candidate's agtlnt, or any othef commit~ htl or shil conrrols, has sigmficant influtlnCiI on mil actions or dtIClsions of thtl commi~e,) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement an I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. Executed on a/7L!:)4 at c.,,,, ec'"1'ICIT~~~Q >unl by Executed on at by {QATe) (~IT" ....,.0 ITATa' \'IIGNAT...,". Q~ r".AIU".,.~.j , I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and the treasurer(s) of this committee(s) has used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of this statement and its schedules. Executed on 8~~Lf 4. at (;1"tte1ICI~Y 5}~~.aj by ...... ~.. o_.,,,...o..ou For information rwquiNd to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Pr3Ctices Aet 011977, see "I man Manual on Campaign Oisclosu,. p,.ovisions of the Political Reform Aet:' Part X. -1- " IV . -A'L'LOCATION' OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF OTHER CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F made . to or 'on behalf of another candidate, officeholder or measure. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars.) OFFICIAl. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOl.DER AND OFFICE CHECK ONE CUMULATIVE USE ONt. V DATE OR MEASURE AND BALLOT NUMBER OR LETTER Support! Oooose AMOUNT TO DA TE i i I i i I l A rrach addirional informarion on a""ro"riatllly labeled continuation sheers. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING COVER PAGE CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT FORM 490 PERIOD COVERED BY STATEMENT: The period covered begins the day after the closing date of the last campaign statement filed. I f a previous statement has not b~ filed, the periOd begins on January 1 of the current calendar year. The period ends on the closing date for the current statement. The closing date is specified in the "Information Manual on Campaign Disci osu re." DATE OF E~ECTION: If this statement is filed in connection with an el~tion held on a date other than June 5 or November 6Jenter the date of the election. PART I: Provide the candidate's or officeholder's full name, residential address, business address and telephone numbers, and the office sought or held. PART II: Identify the controlled committees included in the consolidated report and the treasurers of the committees. Use the same information that appears on the committees' Statements of Organization filed with the Secretary of State. Do not use abbreviations. A permanent business or residential address must be provided for the treasurers. The identification numbers must be included. (If not yet received from the Secretary of State's office, that fact must be noted.) PART III: . I The candidate or office holder must list all additional committees'not included in this consolidated report which are controlled by the candidate or officeholder or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expen- ditures on the candidate's behalf and whether or not they are controlled committees. VERIFICATION: The statement must be signed by each committee treasurer included in the consolidated report and by the candidate or officeholder who controls the committee. The treasurer and candidate or oHiceholder must review the information contain~ in the statement before signing the verification. ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF OTHER CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES: List all contributions (including loans) and independent expenditures itemized on Schedules E and F to support or oppose officeholders, candidates and ballot measures (other than those controlling this committee or for which this committee is primarily formed), Indicate the date of the expenditure, the oHice sought or held (or the measure's number or letter and the juriSdiction), the amount of the expenditure and the cumulative amount to date. The "Cumulative to Date" column should include the total of expenditures for or against each candidate or measure since January 1 of the current calendar year. (See "I nformation Manual on Campaign Disclosure" for discussion and examples of "cumulation".) .. .-~ . CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) I'4AM& 0" CANOICATE OR COMMITTEE ~~"\,,. \J. ~ \.0\5 c,,~ COLUMN A Cumulative total from previous period · CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions s !;QO 2. - Loans . . . 3. Subtotal................. s 5~D L.JNCS 1 .. Z 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . - S. Pledges..................... 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . s 5'lO L.JNII8 J ~ J. . J EXPENDITURES MADE 7. Payments. . . . . . . . . . . s l41 S"" 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . ; 9. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . . . . \ Ar, ~ s J COLUMN 8 Total this period from attached schedul_ /' S - SC.H&,DUL& ...., L.JN. J - .- - SCHSQUt..1t a, L"lN. J S - L.JNII:S I " 1 - SCJooICOUL.& C, LINK] ......... Sc:HCQU.....at 0, L.INC 1 S - L.JNCS J ... J. ... S S - SCH&Cut.a c. L.IN& .& - SC:HII:OUl.& ". 1.,1'411: , S - L.JNKS 1 ... . STATEMENT coveRS Pe:R'OO g.4 1.0. NUM81E" (If" C:OMMIT'T..) COLUMN C Cumulative to date (CQlumns A + 81 s 5'0 - s 510 '-INKS 1 . Z - s 5'0 ~iN.,I ] ... . ... t (S"OUL.O <<QUAL. LoIN. t. ~c:a.uM,... At. ... . t s \ ~1s..- s 141~ '-.INKS 7 ... , I."".' 1 .. I (S,..OUL.Q aQUAL. LoIN. t.. C:Ot.UMN. A .. .~ +If this is the first report filed for the calendar year, Column A should be blank excsct for unpaid loans, bills and pledges. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 10. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. (Line 14 of previous statement) . S (~--z. 3) 11. Cash receipts this period (Line 3. Colun.A B above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Schedule G, Line 7) . . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7, Column 3 above). . . . . . . 14. Cash on hand at dosing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 above)........ 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 8 of Column C above) . . . . . . . . . - - - l~ ':3J - 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 141. . . . . . . . . . . . S 17. Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15) . . . . . + Ending cash on hand should not be a negative 3mounr. S ~ "L3 SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (S8elnsrroctions on Reverse) 1/1 thru 6/30 7/1 to dati 18. CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED: 19. EXPENDITURES MADE: -2- ,