Paul Kloecker - 1984/07/01 - 1984/12/31 ITyp., or Print In inkl f\ '1.\ ~ 1 2 :S>e "... '\'v')- , V',,7' ,~~ ' ... '-'...c); I"(e 1985 4'tr. - ~~~. ~"_ o~ i - _~L. tI:& 0 N,,~ y VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY Form 421 1984 For LJse by comminees "'''''''1: 0" COMMITTl!:I!:, \<-LO~c.~~~ \b~ I u. NUM8,ER ,",OORESS 0" COMMIT'TEE: ,",0. ...".0 ,'TIII..T e 43 \ -~~"-r~ CC'-l~, (,o\,)-...., Co.i.. ."."'-~...... COW'l 1'71 I rr cl ~ CITY 1TAT'. :I~ coo. "'"... coo. ....Ol'll.. ..u.......'IIt G\,- ~Cl"1 C F\- q ':::.-c aD (10&) 84 z.. - $ Hot. ';:;TY iT"''''. :j~~OCC .....C.4 ':::;0. ,....0,.. ....""'......11:.. &\"-~O'-\ c.~ ' q :;;Ot-O <.406 } 84z.-i-I(o t, "'...1'041: 0" TRlI:"'SUAE"': ~A~n..\<:", ~ \j. '?\..o~~~ PERMAN~NT AOOAESS 01' TREASURr.R: ..o~ ....."""0 'STIIIII:.T B 43, \ '0-.3,-, ~ Cc~ <<..-, OAi!:. 0' !.:1.!:CTION (MO.. OAY. V~.i; ';.'" "',...\,.JC....L..j NCN - .&, \ ~ ~ ~ :'-Jo contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during tr.e period .:overing July 1, 1984 to December 31, 1984 I declare under penalty of perjurl that this statement IS true, correct and complete and that I have used all ~e3sonable diligence in its preparation. Exec~ted on "2-/ i J [; ~... , icf"'TI:I at G-\~~C; c'" . ICITY ...."'0 STAT[I By ~-\ J I / ..-11 &L, -<' A' /0. ,. ,{ )'J ,-4< --k'c.-L \5IG,.....TWRI: 0" TRI:ASURI:'" For inlormnion r~uired to be provided to you pYrsu~nt to the Intormnlon Pnctices Act of 1977. s.. "lnformltion Manu.1 on c.mp.aoqn OiscJosur. PrOVISions of th~ PolitICal Reform AC't," ?vt x.