Paul Kloecker - 1988/12/31 - 1989/06/30 FORM 425 1989 For use by non-candidate or officeholder controlled recipient committees which have not received any contributions and have not made any expenditures during the six-month period covered by a semi-annual statement. ~ .~'~., , " , , t" I J~ 1.1 C'l'r 198n .t;'(,' v Ch ~f":r ' ~4>o .q.t:"~ . ~'''1'~(,TQ- SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF NO ACTIVITY NOTE: If the committee had. at any time during the year, any outstanding loans made or received, this form may NOT be used for the semi-annual statement on which the .. Annual Report of Outstanding Loans" must be completed. . ""'M~ .. ,:.. ,r" FOR OFFICIAL uSE ONLY A (Type or Print in Ink) o ~'-\-~ ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO, AND STREET 84-~\ ~~~ CO\J~ NAME OF TREASURER: ~""\QlU~ ~\,:;CJ.'~ PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: NO AND STREET \Oll. ~ CQ~l't'\, "l' STATE ZIP CODE NAME OF COMMITTEE: CITY 6-l L(l.()1 c~ - ~ K02...(:) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA COOl /BUSINE SS P~tONl NUMBl H fb 4:~\ ~L~ C~~ ('~l U2.o '1 . c~, Ot>~Cl.O" (408\ 844-~I~L No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period of \L.l~\' \ 8 b through b I~o J 8CJ I , VERIFICATION I HAVE USED ALL REASONABLE DILIGENCE IN PREPARING THIS STATEMENT. I HAVE REVIEWED THE STATEMENT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. EXECUTED ON 7 /~~/~D~TE) AT &\"~Q'1. C ~. (CITY AND STA TE) BY @~UR~A~' For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign D;sdosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act. "