Sharon Albert - 1979/08/31 - 1979/09/24 I' CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (GOvernment Code Section 84200-84216) ~,,\\WI~ " " ^^:::'~'A ' ',.' Il'~'l'''' ~..:>\ _" (1, (/},'l' ;/, '..J! UJ.' (,~/f/ \:"1 ~p 'V/'/]',,- c {,I/f ~., <1./ ;.-\1 - r, ~, r" \ "(t. ' . '. .-{ - * QI'~ "4itj' /,)1 }:- ) <J76',; Z'l' . , \~,/'~ .... "-.- . /~'r T _J 1979 candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. e by committees filing jointly. A OFFICIAL USE ONL V TYPE OF ELECTION ICir. one if appll...Ie.: PrilNlrv General Speci.. Retell CIRCLE IF APPLICABLE: semi-.nnual cempeign st.tement TOTAL PAGES: DATE OF ELECTION IMO. DAV VR.I: NOV b \ CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT (If Applicable) NAME OF CANDIDATE: OFFICE UGHT OR HELD Include location .nd diltrict number jf i1Pll' Ie. I C D Zl<jb~l) ~O ARJA~O~; RI-i~-p~ol~~ Cs,\'l('~ ~A. to~-8t.t1-~1-C>D \ RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CI Y 5 AT 1f52 ~~fr o-eL~~ ~\~t'''- ~f\. BUSINESS ADDRESS: N . AN STRE T I"JY grAT Jbb5 U \A.~ G. ~\ 'C"' ~ ~ U "-I"~" e..~ ~ eo \ 0 ~ ~-\: .....co ~ I II COMMITTEES INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT 1.0. NUMBER c.~ D A '50"'2-0 LofeR -~'-l::t-b~54.. ZIP CODE AREA CODE PHONe: NO. NAME OF COMMITTEE: 4o~-gq~.. Co t 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA COO P....ONE NO. NAME OF TREASURER: PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP COOl AREA CODE P....ONE NO. Attach additional information on appropria~fy fab.f.d continuation shHtS. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY, IDENTIFY THEM IN THIS SECTION. COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREASURER TREASURER'S PHONE AND 10 NUMBER ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS NUMBER Attach additional information on ilPpropriat.ly lab.HId continuation shHU. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and that I have used all rea;on~ble dilige~cein th,~ pr9paration. /I . /') .. ) I /J 11 , Executed on ~. /I.f./ f79at 6i:1./-0~ ~4:.. by ~ ~ ~'l ~ (Date, ,f it'; and State) (Siqn.ture of TrulU r(ll) Executed on at by (D.te) (City .nd Slale) (Slgnatur. of Treasurer(I)) I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and the treasurer of this committee has used all rea nable diligence in the preparation of this stat ment and its schedule ..., . /}p~' / Executed o"f<:;O-l~e(77 7'/ at . (CII and ~t.) bY' (Signature of Cand .te or OfflcenOlder) C_.. i_.____..__ _....-....._..._ _..~....a.-..l._ .._.. _..--...__..._ ..'-_ ._II._____~__ ..__~_,___ .... _~ _Jl.'......_ ___ ..._._...__ IV ALLOCATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E 8t F by candidates, officeholden and measures. Amounts may be rounded off to whole doll an. ) OFFICIAL US.ONLV I NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER AND OFFICE OR CHECK . AMOUNT OF CUMULATIVE MEASURE AND BALLOT NUMBER OR LETTER ONE I EXPENDITURES TO DATE SuPPort Oppose THIS PERIOD Anach <<Jditiontll informiltion on appropriately li/btlfttd continuation shtltltl. -lA - SUMMARY PAGE Statement covers period from '8 - '3 \ - 1:'\ through \ l- b -1-t. 1.0. Number (If CDmmirtNJ COLUMN A Cumulative total from previous period- RECEIPTS 1. Monetary contributions received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 2. Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3. Miscellaneous receipts (attach explanation). . . . , . . . . . 4. Total cash received (Net). . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . .. $ Add Lines 1 + 2 + J allove 5. Non-monetary contributions received. . . , . . . . . , . . . . 6. Pledges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . Total receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ Add Lines 4 + 5 + 6 allove EXPENDITURES 8. Payments. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. $ 9. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) '.,........ . . . . . . .' 10. Total expenditures. . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ Add Lines 8 .. 9 allove COLUMN B Total this period from attached schedules $~ Page 4, Line 5 P.ge 5. Line 9 $ ~ <90 .i-Y Add Lines 1 + 2 + J allove PIge 6, Une J p.ge 7. Une 7 $ ~ $?() .T..:L Add Lines 4 + 5 .. 6 allove $ Page 9, Line 6 Page 10, Une 5 $ Add Lines 8 .. 9 allove 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. . . . . STATEMENT OF CHAN~ES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B above) 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column a above) 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 11 + 12 - 13 above). . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 9, of Column C above). . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . . $ 0 ~gO.~ COLUMN C Cumulative to date - T ot.1 of Columns A 8& B $ d.-SfO -:eL $ ;;2..g0.~ Add Lines 1 + 2 + J allOve $ ;2..S0 I '=t1 Add Line' 4 .. 5 + 6 allove (Should equal Columns A + S) $ $ Add Lines 8 .. 9 allove (Should equal Columns A + S) 16. Surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17. Oeficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15). . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . . . . . $( +, f this is the first report filed or if the last report was a post-election statement. Column A should be blank except for unpaid loans, bills and n..a.,...""..... NAME J.D. NUMBER (If Committee. Statement covers period from through SCHEDULE A, FORM 420,430 or 490 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 - RECEIVED FROM RECIPIENT COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) FULL. NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE 1.0. NUMBER OR TREASURER'S AMOUNT CUMUL.ATIVE DATE (Street, City. Statel FULL NAME AND RECEIVED TO DATE PERMANENT ADDRESS - I \ I I . t Attach MJditlon.f inform.tion on appropriately IMJtlltld conrinu.tion sh..ts. SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional Subtotals to line 1, part 3. page 4) . $ -~- NAME 1.0. NUMBER Of Committee' Statement covers period from '8- 3 \ - ~ thrOugh~. SCHEDULE A, FORM 420,430 or 490 PART 2 - RECEIVED FROM OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS IStrHt EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS AMOUNT CUMULATIVE DATE City. Statel OF CONTRIBUTOR- OCCUPATION SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESSI <2,~'C"ON (.\ \bQ.r1- T~e..r- G,'\('~ u...", l ".-e...l G~oeJ ~\ 3 L 8q ~ \ :3 \. 8Y 4S 0 6 I' 0 ....cllA o.'j 0,. s:\- t'.. Co -t ~,~ '3 c..~l.4\"& ~J~"" ~L\ (0,'\1' ~,c..c-, qcoo"o &t'l r-~ ,c..o.... . 't$ou> I I . . Attach MJditional information on appropriattlfy IlJbaftld continuation sheers. t~ \. <B'-t SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) S -If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contributor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examplesl 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) .............................................................. S 2 RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Nolltemized) .......................................... 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (ParI 2) ................................................................... :f): 8~ 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Nolltemized) ................................................ _____ 5 TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 - 2 T 3 - 4. Enler IhlS Iota I on Line 1. Column B of Summary Page) ..................................................................................................... $ otR D. +~ _4_ NAME 1.0. NUMBER (If Committee. Statement covers period from through SCHEDULE B, FORM 420,430 or 490 lOANS (Amounu may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 - LOANS RECEIVED: (s. information manual for directions and examples) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF LENDER EMPLOVER (If self.-mployecl Interest AMOUNT OF CUMULATIVE DATE AND ANV GUARANTORS OR COSIGNE RS OCCUPATION lilt street eddr.1 and city Rate LOAN AMOUNT of bUlin.I.) . . .4trlCh IIdditional information on ."propf;.r.ly Ie-led continwtion IitHfI. SUBTOTAL $ ~ART 2 - LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (See information manual for direction. and examples) (a) (b) (c) (d) . AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE LENDER PLUS PERSON AMOUNT FORGIVEN BY A THIRD UNPAID WHO REPAID THE LOAN IF DIFFERENT FROM FILER REPAID lEnter on PARTV (Ent.r BAI.ANCE Schild. AI on Schild. Al " 4 ttach Miditional information on ilPPfOpfi.r.ly IMJ.1tId continwtion lit_fl. SUBTOTAL $ 'ART 3 - SUMMARY 1. LOANS OF S100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 1) ....................................................................... S 2. LOANS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ...................................................................... . 3 TOTAL LOANS RECEIVED (Line 1 ~ 21 ................................................................................. 4, LOANS REPAID OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2. Column al .................................................... 5. LOANS FORGIVEN OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2. Column b) ................................................ 6. LOANS PAID BY A THIRD PARTY OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2. Column c) .................................. 7. LOANS REPAID. FORGIVEN. dR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ................... 8. TOTAL LOANS REPAID. FORGIVEN OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY THIS PERIOD (Line 4 l' 5 l' 6 ~ 7) ..................... 9. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Subtract LineS trom Line3 and enter the difterenceon this line and on Line 2. Column Bot Summary Page) .................................................................................................................. $ MAY BE A NEGATIVE FIGURE NAME 1.0. NUMBER (If Committee. Statement covers period from through SCHEDULE C, FORM 420,430 or 490 NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) See information manu" for directions and eX8mples FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND EMPLOVER DESCRIPTION OF FAIR MARKET CUMULATIVE DATE OCCUPATION (If SeIf.Employecl. VALUE 1.0. NUMBER (If Committeel List Address' GOODS OR SERVICES RECEIVED AMOUNT Attach additIonal ,nformatlon on approprlatelv labeled continuation sheets. SUB TOT AL $ SUMMARY , NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD............................................... $ 2. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ...................................... 3. TOTAL NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 T 2. enter on Line 5. Column B of Summary Page) .. S NAME 1.0. NUMBER lit Committeel Statement covers period from through SCHEDULE D, FORM 420, 430 or 490 PLEDGES (Enforceable Promises) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) s.. inforl'lNltion manual for directions and instructions. (a) (b) (e) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS EMPLOVER IIF SELF- AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMULATIVE DATE OCCUPATION EMPLOVED. LIST PLEDGED PAID lEnt., PLEDGE AND 1.0. NUMBER lit commltteel ADDRESSI THIS PERIOD on Sched. Al UNPAID I I I I I I I I I ,ttach addition.I information on appropriately IlIbeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column a) ............................................................. S 2. PLEDGES UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not ItemIzed) ................................................................. 3. TOTAL PLEDGES RECEIVED (Line 1 . 2) ........................................................,................... 4, PLEDGES OF $100 OR MORE PAID THIS PERIOD (Column b) ....................;................................... 5 PLEDGES UNDER $100 PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ........................................................... 6. TOTAL PLEDGES PAID (Line 4 '5) ................................................................................. S 7, NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Subtract Line 6 from Line 3 and enter the difference on Line 6. Column a of Summary Pagel MA Y BE A NEGATiVE: FIGURE. -7- Statement covers period from 1.0. NUMBER (If Committee' through NAME SCHEDULE E, FORM 420,430 or 490 PAYMENTS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 - MADE TO RECIPIENT COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) OFFICIAL FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAVEe COMMITTEE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the committee h.. no AMOUNT USE ONL V 1.0. Number, state full oeme .nd perlTlllnent .ddress of the Tre..urerl THIS PERIOD I i I I I I I, I AttiJch iJdditional information on appropriiJttl1v labllll/d continuation shtltlrs. SU~TOT AL (Carry with any additional subtotals to Line 1, pan 3, page 9) S -8- - ~AME . 1.0. NUMBER (If CommittHI Statement covers period from through SCHEDULE E, FORM 420,430 or 490 PA YMENTS 'ART 2 - MACE TO OTHERS: (S.. information manual for directions and examples) AMOUNT FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAVEE- DESCRIPTION OF GOODS AND SERVICES PURCHASED THIS PERIOD tach additional informarion on appropriar.'v IMxilad conrinuarion IhHtf. SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional subtotals to Line 3. pan 3) S -If the payee is different from the vendor (person providing goods or services I and the vendor receives 550 or more, the name and address of both payee and vendor must be listed. ~AT 3 - SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1 MADE TO COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) ...................................................................... S 2. MADE TO COMMITTEES UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) .................................................. 3. MADE TO OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) ........................................................................... 4. MADE TO OTHERS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ....................................................... 5. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSE$ PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F. Line 4) ............................................... 6. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Lines 1 ? 2 - 3 - 4 - 5. Enter this total on line 8. Column B of Summary Page) ....... S -9- ,~ NAME_~ Statement covers period from 1.0. NUMBER (If Commin.., through SCHEDULE F, FORM 420,430 or 490 ACCRUED EXPENSES (Unpaid Bills) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) s.. inforl'Nltion manual for directions and examples FULL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF ACCRUED EXPENSES AMOUNT IStreet, City. Stete'- (GOODS AND SERVICES) ACCRUED THIS PERIOQ Attach additional information on appropriartllv IBb.I.d continuation ShHtJ. SUBTOTAL $ "If the accrued expense is owed to a committee, list the committee's name and LD. number (or the full name and permanent address of the treasurer). If the person providing the goods or services was different from the payee, list each person's full name, street address, city and state. SUMMARY 1 ACCRUED EXPENSES OF S100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD.................................. .......................... S 2. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ...................... .......................... 3 TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES INCURRED THIS PERIOD (line 1 ~ 2) ................................................. 4 ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized. Enter on line 5. Part 3. Schedule E) ......................... 5. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter difference on line 9. COlumn B of the Summary Pagel S MAY BE NEGATIVE FIGURE.