Sharon Albert - 1979/09/17 - 1979/10/17 AMENDMENT TO CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT y RECEIVED AND F It E D · 0' th. ~rltla'y of Slot. thot Slole of Coliforn;o For use by persons amending statements filed pursuant to Government Code Section 84200-84216. This form must be filed with all filing officers w"Ohe received the statement being amended. 0 OCT 171979 I. I he information required in Section I must correspond to the information the campaign statement. NAME OF CCMMITTEE OR CANDIDATE: :)'h 0 rc A / h~ rf -f.~r- ,",OORESS OF COMMITTEE OA CANDIDATE: Lt5"""o Brdadw4Y NAME OF TREASURER (It Apphcabft!l: A n/7 {)o/tl1',/-}q PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER (It Applicablel: NO. ANO STREET 7.31/ C.co--rnel 51-, Crt'/roy cA QS-02-0 elf" t;.'ln C J' J NO. AND STREl:.T CITY 'd d ~IAIlBIII FeHG [1:1, S~\.I<:ldly' '~ ~m9 provl e on A OFFICIAL U E L Y 1.0. No. (I t AcPlicaOle) 791/JCj IP CODE (hI roy CIi q.~tJ 2.0 41)~- ?tJ. 2.. - C 70 If- CITY STATE ZIP COOE AREA CODE PHONE NO t.I~f- f?'lt 2 - o4-f 7 : I. The following information amends campaign disclosure statement, Form No. '1-10 , Executed on .sepJ. / ~ /97 J (Mo. Oa)l Yr.) for the period Sp+ I / rJ1 to 1.:Jresenr Ill. The amended information affects items on the: [vi Front Page [ ] Summary [ ] Schedule{s} IV. Describe the changes below. Include in detail all information you wish to become a part of your official campaign statement. Pie a se ch4n.Je 11 I . Vc'rv her II D(.l f-e f i-fcll /-h-e-i b) iq 79 c~5 . I-L J} c.v m'h I -;. Te' C ";'0 . \/ Reason for amendment: did The C()rnrn;.fh~e... no! ejl.-utl,'-fy en -the dafe ~v I~d; c ~{ -/:4 j d n .-;.{),,/ ~/7J. The ccmrni -Ilee- Inore i..{ Y} -f/ I dId n6f o c -/z; .be yo receive. 5 J ~ nfrib,., /iDn.s 1979. -/D fzr /, 'V,3 ~,-o o ~ I!!- i .'ciude additional information on reverse side or on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. (Number of pages attached_: -:-._-, I , -,..-_~ ,. I ---~ VERI FICATION I declare under penalt'l of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct anc complete and that I_~ave. used all r~aso~~ble diligence in their preparation~/., . {? /) /l Executed on /tJ - (j- 7'7 af &1 /rtJ'1 ~ (!j1, by /Zrl-r,../'(l Ct-eU.-1'l~_ (DATl:.) '-fCI Y AND STATE) (SIGNATURl:. 9JI ,E,o,5Ui'lERI A candidate or officeholder who controls a committee must also verify the campaign statement. I declare under penalt'l of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true. correct am complete and the treasurer of this committee has used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of this statement and it schedules. ;)A. J~' ~ " /7 Executed on /tJ-J?-. 77 at &tA~, u:L by' ,"1d/'v/lt //t/... '.t<L.of/ (DATE) ~ tCI 'AND STATEI (51 NA UR=. 0,. AN I A I::. R Qr-,.IC::..HOLDERI