Sharon Albert - 1980/01/01 - 1980/06/30 Form 421 1980 For use by committees #,;.\1.' J )-.~ ,~\?, .~:;> ',c~ '--&~ ~J, .~~~.: ~ ,...:::; ~ ~\ (~.''f'f \~ " ~ ~,. ~ ..?).~ : - <:;:::. >c' ':':. \- .c - .~~;.,..- c;:)-A \\/ ~~,p- "- ";Y/. ~ #." ,<&>)-., ' , " \'~ ~~ 'l.:j,Tl ~~ A OFFICIAL. USE ONL.V VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY (Type or Print in Ink) NAM. OF COMMITTEE: Sharon Albert for City Council I.a. NUM.." #791139 ZIP COD. All." co.. PHON. HU...... ......ARY ....c:IA.. ".CAL.L. ? S/). - 0 tJj:J-ttf$; aATE OF .....c:TION 1..0.. DAY, Y!O.I' Nf7I 4; /?g; 'l3~ TV"'. OF aLECTION Icu.c... ON. '" A......,CA....): No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering 1-1-80 to ~.r~-~/~.--7K-e- 6-30-80 I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is truB, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonabl diligence in its preparation. Executed on~ ;3/, {'1%V laAT~E1 at {/;!jl 6.<,.. '.0 STAnI By ~~~ (SI NATUR. 0.. T ASUR.RI For inform.tion required to be provided to you pursu.nt to the Inform.tion Pr.ctic. Act of 1977,... "Informedon M.nu.1 on Cempeitn DilClOlUre Proviliol of the Politicel Reform Act," Section Xl.