Sharon Albert - 1981/01/01 - 1981/06/30 VOLUNTARY REPORT OF 1\10 ACTiV!TY <'-' I) ~~ ~;\ ""~/ \ C~>r.t.?~r[J ~~\ lilli .) " -~~ n . Llt,'/It," 81, ,'\],' , tifl}/," --i" fill!J;> V'[ <:'oJ lill'~' A' . ";; ltf. \"0 .),-,,-,1'<\ \ A OFFICI'AL. USE ONi.,Y Form 4:l1 1981 ~or use by committees (Type or Print ;:'1 Ink) 1.0. NUMBER NAME OF COMMITTEE: Sharon Albert for City Council 791139 ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. ANa STHKCT '_. CITV STATU %1" CODIt ARCA COOfi PHONlit NUMti!.R p. O. Box 934, Gilroy,_Calif. 95020 NAME OF TREASURER: (408) 842-6754 Ann S. Colunga PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: "'0. "'NO STREI!.T C~TY STATIt ZIP cooe: AR"I;A CODE: Pt-iO~l! "'VMO~A' (~08) 842-0487 '7311 Carmel St., Gilroy, Calif. 95020 DArE~OF'~L.ECTION (MO.. DAY. YR.I: (,.. V~~I"'''8L'''1 ..=.=I N/A No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering January 1, 1981 to June 30, 1981 I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in its preparation. Executed on Augus+ 2..0 IQ8'1 (DATEI ., at Gilroy, California (CITY AND STATEI By ~ ~"~'U.'.' .., For inform.tion required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information ?ractices Act of 1977, s.. "Information Manual on Campaign DiseloJUre Provisions c~ the Political Reform Act," Part X.