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Sharon Albert - 1983/07/01 - 1983/09/17
CONSOLJ DA TED CAMP.AIGN STATE\-1 ENT GO\r:r~ren: ':oce S~c:;ans 3.1280. .3"':'2: ~\ FQrm ~90 :'383 ~ar '..Jse ':]'1 ':3nC:~3:es/':Jff;csnolcer3 and ::ie!r -=8n\:r::J;~'J :8(7"'1ml::=~s. f:Je .:;r ,:'il"''-'~ .i':.( J .3:.3"::=~~:': ::::'..':::(3 :-2r:,:d ':":(7; 7 -I - ~3 Q-/'7,Y3 :.... ~ -:1... ~:-' ':;}""i:: :>F ~:..'::=7;:;~ 'AO. :::J",'( ~ ~, "'~.'-;";:"'.'-.c; rOT-\L- ,=,...~zs: Novemher ~I (9~3 CANDlDATE/OFF1CEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLJDATED REPORT ! CF'F:C'E: SOUGHT ':l~ ~l!:L.:J ' ! 'i",...~c,~ ,1/1 "~.'_lC"'.L..) ..c:...~~c :".;JCA.?'1CN ..,...0 .:l:'IT.'C~ Ibeft "0. "'NO ''!'~..T 3~5,J~~q~~~5S' S+~~~qd:.~ G:I~~ f'}1o ~ ~ Church <;i, &1 Itoy UYJ;tied ~hoollis.-fyjd Gi Ire) CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLJDATED REPORT C:A .. ~ . ~ ~ qSObO ~ .. -:.:::<< C A qJ:DlD II ~"'O_'" C '4~'" <I." (Lf- O~") 8'1.4"2. - ~ 754- ...~~" ::::.:;c ~....:::..o! "~"'''<<''lI (Lj-~) ~t.t1-21DD CD l-l he; I i .:J. '4 \",J...... aER "-4A"w'l1!; ~F c::"".....IT,..::E; ,.,-..-. f)QII'3Cf ::- :~.:;)c ...tIle,", :::JO. ~...c"'c ...,~........ q~OM (4DRJ 8'Lf2- fo?5"Lf' S har-o ACJ:;=!:5S QF' :~M""'I"'r1"::!;; .p, c. Box G-. 'rGj LA -- '~~ME. ~" T~E""SWRe:n: ....,...0 1~.CJl:~ .:;-... ::1" -: ::::1. "';"'~::ASiJr:i!==~- 1311 Carmel ~t. ::J~M'T;::.::.; GI~ CA 1 S-D20 (y.~~ :~~2 -O~g'~"~ I .:). ....uM9e:~ -\Q~r'l~S3 OF =OMMIT-:::=:; ::l~ ::::: cc ".......)..... "'-' .......-'" "'0. "',""0 'T~II.~ :::;1"'" ITlt. -c '::'::.:1<< ....,,~~ O~ T~e""SU~e:R~ ~f!R:"of;'Mii."1T -\OQRI!'S5 OF TRt!ASURl!.R: "0. -4I'tO IT".aT .: l~"" ::1- .: .:;l;:lC ....s.... ...'..........~ ,,~.... .: :Joc ...1 t7.x;'7 lddir.'rJn'Jl 'nr'"rmaCl0f1 'JI1 7Doroorrar~'v '3De;"!'d ,=anrlnU.Jr!On )ne-erT. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LJST ANY OTHER COMMITTEeS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR i"lAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. CC'.I';1IT7== .'JA';1E ,J.,," 0 I 0.,"L...';18E:=l CCMMIT7== ':'OC?=SS 7?=.':'SU?E~ I :':"Jn~~~l:-=-a C.)mml~:~e? i iSS 'JO "-UXI'I Jaamon;J1 ,nrOrTn;Jf1on on Jooroon;Jmly !aOllitJd COnnnUdrlOn shtJ6rT. . 1....\ ':CJnt,""'II~ :ommittN ;s on~ Nn!c/'J "s :cnrroii~ dil?Crfy Jr ,ndirec:ty ~Y' J c:JnaidatfJ ?r NnIC.~ JCrs /Otnrly Allm J C3rafa3~ or :~n;;":Jli~d c::J,.,.m,~ in ';:)In-,,:;;;::';- .:.... :.~~ Inaicing ofaxOiJndirures.. A. :.andidara conrrois, ~ ~.:Jmmlr':~ d ~t':~ c~r(J':Jc;n~. :,-; :.~nt1ld~~'$ ..;qer.r~ Jr .."7V ..Jrner =.: ~mlr~e '":8.Jr :'-~~ ,:o"rrols. .'oU m;mfic:Jnt influence on mil KtlOnS or decmons of rhe ';OmmIITH.J VERIFlCAT10N =;(el::J:~d on~- ),,2--'63 (;>>A1"CJ I .:adJra ~r.car .:er.Ji:y Jf ;:erjL.r't ~Jt:,J ::--e :est of ~y '<;10.\IleC~e :h,s ;:J:2:i'ent J;":2, ~ '-~,' 's .r~ e '~C 1 e c>. c. at I '"1ave ",sed ail :eascnaoie ,jjiige!1~ in :he!r ;Jrecantion_ . ,,~ ",.. (J~..., 'y C~4;Rc.~:""- " n ~y \CITV "''''''0 .T....T.) E;:{"!cljced on \ 0"1".) !..Q...."ru'"'. :I" ........."''''.,.1.1 I t4- I c~!J~ uncer ;JenaltV of :erjury mat :0 the ~51 of my knO'Niecqe :nis il3:ement 3rd :5 ;chedul~ 3re :r..:e, ':or"ec! 3nd:omciece 3nd :tie creasurerlsl of mls commlt'teelsl has ~S~ all 'easonable dlilgen~ :n r~e :::reoarat:cn Jf :015 ;(3tement 3nd :(5 SC~'!Ct;:es. :y ~!!~:(~ :(2L4f.~-~c~, ~ :M. inform~lon ?~lC_,.l.ct ~t'~9n.... ":niormnlon ".hnu.M <)f1 ump~.qn iJisc>osun ?ovis.ons :.;o;ec"..ltedJn q- ;;)~-g3 :it ,OAT_) ~ 'ntOn1'~ion '~,.IIAa1 :0 O. pnJ'tid.:l to ,0'" ;>ur.:u~ ...",g ST'A.T'.~ IV AlLOCAT10N OF CONTRIBUT10NS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON 3EHAlFOF CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F made to or on behalf of a candidate, officeholder or me2"'l'rf'- Amounts ,Tlav lJe raunded aff :0 whole dollars.) OF;:,C,-1L USE CNL Y _ ,__ Ii _-<1,,= '~"';".1 e ': ,= :;. ,\~':J ~;= :'~ ~,= =. ,==:- c L.':.=.~ ";"". ~;.: F = ,== c~ ',1=..13L.~E ':",'~D 3':',-_:7 \~\,~=,~:? ~_=-=4 I ~::- =.: .<-J,'~ E i .3~:::::::::c- _~;,,::ose ~ ,"J' C L.. .....~ 7' i :'___ \:'...1 '-...... 1- ;J :; ~-= : I I i I I "':"-~iCa:":'!~/"31 "i-~r"T"3r.',:Jn '1/1 lccr~cr;H~f', ;;,.c~.'~a :=.,;r,'/"l~'J[:':;.'1 ;.~~~. '~37~I_C7'C:"~S =.:~ JO=?j,,~:,'~G ':~'/=.~ :J.:.-C= CONSOLlDA T::D CA,\1P:'IGN ST A TE;',;lENT FO R ~1 -190 PERIOD COVERED BY ST ATE\1ENT: ie-e :::er;cd -:overed :::e~lns :~e cay 3f:er :::e c:osing ,-:aC~Ji :::e ast ':3~;:3Ign 3;:a;:err2m "; ea, f a ,;:ie'/!CL.5 SL3T=r-'ent ~3S :Iot :een f;l~d, :~e ::Jeriod Je';ins on Januar'l 1 .Jf :~e ,::J(:--::r:: ':31ercar -.(e3r. T~~ ::er;cd 2::CS In tre .::csirg Jat: ;'Jr :~e ,:!....;rrent ~3te::''=nt. T;ie (:!osin:~ ~3t= s ~::e-c:~;2d :l ::-~ "!n~Dr'-'-2!:cn \larl...i31 In CJr::31:~~ lJisc:csure." OA T= 0 F =LSCT10N: if :hiS )'l3ter:-ent 's ~1ied 'n connec:ion ~vi:;, an 3Iec::on, 2r::er :r:e':::Jr2 ,JT ::-~ 2i2c:icn. PJ, R T I: ?rQvice :~e ...--.....~l.......-~. .. ~.....JIIU,.....d i.._ :) Jr 0i7~C2nOlce('j ~u II . '. ,- , " -:3r:-e, r~Si.:e;;r:al 3ccress, :n.~s;ress 3CG;":?SS 3na :=!==G~cr:e :'l~r:-2r3. and the office scugnr or ~e!d. ?,~RT II: !-:entifv :,~~ controlled commit:ees ;ncluded in ;:re consolidated reaort 3nd :::e ,r=asurers of :he commit:"es. :"';S2- :;-,e samenfor70ation :hat 30cears on :j;e ,:ommir:ees' St:Hemen'CS of Cr,;anization "iied ,vim ::--e Secretarl Jr Stat=. 00 not use 3ooreviations. ,j, permanent business or r:osiaential 3daress must be :Jrovided for ere :reasur"rs, Tile ,centificatlon numoers ,''uS! je incluaed. \ I f not 'let: -ec21'/e<j from ,re St!cretarl of State's office, :nat ;act ,:lust :;e noted.) PART 111: Tne candidate or officeholder must list 311 additional committees not included in this consolidated reoort ',vn!ch are primarily formed to r~eive contributions or ;-rake expenditures 'In ::-:e c3ndidate's behaif and wnetr-er 2r no! they 3m controlled commi;:-:ees. VERIFICATION: The Sl3terrent rT'ust be signed by each commlt:ee :,~3surer inc!uded in :~e consolidated report 3rd by :~e candidate or officenolaer who comrols the commirree. The treasurer 3nd c3naidate or officenoider must reVit;W :he information contained in the statement berore signing the verification. ALLOCATION OF CONTFiiolriiCi\lS AND EXPENDITURES I~ADE TO 0RON BEHALF OF CANCi OATES, OFFiCEHOLDERS AND :\1EASURES: '-:~l 3/1:on!;'cu:;ors (including 'cars) ard :rdecerde!"'! e:(perdj:'~res ::e""'i:ed on Scf-ec'Jies E ard = :c SL;:::pcrt or ccccse officeholders, candidates and ::al!ot: measures (ether than chose controi:ing this COffirT',J::ae or for ""hic;, :his c:Jmmir:ee is orimaril'{ formed). indic3te the date of the exce;:diture, ;:he office sough! or ~e!d ior the :T'easure's nUrTber or 'er::er) , :he amount of the experdit1Jr~ and ::1e cumulative amount :0 .Jate. ire "Cumu:ative to Date" column ~hould include the sum total of expendi;:1.Jres for or against each candidate or measure since January 1 of me current calendar year. !See "'nformationY1anual on Camcaign Disc!osure" ror discussion lnd examoles of "c:.Jmulation".) C~I""'PAIGN DISCLOSURE 5T ~ T'C;v1ENT SUMMARY P~GE FORM 420, -+30 OR 490 57-\ .. =:."wi E ~,.. :::::l 'I =: ~ 5 ~ ~.~ )...r7iC1....rHS "'av 3e :=1tJ~rced TJ/ihc:e :011,3,3; . ~~.... .... ",.~,...i-:O", ....AMC :J~:.A,'4010Ai!: ~.~ C~.l.oo4!'..U1"7=:'E Sh aroY\ A Lbt'y-l- -hY CI~~ ColA VlC-', I 'l-I-f3 iq-I7-~3 , !::I. "4!-'.......9E~ ',.. :~......I":'"-"! rJ'1113Q COLGMN ~ <::Jmulat:ve :oaj irnm caL!...MN 3 7"onJ tniS ~&f"lod 'Tom .==ed CGLI_,\1N __ C...mUJ3't!v. or,.."ous peflod sc.nlt(3tJjft :o::ata Cplum"$ ~ - 3) C2NTRIBUTIONS rlECE1V=D 3 I &5 . (JD iC:--l6:.~U'-.i: A. _...~lt ~ I 330. trD I 'c-=-'" Z 3 ~;;; I I' ,.,~-9-5 . to 3 I 65. ()1) ~3D, DO 3 'i1~,DO _4.'1....:; _,-_ 1. ',1or:e':3rl:::n::r::::L:::::ns 3 ., '_.::ans 3. Su C1:0t31 . 3 ....... a:s ; .1 ,'jon~"T10ne!3ry c::lnmout;ons . 3Cl-ftl:lUI.... .::. ...'1C 1 :J. ?'~C:;es. .i";:;""',::Ul.. :t. _.."'l& L-iMCS 1 ... " .. , !..., N' C S 1 - ~ - 1 If '7 S'. ()1J s '-t9S . (57J 3 3. iCI'j,L CCNI':=\13UT1CNS. . 3 '_; ,""l C ~ 1 - " ... , 5I"lCU:".:I :: ::J'..J ...d. ':::;~_,""NS .1t. - ='.1 ;:X?'::'mITURES .\1ADE 3 34-b.? fa S'::;-1lt~',J:-. 1:. _.~c. . '-+7,97 :5C;-1B::lU~~ =- _..~it ~ S 3 94. 7,i s 3 'f~. 'I fa t.t7. Cf'1 '3 q 4, 1).1 7. Pl'1rT'~"':;. s 3. ,~cc.'"1.;~ ~xcef1S25:..ncald JII151 g. T<]T~L =:<?'=NOlTUii:::S . . . . . " s _....... 1!!I:.5 7 - 3 s~ou:..~ !:~UA.L. ~~t..~.~NS " .. 3' . If chis's :.'":e fir>( ,~orr ~j!i!d for d7e calendar ,~fJr. Calumn A mould C~ alanl( '!xceoc ,"or 'mea/o leans. ..)/I/s 3nd :J/-!Cqes.. W:"o'CS 7 .. . :3 :-~."\I1iES 7 .. t 10. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION Cash on hand at ::he Of!glMing of :nis cenod. (Lne 14 of ore'lious S1:at~men!) S ~(), S 3 Cash ~~~jon :his 8eriod (Lna 3. C.Jlwmn 3 Joovel . ---.!f q S. 0D lAisceilaneous aoju,.ments :0 cash ,Sc:1eduie G, L.ne 7) (:;.. 9 ,q '7 ) Cash ::l3vments this ~r;od (Line 7, wlumn 3 abovel. . . . . . . . . . . 3 if 10. '7 b Cash on hand.ncJosing dat8 (Lnes 10+11-12-13 Jcovel........ I 19, <?o OUU"".u1cing cebn (Line 2 .. Line 8 of c..::!umn C ato"e) . . . . 2> II. q 7 II. ;2. 13. :~. '<: :6. ~:'!ding sur;::fus (if L:ne i~:; ;reargr ~an L:ne i5, ,;';OUJC": Lne 15 ;rom '_:re 1<1), . 3 17. E."lding cefic:t (if Lna 1 5 is~reater :J1an !...;ne i 4. suorracr L,n~ 14 fr::m L:re ,5, . . . 3 (JQQ./1 . E;~cing c:Jsi7 on hand should nor :;8 ~ /1egariv8 ~mounr. SIJi'.IMAR'f FOR CANDIDA TES IN 80TH ~ JUNE AND .~OVEMBER ELECT10N I~g In:rrJC::Ons en .~~ven~J 1 1/'~nJ:5,:O 7/ 1 ~o.:ar' 18. C:::NT~18UT1CNS F1EC~lVE!J: ~g. ::<?:~orT''';R:S \TA:E: SCHEDULE .~ MONETARY CONTM1BUT10NS ,=lECEIV=D FORM 420, 430 CR .190 ~I--'~~n~3 \13'1 3e ~Gl...,jrr:ed TJ /i:-'s:-= :01 ar3} -57'':'' :. ,,.., :::...."7" .::: " -:..=:( 5 ~ '::.~' -..... ~.~ ~ ,;... 'fA......C ~'1' ::AMOIOAT~ ~R C::l.-"'MIT~'!:E; S hrtv-oY) Alber--+- ;)... 1'!: I ,~e:c'~ I j" ~=""'t~'I'''. "1..10 .!'ocT". l.:J. ...u......1It -........u....'" 1. "'AllIIe "."0 ..::0....' .fo~ r.+ LA 'f i i to lA v1 (., i I I ! : 1-1 -&3 q-17-f~ J :J_....i...I""'9~.=t . ::J......l-'!:! f"} q 113 q ~,_ll..:.. ,.....""I!: ANO AOOR!!::!:! OP' ':::NT~laUj'CF:t :::"A~,-;:)y~~ .A...-""OU."4i =.::=....;~AT~CI"4 " '.l,,"~"-""._OT sa e....,...,. :Jilt ! "'''''C -;,. .us'''<<.11 ~CCX.'", I::::l :... ....\",;:....... ;';".. C - -:l :J"'-1( o I f more soaa is n~e<j. ched< :ox H 'eft md amen additional ScnfffiUles A. SU3,e, ~L SUMMARY I. ),MCUNT ~ECEiVEa. 5iCa OR \10RE (Induce all 3cn!!{jule A ;wcto,als/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 2_ ..~\MOUNT FlECEIV=O l:SS TH~;\j 5100 \Not i:emize1J) f i , . I 1 l,S . b"1> I I :5/b5'.lJ() 3. iU,),L I,tCNE/)..RY CCNT::113U,:CNS T1-iIS ?:::11CD (Lna 1 - Lna 2l E:1t!!r 'er!! Jnd on line 1 Cclumn 3 of Summar{ ;:>1ge. . . . SCHEDULE A ,'v10NET ARY CONTR 18UT10NS RECEIVED (CONT1NUA TION SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 5""i~;=:.\.,o1~.'4T ::~\/~'RS ;;I~.=-liCO -..... (;:'- .:;... ,~ji"oUnl:S \1av 3e ~OLJ"':ea -;""J ,'the ~ ':01) 3r5; .... -\ ..... E: :;~.:."'.~ ~ ' :l ~ -;: ::l ~ :::= -.,4 '-'4 , i - ::: :: = 'C........, 3 E: R .: :: ........ -- ~ ~ i ='~L.:" .~A"""'C .~NO ~CORESS OFt ~.Al~'!: ':.J:'4T~13t...:,,~_~ E:a..1 pl_.:'lY!:R ,..),......OU;""'lT OC::'..i?~j~ON ~!:C'::) 1 il" =:"WIT~~.. 4.l.".so 11....1'11:,. i :J. "Iv....~ -"CAS,..PtClIt , ............c "''10 4.00"'.ssJ .. \.:...-....~I...:l"!:O, !!:.......y. .........c ~.. ~',J'lf....S~j .CCCI\O;CC .:..... Ul.A 1"':'-, f: -:) :;...r!!!: o If more s::ace ;$ needed, c:'!ecl< :lOX at :eft and l ~3C.'" add I tI an at Sc.'":edui es A. SU8TQ7 ~l ~ SC~E:JLJL= 3 LOAi\JS FORM 420,0130 OR :190 5"'j'Ai:::-,.ce:~i -:::;vs:~s ;I':::.~ .. "0'" -'" .-:l~;:;... ~(,iiOLln:s \.13'1 3e :~c~r,ced ~J i\'hc:e :;cr;3fS; : 'l-I-f3 ,9-17-0 I ::J ~U"""'3e:.q ,. ==......,-:-_.- '7Q1139 ."'4""."4 I! OF :ANOIOA.7!: :::;)R C:~'AMI-r;'!~; -.S..haroY'\ A I~~ ?,~iiT 1 - L:;"':'.'JS .=i 2C=l'/ E:J C;ty C OU Vl (i I ~,",T'!: i .=-:,jL.~ ."iA......~ A..NQ ",OO.=f!:SS:;F' i'-"::?';C!:~ ..\.."40 .4,....'( ~UA,~~,.....i':l~'S ,::R I :::O~i~.'4e:RS ." -:~W"'l--r-.... "''-.10 CI"I"~'" , l.~. ...u...." ~" ,.~c....u.....1t ~ "''''''11 .......0 "OOIlt'Css' '::,'A~'_~"" ~~ :.-.J......u '-...... "'..... .:~ 'l.i1lMcs_1 I ~1" ~ ~~'!; .Io,.......::J....JNr 7'1'./E: ~!:C':::l ~-:::::'..;f~.7'~O,~ ,. 'Cl.....~....,.....:l... c=:. iEI"IT1[" ::>F _.:J...a....... 7'0 :JA..!: 91 I Sharon A I ber-t i 'Teacher 14 I ry 5" og $-fewa rt ~3, ('dlro 9 ) CfI qSO~o q : DOHqlaS i2eYho IJ..s. : Cc'-t115clcr ~~k. I 13 r7.. 0 Wtt1Son ", Oe ~, ~3, fV) D r9lP1 I,--t ill) C~ Gi Int1 Vn;tj oed . ~h~c I J Di sf r H:.:t IS-D. ()l) J SOArl) ; ~wfh COknfj , Alkll'ldl\/5 I flo.O(j I f~. IV 'I I - ; f ~cr!! ;w3~ 5 ,-'eecea, ::-:eCl< ::.oX 3t eh: ana jr:;;c.'1 3CCl,;cnaJ Sc.'1eoWli!s 3, ,::I,r.: 1. SL;3i]i->,L 1.:330, tH1 33{)..cJo I~:~' :l~MT 2 -- l.O),,'JS iiE?AID, F':RGIV::N OR ?~ID 3'( ~ THIRD ?.\MTY: 31 =::'<IT''!:Ri -r.....I'S :)""'1"4 ,:IN s.:~!!:ou,-a:.", -'u.:;) .:.\,~~ "'.Jl-:'" ~AM!: ..N0.400RI!SS 0'" T)...IIE '-!:NC~::I 01 AMOUNT ~!:?"la I' ...~cu...... ... ~"''31'''':-' :J" . .10 ...,. i -.... ,~o ." ...~'V ..... .....a "'00_.". ...; ~p,.. j':J' 3At...A.,....C~ o If more ;;:ac~ '5 r1eeced. c."'!~l< ;;ox It left and anad'l additional Sd~e-::Ules 3, ?3rt Z_ '3) '''''''i . -, SU8TOT~L SUMMARY r. I_::A.~S OF S100 CR 1.1CRE T1-"IS ?'=~ICO ?:m 1) . , s .330 ,on: 2. lCA.'JS UNCE~ $100 7,,15 ?:~Iao :"ot ,temIZ~) . . J. rOTJoL LOANS i1ECEIVEO (wne 1 ~ 21. . ' . , . . . . , ' '~30,crv 4 '_'JA"'5 OF $iC(I OR \ICRE"E?J.iO THIS 1':.::;'00 ,P3~ 2. C~lumn all. 5, l<~A.~5 CF S~OO OR \lORE THIS 1':;:1100 F=CRGIVE:-I CR~~ID 3Y J. ""'1"10 ~J.."1TY '?Y1: 2. '=Olumn '011 6. LOA,'iS U,'iCEi't S100 ,"IE?AIO. i=CRGIVE:'4 CR PA.IO 3Y ,J. T'..IRD ?,j,FlTY T'~IS ?E~ICO ~o~:e{T":~'. I I /S33l)'DV 7. rCT,1L L':~""5 i1E?AIO. ~\JRGI\i=:-I .JR ?~IC 3Y J. 7'1-lI:~D ?AMTY T:-'iS ?E.'1ICO .L:~l! ~ - 5 - 5i . a. 'iET C~A,'"G: ";MIS :':::1100 Sul:l~ Line 7 fToom L,". J) :m... m. al~a nere...o on Ln. 2. CoJ,umn 3 ut S",mm~ .=,.... 'A::II\J .._ SCHEDULE C NON.,vl0NET ),RY CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED FORM 420,4..30 OR ~90 .":'r:";cunrs \13'1 :3~ ~8LnC2d -'J ,\';....: ~ :OI:3fS; :) - ~ 7":::~..1 E ."~"7" : = '" ~,~ s -= s: ~ ' . - ~'~ . ~.... :sh~ ~~~:lOA~\ b~;~~IT~ ( Ci ""J'-'-~"""C ......0 "'OOR!:SS 0" ; +-1 CONT;:!18U,"OR I c.ou Vlel' \ 7-1-83 C(-I1-e3 .:i. '.( 1...J ~ '3 ~ .~ -.: ~ ... .. I -- "!.: 'J! 7'1 , I ~ 1 .........e ~", .us,,'''CSSJ ::'lESC:=f!~IC:"-4 OF"' -;~cos:~ SE~V':::S =-"':F=t ""ARK!:.l'"' 'J ~ _~ == =i' ::::=:1'/ <:;:~ :~,~u. E~~~::)V~R ::JATe: ~ltC'~ 0<::::,;,."T10'" 'I'" ,.L.....-c....,.'\,,~..,.O. (~,..,.. LAi"i'';: .:l" --.....cu".. '\ ........... ......0 ...ao..3ci .:0 MO'...,J!"1 o ! f ~or~ scaCl! ;s r"!!e~e-j. ~ed( :ox at left 3r:d at:acn additlonal Scr.e~ules C. Sl;5"iQT~ LS SUMMARY 1. .'iCN-.\ICNciAnY CONTRIBUTIONS OF 5100 CRI,10RE ~-iIS ?E:1ICO. . s ~ TOTAL 'lCN.,\1CNET.1.RY CCNT:=i13U71CNS T'HIS ?E:=lICO (Line 1 - 2) =11~r her~ and :::n Line ~. C.:::lumn 3 :::r Summar,. ?1~l! i I I j I s-lt'6- 2. .'lCi"I-\'CNEl"ARY CCNT::118UT10NS UNOE:=l 51Ca T1-lIS PE::1100 \~~ot t::mlzedl. SCl-iEDULS 0 PLEDGES FORM 420, 4.30 OR 490 A~CU,i:S \13'1 =,~ =:1__,-:2':: ,'~'I...: ~ :01 3r3' C{)L~ V\ci :JAoTlt ~~C'~ I , ! I ,{I'" ::=......,,..-11:.. ....I.,..JQ C1'fT1Ut I ~. ""u.....1I .;..ltl I -.............ClII 'I ..........1[ ....""'0 "OOllte.sj OC~U""Tl0M E:~~'_:JV!:R ',,, SCI."-C"~"-.::IT.a. &N1T." .......c ':I~ .u.P'..css) Si.).,,,:,,,;::....4!:::'i"T" ::l"':':?S ='~~l -""'.. -::.~ -:. ~ cr~n-~3 ,,, ==w..,......&! ,:'_......u '_ATrv ~'-..::~c Sc~c=u!-. ~ i! '...J....? lI..l ---, : I , I l___J I ~ ~-::r" sc:a~ 's ~e~ett. :r:ed:. ::ox at ~eh 3~~ :;:C3d1 additional S~eduies D. suaTOT~LS ~T< _ SUMMARY I. ~L=C:G::5 JF SleD ORl;lG~E HilS PC:?!C'IJ.r'.,j,..,nn lal I . 2.. ?L::iJG::3 UNOEn s100 THIS PC::i1100 (Not ltemlzedl. 3. IOTAL ?1_:::JG::5 RECEiVEiJ (Line 1 .,. 2).. . .. . . 4. ?L::CGc3 Cr= S~CO CR \;1C.=!E PAlO THIS PC::i1ICOC.Jlu;7:n :;,) i. 5. PL.=DG::S UNOEi1 5100 PAID Ti-lIS ?:~tOD (Not .to!mized). 6. TOTAL ?'-=:JGcS PA,ID (Line 4.. 5). 7. '~ET CHA,'IGE PilS ?C::~IOD ,.Suorract Ln. 0 from Ln. 3) ~.,ter ~hejihrl!nca nijr! lnd.:n L.r.~ 5. :.:Iwmn 3 ':T Summary P~. . (.]J iO' [.' 5 I I I ~ ~--" I::) -tI v SCHEDUL.: : PAYMENTS AND CONTRI8UTICNS\1AOE FORM ~20, 4.30 OR .190 '''''i~'''"':''''~:'--1e:.'''''T ::JV~.~S ;:I~~! .--. ::'..,J .::.... >~\l~CL'-,:~ \1av 3~ ,~cunt:ad 7J "~f'h:!aJc:lar~j CCMVlC' I ;f}-I-83 7-17-8'3 I ~ ...'.........03E~ , :="".....-'! q 9 113 CJ CODES FGR CLASSI F'flNG ::X?::'JOITt.:RES If c~e of :re foilo',ving caces is ~sed :0 c:esc;"lce :r:e 2x::::enci::..::-e, ~o .vr:::en :=sc;,,;::::~;cn s ,~eecec. (.\jo:e 2;C2s:::;rs :he back of ~is schedule for caces "C", ''I'' :ine "T") ,gefer :0 :':ie jac!< of :t":is sch~:..:'e and :~e In:'or~3[;cn ','3(7 :.'7 Cdmcaign Oiscfosur~ <or de!31:ed exolana'::icrs 31~C eX3iT~8ies:;f eec.'i :3:e,;cri. .("->0' '- ~8;\JT~13U7~C,',~S 70 :JTh~;, :,:";\jCI J,j, 7=5 J~ (;0',1'/11-==5 \, C ::?~~j C ::~l7 :::<?~~.~ C I T'~ ,:; =3 ,_: -=:=1:..T-..:?:: 3~C',..:.DC.~S7 ...O\I=;:1::31'~t3 'j::','/S?:..P==1 X'JQ :l~:=1:CD!C;'L S" ~~,~', =~.IS. 3;G~~~~~-,.~= ;:A-;-'~~.::;;\:~. :CC,~ .-: ..JC;C. :~SC 1_. c: T,4 -Ie '-is' =:-'t'~: .=":",3jL'~i~ ::") =:\~T3 :=~.=.~,...l_~ :?'=:1,~ ~":,"\JS .":":'~= J'i =?:--~.~: 3" ''''~/' - ':J" -~,~ i =~, ~~::C,\l\:CJ~ i'i-:,'~5~;\jC 'i1-=.~L3 :J ~ C :: ~ 3 S ; .: -'J ..).. L '.i ~ ,'. _~ ;:: =:.1 = ~ J 7'..l. 1'- ; :J ~,:\/=~7'S;~'~G ::'i~l..:" -"JG :3=:1', ':::=3 CG731 C =.l.J'/ =::rT~3i ~jG :me of :ne 3cove.:::::ces ::::oes "'lot 3c~'...;race!y cr ~d'l :esc;,,::e :::e e.x::erci"..:re, eave :~e "Ceca" C:JIU.7.n c:ar.K ~rovice a....rir::en descr:m:icn in tre "Oescript:on of ,~3'f:<;ent" C:JIUi";in. ......Me ........0 "OORIt~S 0" ......,!:E. -:~I!OIT'O~ O~ ::rt:C;~1E~T =, =:::lNTqll!UT~O'" ",r-:~""'I""... ........0 C"'T....__ "".....OW:""41'" r_~. ..........~.. "'.....e ......0 ...~Q..S. ~... -.......u.... - A dVltVlcecl 4/ri n+i Vl3 C,mpa..h'-1 ~ ,~o S Gh LA r-ch S-I. en' \~O~ ' CA qS,o~o ~() -Sale.- b,terpr~ ~~s ;)./0 S, f\rs-t ~, ~;k:.. 1-c..... PaseC' B\d~ 'Sahj()SE) CA qSlo3 v ===l!: :lq =,[SC~I~'~~~'" 3"""'''Al!~T' ~"I ~ L i J 57. '+9 i I I . Bu~ i 1'7 b. 13> I I I I I I I I I I I I SL:3TOT.J.J333- '.;.1 f I j f ,'TIora ipaClllS n~ed, Co-'f!CX ::ox Jf1d ~ 1:":3C' 3CG1':IC. .al S&ecu!es =. SC~;1i\fARY 3. Toul ~ccrued ::;t:lenses oald .tllS ::eriod .Sc....~ecuie ;=, L.ne ~l 5 ?'3~,~ s 13. Jy:" s 5 ~ 1. i'JV~er'1T~ of S100 or 'T1ore 'r"acl! tnlS :lerTcd Ilnc:uce 311 Sc:"!ecu:e = 3u:n~!3IS' 2. i'3yrrents CJ!1cer S j 00 :his ;:eriod ("~Qt ,:a~l.:aa l . . . 4. T=T31 ?]ymenn :n1S :erod (L,r11!! 1 - 2 - 3) :..,!~ ~ere 3nd ::n L.,.~ 7, C,Jlumn 3 of Summary ?J~~ SCHEDULE F ACCRU EO =XPENSES ,'UNPAID 31 LLSl FORM ~20, J.30 OR 490 SiA7::_'AE.~T :='-.i~.=lS ,.:J;':,: .... -:.... --. a ~'..; :: .~(-r;Cl;r~~.s ',13"-/ 3d ~:t.:r:e'J 7"J /;'-c;~ :,:: ~r3i ~-I-S"~ Cf-I1-f3 j :J. "l U '.,.lI 9 E .~ ..:: ~ ..... _ ~ __ 191/31 Sh;;~C'AH:~~r:t;;;'Cj~ ~\l~q \ CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES If one of tMe following codes is used ~Q descr~be :'1e 3c::rued ~xce!1se. ~a '.vrit::!1 r~esc:-iptjcn :s neede!L (;\lo:e ~XC=C:ii an :rle back of ~hjs 5C~ecuje for coces Ie", "l" ~nd "To,} ,~efer :0 :~e :ac}( of :~is 5c;;ecule 3~d :~e ,/,-;.f:r,""'-'ar. :13nua/ on C.Jm:;a/qn Disc!csure for detailed exciana'c:::r;s arc eX3mC;eSJT eac:: :3Ie~orl. "("",, :::: ~~ 7 M I 3 U 7: C ~,s -;-eJ -;-'-J ::;, :;''l'JC1~,~I=S C,~ ':S;\1~JlJ7'7==5 ,\j 0 ,=? :::\10 :::\(i =X? ~:'j C I-:-:..J ,:1::3 Li T=:iA TU M ~ 3RCACCAS7 AQVE::ri;Sj~~G 'J c:WS? ;l?~.=l.l.,"m.J,=? Ie 0 [C,..l L .l.CVE?TISING GUTSl!JE .~O\/:;1T'SjNG ::l 3~;n'/="./S, 3JGI\J~~~_,~= '3A-;-:~~~~,'JG, Ill" , =cc,~.~:-.:cc.~ 3CL:,::~.~7'C"~S "L" "3" "'i" .,- ., ..J =i"':~'JC?;':Si~jG =\i=~-;-S ,:;=~J=.~~L ':?~:=t.~T'C,'~S .':"I'JO C\i=~~=...:..C T=1..l. v =~. ..l.CC::\.livlCO;' T:C~JS ;','~O \il~..l. L.3 '7"' '~" :J:::C := =~S: C .\J~ l.. '.'~ \'~,..l G =~,1 E:\J T ,~l'~:: "::] .. :::~JSi..:!.- ":'"':lG S=.~'1:C:=3 If one of :r:e 300ve coces c:ces'lO! 5cc:..Jr3!eiy :::r ~Ii'l ::esc:-;::e :re 3cc:-c.:ed ~x:ense, 'eave :re "'::::::ce' ,::J:Ui7".n :,3n:, .:ro'lice 3 Nrit:en c::escriotion in :he "Description of ?3ymem" cOlumn. ."'4AMC "NO AOCRESS o~ ~""YC:~. =~~OITO"'~R .=tI!C!"'I!:"4T 0" C':JNT~1gU"'1Cptllf ~:_ ~:l""I""... .......so ""'''''11:'' 10. ..u....."" .:I" ........c .......0 ....00..'. ~_ .....A.sv.... :::) 0 E :::=l ::le:SC::?lrr""'O,'""4 c;JF ~""""'ri'!:~1 ~~OU,""i -It.C::~'....::;:) O If mont scaca is nee<:led. d':edt ::;o;c, and attach additional S~eduj~ F I I SU3TJT.l.L I SUMMARY 1. .-\ccr1Je<:l ~aen~ of S 1 00 or "'ore This ?~f1od. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2. ~ Accr~ed :xpenses uf Uncer S 1 CO This ?eriod (~~ot : ~2mi L."'d) . . . . . . . . . . Toul AC:::1..1ed :X;:lensas InculT!!d This ?enod (L.1a 1 ... 2) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . J./ '7 ,q 1; I Lf/l Cf '7 I I I Lf-f} I 11 4. Accru~d ::Xce"58$ P1id This P'!nod !Not l~miZe<i1 =:1ter "'e"! Jnd on ScneoUi4 :. Lne 3 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... s. ,~ac Danli8 This Period :Subtract !..:re ~ ;rom Lnc! Jl. :::::.:f .::ire~er:~,e~!! U1d on wne 3. C..iumn 3 or Summaf'f ?Jqe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-1.1'" ~. SCHEDlJL= G \1ISCELLANEOUS AOJUST:\1E~TS TO CASH ?OSlT1GN FORM ~20, 430 OR 490 r.~ri"OLr.-:s 'i1av 3e ':;:C\...;t'\':::'-: ~J /':-.c:~ ,JcI13rS) S~..\.7'~.""'E.'4T :~v::::;)s ~~.,=,l .~C~ -_.~~~_ ""4"'.-....<<:;:F -::.4''''Cl~AT~ :.:JR::~M,.....jT..... Shay-c""n A IhPr+ -~ Cl-+~ Cnu ~C.; I :)I!SC:=f1 10:"i Otr .40.,jl....lS."..e:.'4T . 7-1-~3'f-'7-~3 .::;.. -~ '-' ."Y4 3 e: R !lIT: ,; _ _ , ..._ '! ! L3l13q OAT~ :1" -".,.. ...O",U.~C"''' :....,Of",~.." ~~W..l,.-.....~ ~'T',..C" '!"w.,.. ':"..... ""1-.&., '1"""11:_ -.... .:::::.......',....~.., ........C "...0 "'OQItC... 4L.,JO 1"'''''11111 ....... C~""'1T;"1I:.'1 1..:1. ."".......'" ~III -'C -~C..S~"'.".I ........... .....0 "'Qo'-<<"11 ,J",.....C'...J:'ii ':JF' ....C~.A.. ..~ :::.. IW ::lce"......'. ...~ -=....,,"" _ i II - 1 f ,-rcr~ s~C!! 's ,'~ce-d, ched( JOX 3t :eft ~nd amen aaditionaj Sd1e-dul!!S G ,.. ,01 SU3TOT AL SUMMAR Y I. 1i"IC:1EAScS TO CASH OF $100 OR '/lORE :C;;;il;mn I'll} . . . . .$ 2. 1.'IC:1EAScS TO CASH OF l=3S THAI\I 5100 !Not :temiLecl. . . J. TCT<\L !NCREASES TO CASH (L:ne 1" L;('!e 2'. . . .. . . . . .1. :;r;.:-;;lE..l.S~S TO CASH OF $i80 CR \10R2 iC-Jiumn ::::11 . . 5. GECR::..\;3cS TO CASH OF L=SS TI1AN SiCa ,:"Jot i,eml;:2dl ~~. q~ 0. cr. CfIJ '~0~,q7 ) . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 0. i"O r..3.L iJ=-:~EASES TO CASH iLl"e ~.;. Line 5/ 7. TOTAL 'AISCELLANEDUS AD..;UST\1E:\lTS TO CASH IL;ne 3 ;".nus Lin! 61 Enter ,"Iers and on Line 12 Jf SL;m~arl P1ge ~ ~c..:. r .oc!# ' Farm 421 1983 For use by committees VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY '1 $TA.T~ ZH" C~OIl I u. ,~UMe::R d.(P75't "'Rl!A ::00': ~,",ONC "'VMo;UitR 't-L ~O. A.NO 'iT"!!fI,. STA,,1[ ':ll"' coo!!: :;1- ()L-/87 ~"'ONl! ....'..IMl3l!R [I) c' - /5 (~""" (i YR.): (tl" """~\.lc...a",&1 .'-la contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering "am~ II (~ r3 to Ju (\e. 3u.. 'cr~3 I declare under penalty or perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonabie diligence in its preparation. Executed on ,) '7 (OATEI I~- f-~ --'I at /-"" (,4"-_-- - ! (CITY ANO STAT!!:) By ~r .ntermation rewuired to be provided to you pu~ant to the Intermation Practices Act af 1977, see "Informatian Manual on Campaign Oisciosur. Provisions ~t tn. Political R.term Act." Part X.