Sharon Albert - 1983/09/18 - 1983/10/22 Form .190 ~38J ,=e:r ,="''-: .., C~< J . CONSOLJ DATED CAMPAIGN ST A TE:v1 ENT (:o,.~r-r~nt:oce S~c::ons:.J2S0 - 3":'2 ~..., ,=orJse JV ':3nd.~3:~SI,-:r;:'':srolcers Jna :~e:r ::;r:rr:i:::d :::r-::rT"1:'":::9S. ~:3:=:-'-:n: :::"-.I-=:~ :~:' >~ .;:..:,~ 9-ltg - ~:~ :.... ," -:\~ ~r I D- 27 - K' 3 i ,..l.. ,; :-~~rt"1.. _ s ~ :: "'; '- '" ::l..\.r:: ~F :::L.::=710.""i ~a. =.I", '~, -.I ~ j ~ ,...,_..:::........s:, No~'em be.t' <?) (q <( 3 CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED iN THIS CONSOLJOATED REPORT TOT~:.. ~~..::.s;s; ShC\("cn A I bev-t : OFF1.;:=: 30U~H, ;:Fr ~!:!...:J ; ...c:....,i-'C :..:lCA"!"10N "....0 :li1T1III"-:::7' I "I '..J ... . 1[ ~ ,fill ,,~. '_j C .A. . l.. al :"4AM~ OF '=Al~OIO.'7E: 3'.... 51,~ :.SS ~ C.:J.~ SSS; ... =. .....0 ,; "a. '! '!- &ilrOlf ,_. ,~i \ r6 ~ :.~;~~Y eA q~o Lc.' ;..... G-,'Irc 11 ~ Cf1 COUhc.d ,..... ~~C~ i:Ob7:~q.. (Ltocg) ~i I t ~ '1lf-7 ~S5l0ENT1""L ~OO~::53; ....0. ","""0 S,~.ll'" r"f~Of <;+e II\J (I. vt ~ . : -= = & ... ~!'!:"... :::.:: I( 1&'Co3 Chwch s+. &ilr-"~jUh;t;'CJ <;du-cl f)jeJrid CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLJDATED REPORT '1SCrl-O (If D~) r; 41 - L 7 0 0 II ~,","wfII~ ~F C:::"4..".IT"T"E:=:; 5hiAroY\ ~=-C:2'!:3S u;:' =::IwlIM1T-::e:; 0, ('. B C)( )::l ..... u."r1 dg~ :;1""'" ::. -:::l <:Ie '7911~q 4.IIIIlA ::l~. "....~.=....c ......J .....'" €J Og) Rif 2. -to'] s-t.f . +-0 '( C.+~ ,",0. "MO 'i1""'!~~ Co u VI c i I G-,Ir-e''-l CA q'::.-o 2A) ......ME,::l" 1"~EA.Sl..iRe:~: Ann CO\UYl9u... :!-:::=f""","'e:~r "'OO~::3S"'::F ~~~ASURe:~: ....0. ,""..0 J~"C!("!' '73/1 Lan'hel <st. CrdnH) "l.-"',""tL ,:)F:::l~MIT""7'E:::; .::.. -:.:::=. ..... IE" ::.:::= c: ..... c..... .......J.... ~ 1:.. CA. QS;o2..o (Lf08) 8Lf 2. -64 &' 1 I ~ ....u.'-4I9E~ ...0. 41'.0 11"':;1 I: &1" ':1. ==0& "'~.A ::.::.::;c ~-'~""C .............." ":"uO~e:53 o~ .::=M......'T7::::; ~...~g eJ'f' T~~ASURe::R: :.~f1M_'......i:.'1T' -,oa~<<S5 OF ;RI:ASWR!:~; ....Q. ......0 ST"C&T ior,,:- . ';:1_ ':::0. ......'" .::'::0. .....,.:::...c ...""......,. .J r:..JC:) Jddit.'Qnll nr",.....,atJcn on JDCJroDr'3t~/v ;.1Deit1!d ~~nri"'U3r!On ;/1e-!!rY. III CANDIDATE/OFF1CEHOLDER ONLY: LlST ANY OTHER COMMITTE:S NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR I\1AKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. C:::\~"..'lr== \JAME ::;Jr";~~:J':-=a C.Jm~\~:~e? AND I D. ',L.Vl8E:=l C~MMIT7== ALlC?:::SS ~?E,~SwRE~ ~~3 '<0 ArrJCI)10dmanal ,nram"Jrlan an ~Doroorra~/y 'aot/lea conrlnuarJan ,,"i!tl~. '!A <:onrroll'!<1 commlr~ ;s ont/ ",Il'CIl IS :;cnrrotled dif?Crfy :Jrndirr!Ctly by a ::3naic:artl or NtliC." 1C~ ;Olnr/Y HIm a c3nald3~ Cjr :o"~roll~d :orrml~ ,n !;r)n,.,ecrion ,vien ~f1~ l'MaitJ.'ig of ~xoendiruro~.. .J. ~r'-:f"A..~ "::~f'."'~i;. oJ c~mmi~N if ~:;tl C3naiaa~. ~n8 ~3ndld~re's ;~fJnr~Jr Jny ~rn~r ~':.-'.-. -:-..~~e ~~ _,r ~'n8 ,:olltrols. ,'.)$ u:;ntfiC:Ulr ;nr7uenct! on :ill! KOOnS or dec::lons of r!'1! commlr.EH1.J VERIFICATION t .:ec:Jre ;~..cer ,:er.aI:-, Jf ;;eri~r, :.I--:Jt :a ::;e :est .Jf .11'( ~nG'~,,;~c;e :h;s j~J:=rr:en: jn~ I :'a'le "sed Jil ,'easonacie diligenca In :reir preCar3tlon. =xec:J:ed In I D-~A'7K;- 8'3 3t G-1'lro~ ,.c",V'::!:UUI S<~cuted an at :s ;c:~a'':Li.=S .ire :r.....e, .:O(;".::c~ .}r.;.: ..:.;r;:;~:a ..ir.G :.~at 'Jy ~ec~ ' , ,tl.;......r........~...... ........<<..\1'. \ ~..T.l \CI't.. ,.,...0 tT....T'.. 'Jy !tla...""T'u... ~" r......l.oI..a..'.i I I :::edar~ uncer :enaltY of :erjur{ :tlat :0 :tle :::es~ ,of my k~o'Nlecqe :t1is sn:ement 3nd:s sc!1eduie1 are 'r,",~. ~orrec~ 3nd c:::mcie!e 3nd :tie treasurerisl of ,111S commlttee(sl has c;se<J 311 'easonaoie dlllgenca :n :ne :reoarat:on of :;'lIS ;t3!ement 3nd :ts sc~edUles. =:<ec'..ted In 1()-~!r:I~3 3t~c\~.. (f1:uu. 'Jy I~{~_!'" o(2!.!!:~"'''K''j ~, 'ntormftlon 'WlII'fWlS (0 0. "n"..ded (Q vO" ;)Ur.1l.m ':'0 :~ inform~lon ?'KflC_ Ac:1i oJf '9n. .- '":nfotmrnon ...bnllM on C.""P.oqn Ji,.;ioJUtI ?ro"js;ons IV ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES .\1AOE TO OR ON 3EHALFOF CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND \1EASURES (AlloC3te expenditures from Schedules E & F made to or on behalf of a candidate, officei1older or mea"ur~. Amounts :-nay be rounded off :0 'Nhole dollars.) .JF;:lC:~ll '_S;:; C~J l Y '~"':".~E:,= =;".'~Ci,::':'i= ::,~ :F== =2.~CL.':= ~ "::'.\~C::F=.:.: i :~ 7'; I ! C =1 \ ~ =.4:.3 L. ,~;::: ..:.. ,\~ J 3;" L _::"7" \4 'l,... '.1 3 = ~ -:.~ '_ = -:-i ~ ~ I '::....=.:,< 01'IC i i 3_:::::or~ :::;:;OS2! =--. \1!..... '-...:.. - ,= ~"'J10L..,'.J7 T.:] J,.4-= i : : : ~.-']CJ"! iCQ:~'~.n3J n~~r"""'Jt'::Jn J/1 lCQ~=rJr:~."o" 31J~!'!-a ::;nr,"r:..;r::]:l ;.-~rr. ',S7=\t..:C7'C,\S =c? ::::l::;:l~?:,',G -::0'1::;=\ :l~G= CONSOLI DAT"::u CA,\-1P AI G0J ST A Te;,,1 ENT FO R 1\1 ~90 PERIOD COVERED 3Y ST AT=:~,1ENT: -;-~e :er:ca:overed :eglns :~e Gav aT:er ~:-e c:os;ng::::ate:Jf ::-e ast '::}fT~~3i<;n 5;:a;:e::-erH -',ed. ..a ~le'J:CL~ 3i::rl~!'7"ent ~35 not j:::en f;!~d. :;-a:'3r:od ::eqins on Januar'! i ,:)f :;-e C'.Jr~~!:T c3le::car 'feaf. T;.....e :er;od ~::cs ,In :~e ':~Qs;rg J3:::: ;or :::e curT"~nt 5l3t~~~nt. T~e c!osing :3te s ~=::?::~;==d :1 ::---9 "1nfGr~3t:cn \lJrw3!Jn CJr::a!';~ +Jisc:CJsur~. I O,j.,TE OF =L=CTI0N: f :h:s 5~a:erant 5 :-;:2d :n ,:onrec:;cn -,,,i::-, 3n =!ec::on, ~:::~r :;;= ~3r2 ,Jf :~e 2!2c::cn. ?~RT I: ,Jr-.:;v;ce :~e c3ndic3le'5 ;Jr 01:C2:'lc:cer s full ....3~e, ;~sicen!iaj 3c::r2ss, jusir~ess 3Cdi=SS 3nd :2i2SnCG::? :'lUr~:::2rs. 3f1d :he office 30ugnr or :--e!d. P~RT II: !':em:ify ::-e controlled commir::::es inc!uded in ~he consolidated reGort and :r:e ;:reasurers of :lle committees. Use ::-:2 5arrenfcr~aticn that 3Dcears en the ':Or71r.1It:ees' Sta,emen;:s of Cr,;anlZ3tion ';:ed ,vim ::-:e Secrerarl of St3t~. 'Jo "at use 3Doreviat;ons. ,j., permanent :Jusiness or resiaenr:ai adaress must be :Jrovided for ::'e ~r"asur;=rs. -;-:-'e ;cenrifieation r,umoers (,~ust be included. \if nO! 'let received ~rom :he Secretarl of State's office, :"'lat 'ae: ."ust ::e noted.) PART Ill: T1le candidate or officeholder must list all additional committees not inc!uded in this consolidated reOOrl 'Nnleh are :Jrimaril'l formed :0 ~2{;eive contributions or (rake expenditures on t::e candidate's aerai f and wnerr:e!'":Jr :"1at tr:e'l are centrolled commit:ees. '1ERI FIC,j., TION; T~e staterrent muSL be signed b'l each committee :reasurer inc!uded in :re consolidated reOOrl and by the candicate or officenalder 'Nho samrols the committee. T~e treaStJrer and candidate or of-:'!cenoider ,i1ust reVI~'N ~;;e information contained in the statement before signing the verification. At.. !..OCA TJON OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITU RES iVIAC 2 TO OR ON dE!iAL F OF C'::"NDI Q;" TES, CFr:ICEHOLDEnS ,j.,NO \1EASURES: '-:,-r JI!:8n~:-;Ct.;t;ors (;"c!~cing Icans) and :rdecef'def''t e~(cendi:'~res ;:e::-i::ed en Sct-ed'...;'es = 3rd c: :0 succc:': cr cc::cse officer-aleers, cancidates 3nd Jaliot rreasures (other :~an those conrroi:i,"g this corr~i::2e or for .vhlc~ :;':5 C::Jmmir:ee is ;Jrir:-:aril'l fcr:-ned). indicate :he date of :~e expenditure, the of-:'ica sougr.t or ~e!d (or the ,"7"'::3sure's nu::-ber or 'errer), me arT:ount of the expenditure and :t"e cumulative 3mount :o:::are. Tf-'e "Cumu:at>,a to Date" column should include the sum total of expendi:ures for or 3gainst each car.d:c:ata or measure since January 1 of ~e current calendar year. 'See "I nforr;lationV1anual on Camcaign D;s<c~osure" for cisc:..:ssion Jnd ~xampies of "c:..:mulation" ) CA,"1PAIGi'J DISCLOSURE STATE:V1ENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 ~i~Cl...in!S \1av 3e :=1oLncea T,J /ihc:-: ':OI!3rSJ 1 j7AT:!::\04E::"4T' ::;:)V€r:fS ~'-:::~1 I .~~... , _......;:J=W.:;;oo4 I Cf- 18' -~3 : (O-?:l.-13 'iA.......tt '~F '=A,"40l0"'7~ ~Ff .::~."":'w4IT~EZ S harD!:) AI lert .(ir Ci-+~ CoIAV1C" \ r ::I. ....U~9e:~ .. :::;:,........1--:-"!' 79 /(3 9 COLUMN ~ C~mulatrv. tOt3j from COLUMN 3 7"atll (MI' o....'ad fTom am=&d ld'llldu J ~ COL~.'r1N C orwious ;:lMl0d Ci.JmUJatlve ~o ::at. C.,lumns.. - 3) CONT~18UTlaNS ~EC::IVED 1 . ',10~e'3rl::Jn:r: bu:: :Jns 3 I 05. (J7) 3 ?:J.. & 3, o-v 3 24-2.8".00 jC;'""~.::iUL.~ A. '_.."'ict .1 330 . {)V (330. (0) .- 0 - 1- j'::;;::'~'...J:"'.& 3, '_;,~;: ! lfq~, rr-D (Cf '3 3. <f7) 3 J. If ~>J 0-0 ';) ......"4a:s , . ' ~.."4,~ ; - , _~."",.a;s . _~ .:. Cf<] /:70 q~ {,70 j-=~&::UL... .::. _.."c, 1 2. '_::ans 3. Su mO!31 , 3 ~. :'Jon"T1onerary c:Jn:r:ou:;ons , . . . , 5. ?'~cges" 3ic:;-l,::....'-~ ~. :,,;,"'iK; : a. TOT,J,L CONT" I 3UT1Ci'JS, ' 3 Lt-q S. (TD s WMCS 1 .. " . , !..~ i"i. S 3 .. 4 - ~. ;).. q , +"t 0 s ~ '+09 ,70 '_l.'4CS 3 .. .. - , ,3fotCUl..:I ::~u.....,- .::::L....,j,".P>t5..J" .. -3/ =X?~NDlruRES ,\1ADE 7. P1Y~e!',s . s 3 L.f-b. 710 '+7-97 3 Cj tf.'73 :......l.~C.3 ., .. . 5 ~Dr7.q~ 1C;""'Ilt.='..J1... <<.~ :-.,'(~ J. (;):). to,,) 5C:-1it:JU:-~::'. '_.,~.r; ~ '7~5.~fo s II 5'-f.fo~ ).~.31 I' '79,<t9 3. ;"cc.~CtJ ~xcensas,:"(1cald JII151 ' 9. TDT:'L =XPC::NOITUii::S s s F_~."i!!:3 '1 .. ! S~OUL~ !:'~UA.'- '.::=,,-~.""N5" .. 3) .If chis is :!:e fi~ ~orr ~f!~ lor ~11 ,=alendar I~ar. Column A should ce alank ~XCf!or: ~:Jr 'Jneaid ieans. jills and :Jf~qes.. '_~~CS ., .. I s STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN F1NANClAL CONDIT10N 10. Cashonhandat:het:-eginningot:hiscef1od.(Lne14ofpre'/iou3Sl3t!!ment), S f1f,fo II. C..sh ;e~ion :Mis :eriod (Line 3. C.Jlumn 3 Jbavel ' . I q 33. rro i 2. ,Vlisalilanl!Ou.s aoju>.rrenu:o C3sn \Scn~Uld G, L.r.e 71 l~ C..sh oavments this Ol!f1od (Ljna 7, wlumn 3 abo'lel. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ of} , q ~ 13{)~,~f JS.31 1~. Coish on hand atcJosing jate (Lnes 10+Ih'12-13 above'..... ,. . . 15. OUm:i.".:ing ~eb!S (Li't'! Z .:,. i..;"l!: 3 uf C.:;!umn C above) , . . . , . . . , . ;6. E:1cing surplus (if Lne 14 " ;reater :tIan l..;ne 15, ,:.;buJC': l..;,~e 15 'rem l..re 1.11. s I:;f7f,57 17. ending ::ieficit (if Lne 15 is greater 'U"an L..ne 14, subtraC": Lne 14 from Lre i5/. . . 5 . =::ding c:JSh on ,'land ;i1ouid not bs 3 negative amount. 5IH.IMARV FOR CANDIDA TES IN 80TH A JUNE AND ~OVEMBER ELECT10N (See In::rrJc:ions on a~..er!e) ~. 1/ 1 ~nJ 5 ,:0 71 1 to cat. 13. C~NT,,'BUT1CNS MECSJV::D: ~g. =X?r:~orn.;R:S \fA::E: SCi-iEDUL2,.4, \10NET ~RY CONT~18UT10NS RECeiVED FORM 420,430 CR 490 ~r~r:u('1-:S \1av ~e ~Cljrr:e<j "7"J ."i:-"J:e ':'Oi ~r3i :""tA,"'~~" '':ANOiOAT!: ::JR C~."'MIT~'!E; 5hl\fOh Al~~r Clfu d,unc;\ I ~'.JL.... .,,"',"u: A....e Aoe"!!::l5 0;':; :JAi~ ! C:::I"'4T~18U"j:Fif ~I!c'~" 'H~ ~:;""'T"""C". ........0 c.....""...,. ! ~. ..v........ :;,... i -~c.....u,.lt. S..A.... ......MO 4':;;0/l#lc..1 ; ::C.::...;?....iiO:"'4 ~:'AP'-;:)y!:~ i " s.1......C~I..~.;JYSO. c....-r.'" .........c ~,. .USj...,csal , S"7'':'' - ::: ',1 -=.:"~ .:: ::; '/ .:..=t '3 :; -:: ,::l -.......:; ~ ;.. : C/-lg-Y3 IO'2z-r~ I ~. .~l..i~9C:~ .. :::......l...-'!:! 7 q I 1.1 CJ "",'-'401.....:.....,. :-. .....'..;:...... :':'" C -~ ~"'-1[ . : Da vld He.:hn~ ~ r 4* ~3 14 , iP'S Uvas 'f<cl. : m/)~'}aV\ i.hll )CA '1S03'1 i ~ CScA r>1Clrfa-- CTcY'ludet., q-~J~3 I' ~,q Grar-C,' e./d ~.J.. ! lCtr-edo) Teras. '1f? O'f{) I I ~D hn R. tide\ m.s )O-Z.-'lr 3 ; :).CD5" ttec.keK" PaSs I<d ! C:r(' I rc>~1 CA- qn 1 c .r- I &:~j Le p per IOAf-~~ 1134-0 cedC\.Y" CclA.,...+ ! Gr, Ir-c~ ,cA Cfso2c I ! , Ass i<;-ttl nt Lh i ~ f- 5~ f I')ce.r Hvl-tSe u: I te. I D; r-ec. -Por ~ i S4~;le;on s : tr1,9 S nee (I VI!) i.. eac.he ...- ! : Cal'hYni(t.. Wcd-er ~~.ri/,'ce (o>>'\fJ~n:i l"Xn ttr no." 1,' (, V\ c~1 II ~ \'Y\O 9 i YlEJ ! S(jS te Y7/~ : 'Sa Y"\ -teL C (11 rCL- I i Q..olt~ ~ I I I i i I DO. (Jf.) IOD,trO :2.00 . D c. 2..DD, C () I I /Jot>. CO I I ;2 00 Aro I i I o-n C() I . i I 1 00, ltO SUSTJTAL 3. r07AL\tCNEiAi1Y ::::NT::113U7~CNS T1-i!S ?:::1ICD (Lnl) 1 - L~" 2) i:!1ter "er~ Jnd on line 1 C.Jlumn 3 of Summary ~3ge. . . . . . . . SUMMARY 2_ AMOUNT FlECEIV:D L:5S THA;\l 5100 ,Not i:emizeal . . . . . . hDO.Crt> 11000, 1tC o I f more S03a is needed, '::T1ed< oox at feft and amen additional SC!1eduj~ A. f Ioro. bV ' f I , ,=,(.,3,OO! I ~]. 3~ ;$.t-Lb .uv 1. AMOUNT ~EC=jVED. S100 0i1\10nE (Indude all Scne<Jule.~ lwC!c:alsl . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED (CONTINUA TION SH EET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 S,~-:-::~!!~i =::l'l~~S ~~.~iCO ,4r7""Cunts '11:3'1 3e ~Ol...j{",=~d "T,] ,I,';-"C:o? ':'I)lt3rS) .... ..). '-'l € :; ~ :~_,~ '::1 i ,~ '" 7';: :; ~ .:: ='0"4 ~ , ~ - =: :: ~ '~'.... '..4 3 E::;) - :::....... ~A7:: =:'l..JL:'" ."iA'AC: ~NO ,.\.:JDRESS OF :::l"TR'3UT:lR E....... P'_.:l '(!::~ A.'-'tOUI"<IT ::IC::'..JP~;-;ON ~!::: ':) I jl" ::.:;,....-..tT"'!"'!:.. ...~so C,"t:"W;lIt 1..0. ....u...c.. ~~C"SV"!!iIIt , ..."....'J[ .1.'10 "'00"'.'51) ,. 'i.:....._~.......'-~"'![O, ~...-'l[.. .: ~ ... '.. :",4 ,... .........c ;;- '!Iutl'''HIS1J ,. ~ :::.1'"!!: o If mora s::ace is needed. c~ecl( JQX at left 3nd ..:-:3C." 3ddincnal Sc.~eduies ).. SU8TOT~L - SCHEOUL=3 LOANS FORM 420, .130 OR 490 5.T"\'i::~E:'iT :=VE~S ~-=:.~!( .......O\"l;:~ ~I~c~n:s \~13V 3e ,~ot.;rced :J,~iho:e :0113rS; 'k I ;:),....u 'A9ER : ~ -:-::..."""1"!"-'l:1I: 'tA.....C ~F :'"'.....OI;:J"'~!:.:lR :::~""""IT;"~e:; ,:lj, ~T - L. J":','J$ =i so: ::i'l =:J OAT'!: ~ '.; L:- .'4 A...... ~ ...a........, 0 ...Irt. 0 0 ~ ~ 5 S -:: F f_ .:: ~ c e ~ ~."1 0 A ,...., Y' ~ i..J A ~4. .... 'T" '::: R S -= Ff ':~51(;,""e:RS ~ -:O......l-r-....~ "1"",0 Cl'ilT'~ l.~. ...u.....c~ =.. '!"~c....u..... . ........ ........0 "OQ_.'I.I ::""p,--.;l...,,=:~ .:.....,.....u ,-..J... .....T ..Irt......a~NT i: \1 e: ='C:::'_.~""7'~ON 'C1...-4:......\..:I"C:J. Cf'4TC" ...........c .:lJll' ~u..l'tcsll q A "7'!:~ ::J~ '-~A."" 7'0 :1'" I~ ::tttc'~ il I t - jf :cr! S;::.3~ ,S ,"'eeced. :..~ec:< :-oX 31: '~1""!: Jl1C ;r:~c." aCcHionaJ SC:O:c(HJlcS 3. ?:;i. :. SL..310T~L .:J~MT 2 - ~OA'~S ME?AIQ, FGRGIV;:N OR ?~IO 3Y .), iHIRO ?,~MT,(: Jj ~:'4T~R ,.......1'5 '~Aj""'..:IN SC:--<i!:OUl-.a:: '" "'L-..SO :A.~'!: F"J1-:'" ~AM<< .-4.NO.A.OORf!SS 0'" THe ~.!::'iCl!:rt r o ~J , "....c\,J..~ ....,.-:::11"'../"1 i :I_ . "10 ..... I -'W, ~o . .."'~.., _1.0 .....T. ........ ......0 Aoe_."a .J.""llP...,o 3AI.-.AI"'4C~ I fj~O. ro i I I ~~D' 61) I I I lD-~1.-'l3 ,Sharon Alloert ,rys-o~ S-kwtlrt 16ri Irc'j I CA qSUz.o ! DOUjICt~ Re~n~ l<k I 1S'l.,- () lA};ldsoY1 vi \Ie /2..d. ,TncrC\t\.f1 l-h \I ) 0, I IO-L1...- ~3 o j f mor~ s;:ace ;s ,"eeced. c..,~i< :cox 3t left 3nd ar.ach adcitional Sd.,e(juies 3. ?Jrt I. SU8TOT~L i 3) r 3~o.0-0 :::) SUMMARY r. LC,.l.,'JS OF 5100 OR \1CRE TMIS ?C:.~ICO?1rt 1) s 2.. LC.J.NS L;NCE.~ S100 7tiIS ?~R'OD :Not i{!!m'z~1 . J. TQT~1. LOANS .'1ECEIVEO (une 1 ~ 21. . . . . . . . 5. lCA,~S OF S~CO OR \1CRE THIS ?ERICO ;:CRGIVEN OR :1"'10 3Y A r:--I"iO ?"'ATV '?"In 2. CQlI.omn '~j I 33n rro L r 4. LOANS OF :;~OO CR ',ICAE '1E1"'10 i'HIS :lE.'1100 '?lrt 2. ':Qll.omn Jj I . 5. Lu).,'iS UNCER S100 ,~E?AIO. ;:ORGIVEN OR ?A.IO 3Y .,. r-lIRO ?,.l,;:rrv T-l!S ?E:=lICO !'jOt ':!!mI=1t. 7. TOT.J.1. LC...NS i1E?AID. .=aRGIVEN eR ?AIO 3Y .l, "7")-,I?D ?Ai1iY "7":-;15 r:C:RICDL.re ~ - 5 - 5i . . I ,3o,~ i'HObO) - .....1'" ~. a. 'lET Cl-'...,\;G: ~IS ?C:RICO SUCtrKt L.". 7 "'om L,,,. Jl :MW m. (jl~at nen ~ on L.n. 2. CoJlwnn 3 ut S..,mmar,l ;:>1.... SCHEDULE C NON-,\10NET,j.RY CONTMI3UT10NS REC~IVED FORM 420, .130 OR 490 ~r::Cl..r11.:S ".'1ay 3a ~81..;("'\.c:ed - J /;:---:::~::OI13r~; ;-...:~'1lE:.~7 :::l'.i'::~S ~S~' ....~-:;~.~... ......~Et~" :...a.,~010AT'!: :;).=t::=~.,..tr;,!:==; Sht.!,nm Al beyUy- G~ (LlUYlC,r' I , I i"'Jl..l..........c ,..."'0 AOO"'!:SS ",. ; , I C::Jl'iT""3UTOA I O"'T~ . : '""~-. "aT'a~ ~'EC.:J' (I" =~"''''tT''''!'''''... "",,'0 .NT"" 1..::1. ...""......, '...J'-_:..J.... I ,.. J" .........u...,.. , .......... .....0 ..Qc..sa, ~-1f - "3 /O-ll.-Y3 ~. .'.H.....-19E:.~ . :-:........!--'!:~ '-'Q'/3Cf 1,1" ,.L....C......"4.::.,.O. 1''t1''.'' ...A... =-" .U1:I....C'!I.; ~E5C~';rl""ICN OF ~coas ,=_~ s~~Vt':::!:s =-,s,,!:=f "'4ARK~~ I 'J ~ '~...J == ~ €-=~! './~,:) :'~"""u- ~~"'-~V::Ff ~-\llV= ~MO'....:,"4 r n J_--..-J. I f more S03C8 is ree~ed. ~ed( =ox at 'eft 3r:d at:3cn additional Scre~ule! C. SLo,OT:"LS SUMMARY 1.\lCN..\\ONETAnY,CONTRi8UT1CNS OF Sl00 CR ',10RE ~-lIS ?S:=lICO. . s 2. NCN-\10NETAAY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER 5100 n,IS PSRIOD \Not temizeal. . . . . . . . . . I .w ,r7o~ Is 98'"/.7t J. TOTAL ~CN..\10NET~RY CONT;,13U71CNS T}-lIS ?SRIOO (Ln. 1 .,.. 2) 2ntM here 3l1d::ln Lnl! 4., C~lumn 3 cf Summary ;:1~e SCHEDULS 0 PLEDGES FORM 420,4.30 OR 490 5"i~;";;.~E.'-ol'" :-::''/=:?'5 ~~~, ...:..r-r:l..;n~s '.13\1 32 ~':~,-~2rJ -: ,'t-:r: ~ :'-J' ::rj' ---. -::.~ =.-oj .........""e;: .:IF' .:".\,....OIO"'7'~ :IR :::::......MITi::~; I :J. ~L.i......ae:~ ,,, :::.w...l.....--'!!I: :1"'1'2: ~!:C'~ I I (I" '::;:"''''1':'-11:.. ....10...10 C,",T.. I.~. ...u....eM ~,. , --C"'.V.C. 'l ......... .......0 4QOJltC.Sj F'.Jl..;" ""MI: .......0 ....00"'1:5501' C:ONT""aUTO~ a:~P:'-:JV!}t ~.""'Ol,.l;'i"" '"',-..OL"i,....T C'_ 'r41.... ~f_s: oc ~o ;'''10 ~A,l'" THIS c....,.... ,... :J'-'=:~G ~~Rl00 s<:~C~I.J:.... ... '...J~:J.4.., oc=wP'~.,.~O:"f j" 'J II:LI"'C,,",-j"" 'Co. &,.TW,. .....c ':l~ .UIP"...) I I I I , -' I I I I I i la, (~J ---; I i I I '____~ ,~ -:-:::ra S03CS ;5 ~~ea. :~eclc ::OX 3t :ah :in~ :;r':3C." 3dcitional Sd1eduii!5 D. SL:3TOTALS SUMMARY 1-. ?L~C::G::S OF SlGD OR \;1CRE THIS ?:RIOD \2.Jlumn Idi ) s 2.. ?l:iJG::S UNDER $100 THIS ?:::110D (Not itemlzeal. 3. 70TAL,:l!..:iJG:=S ;:'EC:=IVED (line 1...21......... ~. ?L=OG:::S CF Slea CR't1CRE PAID THIS PERIOD \C.:liu~n :J)). 5. PL=DG::S UNDER 5100 ?!3,1O n'lIs ?S~IOD (Not ;,emi;:e<J1. 5. 7. rOT ~L ?L:DGES PAID (Line 4 - 51. I I ~ 1~ 'lET CH~NGE T:-iIS ?C:~IOD i,SuOUact Ln. 0 7rcm Lne 3) ~:,!!!r:;,e .~jhr!!nC8 i1are 3l1d on L.r:~ 3. Column 3 of Summary ?~. . SCHEDUL= : PAYMENTS AND CONTR18UT1CNS .V1ADE FORM 420,4..30 OR .190 "'S~.... '-:" ~ ""'" e:.... i ::; '-#' ;::,~ 5 ~ lE: ~,~ -.?... (Ar.--;:Lir~~s .',1av 3d ~cu,'iced ;J ',"I~~~a Jcd:3(,)) : ~'~-~3 /D'22.-a-3 :;, ....u.....-3€~ . :::.......,~-~~ 'lQ//31 "<l .l" .... € ~,r ::......... 0 I 0 .... i"'!: :: ~ -: ~ .... M , j",,;", E ~ : Shuy-on Albev+ ~r- Gt~ CO\1.hC/( CODES r=OR CLASSlPflNG ::-<?=~JOITt.:RES if cr:e of :r-e 'allo'Ning caces is used :0 ':esc:ce :he ~x::enci:ur:, ~a ..m':"::::!"1 :::scr:::c:cn s ,~eeced. ,\~o:::: -:;C2::::::~S :he back of tr.is schedule "or codes "C", "I" and "T") Refer :0 :'''1e jad<,~f ::"115 sc::e-::.;:e ar:d ::"1e /r,':or'7'3,;on ',tan ;'7 '~mcaiqn Oiscfosur~ :ar ::e!3Iied exoiara-c:crs 3nd ~x3r~:JiesJf -:2C1 :3:~,;sr(. ..11' 1 ':C,\J7~13U7:C,\~S 70 07'...,::=1 r:,-=-i'l C I::;,..i. 7'::SJ '1 CC \1 \11-r':: =S NC=?~:'JC=:'j7 =:<?9JOI7:"':"=3 s" ~\...,~\, ='.IS. 5;G;\":".-:-'_.~= -':;":"7:;~~ , - '~ '~ :cc.~. --: ,'::CC ~ ~': 1_.::: T,~, -I C '"S -, , ............. ....,....' -- -. -. -.... - '-, I ~ '-, ,-<l _ , ~ j , ~ \...; = 'I -= 'I ' ~ 3" .. 'j" :.. i ~= ~,~ 7"~ ,~=: 3 ~.C~CC.~S7 ~QV =~T1Si ,'JG 'J c//S? ~?=~~;\~O ?=::1 leD !eAL :=,'~=,=.,.l_ ':?~?~ -,,:,....,~s ,..:..:~= :'J ::?:-::...:..: "'::),, - ~,~ i ::~. ~~: :;\1 V:': :.~ T C,'.5 ,":"i'l C ..: =.~ 1_.3 ~~C=::~:3;::J":"L- '/':\,~~=,'.1=~J7' ':',,'.: ':":'/=.=iT'S,~"~G --.. _::. , -"Ir: ::::~\ ,......-=- - __. ........1....1 '- . \..,; _ _ . ,~ ___,:) ,,-.... ~ ':U73iC= .':"J'i=::ri:3j~jG Jre or :;;e 3co'Je:::ces Gees :"lot 3cc:.;ra-ceiy or ~i1'f :Jescr~ce ::--e -=x::ercl:'A~, eave :::e ,_.:;ce C::lIL..7n .:;:ar, .:rGvide a Nrir:en ::::escr~o-cjon in the "Description of ,::3yment" coiumn. .........: ""'0 "'oO"'t:~s 0" ... v !!Ir. C,",!!O\TO,", 0'" ~t!:C::~~!!:!'1T~'" ,:.:Jl"iTq.S1U"T'~OI"f r'" ..::1.......,......&. 4\"'0 .....,...... 1.::1. ........... ~. ........ ........a ....~g..~. .,... _CA."",...I c=:::::: It ~ " ::'!"SC~l,~lC'" ~". ~"""""'!!::"4"'r .a......au,'"i.,.. ~., 1::1 ill VA VI Ce ~ rri n+I' V\l) COI'"Y\ (Xt VI ~ ~SOc; ChUr~ S+. S*-. Cj G-j'lrol1 ) CPr qS]''l--O 6-1\~ 1X~pa.t-( ~ "'tOD rnon~~~<;+i ~\ nJ1j } C":A q "2{) mOuY\5MJO'w P,O I BD~ 2.. 3 () 3 Gn'h-olj I CPr qSD?.D L i 11,/7 . () 2- i , i I H,o.50 t ! I I i 13D 3 ,y..o I I I I I I I I I SL3'7":::i..J.J t,?>c> /1 J. N o T-! if :TIara SC3CS is r1~ed, c...~ed( :Jox J"d L-.J 1:":3C." 3dci:icr"al Sc.~ectJ!es ~. Sl.:MMARY J. Tctal ~CCf1.Jed =.~:Jenses 031d :hls :ericd (Sc~ecuie ;::, L~na~} .5 &30.Q2 5 ~ 5 if? r-, 5 ~ T. i'wr."!!rlU of 5100 or CT10re 'T'ace Ct'llS :Jerlcd \Inc~uce 311 SC:"ecule :: Su::C:31SI 2. ?3vrre!1U under SiGO :1'11$ ;:encd (,":at: ::ami.:ecl . . . . . . . . .t Teol ?W",t!!'1U :1'115 :e1"'oO (Lne T - 2 .. 31 ::1t!f" :-ere 3nd ::n l.I'e- 7. C.:llumn 3 of Summary ?3<;& . . SCHEDUL: F ACCRU ED =XP~NSES (UI'JPAID 3ILLS) FORM 420, J..30 OR 490 STA7"E......E......T :::::I,/::::.~S :~~,~ .0:::1.... -_~~'.,;::;.. .~!TCL.;,'i~3 ',13'-1 3: ==,curr:=~;J f":-C ~ :':1 j;-: q-Ig-t3 1 D-22-~3 ~Sh~~;;~NA/b;;+ ~O~T;EC.;~ ~UV1(; I I~, .....l..:""9e:.~ . :~"'_I__"!: ~ q 1139 CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXP~NSc:S If one of 1:he foilowing coces is used 1:0 descr~be ::;,e ::cc:-,.;ed excense.'":o Nr:':":2n ::esc:-ior;cn .s :'leecec.i\lo:e eXC2C::C on :i1e =ack of ,,,is 3Ci.eauie Tor coces 'C", "I" and'T".)~e;'e: :0 :~e :ac!< :oT :~:s 5c:;ecuie aId :r-.e 'r;-cr~a,i ~1anua/ on C.1m::aiqn Cisc.'osure for de!3il~ eX;:;lana:icns and eX3rc:es .of e3C:l :31:2jor/. ;"., I :::~ri:=113L.,7:mJS 7:: J7'..j::::l :.~I'~ C I ~.~ --=5 C .~:s'\'~fn:==3 .'W ::? ':\1 C ::'J T ::X? '::'W 17:.J ,=\ =3 r --= - ,,-, ~ c- '_I _:1r-. I '..J I 1_ 'S" 3\..;,.,'i='~S 3;G;\JA7'4_,~= 3A7"~~=?11:JG, :CC? .-: ..:::C,~ 3C:..: c: -;-.~ ~:C ~'.S "L ., "3" ..~ " '1"""" ..J =''';:'JC?;';S,'JG ::\/::T:-'3 :=~J=.~~L :?~;:L~T:Ci'~S ,~I\~O 0\" =.=1:;=.~~ T~.~'J ,::L. ':'CC:::"'~lCO;'I;O:'JS ':':~C ',I:=-:-..l. L.3 3RO;'JCAS,~OV :.:\71Si i'JG 'I ::'';is?':'? ~:1~ I'JO:! '::11 C Ole;. L ~OVE::lT!SING ':UTS1SE ~JV:::1T:SL\jG '7" ':I" :) ~c ,= =33: C "'-JA L \Il~ l'~,.l G =~/l E;\~ -:- .~;\~:; "8" - :C.'lS\..:L -:-"JG 5=.~'j'C:::3 If Jne .of :he ~oove coces does not ::Cc....Jr3tel'! ::r "':Jtly ::2sc:-:::e ::-e 3c;::-'.;ed ex::e!"'se, 'eave ::-e "C8ce'::;iui-;-n ::!3,'1:< 3r -. ;;'/ica a f'.rir:en c2Scri::nian in :he "Cescrip1::on of ?3v~ent" :olumn. ,~AMC "'NO '-'OORlESS 0'" ~"'YC~.=~~OITO-" Ofiilf ,=!!:C:Jlt,!t:"4" 0" ::::H....Tr:tt3UT10,.... .I~:~.....t~.... ..,-~o c"',..... I:J. ...u....... :::tilt ........c ',,",0 "00_<<'1. :,. -~"""'IU"'..' ~'YIOUi"'4T :001[ :;R ::I!!:S':~l~~O:"'04 ,~~ '~""""'!;."""T" .1t.":=~t... E:~ O It mont-soaot is needed, c:':edt :::0 x , and attJcn additional Sc.."edtJles F SL.,3TJT~L SUMM~RY 1. ;'CC"'.J~ E:o:oenSM of 5100 or .\1o~ This ?enod. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .5 2. ~ Ac-:;;,,~ed ::."(::ensas of Unc:er S100 This ?9riod (~~ot ::amize{ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62S': .~ I Total Ac::.ruad E:o:pensas 1t1c-..uTed This ?enod (Lne 1 + 2) ...... . . . . . . . . . . J.$'I~I '-t'l. q '7 (cl~.. (,~ ) "- \'1.1..., ::a 4. Accrued ::x~"!lJ$ ?1id This ?~riod (Not Itemized) =,",:er "'e~ J"d on Scr.eaullt =. Lne 3 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 5. ,'48t Oan<;. 'ihis P!riod :Subtract L:r~1! ~ 'rom Lr,e 3), ::::ar :if-'~~!r:C!!~e~e JI1C .:Jt1 l.,jne a. C,Jiumn 3 or Summarv ?3ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHEDULE G \1ISCELLANEOUS AOJUST:\1ENTS TO CASH POSITIGN FORM ~20, 4.30 OR 490 i,<4::'"IOLj~~3 \~av 3a ~CLJ"':::d :J/i;....C'~ rJc!i3r:' S7..l.7"'::."w4E.'4i ':::;)\/';;,-:''5 ,~~.'~ ---~~~~ ...............E ~F ::A,"iCI::lAr::: '=R .:::l....~IT""':"!~; i.:J. '4i...i,....3c:.~ .. :~.....I..._~ ~~SC;;tlfl'i"'tON crr AO.JUSi'-4l!:......T ;", ~c ....O,JUST'tllc,..T' ......,01.,.".. " ;:-:l".'~".. ~T"'C'" ~,.,."'''' ~""C ""'-C_, !(,..,.'C~ "'..... ~=......t-r-.... ........e "....Q ...00...... "'1..IQ 11"'''.111 ........ C~H......~'I:..s l.~. ..u......~.. ~c --CASU_C"'. ..........C .......0 4,oa"c"l ""......OUi"'4T ':3~ OAT!: "C'lICAIC .:Jc,=,. 'E...... ...::) ::.' ,,.. ..~ .::....'1... -I o I f ,-nor! spaCl! is :-:~ced. C:1ecl< :lOx at left md amch aClditional Scre<:lules G (.. ,01 SU3iOT..l,L SUMMARY 1. I ,'K:=i EASES TO CASH OF $100 OR 'AORE. :('.::i'..HT<ii (.., ; . . . . .$ 2., INC.'1EASES TO CASH OF L=3S THA,"l 5100 (Not :temi..::ecl. 3. rCTc\L INCREASES TO CASH (L.ne 1 ... L.ne 2'. . . . . . . . .~. Cr:':;:1E.~ScS TO CASH CF SiCa CR \10RE iC.Jiumn i::Jl ) . 5. GECR:,'\SE5 TO CASH OF L=SS THAN Sica (Not i,emi;:edl I : Is s. rOr).L Cl=C~EAScS TO CASH iLine 4 ~ Lire 51 . . . . 7. TOTAL 'AISCSlLANEOUS~O.;UST\1E:'HS ,0 CASH (L;ne 3 minus Line 61 E:1t!r :"1e~ and on Line 12 of SLimmarf ?1g& 'Aa.., ,.