William Childers - 1975/01/07 - 1975/01/20 '7. :;J.u' -.,'. r.' (Interim Fonn) CANDIDA TE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT , I I I I I I I i I i 1 1 1 i /-7-7GroUgh /-2./;.75! . I I ! I ~--------------------- .:~, ,"~' "~. .:\";l. ~,':: ~.:'::-3.!~~~~.1 " .~.. ...."...;.7 ':,~ .;:.,~'~:f~ ._.~:~J.~ ~ GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200 . 8421.{ ;:. "",,: ..,,31: Statement covers period from r~:::~,.loe:N"iAL. .-.iJOR L - -":1- '.tJ"'i1i'lil".~'.. Ar'c~a.ss ;J '.mi> 1 -. U)4.1t~ '.'tAc. OF CA.NC'H,)A~rE. .~. _'lJ:_l. E.' f~~ . ! :1._~aJj . . Cf s- 02-,) 1* cf P ~~ ! \2LLP (CIT I $Aff':q{ZIP CODE) {ARI;:A COOE.I. P>iON~ ~_~__ CoJrI . ~-D201~x ~_i<f~3/~ J (C!T ) ~r- (ZIP CODE) IA I;:A CODEI {PHOtH: NO.1 Other (I[ o'her, provide n,). and street (or P.O. Box) city, state and Zip code) - . .--.--...--_ . 'l 1_ ~'~..L')'~r :~I_~~.T1_N (PRIMARY. .GENERAL. SPECIAL, ~E;~EXION IMONI;Q7iAR1 j:;FC=~ANDI:_: F :.':..,,' ~ L PARTY AND DISTRICT NUMBER (It Applicable! TOTAL PAGES THIS~O~T OFFICIAl. USE ONLY -,. ............ _.~~ I ~I~"" J~LL COMMITiEES SUBJECT TO YOUR CONTROL WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE ~}:FENr;TURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDICACY (1\ cMtro:l-.d committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or whicf. acts jointly with you or one of your c;ontrollecl cl>lr.mithes in cannectian 'Nith the moking af expenclit\.lres. You control a committee If you, your ogent or any olher committee you _ ..__. ~..~tr:1 has siY~I;ficont influence on the octior.s or decisions of the c;ommlttee.) Cr)Ml,,11TTE~ NAME p.ND 1.0. ~lUMB!::R CCMMITTEE ADDRESS TREASURER. ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER v iLl" I iacC" __TJ-..:t:JY "I t1~ 00/2, ::n...J . ~. ....... . Or. f)J !\J' ~ ~~i~ in/onTIation I)n appropriately labeled continuation sheets. ~4~"-' il LIST AL.L ADDtTJONAL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTqlBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY ., ...""'-'""'". ---~.... J -~-~ COMMITTEE N,iME COMMITTEE PHONE AND I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS TREASURER ADDRESS NUMBE -- -- -- . " - '"00-''' ._ L....___ - -- - ~_. R . Attach additional information on appropriately tl'lbeled continuation sheets. C VERIFICATION I) E I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its a.ttached schedules are true, correct, and corrfllete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. F E>'6Cuted onL..-_~-70~t (DATE) ~~ ~~. · .... (;t.' . .. -.,' by~ " -;.~ . . {CITV AN TAl'.. (SIGNATURE. OF CAN DATEI -1-. SUMMARY PAGE . .'a~~~f/A, ~.1 l.D. NUIr.~er (;: c ommjttt?t:') ~ -. COLUMN. C COLUMN B COLUMN A Cumulative total from previous period Cumulative to dat~ This period F~CEIPTS s~ $~ 0;2.5:0,,;) $ I 0 25. () i j (Column A + Column B) 1. Monetary cl'lntiibutions (Line 5, Part 3 of Schedule A) ~ - 2. Unpaid loa.'1s (Line 9, ParI 3 of Schedule B) (Total at en.:; of period) (Net chanqe for period) (Total elt beginning of penod) - - 3. Miscf;llaneou$ receipts (attach explanation) (Coiurm ^ + Colurm B) . '. < $~ tJ7S~ 0$ t tJ ~-;:Q (Column A'" Column B) $ -,4. Tot:!1 monetary contributions, Net cash receipts (Lines 1+2+3) - - 5. Nor.-fTI0nbtary contributions (Line 3 of Schedule C) (Colurm A + Colurm B) 6. Pled~f,s (Line 70f Schedule D) (Total'at beginning ;::1' . (Total at end of period) (Net change for period) $1, 0 ~.OO $ II ():J~""'~~l (CoIUlffi A + Colurm B) - $ 1. Total receipts (Lines 4+5+6) EY.PEMCITURES " .' .'~ 'j ~\ ,I '~i m I 'J ~ $/'$..73'- (Colutm A + Column Bf $/3,"1 }f s 6. Payments (Line 6, Part 3 of Schedule E) J. A(1crued expenses (unpaid bills) (Line 5 of Schedule F) (Total at end of period) $/"3.7 K' . (Column A + Colurm B) (Total at beginning (Net dlange of period) for period) $ $ 1 'j l :\ ':1 'j :.1 1 10; Total expenditures (Lines 8+9) . ST A TEMEN! ~J=.~IiANGES IN FINANCIAL CONOI TIOSN , , ~._.._ .. 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period ~ f);.~~: ~i) 11 1)_::;2.. 12, Cash receipts thisperiod (Line 4, column B) .t , ,I ii ~~ 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column B) 14. Cash on hand at Closing date (Lines 11+12-13) 1 15. Liabilities (Line 2,'column C + Line 9, column C) 16. Surplus (if Line'14 is greater than Line 15, subtract , Line 15 from Line 14) . . $ lOll. ~ "2 - 'I $ ( ) . .1 '1 .; ., ;;; 1,:: :rl 17. Deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtiaci Line 14 from Line 15) .-.. .' -2- '~;i " il ':(\~,1E -'Li.."Ld~-;:: (~L~ 1.0. NUMBER (It CooYnittee) SCHEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 (continup.d) .~ART :2 -- REC:=.IVEO FROM OTI-lERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) ,,") .----. ' ._~ o~~.-T- '::ULL NJ\/,U':' AND ADDResS (Stre,:t EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS AMOUNT CUMULATIve OCCUPATION SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT Clt/. :;tatel OF CONTRIBUTOR' ADORES,) & CITY OF BUSINESS) ---.-j-------.-.. I , I n~~ I I '0,- _.-+-__ ---- I i I i -------- --r-,-----. .. - ~ "._~ .----+-- . - I - .."..-y' - --"-. -.~ .......... ,--~. .- -T \ I , ,. ". ... .. ,. . ~. -'. I ~-T " ',. .-.,. ...... ,"-' ~~ I _.- I '. I ---,. I I ,0 - ..' -,..- . . .. -- I ~'."- .. .. - -."" ~".._-, ...... -~_..~ "-'-.'~" ,'~_w. ,< - .....~.,..., "".~,........,~.........,. Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to lina 3, part 3) $ * If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RE.CEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDEF; $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5, TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column B of Summary Page) $ $ -,- --- -4- :. '/ "c_f'l.; -, '-"""":2 '~~-" 'J'''''V' P".")~' r-l ,.."....d..-_".C_............_..... ' ... --,' -- . " ."c, _, ,n...,_ .~.J{~..,fI.i<l"~;~~/~ , 1.0. NUM3ER (If Co<1YTlitte.t) r,-...:-yr.;~....te..<_.,--~-iJ=.rL:!--+-C~-_J- -"::SCHtDULE -,?,FORM 420 or 430 (continued) -' P~.[lT 2 _ REC!::!V::O F;:;0~ OTHERS: (Se9 informalion mi'.lnual.for dirt!ctiolls and examples) ['.41'E Fl"LL NAM: ;"'i0 ADDRESS (Sl~t City. SIal!!) 0;= CONTR18UTOR* OCCUPATION .i :r. ,I ~~~ .. ; :1 ; ~~ ~ -~ Ll/." . ~ '~'~~~r;; ~/ie1 ~~. EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS' AMOUNT RECEIVED CUItlULATI" AMOUNT C~00.~ . >>&p I <j-C1. o,,~ ~C)~ ~')( 1/;; -">~ r o~ ;;1..~"";'rOi: /1.5 0_- o() j;.,o.,~!, _5Zf,-2;J ( hO:9 ;;J.S... 0 <:: ,f~~~_.:.. I!::~~:.O( .-, ,)-;OD SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ >/: It the contribution was mace by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary ar.d the principal contri butor. ~,- PAR~ 3 - SUMMARY OF MOHETARY CON~.AleUTIONS (S~ information manual for direction:! and e;xampl~~) 1. RE;C!:;IVED FROM CO~'MITTEES TrllS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. ReCEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemize<i) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM Oll-iERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIGO (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY' CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (linEt 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column 8 ot Summary Page) $ . ...-, ~~- C\ :"'> '>. ._~..,..: $ .~%<=~ -4- 'tl ~ ///J /) · t;:''.~E . ~~t!.;"" ^ , . ~~ C. . _ . JUMBE:R (I r Co1mi He'!!) . . SCHEDUtE A, F'ORM 420 or 430 (continued) ..,. p~.nT 2 - RECEIV~D FROM OTHERS: (See infonnalion manual. tor diractiofls and examples) Fl'LL NA'>iE ANO ADDRESS (SInw>1 C;ty, Stell". OF CONTRI8UTOi'lx OCCUPATION EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS} A,',IOUNT F1ECEIVE.D CUMULATIV AMOUNT ~ ~e'L fOo'.: ;)'i~. /I'-,c -,,)0 I/:j~.r ( ~/iJ.c -fL., r "3 j-/ ~f 14~f. I/:. ' /J j2'1. Cl q 4-tLC .' 1 ., ..-..-......--...-.-.-.-.. ........... , ..- --- ;/1:1 0:.' <)~. /I)'c:;>-;o I: j ! I tll. /' . '{'(/7.::1 .4 i!.:::v ~ ~_~ J~~~~ /~5c...C:_?:l_~ ; lti+> SUBTOTAL (Carry wHh additiona. Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ .1 l 'J ~ If the contribution was madl!t by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary ar.d the principal contributor. PAR~ 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CON~_RI8UTIONS (See information manual tor djr~ctjon3 and exampl~s) l...;"......~ ~ .~ 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIGO (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY~CONTAI8UTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line t, Column 8 of Summary Page) $ ~ 1~!0' .~?f2_ $ ~~c') .08 f:b!::. -,.::=r 1';' ..l " I:' ,~ 'fl '~ -4- . d1-.f'/,///h__..L?"/ ///0-. /-~ - r::'\:~~"C'~;;:?~!i~I!~-6;.rc"~':.~&- _ . ~ ~ ..0. NUM3=R (It CDnmlt:~) _ . '" SCHEDUwi'A, FaRM 420 or 430 (continued) P;.flT 2 - RECE!\I~D FFlG.Y OTHERS: (Sett information manual. for dirt;ctions and examples) t'ATE OCCUPATION EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR 15 SELF.-EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDR.ESS & C}TY OF' ElUSINESS-i I . '"", ~ /'1 AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATI A\IOUN r ~/~ '~ nt-('o/l''1 {/o"7" () r '- L /):,>()~,' 1/7 - ") /) .'~. 5..-.;..0,., !e""-" ....c::.(../ If*' ,'j ,i :f1 :1 .,.:.:.- +1 .j .~ .' ____.~_~_ ____.~ ..--_-.,,~___.~__o;.._.,~ 1 ,:1 . Attach adclItional information on ap-,AOpnat!!ly labeled continuation sheets '1 a I :! ,; SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ /? ~ DO >/: If the contribution was mace by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal con~ributor. ~--~ PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONl.".RIBUTIONS (S~ informatio" manual for dir~tions and exam?le~) >il 1. 2- 3. . 4. 5. RECE:IVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals ReCEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 11-0S PERIOD (Not Itemized) RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals . , . RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line " Column B of Summary Page} $ iI ',\ ',~.?(~.'..-9. ".-- $ / c;~~ t$2 !. 1"1 -4- "~r'j.~~;-~ ..u' 1iliU!~ C. ~k. (Interim Form) SCHEDULE B, FORM 420 or 430 LOANS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) 10 NUMBER (If corrmittee) r " :;.r,T 1 __ L..OANS RECElVED: (see information manual for directions and examples) ,;>:t.""': FULl NAME ANI') ADDRESS OF L.ENDER AMO ANV aUARANTORS OR COSIGNERS OCCUPATION EMPL.OYER (If self..mploy6CI list street address and city of buslnes8.) Inter- est Rate AMOUNT OF L.OAN CUMUL.ATlVe AMOUNT I I I ..--t-- I ! I I .-.-...-- : -..-- I I _.. _ ,._L.__ d:c..:h "aditlonal inliJrm<ltion on appropriately labeled Continuation sheets. --"- I I I SU BTOT AL $ - ,ft. " ..... _...--.- P.\R"i 2 _ LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (sei> infc,rmaiion manual for directions and examples) (a) (b) (c) (d) AMOUNT AMOUNT PAlO GATE FULL. NAME AND ADDRESS AMOUNT fORGIVEN BY A THIRD UNPAID REPAID ~t.r on PARTY (Enter BALANCE eeL A) on ScheeL A) ~ -. ...... ,.-., ,.'-- . Attach additiorlal information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. , . .-.. --~_.... SUBTOTAL $ II l' ,I Ii ,1 t,l ~ 'I PART 3 - SUMMARY 1. LOANS OF $50 ORMORE THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. LOANS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL LOANS RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) 4. LOANS REPAID OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column a) Include all Subtotals 5, LOANS FORGIVEN OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column b) Include all Subtotals 6. LO.A.NS PAID BY A THIRD PARTY OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column c) Include all Subtotals 7. LOANS REPAIO, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 8. TOTAL LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY THIS PERIOD (Line 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) 9. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3-8, Enter this total on line 2, Column B of Summary Page) $ $ $ $ $ :h~L~-~ -5- """ f/ f///.L /JOg 1//' ~ ~ I'JAME~',~L~~_(./~t'/'~'4'L~- - ,.., ,'l\,;~ ..~' ,.....:....," 1.0. NUMBER (If Corrmittee) ,,! , (Irli::m Form) SCHEDULE C, FORM 420 or 430 NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (Amount.:; may be rounded off to whole dollars) See information manual for directions and examples DATE FULL N 4ME AND ADDRESS N.;O 1.0. NUMBER (II Corrrnlttn) Cr.CUPATlON EMPLOYER* DESCRIPTION OF CONSIDERATION FAIR MARKET CUMULATIVE VALUE AMOUNT RECEI VEO ~/~~ .......,..,.:......,,~.........C,l. '''''l'''_' _..~....s~;.,.; .'. ~,-:......'...'.. :,;~' . ~.; . ....~.__ .......-'0;. ".t- '." ........,.,:-...~'... ~ ";"'. ..it' ;. ".~....,!~ .~' ~;. ,. , "'" .~ ,.,~ '~.....;.~..............:,. SUBTOTAL S Al~a. additional informetion on appropriately labeled continuation she9ts * If contri butor is self.employed list street address and ci ty of business I SUMMARY - 1. ..... 2. . ,-.".,. . 3. NON~ONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Include all Subtotals) NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) TOTAL NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2. Enter on .Line 5, Column B of Summary Page) $~. 7 q $~-7?- -6- . .~x..t:'___.___1&!A1t~~J t: et.~~J.iAA- (Interim F onn) SCHEDULE 0, FORM 420 or 430 PLEDGES (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) 10 NUMBER <If CQI'IYTlittee) :1'\(. i:,hmnatiC\n manual fer directions and instructions '-'~f>,~~-r-FULL NAME AND ADDRESS EMPLOYER* AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMULATIVE OCClIPATION PLEDGED PAID (Enter PLEDGE ." .__~ AND 1.0. NUMBER (If commlttH) THIS PERIOD on Scheel. A) UNPAID .----- I \ ...__..__L I \ ~__~r - _. .... - .,. " ' ,"0. -." J - ,,,..-.-.. .. -- - -'., ,. . ".- ,.- ~ ~ I - .. .", ,.. ,.....,....,......,.......-., Attach additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTALS - .,.- ~---- (a) (b) (c) ) } * If contributor is self-employed list street address and city of business SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE lHlS PERIOD (Column a) Include all Subtotals 2. PLEDGES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL PLEDGES RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) 4. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE PAID THIS PERIOD (Column b) Include all Subtotals 5. PLEDGES UNDER $50 PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 6. TOTAL PLEDGES PAID (Line 4+ 5) 7, NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3 - 6, Enter this total on line 6. Column B of Summary Page) .,.1 $ ~--~-^-~.. ~..,..,~,.,.....,~,~~,.,.-. $---~-, ~.-.--=- ,...,--..............-.~ $ $ "n~l -7- N,";\': ~..~7,jL,a~. ~ e~~-tdtA-4 (Interim form) SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 PAYMENTS 1.0. NUMBER (If CoIrmittee) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) ::::"if, 1 - MAD~ TO CC'JMMIlTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) ~;;i:IC1,e.L , ;s~~ ~\~4:" '! FUI.L NAME OF PAYEE COMMITIe.E AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the conwnlttee has no I,D. Number, state full name 1JI1d addre.. of the Treasurer) u_ _ __I I Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 1, part 3, page 9) $ -8- AMOUNT THIS PERIOD "j:):':: ,-~. .1ndt&-- t " c Lik 1.0. NUMBER (It Committee) . SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 ( contil.ued) " [,!'.T,'2 -. MJ\!)E TO OTHERS: (See ir,fonnation manual for directions and examples) FULL NAME Al~O ADDRESS OF PA'fee* (Street. City, State) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT THIS PERIOD f /3,7J ~~~ ~ f 37J' .- --,._. Attadl additional information on appropriately labElled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 3, part 3) $ i *If the person providing th~_goods or services was different than the payee, list e~chp'~rson's name_and address. DULK RATE NO. POSTAGE METER NO. Enter your bulk rate and/or postage meter number lIsed in campaign mass' mailings. In addition a copy of each mass mailing should be sent to the Fair Political Practices Commission. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS (See information manual for directions and example!i) 1. MADE TO COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals $ 2. MADE TO COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. MADE TO OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include al! Subtotals 4. MADE TO OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 4) 6. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Linas 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, Enter this total on line 8, Column B of Summary Page) $ ~~' -9- .-.'i.:.....}~ ~.:_.t<)~~ t/c<de~ 1.0. NUMBER (If Committeei _ " (Interim Form) SCHEDULE F, FORM 420 or 430 ACCRUED EXPENSES (Unpaid Bills) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) ;.:, hl'orm:-ttior. martual for direct:OtlS and examples FULL NAME AND ADDRESS '" (Street, CIty, State) . DESCRIPTION OF ACCRUED EXPENSES -----.----.-.' _" .-...------- ttach a-:ditional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. " SUBTOTAL..$ A~OUtfT ACCRUED THIS PERIOD --,".-' .' . .~. ......".y.,,,:.....,-~.... "'IT the accrued expense is owed to a committee, list the committee's name and 1.0. number (or the full name and address 0:] the treasurer). If the person providing the goods or services was different from the payee, list each person's full name, street address, ci tv and state. . , . SUMMARY 1. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD. Include all Subtotals 2. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD. (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES INCURRED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2) 4. ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized, Enter on Line 5, Part 3, Schedule E) 5. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3-4, Enter on Line 9, Column B of the Summary Page, This may be a negative amount) -10.- $ $ $ $ /2.,1_