William Childers - 1975/01/21 - 1975/02/20 - ..".~,:",:~ <"-."',' -~:.~ '~~j F':'Hn1 :120 __~~/~~_~#.LZ>BP.s "..jA;\.~i-~ OF C()M\~ITTEE ___/J? /-'_"'€~ $/' _. ADDRE:~5 OF CO~'.~~",~ITTEE (Itltcrim Fonn) COMMiTTEE CAMPAIG~~ STATEMENT ':':";'ORNMErn' CODE SECTION 84200-8.1214) S:ate:i:ert c:vers period frorn~~~thrOUgh~~;?~ Q~,pA'/LV r c;;;-/~ y ~ (cfry) ~-_: J I,D. NUMaEn ~.J>- J>-f"2 -00l.y? :r~-P.?O (S TAT E 1 {NO. AND 5TH:::::~- (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE) (PHOt'.!E NO., _4~._~ .#~.L/4RC>/ t'J..\t<.1E OF r RCASUR E i-":( ?:_-2J?st)__~/kR .-4t/~- .- Q~y ?4 5:. STREET)' (CITY) (STATE) J:;,;e... ~4;e~,,- ~ ' --' +,Oc:P ~ }?.y.::?-.:2 ~~L- (At~E.A CODE) (PHONE NO.' 1~4P 6.p~ - .:2~<P/ .9.;."7:>20 3 3D A':~/L",c..t!> HESIC:ENTIA~ t,D;')hESS OF TREASURER {NO. ..4 V"~L- (ZIP CODE) BUSINESS A:")~;r'iES5 OF TREASURER (NO. &. STREET) (CITY) (STATE) i1:jUNEl Q.:.~NE2 DUNE3 DOTHER CHECK c;;;;;ZR MAiLING AODR="'r';?;h~P.o. -;~F ELECTiON (PRIMARY, CEr>JERAL, SPEC!AL\ DATE.OF ELECTION ,MONTH (ZIP CODE) (AF-~EA CODE) (PHONE ~O.) B,!."<). City, scar and ZiP~_ DAY, YEAR) TOfAL PAGES OFFICIAL U~;E ONLY lt~tlf ur .."............-0. _ l\LLOCATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CANDIDATES AND MEASURES (A.llocate the totals of Schedules E and F by Candidates and Measures; Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) OFFICIAL USE or'H_ Y NAME 0 ME &/~4-!:1_ ==--j --~- - - ,_.- F CANDIDATE AND OFFICE; N(,ME OF BALLOT CHECK AMOUNT OF CUMULATIVE EXPENDI TU RES (,sum: AND BI-\LLOT NUMBEFl OR LETTER ONE THIS PERIOD TO DATE .- C /f/)' L' l> ER> [~SLJ PPOR T ~.::.s- ~c5~'/3 , ~ OPPOSt~ L.':' r, SUt:"PORT r-.: OPf--:JOSE L - ~- ~- .---.. [1 SUPPORT ., r-J OPPOSE - - 0 suppon; -- OPPosE '--.' --, --. [-':J supponT ,-, OPPOSE~ , -, -- --..-....-.-. r--1 SUPPOHT L_j [-] OPPOSE ----. - [J SUPPORT CJ OPPOSE .- [:1 SUPPOr~T r--l OPPOSE [.,,1 -----.----. -- -_._._-- r::J SUPPOHT [] OPFJOSE -. [J SUPPORT [-' OF' POSE .J , Attach additloo211 information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, this statement and its schedules are true, correct and CQmpl8te and that I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparatio . Executed on ~h~h., _,~_ at C?~~ by f," T' (CITY A!' S,ATE) C D E A canclio'ate who cont::J''; a committee must also verify the campaign statement. I declare undc';r pe:o., ",::' :;erjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true"~ correct and comp!ek '~'." treasurer of this committee has used all reasonable diligence in the prepdratic~ of this statern::nt ?~ = :::; ':"~:;c~du!es. I I 1" I I I ._---------- j t:.Y.ecuted ;:.(1 _______..______ at ________ by .:. :C!:Y AND STATE) --- 1 - (5IGNATURE. OF CANDi~::'A.TEl NO~;1~/t/l1 aL~.$ 7;;Y52'U__. /J SUMMARY PAGE (' ~pte.~4/~~ , .. 1.0. :<; (l{ C ,;:--: COLUMN A COLUMN 8 COLUMN C Cumul ati ve total from previous period This period Cumulativ?- to dat,? RECE1vrs ,. ~ $ /61....? s: &19 $ 5?t:J" ~ $ /69~~ (Column A + Column 8) (Total at beginning (Net change (Tolal al end of period) for period} of period} (Column A + ,/l).;? s-: <?.5! S?G/. c?.J? ~lumn 8) $ $ $ /675"2 (Column A + Column B) (Column A + Column B) {Tolal at beginning (Net change (Total at end of period) for period} of period) $ /&>,c.s; ~ $ _~ d~ $ /S9.5; ..~ .:::> ,,- (Column A + Column B) $ /3 7~ $ 33~ 3$" $ 2c.Q/,3 (Column A + Column B) (Total at beginning (Net change (Totai at end of period) for period} of period) $ $ $ 35.:1.. /3 --- (Column A + Column B) 1. ~,,1onetary contributions (Line 5, P2r! 3 of Schedule A) 2. Unpaid loans (Line 9, Part 3 of Scredule B) 3. Miscol :aneous receipts (attach explanation) 4. Total monetary contributions, Net cash receipts (Lines 1+2+3) 5. !-Jon-monetary contributions (Line 3 of Schedule C) 6. Pledges (Line 7 of Schedule D) 7. Total receipts (Lines 4+5+6) EXPENDiTURES 8. Payments (Line 6, Part 3 of Schedule E) 9. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) (Line 5 of Schedule F) 10. Total expenditures (Lines 8+9) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B) $ /cJ~S: C'O 37&,. dt) ,35.;?,,/3 L.:2 ~..:2 cf 7 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column B) 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 11+12-13) 15. Liabilities (U',-" 2, column C + Line 9, column C) 16. Surplus (if L ": '" is greater than Line is, subtract Line 15 frc~ _ -" 14) $ '/';'<9' -?- ~ 7 17. Defici: ("_ -c; ;:; is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 1 ~ f- _~'\ :-. ,--.~ 15) $ ( ) -2- .. . /~..~.'!:: --.-------..---.----------------------..-.. _____I.D. NU:\'3EP. (If Committee) (Interim F onn) SCHEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 _. rlECEIVED FROM COWill TTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) ~ DATE_L -------- FULL NAME AND AODR::SS OF COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER OR TREASURER'S AMOUNT ClIMULA TI Vi: (Street, City, ~tat~\ FULL NAME AND ADDRESS RECEIVED TO DATE .. -- -- - .. ----., .. --- I -- ~ .. -----" CONTINUATION ATTACH ..o\..- C.'''J ~L INFORMATIO;~ Q,< ,:',::::::' :~'.: ";'';;J~~.";- EL Y LABELED SHEETS SUBTOTAL ' ~ Nfth additional Subtotal s to line 1, part 3, page 4) S l \....ar-ry -3- NAA1E ~/~~~ C~/dfR.r a/P4/9'.--!- 1.0. i;.J\'8Erl (If ~mmittee) 77/ 6CJ<F1 SCHErfULE A, FORM 420 or 430 (continued) PART 2 - nECEIVED FROM OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS (Street EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS AMOUNT CUMULA 7;';;: DATE , City, Slale) OF CONTRiBUTOR'" OCCUPATION SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) , ----- 1---- #L- - - -- I--- , .. --- t- L __l . Attach additional information en appropriately labeled continuation sheets I SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ ~he contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal L.?~ltri butor. . PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETAP'- CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. nECC-i ::: _ F''OM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. F~E(~:: :::".:. ;:;':2\1 COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. REC;:-,:,::'-'= ==0';1 OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. Fi:=:C::: .. =~..: =:::C'..~ OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. Te-:.. ','C'/:::'-\RY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS ?ERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, E:o-o' '. 3 '.}r;}; en U;:8 :, Column B of SUc;-:ccf' Page) $ s - 4 - N.:'M~ /v/!/~#f ~~-'9/t;) ~ 1.0. NUMBER (If Con'lTlittee} SCKEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 (continued) C$LAEef' PAnT 2 - RECEIVED FROM OTHERS: (See information manual.for directions and examples) EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) ~A_ ~, L'e~/.s c':" Co ~ 0 ~/~/ Fl'LL NAME AHO ADDRESS (Street City, Sta,-) OF CONTFlIBUTOR* OCCUPATION ,/8(I/~ ~-e 779/..? .0.A""t",-(./ ~Q~Y' ., :%/, --,..... /?.3r ~- /~s-a?/ AMOUNT RECEIVED J> CUMULATIVE AMOUNT 'Go.~ ~~_~6.. ~ _010 c:::oo."o- --~~~,....Z~_fZ. <~~..~~~~ ~:~o. ~/~l' ./?Q CA':R~/ ~;;ti._o_.... 76'1 tf.,. "7~ "...' '-' " ~ /A!I.' ;....'.:. -.. ......--<....,,_..... -~.~.--_....~.,.._..~_..";;' ._- Attacn additional information on appropriately labeled continuation Sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ .;Jt:!J~GJ . .~ L.s;~~__, . "---,- ~.. ~.. "-"~'- 5"", /3'CJ~~ .:2 . t?'.~~ _0 ~_ fr4 ~__~ .. d~~ ~. . . -t!Jd /.~- ~_._-~ , "f. .. .,~ "~""'.,"'-' '~-'" ......-..--"""'4oi..., J/: If the contribution was made by an irnermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contributor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CON~.~IBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and exa'npJe~) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals - 4:. RECEIVED FAaA OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY~CONTRI8UTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column 8 of Summary Page) -4- ...:..... ..........~ '. $ ,;'..n'" .:.-. _ :~ #'" c~-c::t('-..J, "_>~"<:. c?2~~~__.:;' $ /5r~~~ . -"~---'-'-"--'~ --, ~ -~..._.......,,__~.___1ItM..,..,., C~Lz;ER~' a..~/,4/~,A../' 1.0. NUMBER (If Co,rmittee) SCHEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 ( continued) r..'::, ~l:: ''', ;1. -"y.~dL6tt'4 ....-. .... ........--. . r'..\.:P :.. R::':El\l~[) FROM OTHERS: (See infonnalion manual.for direcHons and e><amples) i Fl'LL NAME AND ADDRESS (Street r"~tE I City, State} OF CONTRIBUTOR* ___ _.-J f:/! E~v~NO <'-I" _ ~~3D -f"_",4 C~. ! :f.,r-! ,ij",,,",y- #WNEA/ h5 I 02 ~'1k U$~ OCCUPATION AY,R/cv/7t~ AVHBZ-/f' cD. ~l h;,y ~:4rC#il- - --i' ~~I ~;:7 7;;:~;P;; ~/T7i-A :r ~~#- ~y I d?79? ~cL-("'f) ;:1.ss - ---j-' -, . ~/ ?7hi?- h~ a/~Er /7f 7'79/C ~/k,. #VC:- )1'/ I &..<L t:PA/~"';(// /61 .:9cf' / ". Sr= ~~ r -"1- I/%:' i .E",p~S'rp,,?c:.e- /.:M ' ;if 17751'C ~..,d~'c ~/ I (""~"" I ~~"'D /;z> 79~3 tuPEU 4t1c- 1S,//./ Z)/"uE ~.2~U 77$ K63~ E.X 4n::,~1!J~ E/pr.M;~ ~~c'~ MR~/A;7 a/~~7 ~h z:s r rft a. Fe..- AtHch ada~tionat intcrmation 00 aiir;ropriatelylabeled conti~uation sheets' EMPLOVER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS} 33"'" ..,F. 9 ~~ C;"/~CJ ? :<'dC::> #""~A;Y~~ (7;. /...6/ , . -f/1/. ~,7f'",~ 3?/ /:>/ Sr- G;//tfb '7 -"Y OCJd/ / AMOUNT RECEIVED /62). ~ ~a~ ~a~ .I{'( ..sn ~ o?7?":7 PAe"~~&~ 5ZJ".d~. _c;;,./J6y '?79/C. A.I~//~~ C,/4 3<1'/ /Sr ,,7'- C;~~ 779/C- 0~~..c./ . G,/~ J 7'3.3 hR~ A.--' Q~' ~9S- ~ .-4,,;f~ G;'/~ SlIBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) S ~ 6ZJ,. ,~ ~ Ot/,.$- ~~~ ~~ ~..~ . ?/ 7" t2 5!!Z. CUMULATIVE AMOUNT 6~.;...~ ~~ ~~ ttJ ~ ~..:>~ ~a T"f. T .::' ~~ ,,~ 6 .,.~.. ~ cd o . . ~-z;-~ ~a tit) - ~-~ ~aoO ~ >i: If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. -' "_ ~tl:'_: '~"""',\"f'."-,.._ PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3, RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4, RECEIVED FROM OTHEnS UNDEFl $50 THIS PEnlOD (Nolltemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this totai on Line 1, Column 8 of Summary Page) -4- $ -2$'~:~O- L/'~a ,",Ii:) $ ~~;". .= ~" :"'"""".""'",""=""',~ ,-/ - / / ~ j/," ~.1 ~ :./, / "'C.&LLde~ _~4 ~~~~ . . (lnleri For SCHEDULE B, FORM 420 or 430 LOANS ID ';UrABEH (If cornmi\tee) U~L li\rTlour-ts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART '1 - LOANS RECEIVED: (see informat;on manual for directions and examples) - DAT~l~ FULL NAME AND ADDRESS Ot/.,F,',~'R EMPLOYER (If self-employed Int,.r- OCCUPATION list street address and city est AMOUNT OF CUMULA T\ V:: AND ANY GUARANTORS OR ,-v".ui'LRS of business.) Flate LOAN AMOUNT -- Attach addi tionill information on appropriately label ed continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ PART 2 -- LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (see information manual for directions and examples) (a) (b) (c) (d) DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AMOUNT REPAID AMOUNT FORGIVEN (Enter on Sched. A) AMOUNT PAID BY A THIRD PARTY (Enter on Sched. A) UNPAID BALANCE Attach additional infor;nation on dppropriately labeled continuation stleets. SUBTOTAL $ ....... IN' r 1 J ....4.11l't PART 3 - SUMMARY 1. LOANS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. LO,'\NS UNDER $50 THiS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL LO,-'\NS RECEIVED (Line 1 -c 2) 4. LOAN[; F~EPAID OF $50 OR MOm::-!lS PERIOD (Part 2, Columna) Include all Subtotals 5. LOANS f~ORGIVEN OF $50 OR ~/C.:.:=- THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column b) Include all Subtotals 6. LO,AJ-JS PAID BY A THtriD PAR-"':':C' $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column c) Include all $ ---- $ $ Sutt-o:t::S 7. LOA\;S SEPAID, FOF-lG1VEN. C:': ~c':;i:J BY A THIRD PARTY UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 8. Ti:)Tr\L... '_OANS REP/\ID, FCc~-::;: =~j OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY THIS PERIOD (Line 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) 9. i'~cT C-:';.JGE THIS F'ER:C):J _ - e :-3, :=nterthis total on line 2, CoL-';: B of Summary Page) $ _,_____'__'n~ S -5- r","':::~/~~ ~/ ~~.s a/.;:f/~"'-- I.D. ~.c!\ISER (If Committee) (Interim Form) SCHEDULE C, FORM 420 or 430 NON.MONET ARY CONTRIBUTIONS (.t\:-:10U'1 ts may be rounded off to whol e dollars) 7i'SO&>/ . See infc1rllation manual for directions and examples - DESCRIPTION OF FAIR MARKET CUMULA 7; Vi FULL NAME AND ADS"=SS AND EMPLOYER* DATE OCCUPATION CONSIDERATION VALUE AMOli"T 1.0. NUMBER (If Cc,-Git~ee) RECEIVED - 4.? \ _. AH.~~'.1"1 F.ldrJlticnai information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ ~~~~~I_butor is self-emp 10YC':---~-:- s treel address and ci ty of busi ness I SUMMARY 1. NON-MONETARY==','C:C 3UTIONS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Include all Subtotals) 2. NON-MONET;'\R/ C',--:-:::i5UTiONS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) < TOTA,L NON-,'.\i::';;::-:::;Y CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Une 1 + 2, Enter on $ ~_ine 5, CO:1....';;n 2 :,;3_:;-'~2~y P2g~) $ ---_.'---,--" -.---.-. --_._-~-~--~-- .-..-. -6- ~ 'dZU'J- "-,, ~,' ')'.' Qr-- ... ,~, ,'L"ucR(11 COlTITII,tee).,~ '- ..__.___. (Inte In F m) SCHEDULE D, FORM 420 or 430 PLEDGES (r\r:wunts may be rounded off to whole dollars) See in forrr- Ci ~; on manual for directioi' 3 3nd i nstrtlctions (a) (b) (c) -I -....----- --.--'-... , - I EMPLOYER* AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMULA Tl Y:= DATE. FULL NAME AND ADO;;:::SS I OCCUPATION PLEDGED PAID {Enter PLEDGE MJD I.D. NUMBER (II COIH",;:ee) I THIS PEr~IOD on Scne{l. A) UNPAID ---- -- .._.__...._-~+ -- -----,,,-- j I i I I , I ._- , --I -~.'- i [- --- -- .- -_.__._.'--~- - N/L " Attach additlona! Information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ <" I * If contributor is self-employed list street address and city of business SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF $50 OF~ MOPE THIS PERIOD (Column a) Include all Subtotals 2. PLEDGES UNDER $50 It-; ;'~ERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL PLEDGES FiEC:.= :='J (Line 1 + 2) 4. PLEDGES OF $50 OR "C-::. ;'JAID THIS PERIOD (Column b) Include all Subtotals 5. PLEDGES UNDERSEO ?;:, :) T,..,IS PERIOD (Not Itemized) o. TOT.AL PLEDGE:', p,:"::': _ ,~':: 4 + 5) r<EI CHANGE TH ~ C:::=. CD "Line 3 - 6, Enter this total on line 6, Column B of Summary $ -.---.-.---.-- $ $ P2.ge) $ -7- NA''\E~~4'''''' ~C:;4Pr a,~#/~~ /(Itlteri~1 Form) SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 PAYMENTS 2:~~CJJJI ~ I.D. N'JHBER (If Corrmlttee) (A;"ounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART I - MADE TO COMMITTE.ES: (See information manual for directions and examples) --- OFFICIAL USE ONLY ---. -- -- -----~ l...tt=;;.-:.i': . - .), 2t 'n~o FULL NA~~::: 0'" PAYEE COMMITTEE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the committee has no 1.0. Number, AMOUNT state full name and address of t'le Treasurer) THIS PERiCO - ML- - .. , ------ - , ---.-.- -' w_....,,~_._ <Clalion G' #",. .- J::~i~d continuation sheets ... - ,. S0S 10, AL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 1, part 3, page 9) S L-_____._ - 8 - c,\',r: __:{II.// ~,f~__~~;&.$' C~f24~~ ~c), ~'-.:~:::;=R lit Committee) __~t:::J.P / SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 I (continued) PART 2 - 'JADE TO OTHER'" (Sp~ .~,; . __ .;). .. I!"ormaton manual for directions and examples) CULL NAME AND ADDR;:::SS OF PAYEE'" (Street. City. S~31e) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT _._--- THIS PERICCi ~o...v~k -- ~47c// SO nRS'7 r7 ..MiIV -::r;s r ~47'c-bs: 67..79 -' - G;,/~y Z>/~~7c'/ -- A'L> p"FA? // ..r ~ /~..F....v r-- '74~6 /~", ~,..~, &;/~r c36, '7"D -- ~..A--A R/("" ,/W;t9 /cff' r:..a 7)~T .>Y' .G-<- ~s<.= ~A /~-s c::; r C' 0 ./ cv- 'r~r r;; ,.~ ..4Z>/'E/?~.s-~~E</ T 7~.;,/.ff /.(.,,~Ek- Au? 0:; /..-sy /9-- C) 0 - J -- P..l42 A .L~ ;?'v o..e 7/7 h,f5-T- 57 C:/ ~ ~rJ:#ME;(/7S ..y?, /6' / G;/~ /),. r"T;.# -- A.z:> y c .e T; 5'E ~E..c, r- 7~~ ~~~"'-;"L 'G::/,.e~ ~3:~o ~/ ~l' Or r'N r'r# C/ 4C>P~/f'/5j.~ ~E.-(/-7- /'-Y'C 6 ~~7?;-~ /2&..~D - tactl add; tlonal information on appropri~tely labeled continuation sheets ~ - SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 3, part 3) sI 332..3.:> :1 f the er , , At I ~ p s)n prOViding the goods or services was different than the payee, list each person's name and address. ------- OULK RATE NO. , r II f 1 ,) 1 POSTAGE METER NO. EIl~e: )'our blllf.:. r~t:' and/or postage meter number used in cllmpaign mass '~.Q1.IIl~gS.. /n a(~lrtLO:l a cr~py of each mass mailing should he sent to the 1 azr I 011 tical I ractlces Commission. PART 3 - St"'H1ARY 0' . Ji. I F PA I'MENTS (Se~ Information manual for directions and examples) 1. M~:)~~.: ~OMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals $ 2. ~~:~:~ _ .-,OM~~ITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ~: '1"~' ~~ ~~, ?THERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals ':;::~ "~ ~~~THERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ~. ~'=_~" ~~;~~,~~ED EXP~NS~S PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 4) '_' : ~,' ;~.~~S THIS PE:F-{IOD (Lines 1 +- 2 + 3 +- 4 + 5, Enter this :; o. \..-olumn B of Summary Pags" $ 3..:5j? ~ =__.-==:.i~_~ -9- 1-,:""'= ~&(d"'M a~~ER..r ~~A'#""F ~__ :.D NU\\3E:R (II C:{)rr(T1~tte.c) -.Z~sO./?L__. (Interim f 0 nn) SCHEDULE F, FORM 420 or 430 ACCRUED EXPENSES (Unpaid Bills) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) See Ink,r::olion manual for directions and examples ----- AMOUNT FULL Nt""~E.l.ND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF .....,.. State)'" ACCRUED EXPENSES ACCRUro:J (Street, \,.-: 'J THIS PEP.::: -- u -<-~. /!//L" --" -- Attacrl addi tional inlannatian on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ *If the accrued expense is owed to a committee, list the committee's name and 1.0. number (or the full name and address of the treasurer). If the person providing the goods or services was different from the payee, list each person's full name, stree address, cit and state. SUMMARY 1. i\CCRUED EXPENSES OF $Se .' =:, \10RE THIS PERIOD. Include all Subtotals 2. ACCf-'UED EXPENSES OF lit =,= 550 THIS PERIOD. (Not Itemized) 3. TOT}'_ ACCRUED EXPU-;,;'.:.: . ,::;URRED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2) ..:. .\CCG'Jt:::D EXPENSES p;.::-. -- :) PERIOD (Not Itemized, Enter on Line 5, Part 3, Schedule E) 5. "E',' CH;'.J~GE THiS PEP":::-'_ ',,,, 3-4. Enter on Line 9, Column B of the Summary Page, Th s '~-;J.y b2 a negative 2'7:'':: - $ $ $ $ - 10 - - (Interim Fonn) CANDIDA TE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT C:C:'/:'RNi/.ENT (our: SECTiON 8,\200 - 84214 F,'r;:, 4:<0 '3:",,:"':"( cover:.; period from/'-175-througtl.'{-2.~.z.s- ,I' , ,~/ i ' , ."_~_v~~fl:lUt~ _~:~__~!/uL~It~) ",\,~" 0" ~_""__ArE, W ' . .. :'C~'2~~~C{~ 7:r.o4~ '/4' ;~~ ;;,,,,,,;~' ,;~L:, .' , <N~~'~;-~-- ::;c!:,;+--L '~"jb [J Lins 1 0 Line 2 J Other :I ~J~ .J.-c.~_k_._~~??:.7!J {7.IP CODE) (ARE! -ODr-:1 "Pr'IONl- r" fJ?' J- c - L~c: ,J~ - If ~~- .i~~/ (ZIP CODE) (t~nEA CODE! (PHONE ;-...0.) ~c::C~~-;C-.\8L~:.-o-;:;X-FOf~ }:,.iAILlt-lt; ADC:x-;::SS (It-;;r!Jer. [J'[()\"idA n,-;~-;;;t.(O[ P.'(). Box) city, sta'U! a-nd zip code)---- - ~ ~ --------- _ TY i'~~~RY' G '''ERA L. SP icC I A LJ Q7~~[~/~ TI ~U00N;9~7?~:J~' FI 2~~;Z:C~~~J":_::_: POL1T:CAL F;t,QTY AND DISTF~ICT NUMBER (If ,Applicahle) TOTAL PAGES THIS F:EPORT OFFICIAL USE O~~LY LiST i~LL COMMITTEES SUBJECT TO YOUR CONTROL WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPE~JOI TURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDICACY (.4 coc,t;olled committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly ly you:>, which octs iointly ',vith you or one of your cuntrollod cCH:1rnii"tees. in conn~~ct;on ......:l,h the making of expeflditure~,. You control 0 committee if you, yaur agent or any other committee you centro' has significant influence 011 the actions or decisions of the committee.) ~I l PHON~ I\DDRf:'SS - -- ~-_ I '-~U"'~~~~=7C t,.:e:j l, L/..'-A /0 '-- "-i-'L___'~ . --=L~ ~~J CC\'\1I"i TU' NAME CO~j1Mi TTEE N'D I.D. I'WMBEF! ADURESS TREASURER -~!I-r;L! ,? /_-- ---- ' :~~t:; ;:;~~;w . ~____ ~__en__n______~__ )/u..t~2~~~l'/ . ~!.:~.~~~..~,~~~~=~~~j:.ri('ltely labeled COfltinlration sheets. H LIST /\LL ADD!TlONAL Cm,iMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH H.4VE RECEIVED COf\!Ti-llBUT10NS OR MJ.\OE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDiDACY CC!\,'.i'i T iT NAME flJ:U i.D. cJlJ';1l~cR COMMITTEE ADUHESS TREASU FiER ADDHl::SS PHONE r-~Ui"/18LR , 1 i :1:"""-1' :--/,h~~-=r~:~---- J - --- r\it('H~~fl aud: :nfO:-Tl::1tion on :Ji:p(nrnintJ'C)ly 1:lbpled continuation ~~heets. -C-"-'-'---J'~-----" i declare under porn" _~_~=-~~. schedules are true, , 1=------1 I l EY.8cuteej _._----,...,..,...-.__...~. __----L__...,__ VEFl/F/CATION o"Hjury that to thi3 best of my Knowledge this statement and its attach,3d ~, and complete and that I have lIsed all reason3ble diliSlence in thle,ir Frep;lr~itioil. , '." ~.-/)' ~~-; /~7 ,~f ,,/ , " 'c.~"'/ (-), C. /' / . " // ' ,;/ ,,' ".,;(j{j-_ZL",~l{.'i-f{1!.cf. b~ - . ._~ . -. .14/ IC'!., AI'D "PEl ISIGNATU?C' '-'f" CA',DIL'C\.F' .- 1 -, - SUMMARY PAGE N"r"e-al~Jil--~d&h/i~ 1.0. ;;'..C:C' .-Z/I07/_~(._ rl f (" - - COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C Cumulative total from previ ,Jus period This period Cumu(ativ~ to date RECEIPT:; 1. t\\oiietdry contributions (Line ~ 3 of Schedule A) $ Jt1a-S-dtJ S<!J-7/1c'C3 ~a'-Y4-0l , I ,- (Column A -f -- Column B) 2. Un~aid ioztns (Line 9, Part 3 of SC:ie::ule B) -"--' (Total at beginning of peri ad) (Net change for period) (Total at end of period) 3. tl,1issei !;:1I180US receipts (attach explanation) ~-----' 4. Total monetary contributions, Net cash receipts (Lines 1+2+3) ~1'UiM-A+- Column B) $ ,/LJ ~~C7 e S~~ c;J & sh"9a'7/0 (Column A + Column B) 5. Non-monetary contributions (Line 3 of Schedule C) V' (Column A + Column B) G. PleeJges (L.ine 7 of Schedule D) .y'" (Total at beginning (Net change (Total at end of period) for period) of period) $ )t:/~~/O $ ~ ,c) e ~~~--3 (Column A + Column 0) 7. Tot:';! r~'ceipts (Lines '1+5+6) EXPE;o,JDlTU HES 8. FJajm2i1is (Line G, Part 3 of Schedule E) s)171 $,~t;{ ~6~~~. /1 (Column A + Column B) 9. Accrued expenses (unpaid bitls) (Line 5 of Schedule F) (Total at beginning of period) (Net change for peri od) (Total at end of pariod) 10. TOt:11 c/,J:mcJitures (Lirws 8t9) s s ~Q:dL (CoILr;1n A + Column B) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B) s /2/ ~5'- ~' (!j ,,--~/I/ C> e~ 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period 14. Cash nn hand at closing date (Lines 11+12-13) ,/ ~2 1:1 45- . /.1' r/1 13. Ca~3h payments this period (Line 8, column B) 15. Liabilitj'33 ( .0 2, column C + Line 9, column C) Lir8 '_ ;'::; 15) s/~~h S (, b ~1.:-. J ~7c~_._.._ ~~;::r:r= 16. Surplus (if c_ ,,~.~ is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 fi'):"_ -,; 14) 17. Dek: ~ "_ - e '::; ; s greater than Li ne 14, su btract -2- . . (.itlL'-t2~_,L,.ljd~fu.___~.((~0,;cj,/J,~"__ '--7(ii;~~ri.Jl I'(lrm) SCHEDULE A, FOFUA 420 or 430 MONETAf~Y CONTRI BUllONS J' '-C Vi I.D, r,f' ',':P (II Commit'.,,,) _.__/-~--1___ ~2.__. __.__ - .-.- ~-_.._-"t""-. ,';[110",'\S may bio r()unded off to Ivholo dCIllars) (~r.1VED FFWM COM"\!TTE:ES: (See information manual for directions and eX"Iflples) -''''''--J--'''''''' --..---.-.-- l'- -, ,.- ~l...1 - ,....,.......-... . r-.r- ,.....,.",.\~\ - 'r"' . ',\ ,_. c: "- ~ .. T,<: ,,' ,,", ,- UU. NAr,,,, j",O AO:..,.,=,S ,"",'" ~",,",'," ",I rTEe , I.D. NU"~,tkR o,~, fR_.AS DA .- (Stm"l, Ci:y, S:8''') FULL NAME AND ADD -..----.1.---..- -.---.------.----- .------ ....-.--------.-- I --1.--.---- I I P:\8T 1 .. uRi~;;n-T-- AlI10UNT'-- -~.__.- CUM HESS I RECeiVED T -.-...t------- __..n. , )1J1_ c...- ----L ,- --.- ~] -- --- L~ ----- ----- ------ --_.- I -,~._~- --r~--- -.--.-.,.--- ---.--.---. ----...- UU\1T,':: o DATl ui' (L_~_._ I --'-'--r-" --+ I ----].-.-.---------- I I I I --------[.--- . "-"--'---"-'-'-------' I n~!~-~_=~n~~~~~--~-----[-~"---- I I ----j-----. I I ______L_ .__________ I I --- -+~---------- 1 ;7" C:-';~""0 :~;~~~;:~;~:,-~~;.:;~ ::~,~;:~::~:t~:~';:',:eC: '-'~::~3-~"ge 4) t______J '- 3 -- ">,,,=(LIi~~2;V (~j;/t~'(:J I.D\;, "3'=" (Ii Com"lltee) '7Lf.,S-c:y / ..1._______...___-!...___________ A, FORM 420 or 430 (continued) ~ . . PART 2 -- '/ED f'flOM OTH:=RS: (See i:lfonnation manual for directions and examples) --.------------.--..-- - --- ._-~---- I EMPLOYER (IF CONTAIf:lUTOR IS "'.ILL NAJ,IE AND 1\00 "'=.S5 (Street AMOUNT CU1viULA,i,:: DAT;.'; CONTR! 3UTORx OCCUPATION SEL.F.EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT City, Stilte) OF ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) --_.__._,-~- ... ----- ._._---_._~_._._----- ._--- -- .. 1 --- -- "'- -- .. -- .. -.-- -' --..-- \ -- _..~---------------- ---.. - _.__l___.____________ _,__ ~J - ---..---.-.,'----.-- ------1 .--.-- L_________.____ A1t~lcr, c~(jC1 i t I 0 ~ ;~ : lrlforrnation on "r,proprl ately label ed continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ C;J; jf'the cont'rib'ution was made by an inter'mediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal con tr: D'__:tcr. ---------- -- PART 3 -- SUMt,iARY OF MONETARY ::CNTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. 8E:CE:1 VE.' 2. RE-.CC.l \..' :==.__ s. ; ,~' I ~ ;::C~:\1 COMMITTE,ES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals - :::\1 COMMITTEES UNDEF'! $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ::: =:',1 OTHEF1S THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals . :::~ OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) -- .~~FY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PE;=::'JiJ (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) ._:~, :"i~:e 1, Column B of SUf11fTl~'_.", ::=;;8) $ - 3. nL~(~;f:~'~' -'0 4. F~E~ :.:=: $ ===-~--=--= -4- 1,'/:: _..:.L~~t0 rA'/./ Z;ER...>' (' /h.:;4?/J/~/~ I.D. NUMBER (It Con1lTlIttea) SCHEDUCE A, FORM 420 or 430 (continued) '7 r.y ,.--. , ./ ~- ~-~""'<. ,;,.f.- ; T'..\.:(~' :: .. Rl:.CEiV[D FRuM OTHERS: (See infonnalion manual.for direcHofls and examples) I ..-. -. -. --r-_o EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBlITOR IS I AMOUNT CUMULATIVE I Fl'LL NAME AND ADDRESS (Street r'.~"1E i City. Slate; OF CONTRIBUTOR* OCCUPATION SELF-i:MPLOVEO LIST STREET RECEI VEO AMOUNT I ADDRESS 8. CITY OF BUSINESSj _-i_ - -- I EvL c-d/t~/A/O C~~v> 97'4' r~ i --'0' y.>/r Ay/-;?/cv/ 7';;K~"<" 3.3'<:'-) .c- . '-i-- . , ,;" '/ I ;r, ~~ :5(..::'/" ~ -. 0.0. - _~:> I :3/..3.:) --E_ ~"/;{~ C/Av C;,I/P'7 - I , I I "A/4' ",p;"r' ~;Y/VE;(} I ~' I ..L. v H ,BL-;;'/{' d /rY A ......c::>".{' .~/:' (,."\ t'''' % , 17.;,<10,') ~{}. C:'O ! ~o...--~ -, ----- I Us4 co. ~..- 75 I 02 ~nh c:/~} G, /./il / ! , - .'. -- It/ ,0:-, ;;p A &>7.;('~- ~:, s:~..~ t;~ y:. ...~?' % ~4.c:";:;-~ ~a~ / db ,~'~ /75, ~;/4/P h,., C;~;. . . ,. . ,~.y.. ~ .. . . ". *'l" ! ..J '- ---.,'.--..- - , .' :% I ~/ ..c..cEc7A'/c-. .E./.c:CJ;;7 c.. ~'":>'V _'j ~: :::~ ,. ~~.',~ ~ " (,.. #'---- ('"a:.,.~,.~ .3 .f?/ /;;/ sT" ..~--,.,(" -fJIIi'''':'~-"''''''_:;;''';- /5-1 . .>~'/ ~..r- >V;- c:/.. , ' 5-"~c....",;""'~. G,../ /'fZ:,/ ;%T~e~ r ~~r# - .:T4R..v~;"vf P/K4~~~ ;;r ..:7.- . o?7?:7 .;S2j ....CJ~~ '. ./:. .~ /;r! 0/799 ~C'"~('t.> HJ>.'S' " --::;;'<../. .. _G.,./AJ;y . -. ----r: ;( , . /,/ .., % j";;,,..,,- hZ;'k ,a.'''-'E,,/ /' tU//Vc--y A,1.. / /~/)... ...:5"1).. ~ .-. L~ (..) .:~v/c.>- 7' 79/<: ~;t;/k" 4t/~ 779/ c. :.J..:....'.. C,./4/ - - %1 .2r/~ L t?A/,r>#"v/ E./Ec.~g)("/ 4"'-' r: ,:,-;:'" ~~/ />/ ~: ;/- 7- .:.', C v" r..37J ~ 6?'. - /~-! 3 c:f' / /57 .}~r &:, '~ ?//?Tty - I Eh' ~/.:--sr // "?':c ~ / -"./ i ~d'/ h'ki~ .(V,?'~ ~ 4' 1'-.'.- C ! ? 79/C 0-Z;~ ,~(J :...::;. . .:.:.s.. / /lj?L~4t/.c- - / '.- '} 79/ C G'~/rr:~;/ /:-.>1 . , /' I ~4/P4 ..E, ~-<-~D ltrrl /;:S ;r- t(h?~' A--'" r //"- C"..: 7.Y3.> ~ c" (:, !J .::;.. - -:-'-.....>.. - / -,,~ I~::-U' c;;~y ""- , ,""!:....,} ;:---~P3' 3- "'I/C- _....~ 0/ 'l,vc:: .~ ~ I ../ .../ b"'~.:2Z.Z) - ,;(..1' A RJ-k'-,? 7 ,,-, /-fi,- ~(; Fe- 2f'c,3? ..s:- -<-L ",; '.!5) cY' CO -/?j' ~ , - St>. ,,'i'l.1 ,;;;0- E..< /l/ ~ L>e)/C 'G //.<-"'2:: . , , J . .. ... .. .. .....-.-...4.' I . . ...--...------..., --.......... -.. '" -- ---..-.-....-,-.......- -...---~. .ltt~CI1 aoci tional intcrmation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets r /. i- ,. /. v;~ SLIBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to Ime 3, part 3) S 1270 --' :6 ~ ~ ~ ~ :b ~ - ~ / - , .. If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PART 3 - SUMMARV OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. RECEIVED Ff.10M COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3, RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. ~lECE1VED FROM OTHEJIS UNDEFI $60 THIS PEniOD (Nolllemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column 8 of Summary Page) $ -.;.;:;:{:~;, .")() .L/-YC,.. o<..'.J $ -'-:::::;:0" "C' C' ( continued) PAnT 2 - RECEIV~D FROM OTHERS: (See infonnation manual. for directions and examples) I I t'XiE 1 I I ~_I I ~:/ I % I /?~l -., ....- % ~/,'-""" 7?;~ - ....... ~(..- /;7.:;- 17/ //3/ FrLL NAME AND ADDRESS (Sir"' Cay, Stat.} OF CONTRIBUTOR* OCCUPATION EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR is SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) cr>."t"q- ~;7 Le"~/.s C"':" C'. ~ . c:;.:/,ey 7 7 9/~' .t';:'" ......:-',c-,,<,../ " . ....--', ;/ ,c. . ,.. . S;>///G.'Y ./ YD C--~.PC~/ a;~i'--'"'' 76'1 u.,. 1'7/ ,.,. t;;/A3 -.'" .... ._~,_...,~ - .....- -_.......,..._..~...~. Attach adoltional information on appropriately labeled continuation Sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ ;1?' C"'4'"~/eP .f)/~~~4/ ';73:/ u- [7 ~( 3~T ~4.;{/';€:2L / ? 77/ .L:--- tA/ ,;i'EA/ _.. .,. ., ,-/<:=~I/~ ~')<' Y,p-/) L- ~i'4~ ;Ft=-A L. , ....z;'#.?4r~,.__2~_yL. ,4;.. ..~~~~ C,/A3, . ..., AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATiVE AMOUNT ~~/f~~ -/I/.!>~j 7'79/' ...~' h.K~;C:;--' &16' ...,.:.-.2l,A/ ff~ JI A/ (/,:' /Yt:l rL-~i:-'~ . ~.z.EL ~ ~~/Q&y A{.U.IEL 7'6/ /;V. C7~ ..........-. . '~." , ~.~7f'^'.Fi:> . /Y 'Vcr . , (~"- 1"- ../" 7'7 r.,"" , ,,~; l }.r) c:v .~ C-/. _ . G/~ ,:..;.-- ..:._, '. . d S..:::::- . :::? ,'- ('; L- I ' ..;;>. -::-::-:-::-:. I '.~ I .:F> -. ~..€.~ ~:~ k r -_. '~'. -... '._ . ~..z?:,:~-:__:__..I _0.t:.~ 2.~_" d6~.::.:2- r d'::::~;. ,'(") 'w_~ ......._-....~.- ..,..~...-l --,,~._--. -- ----.._.- .~ , - /:~~:_~:).g- ._- / , " ,-..'J,. ~.- ~ /~ , _... ._. o' j t: ."".~ ".. ..- -......--. . - -~ ..... ... .. ..._...~.,. """'.'--"---'-"," 15~ ,! / .?7J, c;;.: ! >/: If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PA AT 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CON~_RI8UTtONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RE:CEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4, RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY~CONTRI8UTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line t, Column B of Summary Page) -4- ',' ". -'-..,,-- $ "."..~-,:>,-= .-?<7::::::' 00 ,;..-...,.......,...........- / ~~ c>~ ---- /' C" ~ $ <? / ~) I ..'_..- _-:;.:.::e..;.~ . :.,\,"1E .-~il!dl:ti"!!'-' ~~/~__{5'UIC/~:a~,,-, __ (hilI' m For, SCHEDULE B, FORM 420 or 430 LOANS ; =.} ~-; ~ ,'.mEn (II cornrnittee) -.:l..,~)~ S L- :,C0our:',:; :;'1y be rounded off to) whole dollars) PAfn 'j -, '..C/\NS RECEIVeD: (:,e" i:1')rmat'on manual for directions and examples) D~~~T--FUL.:-r~J-<\ME ",ND ADD.,i-:':SS 0= LEi\jO);,:R -'!:CCllPATION"- EVi~!L.~~~~~-'~:Ir~~~~~~g'gi~~d "~;r-I .__..___I___~~~~~~._GllAR,<\~~'~~~~~.C:~~~~~:~_.L______"-___,~~Si,,~S~.) ___ Ral~-' I AMOUNT OF CUMULt,TIV::; LOAN AMOUNT '--'-I'---~-- I ~1 SUBTOTAL $ LJ7d;' flttach additional information on clppropriately labeled continuation sheets. l'><iI-.'!!I-~~m_ --A~.a...-.J.4,,(1 P/\RT 2 - LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (see informCllion manual for directions and examples) (a) (b) (e) (d) --DATf~- FULL NAME -----r-------.,---..-.,---..,-- ~UNT AMOUNT PAID AND ADDRESS AMOUNT F-ORGIVEN BY A THIRD UNPAID FlEPAID jEnter on PARTY (Enter BALANCE "ched. A) on Sched. Ai ------ ..- --_.._-~ -- _..- --.-- - -.--.-- iy Ic{beled c:ontinut1tion S;-leets~ SU STaTAL $ -- -- ~J~~---- ;\tt~1ch acjdition(~,1 in;ormntion on RpprGpri;~t8 .J J"_"'II'\IPtl _"iI' ...1..1111.... Pi\.RT 3 -- SU~,iMARY 1. LOf\I';S or' S50 OR MORE THiS PEFllOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotal s 2. LOANS U.',DE.R $50 THiS F~j~riIOD (Not I ternized) 3. TOT/'lL L(j~NS RECEIVED ( Line 1") 4. LOAr--.)S fiFcPAID OF $50 Of1 MORt:' ~ PERIOD (Part 2, Column a) Include all Subtotals ti. LOf\NS r-:OilC:jIVE['J OF $50 O[{ f/C -HIS F:lECfliOO (Part 2, Column b) Include all Subtotals 3. LJ),c\r-,S F'AID E3Y A THIHD PM"-;" ;50 OF! MOHE THIS PERiOD (Part 2, Column c) Include all $ -..-.-------- $ -....----.-.--..... $ c,: ~,."~'" ~ ' .-' ',,;-.J,i< ;.;;"::- , ~~.; E T~ ~ ( F.-:' t::~ :3Y A THIRD PMHV UNDER $SO THIS F'E.FiIOD (Not Itemized) F)C,ID f3Y f\ THIHD PARTY THiS F'EFi!OD (Li!le 4 ;. S i 6 17) :c,c ',' ::';s total on line 2, Cul'c 3:;f SUrnrD'1ry F)il~je\ :;> ::;';::>'\10, FOF1Gi\';.::~, 8. -;,Ji _ '~~~,\. -:j H EP /\ 1 C, 9. WeT ,.., ::-. - 5 _.. ~.~ _:'<',~ E: j{J diifi1-rv ~f1,d."tW L {7~r ,o.',n '" C~,"m'''ceJ (hztcrim Form) SCHEDULE C, FORM 420 or 430 NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (,':'nOJ~i'S may be rounded off to whole dollars) S"e i r J:,Oil manual for cire(~ ej'lS ?nd examples I DATE I __J. I I FULL NAME AND MJ': "':O:SS AND 1.0. NUMBER (Ii COf'T:::eC) OCCUPATION EMPLOYER* DESCRIPTION OF CONSI DERATION ----1-- , +~-- -..-I..~-.-- i I ---1......-.-----... -.... ~~_L I I I _____-L..,_______.________ Atl.a.::l' :':o~>t'Cj-,,:1 informAtion on (lh~)r~)pri8tely labt~led contlllu8t!OIl sheets SUBTOTAL $ f-';if-;;')'lt-l;b~Jtor is self-emplcyed--'-'.: -:CJ9t 3ddress and city of busines~ _______.___..___n___n_.o.o -~____...___~_o_.__._.~_~__ __.,,'" _____ SUMMARY '. ' :mJ-MONET:\~W C':::, - =u iiONS OF $50 OR MORE THIS Pf:::RIOD (Include all Subtotals) ~. ~.JrH,10NET/dW___: '.-'.:~ ::=UTi<JNS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 'OTt,L NC"H,v",c:--':C'i ~:'C')Tr-:;;3UTIONS THIS PERiOD ('_ :>:; 1 + 2, Enter on ~ n8 5, Cc:l:~ '-...."1 ::_ ~:o'; - 6 -. /""1 . ~ 9 / CfJ ( '.I [ - :1--- FAIRMARKET ClJ"'I"--'''''' ,~,t~ L,...-. ~.._ VALUE AMCJGNT RECEIVED -- ---- ,) 7 ~1 $ --. s .C., _ ,i/jjt~~~j:~uj/e/~ i~~~:.___ .... SCHEDULE D, FORM 420 or 430 PLEDGES ,',_ "!'3ER(lr cOlrmittee)____Z!iJ~{i f/l__ 'r;;; May be rounded off to whole dollars) See infow"J,'::on manual for dln~cti,~i'5 2nd in5(r~lctions (a) (b) (c) ------~..-T--...~ -..---.--,-----..- I D!\TE lIJ~JLL NAME ;l'-lD,fI;?DP=?,S i OCCUPATION -"H. 1.0. NU:<'1B~rl (.. _0""'1'11 "e~) I -----.--:.-..'-..-----.------.-..--------1-----.-- I _____l___ EMPLO ----- '!ER* M:'OUNT I AMOUNT CUMULATi\'::: PLEDGED PAID {Enter PLEOG= THIS PERIOD I o~~:~~~ UNP/,i t:. ,...------..-- -- _.- -'------- -- -- ----- :----- .-. ... .-- .--------- ----- -- -- ----- --- -- ----- -- ---- ----- STOTAL $ -. .- I ----'------ I --~-- --~----~~-- I -.'---l-'..----.-.--------------- I 1.__.._------------.-- -f' .---~_..-~~ .1.ttc;Zh" add! ~jn31 jntormation on app.r(~~:;.;t;TyT3i~eled contj~ation sheets su r.---------.----------..---------------.----~ -=-~~_~(~l.~ib~t~~~~elf-ernPIOYed liS: str~et address and city of busine~J SUMMARY 1. [)LEDGES OF $50 em MOii'HIS PERIOD (Column a) Include <lll Subtotals 2. F'LEDGES UNDEH :;;50 r- ;):-:RIOD (Not Itemized) v. TOTAL Pl_EDGES REC': - - Line 1 + 2) ,~ PL. EDGES OF $50 Op, "::..-:.>:,iO THIS PERIOD (Column b) Include all Subtotals c: ~~ E~L)GES "J;-."L)L:~_i-<:: ~ M ..;-'.-~;S PERIOD (Not lter11ized) '-('i-,~L PLECJCL-:0 P,-\ 5) 'c-cT Cri;',:'X>= " ~ 3 -- 6, Enter this total on ,_, ~;, Column B of Summary s $ -....-----,.-,-.-- ^ :~~~~72;Z:~--: - ? -- " j' '1<." "IL' d!e. . ,.', / ' ' t. / /", /J '1 / /~." r,A":: _ii{'_d {fi/}11.r- _~: uP. ,L&-' (fl?.rC'l~~ (1 terim Form) SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 PAYMENTS ,.... '1 . I 1.0. ,.~':3E:H (If Cornrnittef:) L'/:i-Ci f__..:.:...___ (i\, O.,lts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PAHTt '. r,1.I'..DE TO COM:\illTTE::S: (See in;~'rmation manual for directions and examples) OFFIC!AL USE ONLY r\'; ',(,i --""----- ----- FULL ~L~'/E 0- ;:;':.\1 '.:E COMMITTEE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the comm I ttee has no I.D. Number, AMOU:H state full name and address of the Treasurer' THIS PC:A:C':J - .------ - , -_._.----. -- ----~--_.----- .-------------- -~._----~ .-------.-....-.--.------"--- -------_._-~--~---_. -----'- ---------"---- --------" --. -.---.--------...-----. -~-- ------.-.-.-----... ~------ I .-_._------ ~--~..~ ..-.----- '-'-- .. -- 1--_____ ----- ......---.;.. ...'"' O;;U~;~;T~;:t'~~~~;;t~vith additiC" ., subtotals to Line '1, part 3, page: 9) S L:11J,-- c, - -; t)// '?, /"/}/l (0/: ~/, ;', Z _ ,/'::"/c ,/,.,/ A'/' (JC~i'_;ijU' l., :-011,',\ '~/O or ("'i1h ilU_"I) :,'.,/...' ,/ , , I .J' , )i\Hr n OTHe, '"1,; . :'l;;iH;~l: i.,li :.:;r<~.~ctions ;i(1(1 ,::.'x:l!l1pl(-:":i' (S;''',,:, ,:::: () -..,)(;(1): 1 C ,-: i) /"~' ~ \j T /'. '. ~:j ~ 1 ~_ L. f'.J /\~'.~ ::: r,i'iO /"'. f'.'l c) T' iiS Pr.::-J,. ~' 1.;/,{"" /.../;-J/i>(- //"4/- C // ,-J'o />~->:; / .S- "7~ ,r ,j/'l'..z. ,../ C S. .c. t/ ,'i; ./":. s. -"7.7'? Cr//87 '''/.L'. ./ '7-'6" c.: O/5P4~/( /' /' v__ '-7,f'P/ /,." :/, (;..~ ~1/ .-r /..i:;Y P "," ",2 '"7/,_\" /~;;;;:.' A..- /7'-'- c:J {-.. ';"/'C. ~,J;~' ? /' ...-r.5'" 7" ../l// /? /r // 5 7' j/"",..r -<- ./ .Z-.~: (-~- ,..--/;., /" // ;< .~~:~ j . ;), (.") (, /'~O/I.-' /J re-"''/l ~~'~,,-t ~,,;/ 0Jr\' 7<.P5/5 /2-/'?[/L Ai/"- ,4"0,, /'/?'~' [F,'. / 1/ T;~'-o __'_'___"__ I r:,- //6.,...... .r" ;r/(../ cL:?/ /1 >, ~ v F~---' .L, ;1 " [A: / /-/'/ I..;>, .;.:.' ~ ./ ./ j 'r"" /7/'),r., ///l/r' ,,(... I \ ~/9 ,/~ />/'7 :;Z:---,-/ //'..4'...<;;' . ..- j/ G /:k'7 7~/c; c /) c ,,~ ~ 7/(., /'c'; /(/7</ /7 -4 /' -,?-- /' ~ 0', /7 /...~..-. f"'Y i c;.///(~:~ 1/ / /J0' /(~T;' <;-,' ,,('.1 c ,( .,.L <,~.)-j': "/ c 0~ / /r.~;/ '/ -'l" elf: /~.r <;",f)~/ /, /f ../ ,/ A ./ :r'-'~ /' "--/",.:.-, ~7' "." t-// r% ~--, ". C,,/ .4' ...... ," -~- ,'/ ,:,.' (' ,,--/1 .. /\-" .."L. 1/./"'" I (: (, /:,,/ L" ,,~ ... ;:iiaTO fi\1 (' :;.Lty ',.',i ;11 :\(\liti0n~tl ~:;:btuLJi ~_l I I I I '-!",-? .;.,lr[ :,) ,:/1 3S,3,:':-- , I' /\1 fl,I"LlI' \;1('.1 !r:l"';~).'di()rl llfi I_~!L(~ p,">i~':'J;i provic!in.] Ul vi J! f(. .' :i, ; ) , I ~; '- '-, 1 I; .::1 r', :1 ,;:...1 r:_' ,..; "-}. 1 i nULK :~j\ f i ~IO. /. /i r ( r 1"(,,' Ii /'1' !, :i 1,'1' rr/.\ !fJ;:c' li'r ,l in (I:', .' ~ . j .' 1'" ~ PO~)T!\C~~ ;.If_ !'i::~n ~10. l!Iuil',:,<,'" J" ".lJrii>l' r'Of:- !)(,!il,;(','~/ I)'~:l;; ) r).~ i) If',; i ': \;:Ii:/!) \' (' i ), ! i,' r'/;" ~ ' /', \ \ ;, i. P!\HT :) ~;t.;j i\1,f\ny O,~~ P.i\'/~_~"-:'J rs infc,rn1]tion ; n ;'''1111,! -II Li r d; r E' C ~ ( u n~.; ~" J ,] e){ ,';1 ; ! 1_' I ,~.::; ) '! (,: ();',:~J! ! I ~ -C_:; r: j!~: ~), j 'i, I\...! ( F~J rOt r :, I) i::el" ,:11 "',iFf I r L_.\J ',.);' ~ Ii I;" f-,i I " ;: Ii Tf I!" :-\ F-;;i (. it '\. :'- f !f ~ j"\ .,-; r, r', -I r: I FI , I I " ! I r) r :,; ;) / Ii i: II r (i If' ,i) I':) j I !! It: .: i < J, I I f (,"I_ , ' r _:-,) '~~f? ,:~~) .-{ <;;/, // '//2'_'-:(_ {/!// ..I)L/'~_ n 6;;:;~)4rS~c.: ( L 1 ,: C' r Ur1 }' t) ;-:!l ) Sc:r:dJUi-E F, rcm;,\ tl20 Of 430 t-CCRLE]) l~>>)2rL-;!:~; (lk;h,id ;~iii~) , n"'r r -"'" J", _ v. ,p,,: _ / n~t~,,,,<J rl11Y b" r:)lliHk'(,l ')li 'r) \":1,1\( l::li'">! ~-~ ,,',) II iCd' nj~';il4dl f:)1 (~:: d:'d ()\~ll'lplps fULl r: ( ~; t r .,. f~ L , "1 C ~.;~, :r Di~.~;C;11P'II('\'~ l,';-: f:,CClIu;'n' /1' ,~;:~;-~3 I ' ' ,," ,," _.-~ t,~'c ,: __.._. __._,_ ".' J _' '1,':,,, " I _'.'___ ._" ____J__._________,____, I I ---.. ---~- .- .-.- -- ------ ._..__...- /VI'L.. ------~.,-,.---_._...__.._._._.--._._'------------_._.~- ~-- '..--.. ----~---_._- _.------_..._~------~~- ___._~.. .____.n._...._..________.__... '-- --- -----.--.-.---.-.------~-_. --....------------..---- -'- ---.----.------------ ---.-.--.---- -.-- -.-------. .....--------.---------.---.----------.--- ..---~_._--_._---_._-_.__.-----_._-----_.._--~--- .. ---.-.--..-...--..-.- . ----------- --_._----,--- ---""-------" .---.-------- ---------_.- ..~---_. - -----.--- -.----.- --..-----.---'--- - .-------------- --- , -----~ --------- -- - ...--'--- -. - ----.--------- - - ____~____ ._______._____~.___._____.___. .__n___._ _.____~__ -----..----..-- ----~- _.__ _.. _.____.._...~_____.~_._.._.________... ... __ __.___u_________.___._.._. ____.d___. .--..- --- ,--._- ------~ -----.. .-.---~-.------ --- ----- ---'--.---'- .-.-.----...----....---.- r", :,,':i,I, '-~ - .'- --~-- --- ...[-_.... '. ----......... ...~ ..._~- 'Ii;tlcl'j lilbe!r->d ctJntjnll~ltlon SI18l~(:';. SU r3TOT;'\L $ l------'- ------_.__.~-'--------_. ---.--- -....-----....--- ft- "1 f',:~ ;:;;; c." "~;~,,;=-,..~,;,,' I ,;:;~;;';" ,~ ~ It" 8 ~,;:,;,;;;l~ Ie' ""h" ,,"~, I. D:-;',,' ,,";';~-;-;, Ie i, ," "";;;:;:;,, d ",;~ III ;;;:;;-- \1", tr'"o' leI). If 111,. p.",'''I iHU\':rj':l'j the fjoods or ~,,:I'Vlc:r;'5 V'L>; dlftelf;nt 1,''''':1 the I ,yc,e, ! '", ':':Cf' 1','150n',' lull I~:,r:\e, slr,,2t _.::L:.:c?~'~::;!..-~i.tL~Ii.~:'~l~~:..-..-..-.-,. -----.,-.---..--.--------'.' ----..-------.------- ------------.----.---~ SUW;1.'\RY /. -':I";: f) fC,Xr)[ i'JC:" '.J I >:1 'f J,J~,i () ',) I ");\L -rill F'!:f{IOU. !w:!ude ,ill ~;uht()t;11" :"D[ ill,': 1 '1..1 (i()li. /I' ;)~ It':III: l'ccI) '~H) '1 i il:; pi i110U (\ 111" 1 \ ~)) (" " ," '. f\(:CHUi_1 J i 'j ), ) [.xr:J[ i,jC)U (i\~;)t \t'_~Ii1i?(;rjl r'n!, nil t ill(~ ,,!:],'~~'~ :-'1 S(;~I\'fl ::.: ~ ) (, '1: i' 1'-'[ dl L' Cull U \.}f tht_: SlJi i:iij F>.,r]~!, c ,) 'v ~ - .~~ :- \ 1 "': ( (Inten: Form) COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Form 420 ;;p H. (GOVEFlNMJ::NT CODE SC;:C 10 64200-84214) : Stateme,,' cove.. pedod fcom - thcough_' 0 7.:>-1 . J.~ -Jr2~ '118' (AREA CODE) {PHONE NO.; I ~() K"---r~2..-~ (AREA CODE) (PHONE NO.1 ~;r - g--,,~ -~!~ 'PHONE NO,) QG St ;7?' Box), City, Star and Zip Code) ION 'MONTH, DAY, YFAR' TOTAL PAGES ~.._--~_._~,.._,..._~ OFFICIAL u~c:: ONLY \..~...I-:J"-.;:~. ALLO ATION OF EXPENnITURE~ BY CANDIDATES AND MEASURES (Allocate the totals of Schedules E and F by Candidates and Measures; Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) -~--"'- AMOUNT OF " T.- EXPENDITURES CUMULA '';'',Vt:. ~_THIS ~ER10D_ _. TO DATt: NAME or C~NDIDATE AND OFFICE; NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE: AND BALLOT UM R OR LETTER CHECK ONE OFFICIAL USE ONLY - C 0 E F ~.~ OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT o OPPOSE o SUPPORT Q-.?~~_OSE Attach additional infoiTllation 00 ap~ropriately labeled continu~ti.on sheets. Executed on_ by STATE) A candidate IV 0 controls a committee mu also verify the campaign statement. I declare under penalty of perjury that to tile best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and the treasurer of this committee has used all reaso able dili ce in he preparation of this statement andJts sc e I / v' Executed on , , /J /,1' _ /'#IJ. SUMMAR)' PAGE '","d'~~~ LD. NUI~ber __ COLUMN A (;: C ar;lmittee) ,.~..~flF"rs '. Moretary c.'>ntiibutions (Line 5, Part 3 of Schedule A) 2. Unpaid IOa,'15 (Line 9, Part 3 of Schedule B) 3. Misce:llaneous receipts (attach explanation) 4. Tot:!l monetary contributions, Net cash receipts (Lines 1+2+3) 5. Nor.-('Ilon~tary contributions (Line 3 of Schedule C) 6. Pled~(;s (Uno 7 of Schedule D) 7. Total ieceipts (Lines 4+5+6) EXPEMCITURES 8. Payments (Line 6, Part 3 of Schedule E) J. Ac:crued expenses (unpaid bills) (Line 5 of Schedule F) 10. Total expenditures (Lines 8+9) 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B) 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column B) 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 11+12-13) 15, Liabilities (Line 2,column C + Line 9, column C) Cumulative total from previous period $~ (Total at beginning . of period) - - $ COLUMN B This period COLUMN C Cumulative to date $ ~ 0:25: 0 u $ I, 0 ::l5..:-C!. 0 (Column A + Column B) (Net change for period) - ~ (Total at end-- of period) iCoiurm A+ Colurm B) $" ~$!.Q t t'J ~& 0 (CoIUIM A + Column B) (Net change for period) --- (Column A-':t""~ Column B) ---rrotal at end-- of period) $ II () ~. 09 $ ,~ () -:2~-. 00 (Colurm A + Column B) $13. "7 r (Total at beginning (Net change of period) for period) 16. Surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14) , - $ (Total at beginning :::l $~ $ $ 17. Deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15) . STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION $ ~- jf~ 2~-' "j) l~"3,78. ;r~ -2- $ /1 () II. ~ 2 $ ( ) $/',7 $' (Column A + Column B) (Total at end of period) ~ $ /3.7 fj . (Colln1n A + Column B) .".dJl;., ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~orm) I.D. NUM6ER (if Conmitteei SCHEDULE At FORM 420 or 430 MONETARY CO~lTRiBUTIONS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) .1 ;'i:" ~ - REGi:.IVED FROM COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) " .-..- .".- - i FULL NAME A.I\ID ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE I.D, NUMBER OR TREASURER'S AMOUNT CUMULA fiVE "0' .\' ~'::i I (Street, City, Stats) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS REeEI VED TO DA"![ -, ,-..- ... ~~...........- I ~ I , I A.._. I ... . -+-- '-'--'-" _.~.....- = ...-'-1-......" ..L - - . I I u.n1 .,..,.--,,--,- I i I .. .__J. - ..,,,,,,,", I I I I --..- "-T ~ I i I I -.-r -...-t I ---L .. - -~ ATTACH ACDITiONAL INFORMATION ON APPROPRIATELY LABELED CONTINUATION SHEETS SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 1, part 3, page 4) $ -3- N~""~~ 6iIf!1& ~ 1.0. NU"8ER (It Conn,.... SCH ULE I FORM 420 or 430 . . (continued) PMn '2 - REC!:::IVE:O FROM OTHERS: (See infonnation manual.for directions and examples) EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS , /7/7-? ,/7h, ,hp~ l;;;~ 1/96'. ,f J6., OCCUPATION AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATIVE AMOUNT l:if 0, D Z) Jf,C)~~) 0 . ,;; _~~, 00 ;;2. ,":>--r D D j-?',?~.O_Q J;-sc", ~t:.~__ _~r 0 cJ ~ -szr ... CJ <:J ~~ h . " ;:2.cJ.~c) ;20....00 .-.. f; ".-'" ,"'" -....-.. ,;1.5-...0 0 . ,_;:'~p,o /;2Sco<?__ I,,:.~~, j-;(J . c:J 0 ........_.._.,~.._......... ~'~OD >i: If the contribution was mace by an intennediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. ...:.....~_. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF M{iNETARY CONT,RleUTIONS (See information manual for directions and example~) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not ItemiZed) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTI-tERSTI-tIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Nol Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARYCONTRI8UTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column B of Summary Page) $ ~~ 9'~='.~)~2_ $ ~1f;f ~~.~ .. -4- r~.~~,,~~ ; ~ ~4 ~~ 1.0. NU"BER '" ""'"''''"' SCHEDU A, RM 420 or 430 ( continued) PAnT:2 - RECEIV::D FROM OTHERS: (See informalion manual. for directions and examples) ~ Fl'LL NAME AND ADDRESS (St....t cay, State) OF CONTAlBUTOR* OCCUPATION ~e~ ~ML r~ ?l' -1.~f, ~< EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF-eMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATIVE AMOUNT #~O -cJO /f.~~e.~ DC). ;{;;2 0" C)"O ,$7,-")-;00 J!--5~ ~~_,<?_ 1/""-5_____0 c) It ~ _ ___d'; _"_ _. 1"?_~-C<l_O_ .. ~"'__'_""'.''''.'''_.~~W._'''''''.' SUBTOTAL. (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ ~ If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONT.RIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RE.CEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Nolllemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. Enter this total on Line t. Column B of Summary Page) ,j ~-..:-.~... $ 1~!i(l,..~/2_.. $ 'iT< -5C')" ',~",,~ -4- "~"s~ ~ ~ ~~ J.D. NU"BER (It COOm;tl.... . SCHEDU A, F M 420 or 430 , . (continued) ..~ PAnT'2 - RECE!V'::D F~GM OTHERS: (See information manual. for directions and examples) .- ---,-- I Fl~LL NAME AHO AODRESS (Streltt t'ATE I City, State} OF CONTRlBUTOR* I l/h) OCCUPATION EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET ADDRESS & CITY OF USINES - ,. ..... AMOUNT RECEIVED CUMULATIVE AMOUNT ~~ o /f~'N)P'~-;~~ ~7'J .. o-D ff.~ ..~ ~.:....,~. -_.~... . ""'~......._-.----........... . AttaCh adaitional infonnation on appropnat~y labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3, part 3) $ l7?rD 0 >/: If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONT.RIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and exa,"ple~) J.-:,-,~... 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES TIiIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. Rf:CEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 TIiIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3, RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTIiERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY~CONTRI8UTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line " Column 8 of Summary Page) $ ,~~~2.~~.s.) . - . -~ r- 0C)24~2.-O. -4- !. ~ ::AW: ,/J, , . _fC..,~~ ~ -. ~ SCHEDULE B, FORM 420 or 430 LOANS 10 NUMBER (If COIl"IT1itteei (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) o:.ART 1 - LOANS RECEIVED: (see information manual for directions and examples) -----r -::t - ,,~. - -- -g .-~~---,~, EMPLOYER (If self-employ'ed Inter. FUi..L rJAME AND ADDP.ESS OF LENDER OCCUPATION /1st street address anI! City est AMOUNT OF CUMll L A. TI VE AND ANY GUARANTORS OR COSIGNERS 01 buslncea.) Rate LOAN A.\\OUNT - ~- ! T - I I 1 -, _~'""':"7___ I I 1_. A .jriitlonal iniormp,ticm on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. 'f SUBTOTAL $ A ,.......-, At,ii,,;; 'a .~ .ow.. ..- .-. P~P.i 2 - LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (s;:~ lIlh'rmation manual for directions and examples) iJATE c ~ AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID FULL. NAME AND ADDRESS AMOUNT F-ORGIVEN BY A THIRD UNPAID REPAID ~Ente' on PARTY (Enter BAl.ANCE hed. A) on Schell. A) '- I I I I ... .~.t!!!."" ..~'> '._"O<'~__ ...,~, .- '. "--_.',....~..,...,.....,...,,...-........ ;:.ddltionai information on apj)foprlately labeled continuation sheets. .. . ....'~ SUBTOTAL $ (a) (b) (c) (d) --L ~ Attacl1 ~ ,.~ PART 3 - SUMMARY 1, LOANS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. LOANS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL LOANS RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) 4. LOANS REPAID OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column a) Include all Subtotals 5. LOANS FORGIVEN OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column b) Include all Subtotals 6. LOANS PAlO BY A THIRD PARTY OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column c) Include all Subtotals 7. LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY UNDER $50 THIS PERiOD (Not Itemized) 8. TOTAL LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY THIS PERIOD (Line 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) 9. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3--8, Enter this total on line 2, Column B of Summary Page) $ _.:..~~-- $ $ ~.,'-i" -','~ -.. $""711. -. $~_..., - ~-- ~~ (It! rim Form) SCHEDULE C, FORM 420 or 430 NON.MONET ARY CONTRIBUTIONS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) NAMEAf~ tP~~k 1.0. NUMBER (If Committee) See information manual for directions and examples DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS P,ND i,O. NUMBER (If Corrmlttee) ~H~ .....-~..,."..'....1 _.-.:>Ij, \-',' .,.',',.'.J ....... -.......,..;, EMPLOYER* DESCRIPTION OF CONSIDERATION FAIR MARKET CUMULATIVE VALUE AMOUNT RECEIVED OCCUPATION AI",dI additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ :it If contributor is self.employed I ist street address and city of busine;;l SUMMARY 1. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Include all Subtotals) 2. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2, Enter on Line 5, Column B of Summary Page) $,I6J~~ $,(IS..-~7? ' -6- (;:,.A~d~~-l ~"~i~ Interim Form) SCHEDULE 0, FORM 420 or 430 PLEDGES (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) 10 NUM SEA (' f corrmi ttee) 51'!E i;,f'HmaticrI manual for directions and instructions (a) (b) (c) ~.~ ..... -. .-,-.... EMPLQYER* AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMULATIVE 0'-, r ~ FULL .AI.. ANO AOO.'" OCCUPATION PLEDGED PAID (Enter PLf<DGE __.' _ _A~~.~O. NUMBER (It committee) THIS PERIOD on Sched. A) UNPAID . - .-- ---....-- - ~ .... -.- . - ----1 r-- -c......--= .. ... I - . I -- -- w ....' .. ,Wacn additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ " f ~ * If contributor is self-employed list street address and city of business SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column a) Include all Subtotals 2. PLEDGES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL PLEDGES RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) 4. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE PAID THIS PERIOD (Column b) Include all Subtotals 5. PLEDGES UNDER $50 PAID nitS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 6, TOTAL PLEDGES PAID (Line 4 + 5) 7. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3 - 6, Enter this total on line 6. Column B of Summary Page) $ $ -1- $ . ~. ~ ~ . ;,,::\~,:~, '~<t ' ~, ~'Zi' (Inte Form) SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 PAYMENTS 1.0. NUMBER (If COlTlTlittee) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) .-:)r-~T 1 - MADE TO COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) r:;:. FI CI.4I_ ';SE OML Y FUL.L. NAME Or PAYEe CO~TTEE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the committee has no I.D. Number, state full name and address at the Treasurer) ----- ,lI,ttacl1 additional information on aporoprlately 13beled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 1, part 3, page 9) $ -8-- A....OUNT THIS PERIOD ,',,-d4- t:(f".47-v ~.,., 1,0, NUMBE: 'If Commlllool ,. SCHEDU E, RM 420 or 430 (continued) ,'.f.;yr 2. - MADE TO OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) F!JLI_ NAMe AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE* (:ltrcet, City, State) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT THIS PERIOD /13, ;; Y "ttach additional infonnation on appropriately labElled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 3, part 3) $ I *If the person providing the goods or services was different than the payee, list each person's name and ad~~sl POSTAGE METER NO. Enter your bulk rate and/or postage meter numbefused in campaign mass mailings. In addition a copy of each mass mailing should be sent to the Fair Political Practices Commission. OULK RATE NO. ?ART 3 - SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. MADE TO COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. MADE TO COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. MADE TO OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. MADE TO OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 4) 6. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, Enter this total on line 8, Column B of Summary Page) $J~,'7Y ., $~, -9- :\'";'::/1,,, _ __. 1.0. NUMBER (It Committee) (Interim Form) SCHEDULE F, FORM 420 or 430 ACCRUED EXPENSES (Urtpaid Bills) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) S<j~ 'nformation manual for directir.ns and examples ,------- AMOUNT FULL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF ACCRUED ISt:~t, City, State)* ACCRUED EXPENSES THIS PEr~I(,[J -- .---- .__.,~ ----, --'_0 ~~ . ..- --- --- - -~ -- -. . ...~- - .,-_. .. - Attach additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SU BTOT AL $ L....--.%>....,.........~~, *If the accrued expense is owed to a committee, list the committee's name and 1.0. number (or the full name and address of the treasurer). If the person providing the goods or services was different from the payee, list each person's full name, street address ci and state. SUMMARY 1. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD. Include all Subtotals 2. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF UNDER SOO THIS PERIOD. (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES INCURRED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2) 4. ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID n'lIs PERIOD (Not Itemized, Enter on Line 5, Part 3, Schedule E) 5. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3-4, Enter on Line 9, Column B of the Summary Page, This may be a negative amount) $ $ ~;:e~~ -10 -