Don Gage - 1981/10/18 - 1981/12/31 CONSOLIDA TED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ,,- (\'-J-'" .' ~.\_D-,-- .LI~ /-..J:' ~ 'I;/), (oj( RECEIVED ){:\ ---i J A N I {;) '8 -z..-..-\ \ ~ ~ - iY. 'f-Jli !OO liln lJU:tlK'. .!:. , \. . t'l ~' OFF1CE ':'::7 ,~). '1..J \ \? mLRO~, CAllE. -'(;;l' ',' '~f~tL~~j\ )~,s ~ .,.. {Government Code Section 84200-84~.17J Form 490 1911 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. Statement covers period from OAT It 01' EL.aC:TIOM (MO.. OAY, VR,). l," 4~."":A.....1 \ TOTAl.. ""GiltS, I 1.1/0 tifiifl ,f3~ 3. I 9't I . - .r I CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT (If applicable) A O.....'CI....'.US/ll ONI..V- NO.. ....NO IT..." caT"" ,....0.... Jl4Iu....tt Ii) _.., b ff-G.. Ii- / 75':1S- a2(lfht1Q~ '~+ IIlU .NI:S$ AOOFlIESS. -;:I"8.-n_{~""'fLl g,4)\ ~,J J...~$... (~/i^';/'J"~'A- 11 , . II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT Lblll.4L 0 Fe Ct 14 (,,8- /; ClT.V 0.' IT.". (-:;:; , Lf4'i L I//f C ;L~,. 'J 4i }C -2-.-:. -g-t{ ~ - ~ 9 t..<i jlH ,..... UfllIO.. 2S~ '::.trt;., < 2. iili-T \~ V,:Z .U'So. 1.0. NUMallPl ~ ""'0"'. ...u...... F"lo 8'G "l %..- C.ODC <:,,.,, ''''''Ta :U'" GOO. A....... COO. ,....0,... .."....... - t;\tT"'t t?ATS . ~ :1,1/1' CO.. ___1 1.0. MUM.Eft ~ ""0.... MUM... "'AMa 0.. Till IEAIUfUUlh NIIIlMA....NT AOOIIII:$. 01' TJt.A.lJlt"I~" NO. .1."0 ."ft...,. CITY 8'1"Al'" :11"'....<10.. AII.A COO. ""0". "",*61... Artao'I lIddir;on.1 info,.,."lfClon on 'DOfOan'Ct1ty Ilfbllllld conti/'lUllriol'l NIlflln. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: I F YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY, IDENTIFY THEM IN THIS SECTION. COMMITTee NAME COMMITTee I TREASURER CONTROL.L.EO COMMlrrEE.' AND 1.0. NUMBER AOORESS yes NO - I - I - j - - AttICh lIdditio/'l.1 informatIon on aooroonllltalylab.led conrinuatJon she.rs. .fA Control/lid committll/f il 0/'111 ON"ich is conrrolled Cfil'flCTtv or Indirectly -bY" callaidar. or wfllen aca Qllintly with a candiliarll or control/ruJ commlr!U In t:OIIttCtion with th. muinlJ of uOllnliirufTl. A ,smtidaCII con troll If cumm/trlll, if fl.. Ilil .gent or any ot1fll1r commlr!lttl fill controll, hall/11m '/C.nr JIl riu.nc:1!I on th.lCtion, or decilions ot:rfl' COmmmH,; -;t:::... ~~ .nd that .'."'A1'U". 0" "'''.,f\.'''''.'''') ) Executed on at by (QAl"sl {CI"tY AJlU'......TAY.' {'iiG....n..... 0.. T'U:AtlU".".'J J I declare under penalty of periur/ that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its sriillI!dules are true, correct and complete and the treuurer{s) of this c,ommmee(sl has used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of this st~ent and its schedules. b~~~ u ~ lOA".} {et"''''' ANa IT"TCJ il~1'ujllt. o,r CAHOIGAT8 0" o,r"Ic:aHO\.Q.."j ~, Information requirllu to bel"rnvid.ci to you pursuant to tha Information Pnll:'tic:~ Act ot 19n,". '.",*,""ation Manual on Campaign Disclosure ProviSIons of the Political Reform Act:. P.,. " .. ~ , IV ALLOCATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E 2.r. F by candidates, officeholder1 and m~asures. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dolls".) OFFIC.lAL USE ONL y NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOl.DER AND OFFice OR MEASURE AND BAl.l.OT NUMBER OA LETTER , ~? I EXPENDITURES THIS PERIOD CUMUl.ATIVE TO DATE .2 DI(" 7' :J Atl*h Iddir/on.' inform.r/on on ""prODr,n"v labfllftd conrinu,rrlon shtrfln. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING COVER PAGE CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT FORM 490 PERIOD COVERED BY STATEMENT: The period covered begins the day after the closing date of the last campaign statement filed for the current calendar year. I f a previous statement has not been filed, the ~eriod begins on January 1 of the current calendar year. The period ends on the closing date for the current statement. The closing date is specified in the "'nfor- mation Manual on Campaign Disclosure." DATE OF ELECTION: If this statement is filed in connection with an election, enter tho ds'te of the election. , PART I: Provide the candidate's or officeholder's full name, residential address, business address and telephone number1, and the office sought or held. PART II: Identify the controlled committees included in the consolidated report and the treasurers of the committees. Use the same information that appears on the committeesl Statements of Organization filed with the Secretary of State. 00 not use abbreviations. A permanent business or residential address must be provided for the treasurers. The identification numbers must be included. (If not yet received from the Secretary of State's office, that fact must be noted.) PART III: The candidate or officeholder must list all additional committees not included in this consolidated report which the candldat. knows have received contributions or made expenditures on the candidate's behalf and whether or not they art controlled committees. VERIFICATION: Th. Stattment must b. signed by each committee treasurer included in the consolidated report and by the candldat. or officeholder who controlS the committee. ALLOCATION OF EXPENDITURES BY CANDIDATES. OFFICEHOLOERS AND MEASURES: List the candidates or oHlceholde" supported or oppoSld, and identify the office. Also tist ballot measures supported or opposed, including the number or the ll!tter of the measures. Check the appropriate "support" or "oppose'" box. To determine the "Amount of Expenditures This Period,'" tum to Schedule E (Payments and Contributions Made) and Schedule F (Accrued Expenses) of this statement. Expenditures related to a particular candidate or measure must be added together, and the total for each candidate or measure is recorded for This Period. The "Cumulative to Date" column should include the same total or the sum total of expenditures for each candidate or measure since January 1 of the current calendar year. (See "'nformation Manual on Campaign Disclosure" for diSdJssion and examples of "cumulation.") ... . . , . , CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounts May 8e Rounded To Whole Dollars) AIJ ~I_ -SIilIJ. ~~ NAM. 0" CAHOIOATI: 0" COMMITTee .~ {t~/1A !11.iTTtU '-ro fluier '~Nd-O ~., Cf4 ,:/2.... COLUMN A Cumllilltive total froM prwiou'l*'tad.. COl.UMN B Totll' thill period from .ttlICheI:I sd'lodul. S l l 0:;;' Ii' 0 SCHAQul..,1t A. ..INC : i'aHiOlJ..: .. 1.,11"': . S i1 'Qf,oo UNitS' . I SC:I;&OUI~. Ct L..JNC 1'*" SCHItQUc..& D, L..J",. .,-- S 't (0;-:&6 m.... UN.. 1 .. " to ~ $ ~,OI&,C;b .CHIIll)UI.,& It. ..,... . SCHC,I)UI..It ;, "'''11 S $); Olio, 90 - .~.... - L.J.H.. 1 . . CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions , . . . , , , , , . s ...j,'] O~~, (}()~_ 2. Loans..,:"...""..,.."" 3. Subtotal.",..,.".,..""., S_.l:1D ~-:o [') UN.. I . I. 4. Non.monetary contributions, . . . . . . 5. PledqlllS.."....,.."..",.,. 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. ' , , , , , , S Ii 70;- UNIISl S .. .> , - EXPENOITURES MAoe 7, Payments"..",.".,.,.."". $_ iftl. (" 1. 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . , , . . 9, TOTAL EXPENDITURES, , . . . . . , s_:/i:L;of.. it T _ UNClI 1 . . STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION s J I 2\.f 3, 3 ~~ I, to~ c () 10. C-.sh on h~nd at the beqinning of this period. , , , . . . , , , , . , , , , , , . . , , 1 1 , C.ash receiptS this period (Line 3. Column B abov'!) , , , , . , , , . , , . ' , , . . 12. MisclUaneous.diunmlnts to cash (Schedul. G. Line 7) . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ~ Dt /.:;; , ? (.;, . 33/.40 ,--&- Cash paymet\ts this period (Lint 7, Column 8 above) . . , , . . . . . . . . , . , , ,,"" 1 oi Cash on hand at closing d.a~ (Lina 10+11+12-13 abovel. . . , . . . . . . . . , 15. Oumandlng d.bts (Line 2" Lin. a of Column C above., , , , . , , .. . . , . , Ht ending su",lus (if Lin. 14 is greater than lino 15, $lJbtrllC't Lint 15 from Lint 14). , . . . , . " . , , . 17. Ending d.flc:it {If Lint 15 is Qt..t.r tt'l1\tI l.int 14, subtract l.in. 14 frOlTl l.in. '51 , , . . , . . , . , . , $ "If titif if tM flm ~ fil<<l fQI' tM C1JiMdllr y.." CQlumn A shfNld ~ bi4tlk U'l:IIIPf fe, ufltUlid IOMJf. bill. ",d pledg& - - .-:lJ. -..-- -....... M..M SUMMARY OF JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELeCTIONS IS. Inmucrions on R..,.mJ ::: ~~~;=~~:~::~::Ce~'veo' ~ _:" ],<'N "'" :l o11i~~::~ ] -2- STATltMIltNT COVltftll I"eRIOO 1.0, NUM.llft I... <:O.....'T'O'..I '2/08G · COLUMN C Cumulativ. to date (Cclumrlll A ... Sl s ~~ 8 1 1) . (l (; S '?-l't:/O,O('..J I..INICM , . 1 s 2;, 'l10, Os) "",,HtlUI 1 .. " . , \SlI40ULl) COUAI. c:aI.UM,..a A > _I S" d, if ~c.J:;,Q_ S d.i {ZF, ~,o !,..He.. 7 . . ICHOUI.,D C,:aUAi, CClLUM,..a A . lli I s 33LYo 'W 1" . . . SCHEDULE A ., MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) ,1""" -- 1'6"',,-0,. CANOI:)"TI: OR ~,O"'MIT"IE~ ~ eO 11 m , na.tz... 78 f?.I..J1-e.1 j)O/V .4L i) P /P .n b 14 G? 12..- ClATI: REC'D _ ..v...... NA...e AND AOORIE.. 01" C::ON'T"lIaUTOR 11:........0 v... oceUIIAT10N (I" "_"'.CMjIt,",o....a. IINT'-. H..... 0" .U.'HC..) (... COM...,.,...., _NVWIlt t.O. .."'....... Oil T".A.U..""s "'...... AND .0e......1 < ;i~ e,,"~~~ o~ (?ZAL7l;.:-S %'d;~~ II ~:{ Ik.-Tici.:~ 6.",,,,, ~ OPIuf. ...~/ QAL, F...2..u. 4- , tE./iA L 12.....'1")9. 'i6.. I hi Poco T'H.!4<- lk71c/u G,. .V\M./'TTU k'S. ,4.v (JiLt s ?A-e- o If more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. SUBTOTAL SUMMARY STATSlMItNT COVE,.. ,"eRIOO JtY't' ;~ I I' 1:~O;h I 1,0. NUMaCR (". "'''....,n..1 FJd 'F)f:, 7 AMOUNT IIcc.,veD C:UMUIo.A.T1YC "0 QAT. 100."'0 / (JO, ()O . _.- ,.' .,..:..; "'.: .-'<:',' . l. AMOUNT RECEIVED. $100 OR MORE (Include ail Schedule A subtotals I $ 100.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. AMOUNT RECEIVED LESS THAN $100 (Not it.emized) , . , , , . , . , . . , . . . , . . , , , , , , , . . . , . . 3. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) Enter her. and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Pagll. . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . -3- r . . . ' - . . SCHEOULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTR,IBUTIONS MADE ,.' , fI'''OM I YMNOUGH (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) /()-/8 ...g I / ~- 3/-t I /'lAMC 0" CANOIOATlE 0111 COMMITTe., 1.0. NUMBIER I'" e......',..,...j C;:~q U --- ~~.iiiiiw<'f~ NAMe AND AOOlllesa 0.. "AVellt, ~" CIlICOITOIlll, 0'" RCCI..ICNT OIP CONTRIBUTION CONT"'I- AMOUNT BUTION OltSC"IPTION 01' EX..CNOITUAC t t.. co......".... .,.,.." 1.0. Ny...." 0" CHeCK "AID ,...."'.u...'. NAMa AHO ADOIt.... , HI!:Alt C1L.~ Dt~ p,~Tc2-rl 1J~;,)1'.~p~ , I ~i O~ !L.- A Di/u '~/,v c.. t'\\G." ~ ~ I . , a." .J ~1. ho (..; dreG' "/.4(/1', C;~~ 1 C"' C ~ au IV L (') i btU ~ c.' , 0' G/J-S /9/.'70 17 3,}3 ~i(.LIi.f{iUZ,Z; '&1'. C; I Lt~'(f &.A i i .'-. C), <.. G2J.~ - O. L~ '~2- '2<.;- e 04 77i-a; tlJ C :J 3lo ,- G (] r ~.2J G1LfZc11 I4:L,v-. 2..0 fLA 2. ,q L I Q..o~;e .:> (~ 4T'1:te (,1) G I), "'t H 12.~'j <;;)'/. ~nO'-IIl-S C 1L-1C-c..1Vf ate If q. j~ La I~c, 7/ , . . . -- 0 If more space is need.d, check box at left 17/l,1~ and attKh additional Schedules E. SUBTOTAL , , ~ -- FORM 420 430 Oft 490 iSTATI:MlEHT COVERS"~ SUMMARY 1. PAYMENTS OF $100 OR MORE MADe THIS PERIOD (Include all Schedule E subtotals) . , , . . , , ,$ 2. PAYMENTS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) . . , , , . . . , . , , , , . , , . . . . . , , . , . . . , . 3. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAlO THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 41. , . . , . , . , , , . . , , . , , , 4. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERrOD (Lines 1 + 2 + 3) Enter total hert and on Lin. 7, Column B of Summary Page. . . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , . $'2 (}{';$~ -7-