Don Gage - 1983/01/01 - 1983/06/30 Form 421 1983 For use by commlt1:ees OF FI Cl A l. ..U-S.c',=IN L v VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY A iType or Pnnt ,n 'nKI NAME OF COMM'ITe:~. ! ,:). ,'4UMS::R Committee to Elect Donald F. Ga~e 810867 '>'CCRESS OF COMMITTEE; -..to. "'''''0 IT"!!.aT ~T"l". ::1~:::~O<< "Ft~A -=::10<< 0....0,.... "lUMQEtR . 1341 Third Street, Gilroy, California 95020 "A....i: OF TRltASURER; John Thomas Burns ';''.:.~~AH.eM'T:t~:::OR::S3 OF T~e:ASURe:R: "0. --lNO ST"'<<&T ::l'T"V 'JTA, i"1! ::1'- c~oc """'EA .:::lOC ~"""ONe: ....u,"-'I8l!R 1341 Third Street, Gilroy, California 95020 . ~Aj"E OF !':1.'E::7;ON (MO., OAY. YR.:; ~'... ........'-ICA.\,..j ;'~a contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering January 1. 1983 June 30, 1983 to I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonabie diligence in its preparation, F:xe;uted on JUly, 1, 1983 IOATEI at Gilroy, California 95020 (CITY ANO STATE) ;1/ f="r ,nformation 'equired to be provIded to you purw~nt to the Information Practices Act of 1977, s_ "'nformation Manual on Campaign Oisciosure P'ov;sions ot tn. Pofita Reform Act:' Pan X.