Don Gage - 1983/07/01 - 1983/12/31 (Type or Print in 111 kl VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY Form 421 1981 For use by committees - NAME OF COMMITTEE: 1.0. NUMBf:R Committee to Elect Donald F. Gage 8'10867 II'"o...e HU...... AODRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. AHO STPltle:T CITY ITA T II %,IP' COOle A'UlA COO'l: 7531 Kentwood Cour~ NAME: OF' TREASURER: , 01lr~G.all..f.oroi A 9.5020, (new) John Thomas Burns PERMANfl:N'T AOORlf.SS o-""Tih,ASURER: NO, ANQ .'T....T CITY ,,""TIt %1" coo. ......A coo. ""MO"'. Hu"".cr' ,7531 Kentwood Court ,Gilroy, DATE OF EL.ECTION (MO.,-OAY, YR.I: \.1' ".....,."':-) Cali fornia ~ 95020 L No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering July 1, 1983 to December 31,1983 I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete. and that I have used all reasona diligence in its preparation. Executed on J~nuary 6,1981j. IDATE) at Gilroy, California.9~02n (CITY AND STATEI , For information requir.ed to be prlWided to you pursuant to the Information Prac:ticn Act of 1977, soe "Information Manu.1 on ClImp.ign Disclosur. provi':